Weight Loss Tips That Really Work
Here you go my brethren, weight loss tips that really work!
Burn Fat With Carbs
Your body burns so much energy metabolizing and converting carbohydrates into energy that you can easily burn 250 calories a day. You do this by eating foods like fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and beans.
Drink Plenty of Water
It's documented fact that water can and will help you lose weight. This actual fact cannot be slept on and most definitely should not be ignored. Water moves your nutrients around and flushes toxins. It rehydrates the body which is very essential for us all. You see, many of us can mistake dehydration (thirst) for hunger. Drink 8 glasses a day and make sure to drink a glass before eating a meal which should keep you from overeating. Pretty slick huh?
Shut Down Your Appetite
Shut down my appetite? Can this be done? Yes it can. It's been proven now that eating a handful of walnuts and almonds has just what it takes to curb your desire to eat. The science behind this reveals that after eating these nuts a hormone that literally spoils your appetite, cholecystokinin, is released into your system suppressing your urge to want to eat. Who would have guessed?
Let's Go For A Stroll Before And After Eating
Right before you go to get a bite to eat, why not go for a brisk walk around the lake, block, etc. It should reduce your appetite. After eating your meal, go for another walk. The action of digesting your dinner alongside the exercise should help you to burn 10 up to 15 percent more calories.
Plan For The Worst
It's only human and we all do it. Just don't beat yourself up too bad about it my friends, but some of us will "lose our way" for a minute. So if we are going to do so, at least let's go about it the right way. For example, pizza or hot dog? The pizza, but you'll have to eat it plain. Although it's packed with calories, you'll be getting a good dose of protein, calcium from the cheese, and lycopene from the tomatoes.
Get Regular Exercise
Exercise and diet is the perfect combination when it comes down to burning away excess fat. As far as which exercises to do, it's pretty much up to what you're in to. No matter if it's weight lifting, cardio, aerobic, etc. they all work. Cardio does it better than any other (that's my opinion). Jumping rope, brisk walks, cycling, or any other form of cardio that you can do for over 15 to 20 minutes will put you in the "fat burning zone". It's at this moment when fat burns as if you're applying a hot knife to butter.
I hope you liked what you've read with these weight loss tips that really work. It's all on the house and can be applied right away. Weight loss can be very simple when you eat moderate portion sized meals combined with regular exercise. I wish you the best of luck with your weight loss endeavors, take care!
Denis Harrison is a weight loss enthusiast and encourager for those seriously seeking to lose weight for a better appearance and overall good health. He also places strong emphasis on regulating your diet and if you are looking for an effective diet, you can click here for more Weight Loss Tips That Really Work
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