Lose Fat

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

Losing weight can sometimes be a very difficult task, requiring a large amount of energy and a lot of motivation. Knowing how to calculate weight loss percentage can really be a morale booster for your rough times because your actual results can only encourage you to perform more of the taken actions - like jogging, dieting or others.

It can also help you stay on track and not exaggerate with anything, as we do know that anything done in excess can harm your body. It can help you set goals and achieve them step by step.

But how do we calculate weight loss percentage? Is it a difficult math task? No way! It's a pretty basic formula. First of all you'll need to remember your initial weight.
Secondly, you'll need your actual weight at this point.
Now, the formula goes like this:

((IW-AW)/IW) * 100= weight loss percentage

In this formula IW is your initial weight and AW is your actual weight at this point.
It's not as complicated as it initially seems: practically all you do is subtract the actual weight from the initial weight and divide the number obtained by your initial weight. Multiply the result with 100 and you'll get the exact percent.

Now you can see that it's pretty basic - but opening a lot of possibilities. For example, you can measure your weight once a week and create an Excel table which instantly calculates the weight loss percentage for you. This can really help you keep track of your progress and can be a real motivation booster as I previously mentioned.

With this you can also create a weight loss percentage graphic - actually drawing your progress at certain points.

Well, if you fully understood how this works, you can conclude that now you know how to calculate weight loss percentage. If not, try to re-read the article more carefully.

You can get more details and download the 1000 Atkins diet recipes ebook for free! You will also discover the top 3 internet weight loss programs plus read other 3 free weight loss articles at my website. Just visit it now!

How To Lose Weight Without Drugs - 5 Surefire Tips

Discover 5 ways on how to loose weight safely by following these steps you can do now to change your lifestyle without using any expensive drugs or fat loss pills. Get this right and you will lose the stubborn belly fat and shape up for life.

1. Aside from low intensive cardio, it's also a good idea to throw in some high intensive interval training. This basically involves performing short bursts of intensive activity. Although it will not burn as much fat as low intensive cardio during the exercise itself, it will skyrocket your metabolism long after a workout.

2. Don't be obsessed with the scale. Start with some exercise and slowly ramp it up, cut a few calories, and pull out the tape measure once a month to check on your progress.

3. Plan you meals - plan in advance, and plan to have 4 to 6 healthy mini meals a day. Therefore plan your meals for the week, then shop for the weeks grocery - and cook 2 to 3 days in advance. It's all about preparation and getting your healthy meals set. Do it this way, and you will stay away from the unhealthier options of junk food and fast foods.

4. Reduce the amount of fat you eat lowers the energy density of your diet. Use lower fat cooking methods, such as grilling instead of frying. Try non fat flavoring ingredients such as onions, garlic, lemon zest, herbs and spices. But remember, you need a certain amount of 'good' fats - the unsaturated kinds found in fish, nuts, seeds and their oils.

5. The hidden key to losing all that body fat around your waist is to get rid of one key ingredient - sugar. Plain old sugar is the leading cause of abdominal fat. Your belly fat is the result of blood sugar spikes and insulin sensitivity reactions that inevitably cause sugar to be stored as body fat after it is digested. So ct out the sugar as much as possible.

For More Fat Blasting Tips on How to Lose Weight And Keep It Off Using No Pills or Drugs, Visit http://losebodyfat101.info For An Instant Download to a FREE Report On The "Training And Nutrition Insider Secrets For a Lean Body" - And Discover How to Shed 9 Lbs Every 11 Days With Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet.

How To Lose 1 Stone In A Month

If your goal is to lose 14 pounds in one month you are likely to succeed if you are determined. There are several traps to avoid, for instance if you go on a low-calorie diet you will start to crave for calories and the same applies if you try the low carb diet.

The argument stated above is the biggest reason why 95% of all dieters fail. Once you have failed at a diet you get less confident in that you have what it takes. Let me tell you, We all have what it takes.

Another reason is that most diets will make you tired and angry and this makes people quit because they just can't stand it. I remember once when I hissed at a poor lady in the local grocery shop. I took this as a receipt that the diet was working. Tormenting yourself must lead to something good, boy was I wrong!

A good friend of mine lost several pounds in no time and I couldn't figure out how she did it, she wasn't irritated or nothing. I figured that she must be a great dieter that knows how to cope with all the anger and so on. One day we sat at the same table in the cafeteria and I saw her eating loads of chicken. After a little small-talk she said that she was on a diet. Imagine my surprise after looking at her plate.

She had found a diet that everybody used. It was built around the simple motto 'Food Is Not Your Enemy'. This diet was easy to follow and she got all of the energy she needed, hence her good mood. The diet is called calorie shifting and is based on the food you eat and how it affects the metabolism. She had lost over 16 pounds in less than a month so the diet obviously worked.

She said that she had tried almost every diet possible. She had tried weight watchers, Jenny Craig and so on. Those diets cost a fortune and they give result but not as fast as she wanted it too. So after a little research she stumbled upon the calorie shifting diet from fat loss for idiots.

We met a couple of nights later and she helped me generate a menu for me. I also learned a lot of important stuff about weight loss and what made me gain weight. We had a very fun evening drink a couple of glasses of wine. And yes, you are allowed to drink wine during this diet.

This roughly happened a year ago and my new friend has lost over 60 pounds with this diet and I've lost almost 40 pounds!

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

How Hoodia P57 Can Help You To Lose Weight!

Many people are overweight and spend much time searching for a natural way to lose weight. People are after a product that will be effective in helping with their weight loss and one that will have no negative side effects. Hoodia P57 is one such product that will give you both of these benefits.

If you have heard of Hoodia but haven't heard of P57 then here is a quick explanation of what the P57 is. Basically it is the molecule that is in the Hoodia plant that is responsible for the appetite suppressing effect.

Hoodia has been used for thousands of years by the Bushmen of South Africa to suppress their appetite when they went on long hunting trips. Due to its appetite suppressing benefits it was found that it was very effective in assisting with weight loss.

When it was discovered that this plant could assist with weight loss and didn't appear to have any negative side effects then scientific testing began on the plant. This molecule was found to be the component of the plant that gave the benefit and it was named P57.

This molecule works by sending a message to the brain to tell it that you are full and hence suppressing the appetite. Then you will eat less and you will quite easily lose weight.

Scientific trials took place on using the Hoodia plant for weight loss and the plant was found to be very effective and to have no side effects and is therefore completely safe to use.

So if you want to lose weight by using a 100% completely natural product with no side effects then Hoodia P57 is just what you are looking for.

Click Here to read an article called 'Is Hoodia Gordonii Plus Real Or Is It Just One Big Scam!

Sheryl Polomka is the owner of http://www.hoodiagordonii-plus.net so please visit our website or our blog at http://www.hoodiagordonii-plus.net/blog and start living the life that you have been dreaming of.

Remember Hoodia is 100% natural and completely safe and is an extremely effective way to lose weight.