It's no big surprise why you may be experiencing difficulty achieving your weight loss desires. Losing body fat actually comes down to a matter of ingesting, not food, but information. So, it's your MIND that deserves attention and focus, even more than your body. Why is this solid fat loss fact? Expanding your intellectual horizon boosts your body fat control because human anatomy is highly complex machinery. You have to study the controls, and practice working them. And, you must do this in your REAL world, not just by reading about it.
And, right there, difficult weight loss challenge number one presents itself to you. Who wants to READ body fat books? More importantly, who has the time these days? Especially if you live in America, your time is likely almost completely filled up already with chores, tasks, schedules, meetings, business and other things you have to do. Then, as each fat loss opportunity eludes you, it is the body that lets you know something amiss in your weight loss diet dealings. More pounds trickle in, who knows from where they come. Yet, excess body fat becomes amazingly adept at "creeping up on you."
All that said, there is one more big reason why you can't lose weight - and this one bears the greatest significance.
When it comes to shedding pounds, it's "what you know" that can make or break your consistency. Right now, you can bet there is something you surely do not know about how to lose body fat. That is, not every approach works successfully. People are individuals, virtually different, often uniquely compatible with, or greatly non-reactive to specific approaches, methods, and plans.
Case in point: popular weight loss dieting beliefs and opinions suggest that eat less food in general, plus fill your plate with complex carbohydrates. So many dieters have tried this and come to arrive at an utterly shocking conclusion. They actually gain weight instead of losing body fat. Yet, that original piece of diet weight loss nutrition advice has merit, and it generally works when combined with the right exercise program and body receptivity.
However, what about those thousands of people who get no results from such a body fat reducing dietary suggestion? In this, it is not the EATING that causes the problem. It is the understanding of WHY and HOW you are eating to achieve gradual, safe, and long-lasting weight loss effect. In essence, again, this is about enhancing or upgrading your knowledge base.
FYI: There are diet plans that work for thousands of people, eating no grains, literally keeping carbohydrates to an absolute minimum. (In reality, positive results also belong to individuals who do NOT follow the Food Pyramid guidelines, and this may sound outrageous). Nonetheless, the simple matter is that you have to find out which fat loss approaches are complementary to your beliefs, physical body, and personal style.
In this case, the results of laboratory tests may not faze you much, when virtually all you really want to know is, "Hey, what weight loss tactic truly works well for me?"
To further address the idea proposed here, that it's no wonder why you can't lose weight... consider this.
You can eat six meals a day.
You can do 60-minute aerobic sessions three times each week.
You can eat only according to your body type or blood type.
You can completely cut out carbohydrates.
You can eat extra carbohydrates via complex grains.
You can consume foods from non-animal sources only.
Or, you can eat absolutely anything you want and still lose weight.
It's no wonder why you can't lose weight. There are monstrous amounts of body fat information permeating your space. Which do you choose? And, more importantly, how do you know that what you choose is RIGHT?
Professionally speaking, in the weight loss world, there is no "one size fits all" approach to YOUR individual success. This means, you have to learn to absorb high quality body fat facts on a consistent and regular basis. Further, you best benefit from this undertaking, by focusing on HOW and WHY, rather than WHAT should you do to lose weight.
Kenneth G. Dockins is a dedicated life coach and expert weight management consultant who consistently provides creative, workable, wellness solutions worldwide. Accountable, concerned, courteous, ethical. Author of free weight loss ebook, "10 BIGGEST Body Fat Secrets," available at http://www.Better-Body.Biz