Lose Fat

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

10 Common Mistakes You Should Know When Trying To Lose Weight

Losing weight is not always an easy task. In reality, it can prove to be a very hard challenge to most people. So, read these 10 tips to avoiding some mistakes that could make you lose control and start storing those stubborn fats again. These are the 10 common mistakes people do when trying to lose unwanted weight:

1. Never rush into the hardest weight loss program you can find.

Many people decide in a moment of desperation to follow a super-strict diet program and fail. Especially, if you never have any dieting experience and are not 100% sure you can stick with it. Choose other program that you feel most suitable for your current condition and make sure you can stick with the program.

2. It won't happen overnight!

This is a common mistake. You can not realistically expect things to happen overnight. When setting your goal, start with small; however be prepared to go far. If you ever heard someone saying that he/she lost pounds in short amount of time, don't make it your goal to match his/her performance. Every person achieved very different results.

3. Don't go exercising everyday.

Another common mistake is to exercise too often, as it will not help you at all. Your body needs time to rest and expand the muscle mass after each training session. Give your body a chance to re-group itself. A 2 days rest after 5 days training is great for your body

4. Cutting down too many calories is really a bad idea.

Everybody knows cutting down calories is one of the basic foundations of all diets. However, you have to be extremely careful about cutting down your calories intake. Cut too many of it and your body will start storing anything it possibly can. This is not a very good way to lose weight.

5. Never, ever skip meals.

This is the most common mistake people do. Some people think that skipping one or two meals could help them achieve their goal faster. They don't understand that diet is all about controlling the food that you want to eat and not starving yourself. If you skip meals, your body will reacted with lowering your metabolism rate and string more fats during this process.

6. You don't have to check your weight everyday.

Every people are eager to see some results of his or her efforts in the shape of lost pounds. However, you should not let this drive you to checking your weight everyday. The daily fluctuations of your weight will eventually have you depressed and soon you will find that you are ready to quit your diet program. This is very bad!

7. Never let emotions drive you.

Aside from the eagerness, there are other emotions that influence dieting. If you find yourself used to reaching out for ice cream or snacks when you are in the bad mood, than you should overcome these issues and never allow them to interfere with your goal.

8. Seek as much help as you can.

Not everyone was born with iron will and nerves of steel. Never hesitate to ask from your friends or from instructors and don't try to solve all the problems you might encounter by yourself.

9. You should eat your favorite foods.

This is also the common mistake people do when dieting. There is nothing wrong with eating your favorite foods. Diets are just food control methods, not jails! Is okay to eat foods you liked once in a while though it's considered forbidden. If such treats are not frequent, then they will make no difference in the long run.

10. Write everything and analyze it.

If you wish to know how much you eat, then write everything down and analyze the list for things that should not be there. Sometimes, your hunger will drive you to eat something that you should not eat. Just be honest with your self.

Losing weight will requires a lot of dedication and motivation on your end. However, if you follow this guide, I believe you will have a successful diet in no time.

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