Lose Fat

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Best Way To Lose Weight Fast - Calorie Counting Myth

It's starts off with getting to the point that you are fed up with how you look or feel and the desire to do something about it. One of the most advertised best ways to lose weight fast is the calorie counting method.

The common thought process is that if you are currently taking in 2500 calories a day then all you have to do is cut that to 1500 or 2000 calories a day and you will begin to lose weight. So you start skipping meals. Maybe the first day you decide to skip breakfast and by lunch you are starving and feel miserable but you have made up you mind that you are going to do this and stick with it. The pain and misery works for the first week or maybe two if you can hold out that long because you will begin to lose weight. Maybe you have found the best way to lose weight fast.

What you do not realize is that with just about any diet program you will see rapid results early on due to the loss of water weight. It is the first thing to go and the reason just about any diet works in the beginning.

A couple weeks in you have lost some weight but you probably feel weak and miserable because along with skipping meals you have not provided your body with the adequate fuel to function on a daily basis. You start thinking how long am I going to have to be hungry and miserable. This is the point most people quit.

The other issue most people do not realize when it comes to these types of programs is the fact that your body will adjust to your new calorie intake and begin to adjust the number of calories it burns accordingly. This will result in a weight loss plateau and another point where people quit because they stop realizing any weight.

Calorie counting is the most difficult program to stick stay on.

If you would like more information about some of the popular and supposed best ways to lose weight fast you can visit my blog at:


Effective Weight Loss Guide That You Always Forget

Keeping off unwanted pounds is never a walk in the park. There is always something or someone out there that will ruin your weight loss plans for you. Therefore, it is crucial that you find other ways to step-up your existing program for shedding excess weight. Here are a few tips that can give you more thrust on your weight loss plans.

Small Frequent Feeding Is The Key

By limiting your food intake to only three times in a day, you allow your body to starve needlessly between mealtimes. In turn, your body will react as if there is a mini-famine going on, so it will shift into mini-survival mode, meaning it will reduce your metabolic rate to conserve energy.

In contrast, by eating 5-6 small meals in a day, your metabolic rate will be revved up; burning more calories and helping you lose weight. Remember, the trick is to eat small amounts of food without allowing your body to feel starved; so do not overfeed yourself during mealtime.

List Down The Food You Eat

You are what you eat. So by writing down everything that passes through your mouth, you will have a better chance of getting to know yourself. At the end of the day, you will be surprised at what type of foods you eat. As an added enlightenment, your list will allow you to realize how much money and effort ultimately goes down the sewer; this will compel you to spend less on junk or unnecessary food items.

Never Skip Breakfast

Whatever you do, never forget breakfast. Why? Because it will allow you to fire up your metabolism early on in the day. That means you will have longer hours to burn off calories. If you skip breakfast, on the other hand, your body will try to conserve more energy by slowing down metabolism.

You will also find that having breakfast will spare you from hunger pangs later in the day; this will allow you to be more careful or discriminating on your food choices which means you will have a lesser tendency to binge on food.

Walk By The Minutes, Not Distance

Usually, fitness experts suggest that thirty minutes of walking is enough exercise for most people. In reality, spending this amount of time walking is only good if you want to maintain your present weight. If you really want to lose weight, you need to do more than the usual thirty minutes. Adding fifteen minutes more to this exercise regimen, making it forty-five minutes, will allow you to burn more calories; that is an additional 300 calories, which can translate to about thirty pounds in one year.

Use Smaller Plates

This is one of the best ways to trick your appetite. You see, scientists have found out that a person tends to eat more when a bigger quantity of food is served, while lesser food on the table would mean lesser food intake. Using this data, you can cheat your appetite by serving food on smaller plates. This way, your plate will always look as if it is filled to the brim, but the actual amount of food in front of you is less than you imagine.

Take Your Time When You're Eating

It takes time for a train to travel from Station A to Station B. In the same manner, the distance between your brain and your stomach will require several minutes before your whole system will realize that you are already full and that you do not need food anymore. Studies have shown that it takes about 20 minutes before the brain will realize that you are indeed stuffed. By eating slowly, you allow your brain to catch up with your body signals which makes you feel satiated.

Indeed, doing the usual weight loss plans may not work for you. Nonetheless, instead of making excuses, you should let your creative juices flow. Losing weight demands a high level of creativity, so you should never leave your weight loss plans at the mercy of fortuitous events. You can boost your efforts by using products like Zylorin. Click on http://www.zylorin.com/ for more details about this supplement.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com

How To Eliminate Belly Fat Starting Today

As we all know belly fat is really bad for you. It has been linked to conditions such as diabetes. It can also increase your odds of heart disease. So it is really important to get rid of this horrid fat as it will only reduce your quality of life over time. There is no time like the present so you need to get moving.

Exercise alone I am afraid to say will not get rid of visceral fat. With that said exercise is a key component in the war on fat. Another key component is diet and you want to avoid foods that will add to the problem such as foods that are high in saturated fat.

The key to success is to burn more energy than you ingest. As a result the combination of exercise and diet combined will prove to be the most effective. Like anything else in life variety is the spice that will improve your well being.

Eating the same stuff and doing the same exercises day and day out will not get the results you desire. As a consequence you need to mix things up and at the same time you need to somewhat enjoy what you are doing as this will help you maintain motivation.

As for supplements they definitely can help to get things underway but remember they should never substitute diet and exercise. If you want to keep eating pizza while watching TV popping pills then I think your smart enough to know that all you are doing is avoiding the issue and your health overall will not improve.

So use some common sense and apply the basics and soon enough you will have that flat tummy.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

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