Lose Fat

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Easy Tips for Weight Loss

There are thousands of "experts" out there trying to sell you their weight loss solution, which usually involves a huge calorie reduction in order to see results. It is impossible for me, having been in the fitness industry so many years, to justify starving yourself as a healthy practice. I am exercise advocate; I don't believe in dieting. Nutrition, however, IS a very important component in maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Simple choices often make the difference and I'd like to offer up some easy tips for you to use everyday.

First, it's important to understand the reason we gain fat weight. When more calories are consumed than the body has current use for, it converts those extra calories to fat for storage. It was an evolutionary survival necessity; when food was plentiful we ate in abundance and when times were lean survival depended on having enough fat stored. If we want to lose excess fat we need to consume fewer calories than our body needs-this is called energy deficit. If one were to consume 100 less calories everyday, or burn 100 more, it would result in over 10lbs of fat loss in a year's time. If we want faster results, we have to make the energy deficit greater.

Tips to Creating a Daily Calorie Deficit

Avoid Liquid Calories:

A can of Coke has 139 calories; an average latte with regular milk has 180 calories; a 471 mL (16 fl oz) bottle of orange juice can have 225 calories...I'm sure you get the point. Opt for water (0 calories) and tea (5 calories per 250mL). Just for comparison, a plain donut has 185 calories, and a Subway roast beef deli sandwich has 215.

Read Food Labels:

Find out how much a serving size is; it is often less than we think. Products that boast of being low-fat or fat free are not necessarily low calorie. Just as a label that proclaims low-carb or sugar-free doesn't mean a low fat or calorie count.

Don't Skip Your Meals:

Try and eat 5-6 times per day. If you eat smaller amounts more often it will keep your metabolism revved up, keep you from over eating at meal times, and help balance your blood sugar level. If you are used to eating only 2 or 3 times a day, try gradually increasing your meal frequency so it doesn't seem so overwhelming.

Do More Walking:

For a 180lb person one mile of walking burns around 100 calories. It doesn't matter how fast or slow the pace; walking at a 3.0mph, which is a bit more than a stroll, it would take about 24 minutes. This equates to around 90 seconds for every waking hour. Just find ways to fit it in; park farther away, don't drive to the corner store, or to get the mail.

Start a Workout Program:

One Pound of lean muscle weight burns up to an extra 50 calories a day. Resistance training is the key to maintaining a higher metabolism as we age.

Making the decision to try and lose of few pounds of fat doesn't have to be a drastic change to your current way of living. Start with one simple thing today and stick with it; when you start getting used to that try adding something else. You will soon see that it is not that difficult, it is just a habit-a very good one!

For more info visit www.fabscyberfitness.com


Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 7 Common Sense Tips for New Moms

Want to ditch those Mommy jeans? You can! Having a baby may change your body, but it doesnt have to make it bigger! After two pregnancies of my own that resulted in a 40 and a 60 pound weight gain, Ive learned some simple tricks to losing that baby fat.

Now, Im going to share them with you:

Get Rid of All the Junk Food

Sad, but true, the simple fact is, its impossible to lose weight (and keep it off) if youre allowing yourself to gorge on cookies, bagels and soda pop all day. Stick to low-calorie snack alternatives like fresh fruit, chopped veggies and light dips, a baked potato - its more filling and nutritious, not to mention less fattening than chips, rice cakes, popcorn, low-salt pretzels, or low-fat or sugar free puddings and ice cream bars. Substitute flavored waters, teas, vegetable or low-sugar fruit juices for high calorie drinks.

Watch The Time of Day That You Eat

We all know that we shouldnt eat after 7 pm, but have you tried eating your largest meal during the day when your body is burning calories more efficiently? Try eating a big breakfast, mid-day snack and an early dinner, followed by a light nutritious snack in the early evening.

Indulge After Exercising

After my daughter was born I decided to take an exercise class in the evenings twice a week to help shed my extra weight. It was there that I learned an important lesson: your body burns calories much faster for an hour or so after strenuous exercise than at any other time of the day. So, if you just have to have that brownie, or dip of ice cream, do it right after exercising, when your metabolism is in high gear.

Walk Every Day

Walking at a brisk pace for just a half an hour every day can be a big boost to your metabolism, your energy levels and your weight loss. Babies love being in the fresh air, and many will fall right to sleep from the soothing jostling of the stroller. So put on your walking shoes, bundle up baby and hit the streets every day.

Eat A Well-Balanced Diet

While its true that getting rid of all the junk food in your house is a great start to losing weight, eating a well-balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and low-fat snacks can all help you burn calories more efficiently.

Have Your Babies Before You Turn 26

Ok, so you may not have much control over this one, but remember, the average womans metabolism decreases by one-half percent every year after the age of 26, making it more and more difficult to lose unwanted weight every year! So, while having babies later in life may seem like a good idea for your career and lifestyle, it may not be so great for your waistline.

Breastfeed as Long as You Can

While you do need to consume more calories when you breastfeed, most nursing moms agree that if they eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet, breastfeeding helps them lose more weight at a faster rate then their bottle feeding friends. Why? The simple fact is, it takes a lot of energy to make enough milk for a baby to eat in a day. Breastfeeding helps increase your metabolism and use more calories. Plus, many breastfeeding moms report that they pay more attention to the types of foods they are eating since it directly affects the quality of their milk.

Trying these weight loss tips after having a baby may not make you instantly slim, but theyre a good place to start to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.

Get your FREE weight loss after pregnancy guide so you can see exactly what worked for me and my friends when we were struggling to lose weight after our babies were born. You should also check out our weight loss after pregnancy blog entry at Rate-Diets.com, or this great weight loss after pregnancy section on Hubpages.

The Great Secret To A Healthy Weight Loss

Can you imagine yourself without the extra weight?
Can you see in your mind how you will look once the extra weight is gone?

Could you draw, in your imagination, a picture of yourself, with as many details as possible, the way you want to look once you will successfully manage your weight?

Can you feel it?
Can you feel this picture, this great picture of yourself, the one that will fit the new you, once you successfully manage your weight?
Does this feel good?
Are you smiling?

Always have this picture in your mind, it will boost your confidence and it will keep you motivated all day long.
Remind yourself of this picture every morning and evening, every single day.

Did you eat breakfast this morning?
Did you add ground flax seed and/or flax seed oil to your breakfast?
You did not eat breakfast?

You mean you did not have the time to take some natural bio yoghurt, to add 2 table spoons of ground flax seed and a fruit?

You did not have the time to mix in the blender a bit of yoghurt, 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds and your favorite fruit?

You could even add a dry date or a prune for a little sweetness, some more help for digestion and easy bowel movements.

What a pity this will have sustained you for 3-4 hours, at least; no hunger and no cravings. This sounds like a great help.

Do you drink enough water, mineral water, pure water everyday, all day long? Do you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day?

Water keeps our body hydrated so it does not need to store extra water weight as excess water. Water eases digestion, cleans the bowels and reduce craving; all good reasons to drink even more water.

Personally, I prefer to drink a glass of water every hour of my active day. It reduces my appetite, satisfies my thirst, gives me a few minutes to re-energize and keeps me healthy; great benefits for so little efforts.

Did you exercise today?
Did you go to the gym?
Did you walk or run in your neighborhood?
Did you take the stairs?
Did you park your car far from the entrance, so you have the chance to walk a little more?

Great you do everything possible to manage your weight successfully!

  • You are motivated.
  • You eat healthily.
  • You drink enough water.
  • You exercise.

You will notice the results in no time

The secret to a healthy weight loss, as well as a healthy weight management, is to combine a positive attitude, healthy eating habits and physical exercise. Each key ingredient must be present if you want to succeed. It is like a good recipe, you cannot discard one of the ingredients without changing the outcome.

To your health and your ideal weight

Isabelle Epstein, Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style
"3 Easy Steps to Healthy Weight Loss and Healthy Weight management"

Amazingly Simple Weight Loss Tips

You only have to look at the number of people that fail to succeed in their diets to realize that dieting isn't easy. However the steps we need to follow to succeed are simple.

Here then are a few simple weight loss tips that you can use to help you start losing weight today.


Eating small meals more often stops you from snacking and binging between meals as you won't become hungry. It also helps to keep the metabolism active and doesn't give it a chance to change and start working at a lower rate.


Try to eat smaller portions. Most people eat until they feel full but it actually takes up to 20 minutes after eating for the body to realize you full. This means that when you feel full during eating that you have actually eaten more than you needed to.


Water can help us feel less tired and more energetic but most importantly it makes us feel fuller. Cold water also reduces our body temperature which in turn helps us to burn more calories as our body works to get the body temperature back to its regular level.


You don't need to do amazing levels of exercise to get in better shape and more importantly to burn more calories. Walking is a great way of getting exercise and it is something anyone can do. Simply walking the dog or going to the shops on foot can make a major difference.

Following these simple weight loss tips along with using the right dieting program should see you getting results in no time at all.

To read more simple weight loss tips visit this webpage shifting calories.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Weight Loss Tips - How To Lose Weight, And An Introduction To "Live" Foods

If you really eat the right foods, your energy levels will skyrocket and your waistline will shorten! Your food is what is used to form all the cells in your body. When you eat good food, your cells are good. When you eat bad food your cells are not healthy. This is a very simple concept that many people have ignored their ENTIRE LIFE!

I want to use the shower analogy. Americans always find the time to shower. Got to be somewhere in 20 minutes? No problem... hop in the shower for 5, leave in 8. Those of you who take 3 hours... No problem. Wake up at 3:30 to be there by 9:00? No sweat. No matter what, there's always time.

Why is it not the same with the way we eat? We're all clean on the outside, but inside we're dirty as a chicken coup. What if I told you that you should consider washing your body with antifreeze not soap? Wouldn't even think about it, right? You can find some of the same chemicals that wash our windshields and keep our car fluids from freezing in the ice creams that you buy in the supermarket!

How about brushing your teeth with pesticides? Pretty nauseating. Well, everyday Americans eat non-organic vegetables that are not only showered in pesticides, but grow in the ground that has been contaminated for years! What I'm saying is this... In order for you to achieve and maintain your best fitness and health, you need to refine your fuel.

Would you think about putting low grade gas in a brand new Lamborghini? No WAY! You want the best for that engine, so now let me tell you about the best fuel for your engine- your body! So what should you eat?

Live Foods...

The best foods you can eat are fresh, organically grown, uncooked foods. The reason is because their chemistry has not been changed by cooking, pesticides or any other chemical additive. Your diet should consist of more raw foods than cooked if you want to have the most energy. Why? Because the cells in these foods are still living.

They contain complete nutrients and enzymes that your body needs for maximum and optimal health. If you have an onion in the pantry for too long it starts to grow! Those living enzymes, the same ones that make that onion grow are what you want to eat. Another great thing about raw food is that nature has a fantastic way of putting complimentary nutrients together so they can work together on absorption. So you'll find the right amount of magnesium with calcium and vitamin D in a whole, raw food.

You can't get that in most supplements. Most supplements can't imitate nature like this. With raw foods, it's what nature intended. Now wait, please don't panic... you can still cook foods, cooking vegetables is much better than eating none at all, but make sure you bring more raw foods into your diet. The more raw foods you eat, the more life energy you will have. Do it, you'll feel great and you'll make it a staple of your diet.

Kate Fletcher has taught hundreds of people how to lose weight. Visit her website right now at Fast Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kate's website.

Why The Best Weight Loss Programs In The World Just Aren't Enough

I have read what I consider to be the best weight loss programs on the market. It took me awhile to find them, but in the end it was completely worth the money.

What about you?

Surely you've tried a few of the best weight loss programs out there, but maybe you have had no success. Maybe you lost a few pounds but then all of a sudden it came right back on and you gave up. If this is true, that's perfectly ok!

Almost everybody who starts out on a weight loss program has a hard time sooner or later. They're called plateau's. Everybody hits them, but only the best weight loss programs out there will tell you how to bust through them. But even that isn't enough. You can purchase some of the best weight loss programs ever created and still get no results.


Well there are 2 main reasons: not actually taking action and making it happen, and buying the wrong product. If you don't take action and actually do what the program says, obviously you aren't going to lose weight or gain muscle. It's not really rocket science, but sometimes people still don't get it!

Also, if you buy the wrong product for you it's also not going to work. This is because your either not going to stick with it (going back to the first reason) or it simply isn't the right kind of exercise for your goals. For example, if you're training to become an athlete but get a program saying to eat hardly any carbs, that isn't going to work!

Conversely, if you want to lose weight but the program says to eat a lot of carbs, that also isn't going to work. Finding a good weight loss program is a hard thing to do, and it should be researched. You should have a few options to pick from and all of them should be slightly different. If you have that situation going for you, you can pick and choose whatever one you'd like because one of them should fit your needs.

The best weight loss programs aren't always the most popular - sometimes it's just a matter of choosing the right one for your own personal life.

Jeremy Reeves has created a website just for you that reviews what he considers to be the best weight loss programs on the market. Show yourself that you're serious about losing weight and go check out http://www.fitness-product-reviews.com before you do anything else today.

Green Tea Weight Loss Miracle

Green and black tea originate from the same plant, but green tea hasn't been fermented and retains more tannins. It contains powerful antioxidants which help to fight aging as well as many diseases including cancer. As well as being a very healthy drink it can also help you to lose weight...Read entire article

Green Tea Weight Loss Miracle

How Drinking 3 Cups of Green Tea a Day Can Help You Lose Weight and Improve Your Health.

Green and black tea originate from the same plant but the difference is that black tea has been allowed to ferment whereas green tea hasn't. As a result green tea retains more tannins and has less caffeine.

Green tea has great health benefits as it contains powerful antioxidants which promote anti aging as well as help to fight diseases including cancer. Just a couple of cups of green tea a day will help to boost your immune system.

It can also lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels.

Make sure that you leave the tea bag in the cup for minimum 3 minutes to allow infusion of it's powerful properties. Unlike black tea green tea is drunk without the addition of milk, this alone saves you calories especially if you enjoy your daily cupa but want to lose weight!

Tea contains polyphenols which have anti cancer, anti viral and anti inflammatory properties. Green tea contains a type of polyphenol called catechins which seem to have an effect on fat loss by helping to burn calories and reduce cholesterol. Catechins are thought to help prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.

Green tea is also a great aid to weight loss as it increases the metabolic rate and may also help regulate blood sugar levels. This is also good news if you are diabetic.

Just drinking between 3 to 5 cups a day will burn about 70 calories a day, however green tea can be an acquired taste and some people just can't stand the taste.

If you are one of these people or just don't have time to make yourself 3 or 5 cups of green tea every day then you may be happy to hear that green tea can be purchased in tablet form.

It's very important if you are losing weight to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Green tea alone isn't the answer to weight loss however many cups you drink a day!

Kathy Joyce can help you to find a new slimmer, fitter and healthier you with valuable tips and resources on weight loss, fitness and nutrition. http://www.weightlossdietingtips.com

Mind Blowing Exercises Which Would Give You Rock Hard Abs Within Days - Achieve Stunning Results

Nothing can be more sexier on a body than a strong, flat, rock hard six packs. Every person wants to get abs as fast as possible yet only a few know how. You see there are exercises designed to help you attain the kind of results you desire with your stomach. There are two way of doing things- The hard way and the smart way. The hard way involves the old patterns of exercise which take a lot of time and produce results with time, and than we have the smart of exercising, This kind of exercising is the most effective and produces quick results. Read on to discover some of the most smart exercises you can do right now and achieve earth shattering results with your abs.

The situps- This might seem like a traditional exercise but you can do wonders with it if you know how to do it right. Now lets do this old traditional exercise the smart way. One of the best ways to get the maximum results with situps with minimum efforts it to put some weights on your chest. This would not only help you get better results within no time it would reduce the number of reps too thus saving you a lot of time.

The bent over row- This is another extremely effective way to build your abs and add definition to them too. Bend over slightly with your feet shoulder width apart. Make it a point to keep your back a bit arched and lean a bit forward, Now get a bar or weights and pull them up and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you life it up. This can be done only 5 minutes a day and you would see instant results within no time.

What you don't know yet- But this is just the tip of an iceberg. There are stunning other exercising benefits which you were never aware of before. It's strange to know that most people don't even know this. This is something you simply can't afford to miss- Click Here

To Know More Visit- http://www.perfecthowto.com

Starting a Weight Loss Workout Program

In the world today, millions of people are either overweight or obese. Medical experts believe that this number is growing at an epidemic rate. One of the biggest contributing factors is the alarming lack of exercise for most people. This is especially true for children. They often spend most of their free time in front of the TV or playing the latest computer game rather than playing more active games outside.

One way to combat the effects of obesity is to develop a weight loss workout program. Depending on the degree of obesity, this can be difficult for the person suffering from the weight problem.

When you think of a weight loss workout program, what comes to mind? For most people, the image is a strenuous workout on huge machines, huffing and puffing, struggling to catch a breath, with your clothes soaked with sweat, and a lot of other people around to watch them. They often feel like they will be laughed at, and in turn, choose to do nothing. This puts their health and possibly their lives at risk.

The truth is, that a weight loss workout program can include many different types of workouts. It can be as simple as starting out taking walks around the block and increasing the distance every month. Buying a treadmill may give you the incentive to start a weight loss workout program in the privacy of your own home. You can gradually work up to a fitness center when they feel comfortable doing so. A weight loss workout program can be as aggressive as you choose.

For those who want to join a fitness center, and have no idea what type of workout program is right for them, there are personal trainers who can assist you in forming a weight loss workout program that is perfect for you.

Before you start, however, it is important that you remember to consult your physician first. Before starting any type of weight loss workout program you need to rule out any underlying problems. Once you get started, you will be surprised at how easy it is to add your new routine as a daily habit. The key is to start slowly, then gradually build up your time as it becomes easier.

A weight loss exercise plan does not have to mean deprivation or back-breaking exercise routines. To discover simple strategies for lasting weight loss and a free book of delicious recipes, be sure to check out my Painless Weight Loss blog at: http://www.painless-weight-loss.com/

Weight Loss Program Reviews

As you know, the key to successful weight loss is to burn more calories than you eat. Many diet centers burn much fewer or greater calories than predicted by charts of calculations. Though you may see the ads throughout the year, the most common time to find advertisements for diet centers is in the month of January. This is because many people make it their new year's resolution to lose weight. Weight seems to be something that everyone obsesses over, and you may find that even those who don't have any weight to lose are constantly watching what they eat and monitoring their level of exercise. Many people need help, and this is why diet centers are so popular.

There are various different diet centers from which to choose. Most of them today advertise at a national level, and many of them have celebrity spokespersons. I guess because celebrities are so high profile, the world is always watching their weight. While I don't think this is fair, I guess it can be expected. Some of the celebrities will go through a diet centers program, and then do commercials for that company. While you may say that this is brave, you should also know that they do get paid very well for what they do.

There is something amusing about the modern diet. Now don't take this the wrong way. I'm not laughing or poking fun at individuals struggling to drop pounds. I'm merely commenting on the new-age diet centers and calorie-counting routines. How do I have the scoop on this you might be wondering? Well, it's a synch I didn't try them myself. Nope; I just routinely watch my wife grapple with hers. She has been on the Weight Watchers plan for a few months now. When I see what she does day-in and day-out, I can't help but frown at all the effort involved. And I'm not just talking about healthy eating and regular exercise.

And one of the greatest benefits diet centers is that everything is laid out for you. Several times people struggle with diets because they don't know what they're doing, and they have no idea where to begin. If you go to diet centers, you will find a meal plan already set up for you, as well as support, and advice about exercise routines. Some of these diet centers even go as far as to offer prepackaged meals. If you have a hard time choosing the right meals, or you are often too busy to cook like you would like to, this might be the best option for you.

If you have been having a hard time with a diet, and it seems that no matter what you try you simply cannot get the extra pounds off, you may want to consider looking into diet centers. I wouldn't say that I endorse them, but I think there are some benefits. If anything, diet centers hold you accountable for what you do each week. If you must go weight in every week or every month, and talk to someone about what you're doing, you're more likely to stay with your plan. Just remember to read the fine print before you sign up, as sometimes there are hidden costs of which you may not be aware.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, and Weight Watchers must be three of the top Weight Loss Programs around. I always spot ads for them and they commonly use celebrities to do their pitching. Now, my wife goy into Weight Watchers because it was offered to employees at her company. Is this not bizarre? I mean, have you ever heard of a company doing this with their staff. Maybe it's due to the fact that the company is Japanese owned. It could be that they think we Americans are a bit too plump. Hmm, kind of makes me wonder. Nevertheless, it's a sweet thought to stick it out there. My wife received a booklet that tells her how many "points" she can have each day. Also, how to add up your points online and figure out your total success thus far. Contemporary diet centers have quite the process going. It takes as much time to factor up the points and punch them into the chart as it does to exercise. No offense, but you can have all that! I'll stick to the plain old "eat healthy and work-out" regimen and it's worked for me so far.

You know, I shouldn't diss modern diet centers. My wife has lost weight while sticking with Weight Watchers. I think she's lost about 8 or 9 pounds so far. 10 more and she'll be in that size 3 she wants so badly. Maybe you should sort through the popular diet centers and find the one that best suits your likes and needs. It's much healthier than procrastinating for another year. Yet, our world is far from ideal. There are responsibilities, deadlines and food or lifestyle preferences that get in the way of healthy eating. Real lives happen and in the rush to satisfy daily hunger and desires we may succumb to less than healthy choices. It doesn't always have to be that way. No matter what are lives, are like that there's always room for improvements. Get off your BUM!

Crizza Weight Loss Programs

Weight Loss For Idiots - What Food Should You Eat To Lose Weight?

When you're trying to lose weight your first instinct is to start exercising, which is extremely important. However, if you don't set a firm foundation by eating right, you may be doing a lot of hard work for nothing. For many of us this is the hard part; we don't mind exercising for half an hour a day, but giving up our favorite foods seems impossible.

Calorie counting is a good place to start, just as long as you don't starve yourself. Whenever you consume more calories than you burn in a day, they will be stored as fat. To find your recommended daily calorie intake, take your bodyweight times ten in calories. Keep in mind this is for when you're trying to lose weight so don't stay on this for too long as it can change your metabolism and cause you to lose muscle fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn as muscle burns fat for energy.

Aim for 4-6 small meals a day. This increases our metabolism, reduces hunger pangs, improves digestions, and increases energy. This also provides muscle with steady, constant flow nutrients they are trained to burn fat. We're so used to eating the standard three meals a day, but once you get used to it you will reap the rewards.

Remember to eat a balanced diet of foods with protein and complex carbohydrates, these are great foods for weight loss. Protein is incredibly important when burning fat and gaining muscle. Foods such as eggs, chicken breast, tuna fish, organic peanut butter, and whey protein powders will give you the protein you need and are highly unlikely to be retained as fat. When you do get a craving, try to eat foods with complex carbohydrates such as broccoli, green peppers, and cauliflower. Keep portion sizes the size of a clenched fist to help you base how much you should eat in one meal. Drink lots of water everyday. Muscle is composed of 70% water. Water also transports vitamins and minerals throughout the body. It also curbs appetite by filling our stomachs.

Keep foods that are not great for weight loss like cookies, cakes and brownies out of the house. Remember to have your salad dressing on the side. Definitely avoid eating about 3 hours before bed as we are don't burn much calories during the night when we're sleeping. Decrease Carbohydrates. Carbs hold water and can prevent our body form burning fat for energy. Foods rich in carbohydrates include, bread, cookies, and cakes. This can increase insulin levels and blood sugar which can stop fat burning and increase fat storage. Even fruits can contain carbs as they contain fructose which is the one the quickest nutrient to be stored as fat.

The previous examples should be a great foundation to improving your health and losing weight. For more ideas, consult your doctor or one of the many books written about great weight loss foods.

Kelly Lester is committed to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.

The Self Hypnosis Weight Loss Diet

Any weight loss diet is only as effective as the willingness of the person dieting to stick with the diet's requirements. Eating, in general, is such a complex combination of nutrition, pleasure, and other psychological factors, that the motivation to adopt and practice a particular eating regime to lose weight may prove extremely difficult. Often, the person is torn between conflicting motivations, simultaneously needing certain foods and eating habits for a sense of well-being, and yet acutely aware of the harm this form of eating can do to her or his self-esteem, health, career, and social life. All in all, successful weight loss dieting may need the extra help provided by one of the most effective mental tools available, self hypnosis.

The self hypnosis diet is based on two types of ideas, suggested to the dieter during the hypnosis. First, once the person has carefully researched the weight loss diet to be followed, the specific diet requirements may be formed into suggestions and included in the self hypnosis. These ideas are crafted to reflect the precise needs of the diet, even mentioning certain foods and other particulars. A second type of hypnosis diet idea to be suggested is motivational. Motivational ideas may consist of the most powerful reasons for the person to remain on the diet, to make the diet a success. Again, these may be worded precisely, to suit the thinking of the person, although a skilled professional can prepare an effective "generic" weight loss recording, too.

Why is hypnosis so effective for dieting? Think of it like this: hypnosis can't change the weather, but it can help you to use your umbrella, which will keep you nice and dry. Every diet, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc., has a special set of rules to follow. Most of the reputable diets are designed by nutrition experts and usually based on pretty sound science. If the rules are followed, the weight comes off. The real task of the person dieting is not to re-invent the diet, it's simply to stick with the diet and by following the rules, reap the benefits. Hypnosis is a fabulous tool to enhance any dieter's ability to follow those all-important rules, no matter what the program may be.

A professionally prepared self hypnosis mp3, cd, or tape can be a life-long tool in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Often, weight loss dieters feel helpless and alone in their uphill climb. A good hypnosis recording is an oasis of personal pleasure and strength in this struggle. I urge you to let hypnosis be your secret dieting weapon!

The work of licensed mental health counselor Richard Blumenthal has been published in such esteemed journals as Medical Hypnoanalysis, The International Journal of Psychosomatics, The Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, and The British Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Mr. Blumenthal is a pioneer in the therapeutic use of hypnosis. He is the originator of Rational Suggestion Therapy, and the inventor of HypnoSoft Self Hypnosis Software, located at http://www.hypnosoft.com, for which he was awarded a United States patent. Hypnosis mp3 recordings by Mr. Blumenthal are available at http://self-hypnosis.org.

How To Lose 40 Pounds in a Month

Just a few days ago someone asked me if it's possible to lose 40 pounds in a month, and if so how she could do it. I decided to take the answer I gave her and to make an article of it. So here it is.

But before I write about how this can be done, let me say that I suggest you give yourself more time to lose 40 lbs. A month will require some drastic measures. But if you're adamant about it, read on. You need to be aware that in order to lose 40 pounds in 30 days, you need to create a massive calorie deficit. This isn't something which is easily done. It's possible to do this in just 2 ways:

1. Use a detox diet - A detox diet cleanses your body of a great deal of undigested pounds and helps you to create a calorie deficit. A detox diet includes drinking a lot of fluids, usually water and fruit juice (fresh juice). This kind of diet flushes you out and helps to stave off hunger. In this way it's possible to lose 40 pounds fast. In a month, it can be done. However, you need to be aware that this may not be the healthiest thing to do. Using a detox diet for too long can be detrimental to the body since you're not eating a lot of necessary nutrients. It's great for fast weight loss, but don't use it for too long.

2. The second way to lose 40 lbs in a month is to create the necessary calorie deficit by working out a lot and eating in moderation. You will need to do a lot of cardio (at least 4 hours each week) and also do strength workouts, but cardio is key. You will not be building muscle tissue in this month, you will only be losing weight. If you do enough cardiovascular workouts, and eat in moderation (a lot of vegetables and fruit and short on carbs), you may be able to lose 40 pounds in 1 month. But you need to be aware that this will require a massive effort on your part.

As I said, it's possible to lose 40 pounds in a month with the right kind of determination and willpower, but I suggest you give yourself a bit more time. It'll make it easier.

To read about the best detox diet and cardiovascular based diet, visit this webpage:
Diet plans to lose 10 lbs in 2 Weeks.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

3 Ways to Beat Muscle Building Plateaus

Have you hit a muscle building plateau? These are common. Find out the ways around them and get back to gaining mass.

You need to make sure that you have:

1) A good training program that gets you the most results in the least amount of time.

You don't need to be spending hours and hours in the gym. Instead, you need to train with the basics and get in and out of the gym in less than an hour. That's all you need. Any more time and you are just staring at the opposite sex too much!

2) You need to change that program frequently.

Don't do the same program for more than 4 weeks in a row. Whether it is chaning the exercises, switching the rep range or training order, varying your grip or stance, or making changes to the frequency with which you train, there are an endless number of ways to train and you should change your workouts every 4 weeks. Don't get lazy!

There are dozens upon dozens of exercises out there in the workout world. Ask your training partner or a personal trainer for suggestions, or just look around on the internet.

3) You have to be consistent.

You can't come and go from consistency. You need to make every workout, and eat every meal. Take a log book and record your nutrition and training. Do you skip workouts? Worse yet, do you go almost all day without eating? Are you fueling yourself with junk food? An honest evaluation of nutrition often leads to shocking conclusions. You'll find you aren't doing nearly as well as you thought.

And record your workouts too. That way you can see what you did last time, and know what you need to do to progress.

Always strive for improvement and you won't have to worry about plateaus.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

The Weight of the Holidays

It hangs pretty darn heavily, to tell the truth. It's not easy to maintain a moderate weight, much less lose some pounds over the holidays. There are just too many things going on, and also the stress of running around trying to get everything just right for these last celebratory days of the year seems to knock everything out of whack.

Stress eating is at an all time high, and consumption of fast food from food courts and eating on the run is also a big source of extra holiday calories. And last but not least, the fatigue you feel after all the prepping, shopping, wrapping, lighting, tree trimming, decorating and cooking for the big events leaves you not wanting to lift another finger, much less stick to your workout plan as usual.

So, here are a few tips to keep it all in check until the New Year's resolutions kick in:

Tip #1 - Have a plan. Whether it's for your shopping trip, house decorating, or prepping holiday dinner, create a time line in which you're going to try to get everything done. Make lists of all the things you need to buy, places you need to go, what you need to do, and then arrange everything in a sensible, easy to accomplish order. This will help you keep some structure in the midst of all the chaos.

Tip #2 - Eat BEFORE you go out to shop. Do not go thee forward into that shopping center or mall on a half empty stomach! Shopping, while not an Olympic sport, DOES burn up a lot of energy, and after you've exhausted yourself a bit at the big sales, you're gonna want to eat, because the body is then demanding some fuel. That's when you get into the food court danger zone. Eating a full meal (be it breakfast, lunch or whichever applicable meal it is) before you hit the stores will help to circumvent the bad, calorie laden, mall food temptations.

Tip #3 - Workout BEFORE you get to that busy part of your day. Even if it means getting up earlier to do it. Even if you can't make it to the gym. You can do a jog around your neighborhood, or just do a quick 30 minute to 45 minute workout at home, with or without a fitness DVD. Don't have one? Turn on Fit TV, or just put some music on and GO TO IT. Make it up as you go along, if you have to. And once again, get the workout in before you do the other stuff. If you wait until later, your energy will probably be depleted, and then you won't do anything. Not good. Get that workout in FIRST.

Tip #4 - Don't use the holidays as an excuse to fall off your regimen and fitness plan. "Everybody gains weight during the holidays" is NOT an acceptable excuse to slack up! Remain sensible, and while you can't help but to have some fun with holiday parties, goodies, and treats, be sure to balance it out with good healthy eating, and stick to regular workouts, even if you have to vary up the times. If you do go a bit crazy, throw a couple extra workouts in each week to make up for it. What you take out of your own personal fitness bank, you have to be sure to put back in.

And that's basically it! No need for a long list. Just a few good, basic, common sense solutions that will have you looking and feeling your best all the way past the ball drop. And then you won't even have to put "losing the extra pounds I gained during the holidays" on your list of New Year's resolutions. You can just hit the ground running. Not a bad way to go!

Happy Holidays!

You can get more weight loss and fitness tips by Yvonne Bridges at http://thefitnessdiva.blogspot.com

Yvonne is a top fitness instructor and ex Golden Gloves champion boxer living in New York City.

Fasting & Exercise To Control Your Weight

Fasting and Exercise have been a simple way for me to keep my weight in control. I am 5 3 and I keep my weight around 110 lbs. I am healthy and strong at age 67.

The program:

You choose when you want to fast

1. Once a week or

2. When you have over eaten and feel stuffed.

3. When you dont like how you feel or look.

4. When you are planning on eating out and want to be able to eat and enjoy without feeling guilty.

How do you fast?

Go without breakfast and lunch try to go from dinner to dinner a 24 hours period. If you do this regularly you shouldnt have to fast more than one day at a time. I have fasted for 3 days and the most a 5-day fast but that was only when I felt I was desperate and sometimes for health cleanses. Normally I fast only one day a week or when ever I feel I need to fast. Mostly I fast just once a month for one day.

Be Careful: When you break your fast dont start making up for all of the food you didnt eat by eating more than normal and making the fast a waste.

To help you fast:

1. Drink lots of water whenever you are hungry
2. Get use to the feeling of being hungry you can get to live with it and even like it because you are in control.
3. Dont get carried away with fasting. Do it in moderation and with reason. It is not necessary to have long fasts.
4. Have the right attitude. Feel excited about how you will feel when you get to where you want to be. Dont think of fasting as denying yourself but rather being good to you.

What are the benefits of fasting along with exercise?
1. You do feel free from the control food can have on you.
2. Your mind feels clear, you think better.
3. You like yourself better.
4. You stomach shrinks so youre not as hungry after fasting.
5. Fasting takes away your craving.
6. You loose weight!
7. You look good!


My exercise has been running two miles every second day (about 1/2 hour) and on the other days do about 10 to 15 minutes of weight training with 5lb weights and stretching exercises.

1. Choose whatever exercise you enjoy.
2. Try to do it first thing in the morning.
3. Do it regularly at least 3-4 times a day for at least hour.
5. If you can try to do some kind of exercise each day.
6. Dont let weather stop you. If its raining, exercise in the house or wherever you are. Create an exercise program that allows you to do some kind of exercise no matter what your circumstances are.
7. Exercise until you can feel it. Get your heart rate up and perspire.

Of course, controlling your food intake is important but with this program I seem not to get out of control with my eating. I eat normally and very seldom over indulge. It seems this program helps me be in control and not to have any food addictions.

I am 67 years old and have been able to keep my weight in control with this program. It is simple. It allows you to stop weight gain before it gets a hold of you. As with all weight and exercise programs they must be done with wisdom and approval from your Doctor.

Eva Fry's mission is to help others become better and happier. She is an inspirational author, singer/songwriter/ motivational speaker and seminar leader. Eva has published three books - "YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM" -for seniors, "BE A WINNER IN LIFE"-for good kids, troubled kids and their parents. "LETTERS FROM JUVENILE HALL, KIDS HELPING KIDS" (Actual letters from kids at Juvenile Hall, intended to save other kids from destroying their lives) She invites you to use the FREE ARTICLES she has written for: at- risk kids Also FREE ARTICLES of inspiration to help meet life's challenges. http://www.evafry.com She has produced 7 Music CD's

Remember (new music for seniors), Oh What Joy Christmas The Little Things (inspirational country), I Love Living The Teachings of The Lord (Gospel/Christian) Savior of Mine (Christian) God Gave You Intelligence (for children)

Classical Style (instrumental)

Her music and books can be purchased at http://www.evafry.com Her books can also be ordered at any bookstore.

Her articles have been published, all over the world.

How to Get Weight Loss Momentum

By nature I'm a pretty lazy person. By that I simply mean that most of my life I pretty much tend to do as little as possible in order to achieve my desired outcome. And don't worry you don't need to do anything close to this kind of regiment. And as far as the running... Well, I save that for a future article. Here is what you need to know if you ever want to make MAJOR progress effortlessly:


Get it. Do whatever you have to; just find a way to get it. Here's what I want you to know: when you eat junk food, you want more. I'm killed my momentum many uh times by cheating. And in retrospect I can clearly see that it isn't necessarily what you eat that is most damaging. It's the loss of momentum. Now some people just have absolutely no desire for junk food. They say it tastes bad and they would never put in their body...I kind of think of them as "health food evangelists"

Now there's nothing wrong with this. In fact, it's probably a good thing. Good for them. :o) But I've gotta tell you: this certainly isn't me. Now don't get me wrong I genuinely do enjoy the taste of LOTS of natural healthy food. But I also enjoy many foods. And I've found a way to eat a good amount of junk food and stay very lean and energetic. Of course I feed my body premium quality fuel most of the time but I think you know what I mean.

HERE'S THE POINT: You can create momentum in either direction. And crazy as it may sound, you can actually train yourself to want to exercise.You can train yourself to enjoy it. You can train yourself to be addicted to it. Now, please understand this only happens if you exercise correctly. If you go through the motions like 93.7% of people you'll stay stagnant. Let me ask you: What kind of momentum do you have in your life right now? In what direction is it going? Now is a good time to really evaluate what kind of shape you are in... Spring is just beginning and summer will be here before you know it.

The condition of your body will DIRECTLY effect the level to which you are able to enJOY these "warm weather seasons." I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Here's what you should do immediately: Go look in the mirror. *Take yourself out of your body* and just look at yourself.


Now this isn't a time to beat yourself up or anything like that... Just stand there for a good 2-3 minutes and really evaluate your activity over the past month. *Think.* Really think. What have you been doing? Visualize the exercises you have been doing. See yourself eating the foods you have been eating. What do you see? Reality check: If you continue this behavior, how is your body going to look and feel in in the coming months? If you're making progress then congratulations!

(I know many of you are)

KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING. But here's what I want you to be aware of. I notice that many people have their "little routine" They eat the same thing (that they think is healthy) and they make little change to their exercise regiment (which they think is effective) Do you see what I'm getting at? Bottom line: Step out of your comfort zone and you'll be surprised with the irony of your actions. It becomes easier not harder.

For more powerful and life changing content, visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com to sign up for a FREE 10 Day eCourse and discover how you too can live in a lean, strong and energetic body.

Hypnosis For Weight Loss - The Technique

Like many of the commonly used techniques of hypnotism, hypnosis for weight loss is a natural way of changing a persons habits and beliefs about a healthy diet. The actual technique of hypnosis for weight loss is actually basic common sense and involves getting back in touch with your bodies natural cycles. From how most overweight people overeat to avoid painful emotions, how our stomachs are designed for only eating full meals every few days, how to tune your taste buds for portion control and the basic formula for healthy eating. The article will explore the many exciting aspects of the basic technique of hypnosis for weight loss.

When it comes to hypnosis for weight loss there is only one single reason why people overeat. People will only overeat to avoid or suppress negative feelings or emotions. By over eating to the point of being full and satisfied one temporally eliminates any painful emotion or experience. It is through this basic principal that this technique works on.

The common western diet is much different from the diet of our early man ancestors. Our stomachs are designed to be filled completely with food only once a day. In fact our ancestors often didn't eat a completely filling meal for up to thee days at a time. In between hunts our ancestors ate leafs, vegetables, sprouts, fruit, nuts, seeds and berries. When you do hypnosis for weight loss; the main objective will be to resolve this one issue.

As you start practising this technique on a regular basis you will be able to tune your senses. That is the beauty of this technique of hypnosis for weight loss, with practise we tune our taste buds to make appropriate decisions a use portion control. We eat when we are hungry, we enjoy the food and when we are full, no more food passes our lips. The basic idea is as follows.

The Technique

Follow these suggestions fully and completely each time that you sit down to eat and when ever you are hungry. Hypnosis for weight loss includes four specific steps.

1. Whenever you are hungry for food you should be sure to eat something healthy. Never starve yourself of deprive yourself when you are hungry (this is important).

2. Don't eat what you think you should, just because it is in front of you, eat what you want until you are full.

3. With each bite of food you take, chew carefully and fully. Enjoy each and every mouthful of food. Pay attention to your food as you eat it and make sure to chew the food completely, up to thirty times per mouthful.

4. As soon as you think you are full make sure you slow down the eating or even stop completely. It can take a few minutes for the feeling of fullness to catch up to you, so it is helpful to stop eating just before the feeling of fullness comes.

As you can probably tell by now this technique is basic, and gets right to the point. Regardless of whether you lean the hypnosis for weight loss technique when you are deep in trance or simply by consciously repeating the process in your daily life, the process is simple. Always be training yourself to eat when you are hungry, enjoy each bite completely, eat until you are full and then stop eating. Remember less is more.

Peter Hill is a hypnotist, write and public speaker on the subject of hypnosis for weight loss. He runs an informational website with articles, podcasts, and hypnosis mp3s. To take advantage of all this and more make sure to check out Peter's site at http://www.hypnosisweightlossnow.com

Drinking Enough Clean Water Produces Natural Weight Loss

Weight loss occurs in our body when the liver convert stored fat into usable energy. Drinking enough clean water allows the liver to naturally accomplish this ... causing our body to lose weight.

This biochemical fact applies to all of us.

How do we acquire excess fat in our body?

Nutrients are absorbed through our intestines. Carbohydrates and sugars are absorbed and processed more quickly than any other nutrients. Water is a necessary ingredient for the absorption process.

If we do not drink enough water... carbohydrates and sugars are absorbed and the other nutrients are just passed through our body without absorption... and the carbs and sugars are converted into fat and stored.

The body then calls for more nutrients ... since none have been absorbed ... causing us to eat more. If we eat more without drinking enough clean water.... the cycle continues and we gain weight. Drinking enough clean water will allow the intestines to absorb all of the nutrients we take in.. not just the carbs and sugars .. balancing the body's need for nutrients.. thus lowering the "craving"we get to eat.

The liver's main activity is to filter out wastes.. in conjunction with the kidneys... with water being the key ingredient in this function. If we do not drink enough clean water .. the liver has to spend more time filtering out the impurities we take in through the water ... such as chlorine, lead, agricultural and industrial contaminants..... and not have enough reserve to convert fat into energy.

Making sure the water we drink is clean will increase the capacity of the liver to convert the fat into energy.. naturally causing our body to lose weight.

So it is a cycle that is completely dependent on water to function in its full capacity.

Drinking enough clean water causes all of the nutrients to be absorbed through the intestines..not just the carbohydrates and sugars....which keeps our body in balance nutirionally. This cuts down on the body sending out signals that it is lacking in nutrients.. signals that come to us as "cravings".. causing us to eat more...causing more fats to be stored in the body.

Drinking enough clean water frees the liver up to do the work it is meant to do..filtering the toxins out of our body without the added stress of those added toxins taken in from the water we drink .. thus having the added capacity it is meant to have... to convert stored fat into energy... naturally causing weight loss.

Our body is made up of more than 70% water. If that water isn't clean water... can the body function as it was made to function?

Thnk of putting dirty oil into your car. It is something anyone would be crazy to do.

How can it not be the same thing with our body? To insure you are drinking clean water... simply use a water filter at the point of use.... your faucet. CLICK HERE to find the best buy in water filters ... in performance and economically.

You owe it to your body to give it enough clean water.


Weight Loss Tips - Three Foods You Must Avoid Like The Plague

You're about to discover three types of food that you should avoid like the plague, unless you really like putting on weight. So here they are...

1. Hydrogenated Oils (Trans Fats) and Partially Hydrogenated Oils

The process of hydrogenation started in the 1950s to extend packed food shelf life. Hydrogenation is the process of heating oil and passing hydrogen bubbles through it. The fatty acids in the oil then acquire some of the hydrogen, which makes it denser.

If you fully hydrogenate, you create a solid (a fat) out of the oil. But if you stop part way, you get a semi-solid partially hydrogenated oil that has a consistency like butter, but much cheaper. These fats also called, trans-fats, disguise themselves as regular fats, and build up in your arteries.

The difference is that they don't do the same job as the regular fats in your body do, so instead of escorting poisons and toxins to your liver and protecting your body, they hang around, build on your arteries and cause heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Trans-fats are poisons. They interfere with the metabolic process by taking the place of a natural substance (good fats) that performs a critical function.

Your body has no defense against them. And get this... Many European countries have either BANNED or have set dates for ELIMINATION of hydrogenated oils in foods! Hydrogenated oils are found in almost all packaged foods. Take a look at the ingredients the next time you are at the grocery store and you will see just how prevalent these are in the foods you eat.

2. Coffee

Cringe.... Yes, coffee contains caffeine--a diuretic--that increases the frequency of urination which causes dehydration. It keeps you awake, elevates your heart rate, blood pressure and increases the secretion of acid into your stomach... blah, blah, blah. What concerns me most is that coffee puts stress on your adrenal system. This translates to more stress. Aren't you under enough stress already?

Coffee drinkers tend to use the drink as a pick-me-up, but what happens is that it becomes a drag-me-down, because the body, while it experiences a short caffeine buzz, drops to a lower energy level when the high wears off. At this lover level, you're not only feeling down, but you're burning your sugar stores. This creates sugar cravings.

3. Soda

Soda is simply sugar. I can't tell you how many people I've known who quit drinking soda shed a bunch of weight. I don't mean 1-2 pounds, I mean 10-15. There are 250 calories in a 20-oz bottle of Coke. Not to mention there is caffeine! Take the effects of caffeine and add them to a sugar overload and you have one unhealthy body. Do you drink soda and coffee?!

If so, and you want more energy, I will tell you right now that dropping those two poisonous habits will improve your daily stamina by 100%! So keep that in mind when you're trying to lose weight.

Kate Fletcher has taught hundreds of people how to lose weight. Visit her website right now at Fast Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kate's website.

How to Reduce fat?

It is very obvious for anybody to gain pounds of weight during the holiday time. But holidays can be spent constructively too. Turbulence program is a course designed for the purpose of loosing maximum fat and gaining strength. There are 6 ways to improve your overall physic and make a promising resolution on the New Years Day.

Strength training is a different exercise from the rest where you perform a workout within a short duration. If you are performing about three repetitions per day of a particular workout, you will be performing it only one here. But you will reap the same advantages here too. You will be maintaining your average strength but at the same time saving your time.

During the program schedule do not consume anything junk but only concentrate on the efficiency of the exercise.

Before beginning any workout you need to spend some time doing warm-up exercises and then start your workout on a treadmill. Even in weekends do not let your time for lame enjoyment but spend at least some bit of time for performing the workouts. This maintains the strength in your body.

When you exercise remember that your abdominal cavity is being exercised. The sit-ups are simply an ache to the lower back. Therefore all the standing exercises, pushups or squats are extremely workable.

Before entering into the gym remember to bring the turbulence training templete with you. It should not merely happen that you do not even understand how to start the workouts. It provides a table for systematically performing the workouts.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit http://www.askaquery.com/Answers/qn1700.html

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Master Cleanse Benefits

Each diet has more benefits than the mere weight loss which comes with it for the simple reason that losing weight is good for you. However, the benefits of the Master Cleanse diet are different than those of most other diets for the simple reason that it's a detox diet.

What a detox diet does is more than to simply help you to lose weight. Detoxing your body flushes out all the unhealthy chemicals, toxins, and undigested weight which has accumulated in your body due to years of unhealthy eating, stress, indigestion, and other factors.

All this unhealthy wastage inside your body can cause grave health hazards. Therefore, the Master Cleanse has many benefits which may include:

  • An improved skin, eradication of acne, and a more youthful appearance
  • Healing of stomach aches, feeling of bloatiness, indigestion, and colon issues
  • Alleviation of chronic pains which are somehow linked to the clogging of internal organs
  • A heightened energy level and lack of fatigue
  • A reduction in allergies and their symptoms
  • A rapid and massive weight loss
  • A general feeling of wellbeing and comfort
Of course, some of these benefits may not apply to you personally, while others may only serve you as a pre-emptive prevention of things which may attack you in the future, but overall, the benefits of the Master Cleanse apply to nearly every person in one form or another.

Of course, going on a detox diet like the master cleanse isn't easy. Remember, that this is a diet which you have to use only for a short time, so that even if it gets hard it's not so bad and that the benefits are well worth it.

To read more about the master cleanse diet, click here: Master Cleanse Review John Davenport writes extensively about diet, fitness, and health issues. To read his review of another popular detox diet, click here: Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review

Natural Weight Loss - 20 Tips for Lasting Success and Better Health

Weight loss is a concern for most Americans. Whether you're struggling with those final ten pounds that never seem to budge or you have many excess pounds that are having a negative impact on our overall health, it's time to make a change. Having battled my own weight issues for over 20 years, I now use my knowledge to support my clients to achieve weight loss success.

Like you, I tried almost everything to lose weight, and it wasn't until I took a more holistic approach that I finally dropped 40 pounds. Incorporating what I learned from my experience, I have maintained my weight loss for over six years and counting. Now it's my pleasure to share my secrets with you so your weight loss journey can finally be different with a more natural, healthy and successful approach.

I recommend reading through the following weight loss tips before choosing one or two to start with. After you have successfully incorporated these changes, try one or two more. You do not have to make every one of these changes overnight. Just get started making improvements and be patient yourself. This way you will have lasting success!

  • Do not make weight loss your top health concern (concern equals stress); instead seek a balanced lifestyle.
  • 95% of all people that go on a weight loss program fail; they continue the roller coaster ride, mostly because they do not adopt new healthy habits for life. Make changes that you can maintain long-term.
  • Seek out support from family members and friends. You will do better than if you try to go it alone.
  • Visualize daily what you want your life to look like. Remember that your thoughts create your life so be mindful of what you're choosing.
  • Lower your intake of highly processed foods and eat high quality locally grown and raised whole foods as much as possible.
  • Eat three meals every day. Skipping meals is the best way to cause cravings and imbalance in your life, your health and your weight.
  • Include moderate exercise at least three times each week. Walk more and take the stairs daily.
  • Practice breathing and relaxation techniques. Breathe deeply into your belly daily.
  • Add lots of vegetables to your diet. The more vegetables you eat - especially dark leafy greens - the easier it will be for your body to achieve its ideal weight.
  • Drink water all day long. Start with 1-2 glasses upon rising in the morning. Consider each cleansing bathroom break as an opportunity to breath and enjoy well-deserved private time.
  • Consider keeping a food diary. Awareness is essential.
  • Avoid an extreme diet of low-fat, high-protein or low-carbs. Balance is best. Choose healthy fats (extra virgin olive oil, avocado, walnuts, almonds), lean protein (beans, seeds, fish) and healthful carbs (whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal). Eat in moderation. Make vegetables a large part of your diet.
  • Eat slower with no distractions such as TV, work or reading. Avoid stressful conversations while eating. When we eat under stress it affects our metabolism and instead of burning our food we store it as fat. This is the natural fight-or-flight response of the body.
  • Set realistic expectations. You won't be the same weight you were as a teenager.
  • Don't follow the "Sumo Diet" of consuming large quantities of food late at night when metabolism is at its lowest. Eat a large breakfast or lunch and a small dinner of salad, soup, vegetables or a highly nutritious shake.
  • Be conscious of hidden sugars in your foods. Sugar puts on weight and can lead to serious health issues like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Read labels and educate yourself.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners as these can cause cravings for real sugar as well as other health problems. Use natural low-glycemic sweeteners and eat naturally sweet foods.
  • Complete eating at least 3 hours before sleeping. The body needs to fast in order to burn stored fat.
  • Excess weight equals potential energy, unexpressed or un-owned power. Seek out creative expression.
  • Love and accept yourself as you are today... don't wait until tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes.

Having the right education and guidance made a great difference in my personal weight loss success.

If you would like support to reach and maintain your weight loss goals, please be in touch so we can schedule your free 20 minute phone consultation.

Heather Cottrell is a certified Holistic Health Counselor and founding director of Heather Holistic, a private practice offering Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling. Through individual programs, group workshops and teleclasses, Heather Holistic empowers you to be your happiest and healthiest self with proper nourishment of mind, body and soul. Visit http://www.HeatherHolistic.com to schedule a private phone consultation and sign up to receive the free Heather Holistic eNewsletter.