More is Not Better - Better Is Better!
Training is a great thing so it is easy to see why so many fall into the all too common 'more is better' trap. Like with many things in life, training should focus on quality over quantity. Your goal is not to train constantly more - not longer, not more frequently. Your focus is to improve your training - to increase your intensity by doing more and better in the time you have.
The fact of the matter is that marathon weight training workouts make no physiological sense. They work completely against how your body is designed to function in terms of packing on muscle. There is a good reason for keeping your workouts no longer than 45 minutes to an hour. Quite simply your testosterone levels begin to drop off dramatically after 45 minutes meaning that your output after this time is probably not going to be at the level required to stimulate new growth but rather is simply going to tax your body and eat into your recovery capacity. This means that your body will need to spend a great deal more resources repairing itself to where it was, an equilibrium level, leaving LESS to actually put towards NEW growth. Whilst training does tear down muscle fibres so they adapt and grow stronger, it is only a means to an end. The ultimate goal is to stimulate this adaptive response not see how much muscle tissue you can annihilate into oblivion.
Intensity is not about collapsing and puking every time you train, it is a measure of the quality work and effort you put in to maximise the adaptive response whilst hitting the correct muscles safely with good technique that improves their function as well as appearance. Training does not exist in a vacuum and it is also useful to consider and apply the concept of intensity and quality effort into the other vital areas such as nutrition and lifestyle that ultimately determine your success in achieving a lean muscular physique.
Taking the time to study and understand nutrition as well as the focus and discipline to shop, prepare and eat clean food is definitely an area where so many people lack the necessary intensity to support and maximise the adaptive response created in the gym. Making time to take care of your body and being organised to get enough sleep to ensure your body receives enough growth hormone and muscle building rest requires effort and you will need to apply yourself exactly as you drive yourself to train harder. Be honest. If your progress is stalling because you are neglecting other areas, more training is not the answer. You simply need to get better at all the things that matter. More is not better. Better is better.
Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of Ultimate Body Success - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever.
Ultimate Body Success is dedicated to helping you finally understand that long lasting, body transformation is only possible when you understand how the body really works - only then can you trigger it's very own natural system for creating your best body ever. While there are no short-cuts, this is THE EASIEST WAY.
Click the link now to find out once and for all how to profoundly transform your body beyond belief.