Lose Fat

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

5 Ways to Get Ripped Abs

Have you ever had the desire to get rock solid six pack abs and even bought products that promise wash board abs in no time, but those products and exercises were all bogus. Leading to your disappointment and no abs to show for it. Lets just forget about all that fake material and focus on some true secrets to getting six pack abs shall we?

Check Out How Easy It Is!

Getting six pack abs is actually really fun to do if you're doing it correctly though because you can watch that stubborn layer of belly fat melt away and see those abs start to show.
Most people don't realize how easy it is to get a six pack. All you need is a little time and a little dedication. Here's just a few little secrets to getting lean, ripped abdominals.

The Secrets

#1. Try avoid eating carbohydrates after 6 o,clock at night. I know it sounds strange but your body has a funny way of making those carbs go straight to your stomach while you sleep. You
don't have to completely avoid them, just cut down on them.

#2. Drink eight full glasses of water a day. I know you've probably heard this one before but
it's completely true. Water does help a lot while you are dieting as it cleanses the system.
Might sound too simple but it definitely works.

#3. Cardiovascular exercises can actually be counterproductive if you are trying to get as
lean as possible. Getting six pack abs doesn't require all the vigorous cardio that most
programs contain.

#4. This one is probably going to make you say "that can't be true" but i assure you it is.
Ab exercises DO NOT BURN FAT away from your abs. Yes you heard me right.
Burning fat away from your abs can only be accomplished through a routine that
maximizes both metabolic and hormonal response to your workouts.

#5. revving your metabolism is one of the best ways to a six pack. Instead of eating 3 big
meals a day, eat 5 to six smaller meals. Your body will keep your metabolism running
high because your stomach is at work digesting the meals you've eaten. Therefore
there is hardly any extra fat being produced.

These few little secrets that i have shared to getting six pack abs are just the tip of the iceberg. If you are serious about getting those six pack abs to show check out a some more secrets here!


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