Lose Fat

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #2

Welcome to lesson #2. First of all, I believe that gratitude is so important in everyday life. With this in mind, I am in awe at the response for this ezine and I want to thank you for trusting the process and believing in yourself. When I woke up the next day after setting this up and saw the number of people who subscribed, I broke down in tears. I owe everything I have created to God. He led me to do this and through Him I will help you. I am here to be the light for you to know that you already possess the wholeness within. We have several layers that we will be uncovering. You will then be able to make new choices in your quest for weight loss and be putting daily plans for yourself in place. You will be amazed at the difference. My intention is that you get results!

As we proceed through each lesson, I will be reviewing some of the content in the previous lessons as well to recap. Hey, it doesnt hurt for you to hear information over and over again, does it? Remember it takes 21 days to create a habit. In lesson #1, we discussed how everything is made up of energy. Your thoughts are pure energy. Whatever you put out, is what you will get back. The Law of Attraction is set up and will manifest those things in your life which you attract with your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will be your greatest challenge. It was for me and it took daily effort to do so. When you look at your life currently, what have you attracted with your thoughts? If youre overweight, then what do you believe about yourself? If you believed that you could actually lose weight, these thoughts would have been released into the Universe to produce a completely different response.

I mentioned previously Louise Hays book, You Can Heal Your Life, and in it she talks about how anger is the core issue of weight issues. Now, did you do your homework assignment? The homework assignment was to write down those people in your life who youre angry with and remember you can include yourself. You were also supposed to write down what they did that made you angry.

For me, I didnt feel love from either parent, but I had such a special bond with my father so I held on to his energy in a more devastating way in my body. My father died when I was fourteen, and theres an entire story behind that one in an e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Overcoming Illness. I felt responsible for his life and for his death and that book will detail everything about how I attracted a horrific illness because I carried so much negative energy in me relating to childhood. With this in mind, I carried anger at not feeling loved and having the childhood I believed I deserved.

Okay, ready to release that anger? First, I want to explain the process. As an integrative body therapist, I work with clients face-to-face or over the telephone to help release their pain using Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Energy is energy and can be utilized all over the world. I did hear from a subscriber that she felt tingly all over after this process so it does work. Were on this journey together being supported by God. It is similar to prayer energythe person doesnt have to be right there in order to see that prayer works.

What is Rapid Eye Technology (RET)? Its a technology which was developed to help release pain and trauma so that a person can experience love and joy on a deeper level. It stimulates the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep cycle, a natural release process. Your eyes flutter when you are in REM sleep similar to watching a baby sleep and this is where the release process takes place. How many of you have experienced waking up in the middle of the night remembering that you were supposed to do something? This is your brain at work for you while you sleep. Well, in RET, youre awake and youre processing and releasing your stuff. Theres also guided imagery, charka clearing, affirmations and life skills which are part of this process as well. RET is great for balancing left and right brains because the left brain has to know why whereas the right brain sees the positive/spiritual aspect of the world. In addition, well be using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). The premise of this technique is that when one experiences a negative emotion like anger, there is a disruption in the bodys energy system resulting in various symptoms. EFT is similar to acupuncture without the needles.

When I work with clients, we go through six to twelve sessions. Depending upon the amount of stuff one is carrying will determine how long the duration of the sessions so just keep this in mind. The results are absolutely amazing as the person feels lighter after releasing.

I do have to mention a Disclaimer now as you might be triggered by these processes. I know, I know! Disclaimers are part of our lives now.

Here it is:

You understand these ezine sessions(s) are for the purpose of weight loss, stress reduction and personal growth and you take full responsibility for them. This is not a substitute for medical examinations and/or diagnosis by physicians. You agree to hold the therapist completely harmless from any and all problems that might arise as a result of these ezine sessions.

Okay, we have that out of the way. Now lets proceed.

These processes address the underlying cause of most weight issuesthe need to tranquilize with food the anxiety which is felt by you with unresolved emotional issues. Until ones underlying issue is dealt with, the need to overeat will continue. This is why many weight loss programs fail over the long term. People may lose weight using them but since the underlying emotional issue is still there, the need to medicate feelings through food will ever be present. It has been my experience in working with people who are overweight that the underlying emotion has to be released in order for new choices to be made; otherwise they will just revert back.

Right now, sit back and think about your anger. Judge where you are on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) with your anger that we spoke about earlierwho youre mad at and why. Now, if youre not feeling anger, then identify if its sadness, guilt or shame.

Release Process

State your intention for what you want out of your personal session and ask God, angels or your guides for assistance. If uncomfortable emotions surface, acknowledge them by writing down what youre feeling. Read the entire process (you'll be doing several things) to the end of the ezine before proceeding.

1) Get comfortable in a chair or on the couch. Find two spots. One in each corner of the room at eye level.

2) Move your eyes to the left and right as rapidly as possible for the intent to release (as you move your eyes from left to right, look up at the seam between the ceiling and the wall and then slowly move your gaze downward to the seam between the wall and the floor, then return to eye level. Its like a zigzag sequence.

3) After several seconds of this, open your eyes wide and then scrunch them closed as you breathe in and out. Do this no more than three times.

4) If the emotion still seems strong, return to step 2 and begin again. Only do this process twice.

5) Open your mouth wide and take a big breath, hold it in a second and then blast the energy out to dissolve in the light. Do this three times.

While youre doing the above process, you can say the following while moving your eyes:

Release all trauma/Release all the anger/Release all the sadness/Release all the frustration/Release all the grief/Release all the helplessness/Release all the hopelessness/Release all pity/Release all the poor me/Release it.

Energy Realignment

Tap the pressure points outlined below with the first two fingers (index and middle fingers) on your hand 7-10 times while repeating the phrases below. Heres some you can use or you can make up your own to make it unique to your situation.

Youll always fill in the blank and then complete the statement with the same phrase.

Even though my mother didnt like me, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I didnt feel love from my father, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though my mother doesnt think Im good enough, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though Im embarrassed by my weight, I deeply and completed accept myself.

1) Beginning of the eyebrow towards your nose
2) Side of the eye (either eye)
3) Under center of eye on cheekbone (either eye)
4) Under nose
5) Under bottom lip
6) Right below the collarbone (either collarbone)
7) Under the arm, about 4 inches below the arm pit (either arm)
8) Tap all over the top of head for good energy flow
9) Form a fist and rub in the clockwise motion over your heart

Dont worry if youre not sure if youre hitting the right points and saying it just right. You will still get results. There are many energy points all over your body. Trust in yourself and know that God is with you every step of the way.

Now, judge the intensity on a scale of 1-10. If youre not at a 1 or a 2, then repeat the tapping.

You can tap throughout the day, especially when issues of food begin to arise (even though I have this craving for chips, I deeply and completely accept myself). I do a morning routine of tapping and I include exercise, meditation and prayer. I tap throughout the day and it keeps me centered and then I do a night routine as well. I tap when I have to do a presentation and Im experiencing fear. I tap when Im about to have a conversation which is uncomfortable and Im experiencing fear. I tap in my car. Im sure it must be funny to the person who is in the car next to me. Just like me, this will become part of your daily routine.

Positive Affirmations

The mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Athletes use this concept to envision themselves as already have completed their feat. They visualize themselves being triumphant. This is what separates those who are successful and those who still are presented with challenges. You must believe yourself as if you have already are at your desired weight.

With this in mind, its important to use these as if they are already occurring. Once you do this, you will manifest and attract exactly what you focus your thoughts on. Use these or create your own and say them throughout the dayseveral times a day. It works to put them on sticky notes or 3x5 cards so youre reminded to do them. Place them on your refrigerator, your mirror..any place that is visible.

Thank you, God!

I am my ideal weight!

I weigh ____________! (fill in the blank with your ideal weight)

I am peace!

I am happy in my body!

I am loved!

I breathe in joy!

I am wholeness!

I am beautiful!

I have thin thighs!

I love you _____________ !(fill in your name)

I am powerful!

I am a sexy, love machine!

I am perfect just as God created me!

I am so hot, I make fire jealous!


If you are feeling like youre not fully in this space and time, here are some things you can do:

Firmly press the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth and hold your fingertips together for about 30 seconds.

Place your right hand on top of your head while imagining energy coming in through the top of your head and flowing down your spine connecting to the middle of the earth.

Tap all over the top of your head

Drink some water

Were an awesome team! I appreciate you and know that youre an amazing child of God, whole and complete just as He made you!

Stay tuned for more lessons and hearing about powerful cleansing and fat burning products. For the last nine years I have been in search for a nutritional product line in which I could put my heart. I have tried everything imaginable in my quest for those products I could use myself and promote to others. I have found the perfect answer. Check out http://www.tamiclose.isagenix.com.

With hugs and love,

Tami Close

Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and has a successful energy practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up... Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.

Famous Weight Loss Diets - 12 Reasons To Avoid Low Carb, High Protein Diets

The low carbohydrate style diet, and there are many variations, are popular for two main reasons; firstly, the initial weight loss is dramatic and secondly, those following such a diet have permission to eat brie, bacon, steaks and other foods usually forbidden when on a 'diet'.

If you are considering a low carbohydrate diet you need to know the facts, and the possible damage you can do to yourself. While it's unlikely you'll drop dead on the spot, the detrimental effects on your health are real, long lasting and can be experienced virtually from day one.

1. A low carb diet depletes the healthy storage of glucose (glycogen) in your muscles and liver. When you deplete this store, you become dehydrated and this is what causes the dramatic weight loss in the first week or two. The loss on the scales is due to dehydration and muscle loss, not fat loss.

2. This depletion of muscle glycogen causes you to feel tired easily, and makes exercising difficult. A reluctance to exercise means your caloric expenditure is low and your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn the energy in your food) declines.

3.When the body does not have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy, it burns muscle and fat. Loss of muscle causes a decrease in your metabolic rate. Less muscle and muscle tone means a slower metabolism, which means fewer calories are burned each day. Aesthetically, this means your muscles and skin lack tone, and you will soon lose your look of vibrancy, however little you had to begin with!

4.Not all carbohydrates are the enemies in the weight loss war. While, everyone knows that lollies, cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks are unhealthy and add extra kilos, some carbohydrates are very healthy and give us the energy we need to get through our day and do some extra exercising. Examples of good carbohydrates include: wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta, brown rice, fruit, vegetables and legumes.
Just like with proteins and fats, these carbohydrates should be eaten in moderation. Large volumes of any proteins, fats or carbohydrates are not conducive to weight loss and health. This is why watching your portion size is an essential part of switching to a new, healthy way of eating.

5.Many people regain the weight they've lost with most methods of weight loss, but the rate is even higher with low carb, high protein diets. This occurs for four main reasons;

a) Muscle loss. With that comes a slower metabolism which means fewer calories burned each 24 hour period. A loss of muscle during the process of losing weight will almost guarantee you regain the lost weight and sometimes a bit more!

b) Re-hydration. You regain the healthy fluid lost because of glycogen depletion.

c) Lack of maintenance. It's difficult to maintain that type of diet long-term.

d) Lack of positive change. You have not made a change to a long-term healthy lifestyle.

6.Eating too much fat, especially saturated fat, is very unhealthy. There is a plethora of research which shows that an increase in the consumption of animal products and/or saturated fat leads to increased heart disease, strokes, gallstones, kidney stones, arthritic symptoms, certain cancers and more.

7.Low carbohydrate diets are low in fibre and we know what that means! No animal foods have fibre. A lack of fibre increases your risk of cancers of the digestive tract and cardiovascular disease. It also obviously puts you at a higher risk for constipation and other bowel disorders, which can throw out your whole body rhythm.

8.Some people feel that the high protein diets must work because it seems everyone loses weight on them. This is because they are usually eating fewer calories. The same can be achieved on a well balanced, healthy, low fat diet.

9.Our western diets often contain far more protein than we really need as it is. If we look at some of the healthiest people in the world, for example the Okinawans in Japan, you'll see they often have very little dairy in their diet, and use meat more as a garnish to dishes, rather than the main ingredient.

10.These diets also lack sufficient quantities of the many nutrients, phytonutrients and antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrains necessary to aid in the prevention of cancer and heart diseases. Ironically, you actually need these nutrients more when you're on a low carb diet because you're consuming so much saturated fat.

11.The aim of every person on a low carb diet is 'ketosis'. This is an unhealthy physiological state, a type of metabolic acidosis. For fat to burn efficiently and without producing excess toxic ketones, there must be sufficient carbohydrate present. Ketosis can lead to many health problems and can be very serious at its extreme.

12.This brings us to the delightful side effect known as 'keto breath'. People on a low carb, high protein diet often develop terribly bad breath, caused by the production of acetones in the state of ketosis. The key to long term weight loss is choosing a healthy, well balanced diet rich in quality carbohydrates, plant foods and lean meats. This will ensure you don't just start one diet after another, but you adjust your eating habits to guarantee you lead a long, happy and healthy life.

Yours in health,

Leisa St Ledger http://www.leisassecret.com

Bodyweight 500 by Turbulence Training Creator Craig Ballantyne - Based On the 300 Movie Workout

Turbulence Training is one of the most highly acclaimed weight loss and fitness programs in the world. Acclaimed trainer Craig Ballantyne, The creator of Turbulence Training has recently come up with a complementing muscle building program, Bodyweight 500.

Bodyweight 500 was inspired by the film 300, and the physical training the actors who played the Spartans in the film went through in order to get their remarkable physique.

But the training program the 300 actors had gone through involved weights, including specially designed weights such a 36lb kettlebell. The Turbulence Training spirit is to allow busy people to train extensively in a short period of time, preferably in their own homes. Therefore, the use of elaborate weights and devices had to be left aside.

Bodyweight 500 solves that by relying on the weight of the body, without any additional weights or equipment.

Here's what a bodyweight 500 session looks like:

  • 50 Prisoner Squats.
  • 50 Pushups.
  • 25 Jumps.
  • 25 Stability Ball Leg Curls.
  • 50 Stability Ball Jackknifes.
  • 50 Step-ups (25 each side).
  • 25 Pull-ups.
  • 50 Forward Lunges (25 each side).
  • 50 Close-grip Pushups.
  • 50 Inverted Rows.
  • 50 Squats.
  • 25 Chin-ups.

All in all - 500 repetitions, no rest in between. Now that's intensive.

I haven't tried this intense workout plan myself; those who have gave it much praise, in fact several of them thought the 300 actors were actually trained by Ballantyne himself (credit which he rejected as being undeserved).

Bodyweight 500 can be accessed in the Turbulence Training members area, either by direct membership or by getting a free 3-month pass that comes with buying the original Turbulence Training guide. Another good thing about it is it progresses with your level, with challenges that become harder every week.

Read more about Turbulence Training and Bodyweight 500.

Steve Gaidi has gained over 50 pounds of lean muscle without adding any fat whatsoever, over years of trial and error on various training programs, despite spending relatively little of his time at the gym. For his review on Turbulence Training and Bodyweight 500, click here: Steve's Turbulence Training review.

Weight Loss Surgery 101 - Restrictive vs Malabsorptive Surgery

All forms of bariatric surgery can be classified as either malabsorptive, restrictive, or a combination of the two. It's important to understand these terms, because they will have an impact on your lifestyle and long-term health after your weight loss surgery.

Malabsorptive weight loss surgery
Malabsorptive can be literally translated as "relating to bad absorption." This type of surgical procedure alters your digestion process. As a result, it can lead to the incomplete absorption of certain vitamins and minerals from your food. This is why many Dallas bariatric surgeons will recommend vitamin supplementation afterward. Gastric bypass surgeries fall into this category.

Restrictive weight loss surgery
This type of procedure decreases food consumption by reducing the size of the stomach, which eventually leads to weight loss as well. This is achieved by dividing the stomach into a small upper pouch and a larger lower portion. Gastric banding procedures such as the LAP-BAND fall into this category.

Combination surgery
Certain types of surgery for weight loss (such as the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) are both restrictive and malabsorptive. The Roux-en-Y segments the stomach while also reshaping the intestines, thus it combines both concepts into one surgery.

What to Take Away
The important thing to remember here is that malabsorptive and restrictive surgeries both have their advantages and disadvantages, and that they will affect your long-term health in different ways. When considering surgery for weight loss, be sure to consider these two concepts and the effects associated with them.

Also, keep in mind that a surgeon or surgery center that specializes in a certain type of weight loss surgery will often tout that type of procedure as being the best. Clearly, these folks are biased on the subject. So in your research, be sure to include less biased sources of information, such as governmental studies, university research and the like.

Brandon Cornett is the publisher of Bariatric City, an online resource that provides bariatric information specific to certain cities across the U.S. (such as this latest guide to Gainesville bariatric procedures). Learn more by visiting http://www.bariatriclearningcenter.com/city

Fast Easy Ways To Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself

When you take on a weight loss plan, you want fast easy ways to lose weight. You want to see results as soon as reasonably possible or you'll end up frustrated about something you feel is beyond reach. This shouldn't be the case! Find helpful food tips below that promote fast easy ways to lose weight. When you're done reading that, I'll show you another surefire way to slim down real quick.

Eat smaller portions but more meals. Forget eating large portions of the usual three-a-day meals. Eat smaller ones of five to six meals spread out through the day. Listen to your body, you'll find that it needs nourishment every three hours or so. Feeding yourself at the right intervals will prevent you from overeating.

Fill up on H2O. Eight to ten glasses is all it takes but more is even better. It nourishes, makes your skin supple and cleanses your insides, taking out what wastes you can live without.

Quality over quantity. With regards to eating, it's just as beneficial to select what to eat as to how small you eat. You'll need good, healthy doses of carbohydrates, some fiber and protein. Don't reach for that pizza slice yet! Doesn't it have all three? Yeah, along with everything fat. Very detrimental if you want fast easy ways to lose weight.

Put color on your plate. Make eating fun so you won't think you're dieting. Eat different varieties of healthy carbohydrates and a lot of fruits and vegetables. For protein, avoid red meat! Go for some fish and lean meat instead.

Mind the midnight munching. Avoid snacking in the middle of the night, or before bedtime. Eating something close to the time you go to bed will mean a slowdown in the digestion process. If you must satisfy the food cravings at night, prepare something light.

Food is our friend and a good diet does not promote a no-eating policy. If you think you shouldn't eat to make the weight drop, you'll find that it will be much harder shed off the pounds. Whoever said crash diets worked long term? Stick to the tips I mentioned and find out how fast easy ways to lose weight will work for you.

Corey is a self proclaimed Weight Lost expert. You can view a surefire secret method to losing weight at his blog http://www.fatlosshelpplan.blogspot.com and get a in dept detailed weight loss guide on fast easy ways to lose weight today!

Weight Loss with Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbs can be used to influence the bodys metabolism in different ways. Most people who need to lose weight would like to have their metabolism run more efficiently. There are a number of herbs that can help people in their quest for a healthier, more efficient metabolism in order to ensure that any efforts to lose weight are blessed with success. There are three types of herbs that can assist people trying to lose weight. The first type of herb is the type that transforms phlegm in Chinese medicine terminology. These herbs can help the body to process fats more efficiently and prevent the accumulation of unhealthy fats and fluids in the body. Some herbs in this class that may assist weight loss include citrus aurantium, immature citrus peel, and magnolia bark. Glechoma and hawthorn berry can also help by transforming phlegm.

Citrus Aurantium contains synephrine, which has been shown to have fat-burning properties in research done at McGill University in Montreal. It improves the thermogenesis of brown fatty tissue in the body, which is generally the fat that is the most difficult to burn off. Citrus Aurantium does not have any negative impact on the nervous system like ephedra does. Speaking of ephedra, I do not recommend its use for dieting. Chinese medicine has traditionally used it for severe and acute conditions, such as asthma attacks. It is not intended to be used as a dieting tool or to get a high. These uses can leave a person ultimately more fatigued and adrenal-depleted in the end. Citrus Aurantium is an infinitely safer option for those interested in weight loss.

Other herbs that can help boost metabolic function are herbs that increase the qi and yang energy of the body. This class of herbs includes ginseng, astragalus, and atractylodes. Other herbs in this category include ginger, cinnamon, epimedium and eucommia bark. These herbs can also give a person an energy boost. This can encourage the person to remain consistent with his or her exercise routine. These herbs also encourage healthy digestion and generally make a persons metabolism run faster and more efficiently. This group of herbs can be particularly helpful for those people whose weight tends to accumulate around the abdomen.

Detoxifying, bitter herbs are another class of herbs that can assist with weight loss. These herbs tend to reduce inflammatory, acidic conditions in the body that often trigger the cravings people have for inordinate quantities of unhealthy food. These herbs are particularly useful in people who tend to have voracious appetites for spicy, oily, and sweet foods. They also may have a tendency towards acne or oily skin, and a slightly reddish, or ruddy complexion. These herbs include Chinese rhubarb, coptis, and scute.

Other herbs can be used to control and balance out the emotional conditions that trigger overeating. People who find themselves eating out of stress, sadness, depression, anxiety, or PMS can find that these herbs balance out their emotional life and reduce their cravings for food. These herbs include magnolia bark, bupleurum root, mint, zizyphus and biota seeds, and longan fruit.

Other supplements that can assist in a healthy weight loss program are kelp, apple cider vinegar, vitamin B6, and flaxseed oil. Drinking green tea regularly can also be quite helpful.

It is important to remember that all of these supplements are beneficial for promoting weight loss because they promote a healthy metabolism, a healthy energy level, a healthy digestion, and a healthy mental attitude, but that dietary and lifestyle changes are crucial in order to see the results that you want. Nevertheless, Chinese Medicine can be a great ally in the quest to shed pounds more efficiently.

Dr. Farah Khan, DOM is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine practicing in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She offers information and products related to different health conditions at her web site at http://www.yinessence.com/home.htm, including FormuSlim and Citrus Aurantium for weight loss. She can be reached at farah@yinessence.com.

Anaerobic Exercise for Avoiding Weight Gain

There are various products which are available in the market and are designed to cause effective weight loss. This is a prevalent occurrence in almost all of the premier nations of the world as obesity today is a necessary evil that has gripped society from all corners. In the United States of America , about 65% of its adult population is overweight and 30% are obese and in great danger. It is even more alarming to find that it is not only adults who are falling victim to the adverse effects of obesity. But currently a growing number of children and youngsters are victims of obesity as well. It is necessary to remember that being overweight is dangerous and obesity can drive people to death as it makes a person much more susceptible to contracting diseases like cancer and diabetes apart form heart ailments. Therefore under such circumstances the only way out is by attaining weight loss.

Since antiquity it has been considered by medical practitioners that one of the most effective means of losing weight is not by consuming scores f weight loss supplements and pills but rather by following a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise regimen. In fact physical fitness contributes immensely in ensuring a healthy body and a healthy mind as well. Anaerobic exercises are usually practiced by the athletes and sportspersons for aiding them in improving their performances and are effective measures to maintain a healthy body and retain perfect body weight. Anaerobic exercises are high intensity exercises and concentrate on the strengthening of the muscles and muscle tissues and therefore they reduce the accumulation of fats and aid loss of weight. However it is necessary to remember that unlike anaerobic exercises which can be carried on for longer durations of time, anaerobic exercises are of shorter time durations.

The term 'anaerobic' itself refers to the mode of exercising without oxygen i.e. during the time when anaerobic exercising is being practiced, the blood oxygen level remains quite low and the muscles being exercised are in unable to meet the required oxygen levels and take the aid of certain other processes to help in the production of energy. Anaerobic exercises are usually of 2 minutes duration and any form of exercising exceeding this time is considered to be aerobic exercise.

There are basically two different kinds of anaerobic energy systems which help in the performing of anaerobic exercises. These include the lactic acid system and the ATP-PCr system.

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Lose Weight And Get In Shape

Are you tired of being overweight? Tired of breathing heavy, not being able to participate in events because of your weight? Then you have a weight problem. This is nothing to be ashamed of, it is a problem that a lot of Americans have. Are you doomed for life? No! You can get in shape, and with the help of the following dieting and exercising tips you can feel better, live longer, and wear your clothes with pride.

Before you being your journey to the land of fitness you need to know that there is no such thing as a miracle pill that will make you lose weight while you sleep without doing any form of exercise or healthy eating.

The only way you are going to lose weight is cutting out all unnecessary foods and a rigorous exercise program. If you can cope with that, read on!

The first thing you want to do is to weigh yourself, take a picture of you naked in front of the mirror, and write down your waist size. When you are all done you can use all of the above as a comparison.

Next step is to evaluate your eating schedule. Do you eat breakfast, lunch and supper? Do you eat all of them and more? Do you eat non-stop? What you want to do is limit yourself to eating a decent size breakfast, this will give you more energy for your body to burn throughout the day. After breakfast you want to eat a small lunch, nothing huge, just a sandwich or a couple pieces of fruit. For supper you do not want to pack it all in. Your body burns calories while you sleep, if you do not eat a lot before bed, your will lose weight while you sleep. If you pack it in before bed you will not lose anything, but gain weight.

Make sure you eat your dinner at least two hours before bed, this ensures your body to properly digest the food so that when you go into fat burning mode you will efficient.

Cut out all unnecessary foods that you currently consume, this includes chips, soda and sweets. If you are hungry for a snack eat some fruit or vegetables.

Make sure you drink at least one gallon of water a day, the more water you faster your bodys metabolism will burn that fat off.

Exercise is very important, I recommend walking 3-5 times a weeks. If you can follow the above, you will lose weight. Stop procrastinating and start losing weight today!

Check out our weight loss site for healthy diet tips.

How to Get Rid Of Love Handles - 3 Extreme Exercises to Get Rid Of Those Love Handles

"How to get rid of love handles?" Why do you ask such a question? How hard are you will to work to get rid of those love handles?

If you are willing to work hard to get rid of your love handles, then read on. If not, do skip this article.

Have you ever seen any body having sexy waistline and slim abs but also has flabby arms or fat chest or fat thighs?

I don't think so. Then why don't you understand the only way to get rid of those love handles is if you manage to get rid of overall body fat.

I am going to show you three extreme exercises to fire up your metabolism to a whole new level. These metabolism boosters will help you get rid of love handles faster than you could imagine.

-- Deadlifts.

This is one of the best exercises to blast your metabolism off the roof. This multi joint movement exercises will use many muscle fibers from your legs to your abs to your shoulders and arms, causing a traumatic effect for the entire body to work together.

-- Clean and Press

This too has similar effects like Deadlifts, but it is much more advanced and uses the momentum of your body to move the weight. With this momentum exercise, you will be able to hear your heart pounding real hard. This really is an excellent exercise to get rid of love handles.

-- Sandbag kickboxing.

Of course you will have to consider it at a very advanced stage because sandbag kickboxing is not only a strength workout, but it is a high intense cardio workout at the same time.

With every controlled kick and punch to the sandbag, you make use of a larger distance in your movements and also make the most use of momentum.

All leads to extreme fat loss levels, and in other words, a shortcut to get rid of those love handles.

If you want to make sure you found this information useful, try using at least one of these exercises in your strength training workouts, and you are guaranteed to get rid of love handles in less than a month.

Learn how to lose love handles in the fastest time possible with complete fat loss routines that are effective for fat loss by visiting the links below;

Fat Burning Furnace Program

Mike Geary's Truth About Six Pack Abs

Turbulence Training Workout

Information About Natural Weight Loss Pills

Everybody is looking for information about natural weight loss pills so after I did some research on natural weight loss pills I decided to write this article because it might help some people.

Most of the diet pill out there on the market right now are mostly NOT natural. And those that are don't work. You can drink all the green tea you want but if you have an eating disorder you won't loose any weight.

In my research I came across a lot of products that claim to be natural and claim to help you loose weight, but to be honest nothing seemed to work when I read "real testimonials". All of these products have testimonials but the people who created them could just as easily created testimonials too, you can see what I mean. So again I continued my research.

I came across a product called Hoodia or Hoodia Gordonii. This seemed like any other product out there but as I went deeper I found out that it's like some MIRACLE PILL. All that seemed funny to me too so I researched it even more, and surprisingly it seems to be working.

Hoodia is a plant that resembles a cactus but it's not a cactus at all, it's a succulent. Anyways this does not matter. This thing has been eaten by natives in South Africa, because they could hunt longer without needing to eat. HuH? I was just thinking the same thing. As I read more material about hoodia, I found out that it has an active ingredient called p57, this thing tricks your brain in telling your body that you are full. If you think you are full you won't feel the need to eat, if you won't feel the need to eat you WON'T eat this could result in a lower calorie intake and a loss in weight. Seems possibile but I was still a bit unsure about this.

I read real reviews and testimonials and apparently it WORKS! And it's being used by a lot of people all around the world. And the makers claimed it to no have any side effects, again this is sometime worth researching, so evidently I did that.

It turns out it has some glitches but not as severe as you would think. If you have some liver abnormalities then you best stay away because your body can't filter the substance and because you appetite will go away and you need those calories. Also if you are pregnant not eating could cause problems to you unborn baby, this is a common thing in every diet for pregnant women.

I want to add a few thing before you go and buy this. BEWARE! a lot of FAKE products out there that claim to give you pure 100% hoodia but they won't. These fake products can seriously harm your body because they have artificial ingredients.

I hope the information about natural weight loss pills I gave here will help you in making the right decision.

If you want to learn more about hoodia or you want to know where to buy the real thing please be sure to check my blog here: AllAboutHoodiaDietPill

7-Day Weight Loss Guide: Negative Calorie Foods?

Every week I am going to give you a day-by-day plan to the week ahead, to help take the confusion out (ie. discussing topics like the negative calorie diet) and put the success back in your fat loss plan.

So print this out, put it on your fridge, and let it guide you to your fat loss goals, while keeping your workouts fun and motivating.

If you're a M-F, 9-5'er, you know that Sunday should be your day to hit the grocery store and get fresh meat and produce to prepare your meals for the next week.

I'm a big fan of picking up some fresh salmon fillets and asparagus for Sunday dinner. Chicken breasts are cooked "en masse" for freezing and then used over the week as easy lunchtime protein sources. Fruits and vegetables are washed and prepared for cooking or snacking, and almonds and walnuts are packed into travel bags for when I'm on the go.

Prepare and succeed. It's that easy.

But what about negative calorie foods? Are there foods we can eat that burn more calories than they contain?

No. That's ridiculous.

While these "negative calorie foods" are healthy, and help fill you up, they still contain calories.

Now here we go with our day-by-day guide...

After your strength program, try a different exercise machine (or bodyweight exercises) for your interval training workout.

30 minutes of activity. Take some additional time to review your nutrition, reviewing your food intake. Check the number of calories you are consuming. Are you eating too much? Too little? Not enough protein?

In addition to your workout, take some time and review your short-term and long-term training goals. Have you met your short-term goals? Are you getting closer to your long-term goals? If you aren't, determine the obstacles in the way of your success and make a plan to work around them.

30 minutes of activity. If you are using a cardio machine, or even running, make sure that you are using proper technique and posture. Have a fitness professional monitor your technique and your breathing. This will ensure that you get the greatest benefits from your efforts.

Your last strength and interval workout of the week...have fun. Add some biceps curls or something you really like. You've earned it.

Also, make a goal to reduce the amount of diet soda you drink and replace it with Green Tea. Even though diet soda is calorie-free, it contains a lot of chemicals and doesn't contain the helpful nutrients found in Green Tea.

30 minutes of activity. Make it fun! And check in with a member of your social support group - perhaps go out for a healthy lunch and a long walk while discussing your progress and sources of motivation.

Another 30 minutes of activity. Plan, shop, and prepare. Reduce the amount of diet soda and other junk on your list, and replace it with Green Tea and green vegetables.

Another week and another pound or two of fat should be hitting the road.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Psst, Want to Burn Fat Fast?

Hey you. Yeah you. Do you want to burn fat fast? I bet you've like to do it without having to exercise or having to change your diet. Well let me let you in on a well kept secret. Are you ready?

It ain't gonna happen. You can hope all you want, but unless you change what you're doing that got you over weight to begin with, you'll be "wishing on a star".

Why am I being so harsh? Actually, I prefer to call it tough love. Whatever you decide to call it, you need to realize that to lose those pounds, it's all up to you to make the necessary changes in your life.

But you say it's so hard!

I'm not going to tell you that it's easy to break old habits and start new ones. If it were easy, there wouldn't be a billion dollar industry built around just weight loss. That figure alone should suggest to you that something is afoot. (What can I say? I like Sherlock Holmes.)

What I am going to suggest to you is that you stop taking losing weight so seriously. I'm sure that it's a safe bet that if you look back at most of the changes you made in your life, you'll see that you didn't make a big deal out of them.

The change could have been something as simple as choosing another route to go to work or maybe changing your brand of toothpaste. Nothing life changing about those decisions. And even though the benefits from losing that extra weight may be life changing, the decision to make the change doesn't have to be.

Truth be told, everything in life is simple. It's when we try to live life that we make it hard.

So what should you do about trying to lose weight? The answer to that is simple. Simply keep it simple. The harder you try, the harder it becomes. When you stop stressing over every little aspect of losing weight you are going to find that something marvelous starts to happen.

Bit by bit, you'll actually find yourself doing the things necessary for you to lose weight. You may start out by just drinking more water. You may decide to go for a long walk. You may decide to go with a salad instead of a burger for lunch. You may even find yourself following that diet and exercise plan you laid out your hard earned cash for.

Whenever it happens, it is going to be because the fate of the world no longer rest on you following every minute aspect of your weight loss plan. Just like a seed sprouting from the soil, you'll gradually grow into doing all the things that stressed you out before. And when that happens, you'll wonder what the whole fuss was about anyway.

To learn more about how to burn fat and keep it off, go to http://www.How-to-Burn-Fat.com It's your one-stop source for fat burning information. Check out information on some of the hottest selling weight loss plans and learn the right way to set fitness goals.

How To Lose Weight Fast In Simple Steps

Obesity in the U.S. is increasingly becoming an epidemic, not only for adults but it is also rising at an alarming rate among children. With the increasing rates are all the side effects of being overweight; diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol just to name a few. But how to lose weight fast?

Everyone these days are looking for new ways to help lose the weight fast and get back to a more healthy and even better life. Let alone the benefits of being healthy were not enough but the money one can save just in medical bills and prescription drugs should entice more people to return back to a healthy lifestyle.

How to lose weight fast is what everyone is looking for. In a fast paced society these days people are looking for a quick fix or a magic pill to change their life around. Some even go to extreme measures as plastic surgery like liposuction to get the weight off fast. A quick fix is never the answer. You must change your lifestyle and diet to do it right. And the result is that you lose weight fast and healthy. You have to keep your body healthy.

To start things off, take the time to record a journal. By putting things down on paper allows one to see what their putting into their bodies and realize what they can remove from their diet to start to loose weight fast. When recording in your journal, write down the total calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat that are each item that you eat. Don not forget everything you drink too, liquid calories can add up fast. It only takes 3,500 calories to equal one pound of fat if not burned off to your body. This is a major think when you want to lose weight fast.

As you start to realize what you are actually putting into your body, hopefully it will make you more aware when you are shopping and read the labels before you buy. Also take note the portion size. Most people don not and think they are eating healthier but are adding to the calorie count by a bigger portion or light products in a much bigger portion.

Secondly, to lose weight fast you must create a deficit in the calories you are taking in. How to lose weight fast: You can do this through diet, but you can actually do more harm if you do it drastically. It is our human nature to survive and our body will respond accordingly. If you don not feed your body enough it will think we are going through a famine and store what it can to survive. When it stores food it is stored as fat.

To do this properly, remove the junk from your diet first. How to lose weight fast: Foods and drinks like sugary snacks and sodas should definitely be eliminated first and secondly processed foods. Then start to look at your portion size. Believe it or not you can have too much of a good thing. After you have done that and are recording your intake, start cutting back a few hundred calories to create a deficit.

Just changing your diet is not going to help you lose weight fast. Diet is an important factor, but you must also do some exercise to help create a bigger deficit and build muscles to burn fat effective. Just simple exercises done 3 to 4 times a week at 20 minutes each time should be enough. Yes, 20 minutes are enough, just think of this: 10 sit ups in the morning and 10 sit ups right before going to bed. That will help you to lose weight fast.

So the quick formula for how to lose weight fast is proper diet and a little exercise. And don not forget the journal. Even people who eat as clean as possible can still overeat if not watching what you are eating. Once you hit your goal it is important to continue with your journal, but now not to loose weight but to maintain it and a healthy lifestyle. Hope you enjoy the benefits of a healthier living along with hopefully more money in your pocket thanks in part to your new lifestyle. How to lose weight fast is a good question.

If you want to know more about How to lose weight fast then you have to visit this site.There you can get all the information you need to lose weight and to see product reviews just go here http://www.definitionofdiet.de It is full of useful Articles and tips.

The Evolution of Cardio

Today I'm going to give you the story of how I solved the problem of getting an efficient and effective fat loss program finished in 45 minutes. Essentially, how I determined that cardio is not the best way to lose fat...and why the perfect fat loss program needs strength training and interval training.

Let's take a trip down memory lane to the winter of 98-99. I was but a lowly grad student, studying the effects of androstenedione (the supplement taken by the might Mark McGwire during his record-breaking home run quest in '98).

In my study, we had subjects use Andro and go through a couple of weight training sessions. After the workouts we collected blood samples, and by February of '99 I was stuck in the lab, analyzing these blood samples using some fancy radio-active isotopes.

And when I say stuck in the lab, I mean STUCK. I'd get there at 7am, and record my last data point at 11pm. Sixteen hours of labby-goodness. And if I wasn't there, I was downstairs in the medical library, studying papers on testosterone and training.

Now coming from a very athletic background, this sedentary lifestyle didn't sit well with me. But there I was, studing for a degree in Exercise Physiology and left with no time for exercise. Or so I thought. I was actually left with a 50 minute window once per day of "down-time" while the lab's gamma-counter analyzed my study's blood samples.

That left me 50 minutes to get to the gym (5 minutes across campus) and get a workout in the remaining 40 or so minutes. I knew that if I applied my studies to the workout, I could get maximum results in minimum time.

As a former athlete, I knew that I had to find a way to stay fit and to avoid the fat gain that comes with working long hours in a sedentary environment. And I also had to stay true to the high-school bodybuilder I once was, so there was no way I was willing to sacrifice my muscle to one of those long-cardio, low protein fat loss plans that were popular at the time.

Instead, I had to draw on my academic studies and my experiences working with athletes as the school's Strength & Conditioning Coach.

I knew that sprint intervals were associated with more fat loss than slow cardio, and I knew that you could also increase aerobic fitness by doing sprints (but you can't increase sprint performance by doing aerobic training).

I had seen the incredible results of sprint interval first hand in the summer and fall, as the athletes made huge fitness improvements in a short time using my interval programs. I knew that intervals had to be the next step in the evolution of cardio.

And the biggest benefit of intervals? A lot of results in a short amount of time. I knew that I only had 40 minutes to train, and therefore I could only spend 15-20 minutes doing intervals.

Now onto the strength training portion of the workouts. I knew that a high-volume bodybuilding program wasn't going to cut it. But in the past year I had read so many lifting studies, that I knew exactly what exercises I needed to do to maximize my lifting time in the gym.

Those exercises were standing, multi-muscle, movements such as squats, presses, rows, cleans, and plenty of other standing single-leg exercises. I knew that those exercises would bring me far more results than those people sitting on machines would ever achieve.

And I also knew that I had to lift heavier than the average Joe or Jane Gym-goer lifts. I just knew that doing lighter weights and high-reps wasn't going to cut it. And a research study from 2001 later showed that I was right - when women did 8 reps per set, they had a significantly greater increase in post-workout metabolism than if they did 15 reps per set.

So I had my plan. Bust my tail over to the gym, through the cold, dreary Canadian winter afternoon, and do a quick but thorough warmup (specific to my lifts - none of that 5 minutes on the treadmill waste of time).

Once I got through the warm-up, I did as many sets as I could in the remainder of the 20 minutes alotted to strength training.

At that point, I knew that supersets were the only way to go if I wanted to maximize the number of sets I could do...so the non-competing superset of an intense training program was put in place.

And then I followed up the strength training with intervals, as I knew these had to follow the lifting, otherwise it would not be the correct exercise order. Remember, intervals first leads to premature fatigue. Lift first, cardio later. Forget that old wives tale about doing cardio first to burn more fat. That's junk.

You know, I remember the exact day and exact workout that this all came together into an intense fat loss workout program. It hit me as I was finishing my intervals. I knew I had found something that was like fat loss magic.

And from that point in time, I've tried to share it with as many men and women as possible. The same men and women that I would see day-in and day-out performing the same ineffective slow-cardio fat loss programs, and not making a darn change month after month.

And every day they would see me, soaked in sweat, feeling great and looking lean, and finishing another intense workout. Eventually I'd notice that they weren't around as consistently as before, and then soon enough they would drop out.

So when you see someone frustrated with their ineffective fat loss program, tell them there is a better way. It's research-based, efficient, and most of all, effective. And yes, it goes against the crowd. But it works. It doesn't use traditional boring cardio, but instead it gets a lot more fat loss results in less workout time by using strength training and interval training.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Exploring Weight Loss Center Options

Have you recently decided to try losing weight? If so you are not alone. In most communities, thousands of people are turning to weight loss centers for programs that will fit their budget.

If you are not interested in developing a program of exercise and nutrition on your own, or just don't have the time, a weight loss or fitness center might be your best option.

If you have never been a member of a weight loss center before, you may be wondering about what to expect. When joining a weight loss center, you will likely attend weekly, biweekly, or monthly meetings that range from a free, very loose social gathering, to an expensive, spa-like atmosphere.

Most centers require the payment of a monthly membership fee. Despite the possibility of a variance, these membership fees are almost always affordable.

The free meetings are often used to record your weight, as well as socialize and communicate with others who are looking to lose weight, just like you. You may be surprised just how many people wanting to lose weight are looking to compare notes.

On the other hand, there are weight loss centers that give you more membership benefits. These memberships may have nutritional cooking classes, instructional exercise classes, and a fully equipped fitness center for you to use.

Yes, the membership fees may be a little bit higher, but they are well worth it. The ones that give more personal instruction can put together a balanced plan for sensible weight loss.

Many people report better results because you often feel more motivated to exercise and eat healthy. You also get support from others hoping for weight loss at the same time as well.

You will want to familiarize yourself with all of your weight loss center options. This should include asking friends, family members, coworkers, neighbors, and your doctor for recommendations.

The internet and your local phone book are also good sources, especially if you are in a new area. Once you have the contact information for a number of local fitness centers, you can do a little bit better research. What you will want to do is examine all of the membership benefits, like access to healthy recipes, food journals and access to an on-site gym.

Be aware that some memberships will be long term contracts. Check if they have a shorter trial membership available. You may find you have bitten off more than you can chew and not be able to get any fees refunded.

When researching weight loss options, try not to limit your choices. By finding out what weight loss centers in your area can provide, you may be able to achieve more than one goal at a time. Lose weight, ease back pain and meet new friends with similar goals.

Author - Jeffrey Neal
Want more suggestions on Self Improvement?
Checkout http://Self-Improvement-Today.com and get your free report.

The 3 Biggest Factors for Weight Loss

Cardio exercise is NOT needed for the best weight loss workout routines. In fact, to get the most fat loss, you don't need cardio at all. Instead, you need to focus on strength training and fat burning exercise.

Whenever a client starts using strength, interval, and bodyweight exercises, I introduce them to the 3 biggest factors in fat loss.

First up, is social support. A study from Stanford University showed that social support is the #1 factor for success in female fitness programs. I'd bet that its also important in male fitness programs - no matter how much guys would be unwilling to admit it.

And this should come as no surprise...just look at the popularity of Internet message boards dedicated to fitness and fat loss.

And while the social support can come from your spouse, family members, friends, or co-workers, the Stanford study showed that individuals have a greater chance of sticking to an exercise program when they have to be accountable to an authority figure - such as a doctor, lifestyle coach, or trainer.

Regardless, don't feel that you need to do this on your own. Get some social support and watch your success rate soar.

(I also encourage everyone to do a lifestyle review with his or her physician, especially if you are over 30 years of age and previously sedentary. Better safe than sorry. And it's also great to get your doctor into your social support group.).

Good communication and professional instruction will significantly increase your chances of success.

The second most important factor is nutrition. That's right, what you eat is more important than how you exercise.

It's always tough for me to admit this, but its true. No matter how great a strength and interval workout can be, it's no match for eating a large pizza or scarfing down a huge piece of chocolate cake. Nutrition will always have the final word on your fat loss success.

So make sure you know how many calories you are eating and have an expert check to make sure that you aren't eating something that you think is healthy, but in reality is actually an obstacle to your success.

And finally, the 3rd most important factor in fitness is exercise. And the more customized your program is for you, the better your results will be. When you combine a great workout program with proper nutrition and accountability, you can make incredible changes...you can even feel like you are reversing the aging process.

And now there are less than 12 weeks until the first long weekend of the summer. Will you be ready?

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast

It is just about everyone's desire to have six pack abs. And they want to know how to get six pack abs fast.

I am going to explain some things to you that will help you understand how you to get sleek and sexy abs, and how you may be able to get them faster than you ever thought possible.

The first thing that you need to realize is that it takes hard work to get six pack abs. If you have been trying for a while, you know that this is true. What you don't know is that the work you are doing is probably the wrong way to achieve your goal.

A lot of people think that doing more and more crunches will help you get rid of stomach fat and reveal the muscles underneath. This just isn't the case in most situations. The fact is that crunches and sit-ups will not burn fat, so you will not see any results any time soon.

What you need to concentrate on is getting rid of the fat while doing exercises that target the ab muscles more than regular exercises. The ab muscles are the hardest to develop because most people do not know what they are doing wrong. And the fact is that over 90% of people working on their abs are doing it all wrong.

If you want to get great results, you really need to concentrate more on losing the belly fat rather than the exercises. The exercising is what make your abs visible, but they do not good if you do not know how to properly get rid of the fat that they are hiding behind.

How many times have you been at the gym and seen a true flat stomach? Most people just don't have it because they have a small amount of fat that just will not go away...or so it seems. The truth is that they don't know what to do to get rid of it.

Then, once you get rid of the belly fat, you need to concentrate on exercises that really target the ab muscles, and give them the best workout possible. Things like crunches and sit-ups are not going to cut it. You need to think along the lines of exercises like the air bike, leg pull ins, leg raises, etc.

So, if you really want to know how to get six pack abs fast, you need to know........

The Truth About Six Pack Abs

If you really want to find out exactly what you need to do in order to get six pack abs fast... Click Here

Guide To Weight Loss - Three Things To Stay Away From When Losing Weight

Here are three things that you definitely need to avoid if you want to lose weight. Many people don't even know about what I'm going to reveal right now, and that's one of the reasons why they can't lose weight - because if you eat the foods below then you will definitely put on the pounds. So here's a list of foods you should avoid...

1. "Natural Flavors" and "Spices"

Any package that says "Natural" on the front or the back generally means that the product does not contain any added "artificial" (having no counterpart in nature) additives, but it does not necessarily mean pesticides or other chemicals were not used in processing. Your potato chips that say "natural" could be genetically altered, grown with pesticides, and cleaned with unfiltered water and still read "All Natural!"

What is scary is that natural flavors and spices are assumed to be OK. But what is not OK is that any substance derived from something natural, no matter how dangerous it is, can be classified as a "natural flavoring." What's worse is that if a poisonous chemical is used to derive that flavoring, it can still be called "natural". Many natural flavors are synthesized from Isoprene, which is a known carcinogen! Isoprene stays in the food... it doesn't just disappear!

Manufacturers also hide monosodium glutamate (MSG)-a flavoring which causes headaches and allergic reactions-in their "natural flavorings" or "spices" listings because it is derived from seaweed, a natural product. So clearly, being natural is not the same as being harmless.

2. Irradiated Foods

Food irradiation is done by zapping food with a dosage of radiation. The X-rays are used to kill insects and bacteria, prevent sprouting, and slow rotting. While the process does not make the food radioactive, the chemical structure of the food is altered and there are a number of animal studies that show negative health effects. Some researchers suspect that a regular diet of irradiated food may cause leukemia, other forms of cancer, and kidney disease.

The FDA says it's safe. When you hear that, I want you to think about other things that were apparently safe... such as cigarette smoking, pesticides, asbestos and CFCs. Each of these at one time was classified as safe. The FDA claims irradiation of food is safe and has already authorized the irradiation of fruits, vegetables, pork, chicken, herbs, spices, teas, and seeds. Spices are the most widely irradiated food in the United States. You can avoid irradiation by buying 100% organic spices and foods.

NOTE: Avoid the microwave as well. This type of irradiation affects the chemistry of foods by activating the water molecules inside. If cooking does some damage to enzymes and foods, then microwaving is the equivalent to a nuclear blast, leaving everything once living lifeless and wilted.

3. Chemicals

This is the catch-all... As a general rule, anything that's longer than 15 letters, you can't pronounce and is hyphenated is generally not good for you.

Kate Fletcher has taught hundreds of people how to lose weight. Visit her website right now at Fast Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kate's website.

Weight Loss in the "Zone" - Hot Zone Training for Weight Loss

Have you ever been in the zone? Whether its baking pies, golfing, driving or singing, we'll all been in the zone. And now we can get in the zone for weight loss and body sculpting. We just need to get into the "hot zones" with our weight loss exercise.

On Saturdays, I train a couple of guys that work in the banking industry. These guys often work 15 hours per day during the work and have young children, so they only get a chance to see me for a workout once per week.

And that means I have to make it count.

Fortunately, their A-type personalities make it easy for them to get results...as they are committed, focused, and ready-to-go when they hit the gym.

So how do I make the workout as effective as possible? Well, as I mentioned in one of my Advanced Training Article series, I focus on 4 training "hot zones":

Back of Legs
Upper Back

Take care of these areas by using multi-muscle exercises, and you'll boost metabolism in your entire body in about 15 minutes. In fact, with the right exercise selection, you can train the entire body in 2 moves.

Here's how our workouts generally unfold.

Like with anyone else, we start with a bodyweight exercise warm-up, always starting with some form of the overhead squat.

Overhead squat (holding a band or dowel rod)
Lunge (holding 1 second at the bottom)
Inverted Row

These 4 exercises prepare the muscles of the 4 hot zones for more intense exercise. Next, we move on to traditional turbulence training strength supersets.

A1) Squat or Leg press
A2) Bench Press or dumbell chest press

Tip: Increasing the width of the squat stance allows the lifter to push the hips back more, and allows you to get more work and results for the glutes and hamstrings.

B1) DB Row or Seated row
B2) Hamstring curl

And now, from here to the end of the session, everything else is "gravy". We'll do Pullups, DB Split Squats (even though he dreads this exercise), the Ab Wheel, Chins, and Dips, just to name some of our "go-to" exercises. Even some arms at the end for fun. You always have to have a little fun - and it's a nice reward for getting through the evil Split Squats.

But again, if you don't have a lot of time but you need a total body workout, all you need to do is make sure you hit those 4 "hot zones" in your session.

Making training simpler, yet more effective.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week.

Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Lose 10 Pounds Within a Week - Stunning New Discovery Which Would Make You Lose Weight Instantly

Every person out there wants to lose weight and wants to lose it fast but does not know the perfect route which would help them lose as much as possible. No matter what you might think about it but weight loss isn't all that difficult when you know what you truly need to do. You see you can achieve earth shattering results within no time once you learn how to make small daily changes in your lifestyle, exercises and diets. Read on to discover how you can lose tremendous amount of weight too using these cutting edge insanely effective techniques...

We are going to shift calories- Do you know that it's not the quantity rather the quality of food you eat which affects your body? Well in order to lose weight effectively you need to make sure that instead of having heavy unhealthy food you start consuming natural healthy meals which are low on calories but still stuff you up. You see this way you would not feel hungry and your cravings for more would be controlled.

Start replacing unhealthy stuff- Starting right now instead of the morning or afternoon coffee start drinking water. Make this a habit, the moment you feel the urge to have a cup of coffee fill yourself up with a lot of water and this same rule would apply to any of those sugary drinks.

Use your time wisely- How many hours do you spend each day watching television? Well whatever the amount of time might be make sure that you either get a treadmill and walk on it while watching your favorite TV shows or have a stationary bike. You see you can take a break when the commercials come on the TV show. You see this way you will see tremendous amount of weight loss within the first two weeks if you stay strict on this routine.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days