Lose Fat

Monday, July 21, 2008

Best Exercises to Lose Stomach Fat

There have been countless stories of people who thought their body fat was absolutely horrendous and "incurable". Through a little belief, hardwork, and diet consistency - they were able to gradually lose weight in a healthy way. There are many things that you can do to get rid of the body fat, many exercises, and many diet adjustments. Just be sure that you don't get too down on yourself if you do not see immediate result. You will eventually lose weight!

How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat
First of all, your body is designed to lose weight all together - not just in one place. How would it feel if a person had big arms, big legs, and a small stomach. Everything is supposed to be approached evenly. Therefore, if you want to lose stomach fat, then you should aim to lose fat period.

Your body has percentage of fat which is stored everywhere in your body. The more cardio work, anaerobic exercises, and metabolism techniques that you perform - the better your results will be. Be sure to follow the best diet and exercises suited for you.

Aerobic and Anaerobic - The Ways to Lose Weight
First off, if you want to lose stomach fat, you have to make a choice - do you want to do Aerobic or Anaerobic exercises? Anaerobic exercise are great if you want to lose weight because it tends to "shock" the body into losing weight. You body will quickly adapt to the fierce lifestyle your are putting it through.

Try doing explosive activities. They may be harsh, hard, and seemingly impossible - but they will make all the other exercises including aerobic exercises a simple breeze. You will also have a easier time stimulating your metabolism.

Remember, Anaerobic exercises means performing "exercises without air". That means that you have to do exercises that do not give your muscles a chance to recover while you are doing the exercise. Aerobics give you time to constantly recover - however, anaerobic forces you to get extremely tired, then stop, and start again. Your muscles will adapt and you will lose TONS OF WEIGHT!

Some anaerobic exercises is sprinting on the track (stretch well to avoid pulling muscles), basketball, football, and other sports activities that require fierce bursts of energy.

Cardio Exercises
You may also want to try performing cardio exercises - such as running, skiing, cross country, rock climbing, rowing, walking, and even playing handball or racketball. Cardio is a great way to get your weight down as well.

Avoid doing too many sit-ups. I have seen the biggest people do sit-ups, and they remain big because they do not do any other exercises. Be sure to balance everything out and achieve ultimate success!

Jay Andrade is enthusiastic about losing weight and staying in shape. Losing 9 Pounds in 11 Days using the FatLoss4 Idiots Program sounds like an impossible feat; however, with much work and determination many people can surprise themselves. By creating a diet that stimulates the metabolism and reduces fat - a person will be able to lose weight; no matter their body type! If you are interested in how you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days using the "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" dieting plan, then visit http://fattlosers.blogspot.com for more information


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