Lose Fat

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to Burn Fat - In 4 Simple Ways

In order to burn fast and get slim within days you need to stick to a regular routine and exercise plan for burning fat fast. Burning fat fast basically involves an all round system which you must follow in order to get the maximum benefits. Read on to discover some of the most effective ways on how to burn fat fast and achieve maximum weight loss in shortest time.

Do more cardio- Cardio is known to be the best for burning fat fast and it's also known to help boost your body metabolism. Stick to a daily cardio routine in order to burn maximum fat within minimum period of time.

Get fiber in your diet- Fiber is known to be one of the most effective foods in order to burn fat fast. Fiber basically makes you feel full therefore when you are hungry you can stuff yourself up with foods full of fiber thereby avoiding the wrong foods in order to burn fat. Another great advantage of fiber is that it helps your body to flush out cholesterol which further adds to your fat burn.

More water- You don't have to wait until you are thirsty. Water is known to be the best in order to burn fat and flush out body toxins. Not only this water also helps boost up your body metabolism thereby further adding to your fat loss and burning fat in your body. Always make it a point to drink as much water as possible each day and try to add a glass extra as you go along each day.

Have micro meals- Instead of sticking to 3 heavy meals a day try to cut them into 8 small meals a day for burning fat effectively in your body. Having small meals gives you body time to digest food and further adds to your fat burning process.

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Weight Loss - Mental Preparation

There are so many information on how to lose weight easily and quickly. You have to be very careful which source information you should trust, because 80% of people don't want to help you at all. In this article I will go through the weight loss mental preparation which is required for every successful weight loss program.

If you are a person, who wants to lose weight you should first of all start from a goal. Every person who wants to achieve something should start from a specific goal, where he will describe what results he wants to achieve and how long will it take. In your case its weight loss and you should make yourself a goal, which would sound like "By the 23rd of June I will weigh seventy kilograms". Once you will set yourself a goal, you will lose the wanted amount of weight more easily, because you will how many kilograms you have to lose in a certain amount of time.

I personally think that this is the foundation of everything and once you have set yourself a goal you can move on. The second tip is to burn way more calories than you consume. If everyone could do this properly, everyone would have a perfect body, but the reality is that we can't burn more than we consume so successful weight loss experts try find their "perfect contrast" between how many calories they consume and how many calories they burn. Remember that effective weight loss workout starts from a goal and a plan.

In my opinion, person who has good mindset for weight loss, will lose weight quicker than a person who only goes to gym and does nothing more about his weight.

This is what I think about weight loss mental preparation. Readers don't have to agree with me, but I personally think this is the beginning of every successful weight loss program.

You like my articles? You want to find out how you can get rid of that fat belly? For more cutting edge weight loss information visit http://www.getridoffatnow.com

Weight Loss Through Lifestyle Changes

Healthy weight loss is about lifestyle changes, not fad diets or programs. Long term weight control should be realistic goals, healthy eating and regular exercise.

Believe it or not, implementing certain lifestyle changes allows you to lose weight naturally without obsessing about your weight. The steps necessary to successful weight loss are quite simple.

1) Establish a realistic goal. If you are relatively healthy you can probably do this yourself. If however, your have health problems or are obese it's wise to consult your physician.

2) Change your diet. This is not the same as dieting. This is a lifestyle change that you should, with intelligent modifications, continue for the rest of your life.

Such changes as eliminating processed food, artificial sweeteners and soft drinks would be a great start. Eating whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruit are healthful and beneficial in more than one way. The first is you'll lose weight effortlessly. The second and just as important, is improved health.

3) Don't eat before bed. Eating before bed is a terrible habit and make weight loss practically impossible. The gain to not eating before bed is increased energy and clarity of mind.

4) Walk! You can accomplish more through an implemented walking program than just about anything else. It's not limited to age and it's low impact.

5) Change your environment. Get the junk food out of your house. When you want to have a treat, go out and have a good time.

6) Many of these lists that provide tips advocate watch your portions. What nonsense. That's how you become hungry. My thought is eat as much good quality food as you wish but chew extremely well. By chewing well (until your food becomes liquid) you'll become satisfied much sooner and improve your digestion at the same time.

7) Another tip that I see all the time is to drink plenty of water. I don't buy it. Contrary to what many believe we are not plumbing systems that have to be flushed with lots of water. While it's true that too little water is dangerous it's also true that too much water is harmful.

The single most important step is to make up your mind, to focus and take action. While it may seem a little odd, you're goal is not to lose weight. Your goal is to establish your ideal weight and to implement these lifestyle changes. If you do that the weight loss will happen all by itself, when you're not looking and effortlessly.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/losing_weight/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

What Diets Work?

That's the question we're going to answer! First off all I would like to congratulate you for coming here! So many people fall prey to diet scams and listen to every new fad that comes out (DAILY!). Did you know that 90% of all popular diets fail? In fact many of them cause health problems at the same time. It's time to break this endless cycle. That's why you're here, and I won't disappoint you. Let's get started!

What Diets work? The Diet's that work are the ones which don't have negative side effects, the ones that help you lose weight and KEEP it off and the ones which also improve your well being. So which diets do this?

Diet #1: Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar and Eating Flaxseeds daily. Both of these products help improve your digestive system and slowly cause weight loss to happen. You can expect to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Both can be found in your local health food store.

Diet #2: Walking 30 minutes a day. No matter who you are I think it is possible to find at least 30 minutes a day to walk! Doing this on a daily basis helps increase and drill your metabolism. You will see results in 3-4 weeks.

Diet #3: Eat virgin coconut oil. You can find these in your local health food store. Whenever you fry something, just use this oil instead of other cooking oils. Coconut oil is rich in healthy nutrients that help restore the body's function. If the body's functions are restored, then weight loss will follow as will increased energy and overall a healthier you. Coconut oil is very tasty and I highly recommend this one! If you want to lose weight with it you can expect to see results in 3 1/2- 4 weeks.

Diet #4: Seaweed. You can also buy these in your local health food store. They are known as "KELP". Seaweed feeds of the 7 rays of the sun and salt water full of vitamins and nutrients and concentrates them into itself. So when you eat it you're getting all these vitamins and minerals in you! So your body can regenerate and cause weight loss. Weight loss can be seen within 3 weeks + restored energy.

Diet #5: Calorie Shifting. This is the FASTEST and easiest of all these diets to complete because you don't have to do anything special. No exercise and no buying special products! You can even keep eating your favorite foods. Calorie shifting is a technique that enhances your metabolism and fat burning system. You can lose up to 10 pounds or more in less than 2 weeks.

Here is a valuable article about calorie shifting I recommend you read: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days. It explains calorie shifting.

You will understand how calorie shifting works and why it's so effective. So again what diets work? The answer is these 5. But in terms of fastest and most effective, calorie shifting takes the cake! (I didn't mean to say cake!)

Realistic Weight Loss - Goals, Journey and Success!

Obviously Jean-Claude van Damme did not go to bed one night, struggling with love handles and belly fat, and woke up the next morning as a hunk of cheese! He had to maintain a proper training schedule and eating habits. Fact: you cannot continue your usual eating habits as a couch potato AND lose weight by popping diet pills! The media would like the general public to believe this propaganda, in order to sell more product.

The first step to successful and continuous weight loss is to set for yourself attainable goals. Consider this: it's more realistic to want to lose an average of 5 to 10 pounds a month, compared to wanting to lose 5 pounds a week. On the other hand be wearisome of mediocrity in setting very easy goals - you are only cheating yourself.

The second step is to have a good friend as companion during your weight loss journey, someone who is preferably not already, or close to goal weight. That way you can follow each other's progress and also act as conscience for the other person. Challenge each other to eat 6 smaller meals spaced out during the day, exercise preferably before breakfast to kickstart your metabolism, and drink plenty of ice-cold water during the day to always have something in your stomach and keep your metabolic rate up. Always include one breakout day during each week where you can eat practically anything ... the emphasis being on 'you can', not meaning you have to indulge in buffet - eat as much as you like - kind of eating sprees. Reward yourself with a decent meal with dessert, but do not supersize your portions to 'make up for lost time!' You will only be fooling yourself.

Finally, you should be reaping your rewards of success as you continue to eat properly and exercise regularly. You can easily implement Natural Weight Loss into your life if you set attainable goals. E.g. how much excess weight would I like to lose this month?

Francisco Lakay is the author of the exciting site Natural Weight Loss, where you will find free information to enhance your weight loss naturally! Previously struggling with being overweight, he can profess that these free weight loss tips definitely aided his loss of stomach fat and love handles.

Put The Snack Down And Step Away From The Freezer!

Life is certainly not easy, anything that you want is difficult and things you do not want are sometimes damn near impossible. It is so easy to gain excess weight, and it is pretty enjoyable doing it! It is a pain to get rid of the extra weight though, and it is a truly horrible experience.

If you think about it, putting on weight is easy and enjoyable. You just eat more and more, but it is pleasurable! Dieting however is always a nightmare.

Recent studies have shown that our bodies do not react to dieting in the way that we thought it would. Your body will start to learn about any regular dieting patterns, and will prepare itself for these lean periods.

Another problem with our modern lifestyle is the convenience of fast food. Almost everyone these days is rushed off their feet, they just do not have enough time to work, look after the kids and to eat properly. This just makes fast food so much more of a tempting idea than cooking.

Treats can also be really damaging to your waistline. Snacks contain lots of calories and little to no nutritional value. The only really healthy snack food is fruit, and then you should only eat them at meal times.

You can kick the habit if you really want to, you just need to work hard enough. Once you have broken the habit you probably would not miss whatever it is you have just given up anyway!

Fightfat.info offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.

Tips For Fast Weight Loss - The 3 Most Powerful Ways To Lose Weight

Three of the best ways to lose weight are through walking, running, and yoga. Walking is great in itself, and I highly recommend you do it wherever you can. Let's go through the two other methods: running and yoga...

A Note on Running:

One major reason most people don't like running is because they're doing it too fast. Slow down, don't get out of breath and you'll realize how fantastic it really is. Running in a fat-burning zone should be just as easy as walking. You should not be out of breath and you should also be able to carry on a conversation.

If your knees are shot and you have other assorted aches and pains, don't run. Just go slowly. Walking is the most efficient exercise out there. Even if you've never exercised before in your life, you know how to do it properly.

A Note on Yoga

Yoga is fantastic because it strengthens, stretches, and burns fat all at the same time. It is an extremely efficient practice for the busy person. It's cheap to do also. Get a $10 mat, a $25 video and you're ready to go.

Let me be frank, if you give me the excuse that you still won't be able to find the time to do it, you need to go back and do a better job of assessing your goals. If you're still thinking that way, your goals are not strong enough.

By chance if you do happen to go out and do one, two or all of these activities and continue to not like them, then do something else. Play soccer, basketball, go rowing, rent a kayak or just keep trying other things until you find something you absolutely enjoy. You are meant to move. Your body naturally agrees with motion. You will find something. Do something-take action-and then decide what works for you.

By now, you should be motivated to get moving. So now it's time for you to actually do something. (if you haven't already!). These activities are so easy that it pains me to tell you that they are really all you need to do to get into shape!

You probably already know that you don't need to do anything dramatic to lose weight, but do you really believe that this is all it takes? I bet you don't. I didn't for years! Here are a few ideas you can use to start up and take action:

  • Go out for some exercise right now
  • Find a local walking, running or hiking club and mark the meeting time in your calendar
  • Visit a local yoga studio
  • Get a new pair of shoes at the local running/walking store
  • Call a friend to see if they want to join you for a walk, run or yoga class.
  • Find a local basketball, tennis, soccer, etc. club.
  • If you don't have time for that walk... do a one minute stretch routine right now. (Touch your toes, roll your neck, and then stand up and twist at your hips)

Ruck Stewart is a professional weight loss trainer with decades of experience. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Guide To Weight Loss.

Dieting 101 - Being Flexibile is Key

Lose the Rules: You Must be Flexible

Why is it that when you decide to get in better shape or lose a few pounds, life suddenly throws you a curve? Fact is there are constantly invitations to over indulge so you must decide in advance how you want to handle them.

  1. Make a Plan
  2. Implement Your Plan
  3. Review Your Plan and Adjust if Necessary
  4. Rinse, Repeat

Have a Planning Session First

You've decided to get back in shape; now you must have a planning session with yourself about what might change, how you might go about following through, and most importantly whether you believe you can and will follow through (are you serious or are you kidding yourself?).

To get a good plan, write it out. Include when, where, what time of day. Imagine yourself following through and see whether there are any obstacles? Will you get up earlier or sleep in? Will your partner complain you're never home? Will work interfere? Think it through. When you spot a potential obstacle you can find a way over, under or around it, or you can change your plan. Once you have a plan, implement it for one week, then at the end of the week, look back and decide whether you should alter your plan or follow through with it for another week. This way you are able to modify your plan as needed, but still have a plan.

Here's a Sample Plan: Watch What Happened:

My plan is a regular workout schedule (four days a week at home or at the gym), drinking less alcohol (special occasions and weekends instead of every night), and tightening up "weekend eating" from the current Thursday evening through Sunday to only Saturday and Sunday.

Reflection: What would this accomplish? I'd be eating a bit less (reining in the indulgence from three days a week to two), and exercising consistently (consistency is key), and drinking less alcohol saves a lot of calories (plus alcohol can cause more poor decisions, especially if inebriated).

Make your plan, then follow through and track what happens.

Here's how this plan worked in a typical first week:

Monday: All is well, worked out and ate as planned. Good day.

Tuesday: Worked out and ate as planned. Good day. So far this is easy.

Tuesday evening sister invites me over Thursday evening for home party, "I'll have something there to eat," she adds. I'm about to say, "That's okay, I won't want anything anyway," but thought better of it. (Telling someone you don't want what they're serving because you're trying to get healthy is a surefire way to be attacked with a full-frontal assault on why that is ridiculous and, "Just this once won't hurt." Who needs that? Stay quiet instead).

Wednesday: Ate fine and worked out according to plan. Very good, hump day and all. (Notice it has all been pretty easy up until now.

First obstacle: Wednesday evening another sister calls saying Friday night we're celebrating family birthdays at a Thai restaurant. I'm to bring blackberry cheesecake, mom is bringing blackberry pie.

Taking stock of the rest of this week and it's not pretty: Thursday evening workout won't happen because I need to be baking and said I'd go to my sister's (evening workouts are often waylaid); Friday evening eating is dicey due to birthday dinner at restaurant. To top it off Easter is Sunday so most of Saturday I'll be shopping and baking. I already decided to make a cake and scalloped potatoes. This is turning out to be a lousy week for my new getting in shape plan.

But, all is not lost. This is a typical week in a typical life. You must be flexible if you expect to lose weight and keep it off. You're always going to be confronted with the unexpected occasions, birthdays, parties, special events where they'll have all the yummy goodies you just can't resist. Keep reading to see what a successful dieter does next.

Thursday, ate well. Had dinner already so didn't snack at sister's Thursday event (she had chips and a vegi tray and I wasn't hungry so easy to pass up). Too busy with baking to exercise (I anticipated this so I'm not upset). Evening workouts are so often missed I'm already working on a new plan to fit in earlier workouts.

Friday: Ate great, dinner was wonderful. Had a "splurge" glass of wine with dinner at the restaurant (tasted pretty darn good too, but didn't leave me wanting another). Ate plenty but not over-stuffed; knowing we had desserts coming. Enjoyed a full piece of blackberry pie and some cheesecake and it was great. I'm fine and right on target.

Saturday: Ate well, did my exercise as planned. Shopped for groceries for Easter dinner and suddenly decided to make homemade peanut butter cup easter eggs; how's that for a healthy eating plan? Now I'm a candy maker! I enjoy candy, so sue me.

Easter Sunday: Big family dinner, potluck style. Nothing is better than good homemade food, especially when you're learning to eat better and make better choices. I ate what I wanted and felt great, satisfied, content. Did not overstuff, didn't feel the need to. You can take a bit small amount, eat it slowly, taste it, check out the texture, and really make an effort to enjoy the buffet style dinner. There's no need to stuff yourself. It's not the last time I'll ever eat. Easter eggs turned out great. I left plenty behind and took the rest to my office on Monday. I didn't actually eat but one of the homemade candies; they were good, but I didn't feel the need to eat more.

I love to bake for special events as I get to eat the goodies, but I ditch the leftovers. A piece or two of cake every so often is not a problem, but half a cake on the counter, or sweets and desserts every day for a week is a recipe for the beginning of poor eating habits.

Sunday evening (remember I had the big Easter dinner earlier) I started feeling somewhat hungry, but it was late, so I ate the leftover desserts I'd brought home for my dinner. This time it was "eat dessert first," as grandpa used to say. You make a choice, sometimes you'll overeat, and sometimes you won't and it's okay. The trick whether losing weight or maintaining weight loss is to change the equation from usually overeating and indulging and watching what I eat once in awhile, to eating well most of the time and indulging once in awhile.

Sunday Evening Reflection: Look Back at Week 1:

Lots of sweets, plenty to eat. I stuck to my overall plan for the week. I drank far less (from a couple glasses of wine a night down to just a couple for the entire week). I ate plenty of the good foods I wanted, but didn't feel the need to stuff myself, nor did I ever feel deprived. I didn't have the, "I better eat now because I'm starting a diet on Monday" mentality. Every meal stands alone, so if you overeat at lunch that doesn't mean the rest of the day is blown (why pre-blow it?).

Overall I exercised and ate according to plan Monday through Thursday then lots of unexpected events started to occur that could have been big roadblocks but weren't.

Week in Review: Did it Work? Does it Need to be Modified?

Was this week a success? You bet. Despite eating dinner out on Friday, having two desserts, and enjoying a potlock Easter dinner on Sunday. It's not any of these things individually but having them every day, or never exercising regularly. You don't have to be a fanatic, but with consistent effort and a good plan, you can and will win your weight loss race.

Kathryn Martyn Smith, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, Author, Speaker, Weight Loss Coach, and owner of OneMoreBite-WeightLoss.com brings a fresh approach to losing weight and gaining health. Her book "Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss" gives an introduction to EFT and NLP both simple methods you can learn and use to get past your obstacles and onto successful weight loss.

Learn the One More Bite approach with The Daily Bites: EFT for Weight Loss by Example. Get The Daily Bites http://www.onemorebite-weightloss.com/getnews.html and visit OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com

What Makes Mediterranean Diet Recipes Unique?

The Mediterranean Diet is a healthy way of eating that was adopted by people who wanted to mimic the basic elements of the way that people in the Mediterranean countries eat. It follows the dietary patterns in such countries as Greece and Italy. But it is more than a diet. The Mediterranean Diet is a nutritional model.

So what is included in this diet? The most basic of Mediterranean diet recipes include things grown naturally from the earth: Fruits and vegetables, rice, cereals, and bread make up the basic components. Wheat is a staple in the Mediterranean Diet, as grain is imperative in any healthy diet. In this nutritional model, red wine and olive oil are also important staples. Different kinds of fish are as well.

Although this diet was introduced in the mid 1940s, it was not until the early 1990s that it really became noticed and began to pick up any speed. This is because people who live in that area of the world have been known to have significantly lower cholesterol levels. People who eat according to the various Mediterranean diet recipes also love it due to the fact that it has been rumored to have some cancer-fighting properties as well.

Is the Mediterranean Diet right for you? Is it time for you to jump on the bandwagon? Whether or not it's the right choice for you remains to be seen. It is, after all, just another way of eating. But there is certainly no denying that it is a much healthier way of eating. You can find green vegetables, calcium, and other important minerals and vitamins in the foods used in the preparation of many your more basic Mediterranean diet recipes.

If you are interested in a new way of eating, check out some of the ideas and Mediterranean diet recipes that are out there.

Get a Mediterranean body! Visit Mediterranean Diet Recipes.net for all the Mediterranean Diet resources, recipes and diet advice you will ever need.

Walking Gear - Shoes and Clothing

Walking Shoes

Shoes are the most important piece of equipment for a walker. Walking shoes can make the difference between having a fun, relaxing walk or an uncomfortable, painful walk. Find walking shoes with the following characteristics:

  • Shoes that provide support and comfort to all parts of your foot.
  • Shoes that have enough toe room so you can wiggle your toes.
  • Shoes that offer firm support at the heel.
  • Shoes that have a flexible cushioned sole to assist with your walking gait and shock absorption.
  • Shoes made of breathable material, or fabric that allows perspiration to dissipate.
  • Shoes should be lightweight.

There are many shoes at various prices ranges designed for walking. A running shoe or a tennis shoe is fine for a walking program as long as the shoe is comfortable and has the characteristics aforementioned.

Walking Equipment

It is best to wear loose fitting clothes, such as shorts made of natural material with a tee shirt, or a warm-up suit. Avoid rubberized clothing. Following are clothing guidelines to follow for your walking program:

  • Dress warmly in cold weather - Wear layers to trap the heat, yet allow you to remove layers if it gets warmer. As a guideline, wear one less layer than you would if you were outside in the cold weather and not walking. Remember to wear a hat since approximately 30 percent of your body heat is lost through your head.
  • Dress less in warm weather - In warm weather, less is more. Wear light clothing. Wear a hat to block the sun.
  • Dress for rain or snow - A water and windproof jacket makes a great addition to your walking wardrobe for rain or snow.

Walking Gear

Although there is no need to spend a lot of money on walking gear, there are items that will make your program easier, safer and more fun, such as a pedometer and reflective products and lights.

  • Pedometer - A pedometer is a great way to enhance your program. It allows you to track the number of steps taken, how far you've walked, and how long you've been walking for. A pedometer also allows you to track your progress against the goals you have set for yourself.
  • Reflective products and lights - Reflective products are a must-have if you walk in the morning, early evening or at night. Consider purchasing a reflective vest and reflective bands. A flashlight or strobe light will also help you be seen at night.

Make your walking program a success with comfortable walking shoes and clothing, a pedometer for tracking your progress, and reflective products for safety.

Hilary Basile is a writer for MyGuidesUSA.com. At MyGuidesUSA.com (http://www.myguidesusa.com), you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life's major events. Whether you're planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you'll find answers to your questions at MyGuidesUSA.com.

Find tips and resources on exercise and fitness programs, exercising with health conditions, children's fitness, and more at http://fitnessandexercise.myguidesusa.com

10 Tips on Losing Weight Fast

Before jumping into a diet, you must determine your ideal weight. This will be your guide on your weight loss journey. Fast weight loss doesnt imply that you drop 50 pounds overnight; a few pounds can take months to shed and for obese individuals, it can take years to lose the desired amount of weight. How fast you lose weight will depend on how focused you are on your diet.

Here are some simple steps to help you lose weight:

1. Before dieting, you must know how many calories you normally need in a day. If you are sedentary, multiply your weight (in pounds) by fifteen. If you are moderately active, multiply your weight by seventeen; if you are active, multiply your weight by twenty. This will give you the average calorie intake you need per day.

2. Remember to eat your fruits and veggies! You need at least five servings of them per day doing this will put you on the right track to a healthy body, because fruits and vegetables have beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They also fill up your stomach fast so that you dont overeat and take into many calories.

3. Monitor the quantity of food you eat. Avoid high-calorie foods and eat in small portions. A helpful tip is to chew your food slowly because this makes digestion easy on your body and you will also be less likely to overeat.

4. Dont skip meals. When you want to lose weight it may be tempting to starve yourself but eating small amounts of food frequently can help you maintain a healthy, balanced calorie intake throughout the day. Also, your blood sugar level will be adversely affected if you dont eat often. You can even divide the standard allotment of three meals into five or six smaller meals.

5. Fresh fruits and vegetables are ideal packaged and processed foods have high sodium and fat content. You are more likely to lose weight if you eat naturally fresh foods.

6. Dont limit your food intake too much. Go ahead and indulge yourself; eat your favorite treat. Its okay to have that slice of birthday cake at the occasional party. Just make sure to eat in moderation and use those special desserts as rewards, instead of enemies, to your weight loss experience.

7. Dont always believe everything you read on a food label. Fat free does not necessarily mean low calories. The same wisdom goes for foods that boast low sugar or low carbs. Glance over the nutrition label there youll find the calorie count.

8. Try to limit the number of juices and sugary beverages you drink. Instead, drink eight glasses water a day this flushes out your bodys toxins and waste.

9. If possible, keep a food journal. This will help you keep track of your calorie intake and will be a daily reminder of the types of foods you need.

10. Dont forget to exercise! Thirty to sixty minutes of physical activity a day will ensure your health and help you lose weight (and not to mention, firm up those muscles). Weight-bearing exercises are especially great ways to burn those pesky calories.

Sign up for a free Natural Health newsletter where you'll find information about quick weight loss and tips on how to start a fast weight loss plan.

#1 Missing Factor in Weight Loss Programs

Trying to lose weight all on your own will never work.

It's that simple.

So here's what "social support" means, and how to get it.

Social support is probably one of the missing ingredients that people don't realize how important that is to achieve. Not only fitness goals, but really any goals in life. For example, to achieve your business goals you have to have support of other business minded people to help you.

If you want to stop drinking you've got to hang around people that don't drink. In this day and age, our social groups are a lot different now. There's a lot more internet based, for better or for worse, but the positive power of these internet based groups can be huge, especially now as they get more specific.

Going on the internet can help. If you use the Turbulence Training member forums, you'll get the best help. There are forums specific for moms that are trying to lose body fat.

So, we're able to get more specific now and that way you don't have to go through a lot of various stuff to get to the specific stuff. You just go right to the specific stuff that's helping you with your specific problem. So there's all sorts of good stuff out there on the internet so hopefully people will be able to find it. But these networking sites and forums and that type of stuff are very, very helpful.

Social support means getting at least one person, and preferably a lot more people, to encourage you, check up on you, motivate you, keep you in line, and keep you on track. You need to be accountable to these people. You need to state your goals to these people.

By doing this, you will have a greater chance of success. You can also workout with someone to get the maximum benefits of social support.

Scientists know that partnering up with a friend will help you lose fat.

So stick with winners. Partner up with someone to get help and get their success to rub off on you.

You sometimes need to pay someone for the right social support. Research shows that being accountable to an authoritative figure also increases your chance for success.

And finally, although there isn't a research study to support me, I know that hanging around the right people will help you lose fat, while spending time with the wrong people will stop you from reaching your goals.

For example, if you continue to hang around beer-drinking, wing-eating friends 4 days of the week, expect to have a beer drinker's body.

Now, I'm not saying you can't have one special night out per week, but I am saying keep it to one night out, and limit the beer and wing intake.

Sacrifices have to be made, but it is a lot easier to make them when you have a social support team that is there helping you choose the right foods and do the right workouts.

Turbulence Training gives you the best fat burning workouts Get your free report on cardio from TurbulenceTraining.com

Does Winning at Weight Loss Seem as Likely as Winning the Lottery?

Many people would like to lose weight and may even feel they NEED to lose weight but if you ask them if they believe it will happen they come back with a half-hearted, "I hope so."

Hoping and believing are too different things. Hope is more closely related to a wish than reality. If you hope to lose weight yet believe you have about as much chance of accomplishing it as you do winning the lottery then you need to put down your dieting book and put on your thinking cap because the solution to your weight loss problem will not be found in any diet plan or exercise program; your solution will come from inside when you learn how to shift the way you are thinking.

Your thoughts and beliefs about losing weight are an important part of something called your Weight Mindset. Your Weight Mindset is a major predictor of your weight loss success or failure because you are always acting in congruence with it.

Therefore, if you have a mindset that says losing weight is hard and managing the weight loss is even harder, that is what you will get-a life of struggling to control your weight. If, however, you have a mindset that losing weight is doable and that you can have a happy, healthy body, then you will allow yourself to lose weight and maintain that weight loss.

Diet and exercise are necessary elements of losing weight but when used alone they only boast a dismal 5% success rate. However, the success rate soars when these two components are combined with a proper Weight Mindset.

Fortunately creating a beneficial Weight Mindset is available to everyone and it is free, all it will cost you is a bit of your time. Start by becoming aware of the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are holding you back. Begin to listen to your internal conversations. What are you telling yourself about weight loss, dieting and exercise? If you notice that your thoughts about these things are negative stop them and give them a positive spin. For example, if you find yourself saying, "I'm too old to exercise." Turn this around by telling yourself, "Exercise reverses the aging process."

Your current mindset has been in place for a long time and you have spend many years finding evidence to support it so be patient with yourself as you create a new one. This will take time but in the long run it will save you the frustration of yo-yo dieting and allow you to lose weight without losing your love affair with food.

If you have tried diet and exercise but have had difficulty sticking with your plan then you will benefit from my FREE e-report Think and Grow Thin! Get your free copy of Think and Grow Thin! by clicking on http://www.weightlosswithoutworry.com/book.php

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is the founder of Weight Loss without Worry a website helping you lose weight without losing your love affair with food.

Building A Weight Loss Support Network

For many of us the weight loss journey is a hard and lonely one.

While some of us can achieve successful weight loss alone, many more need a support network to help us lose weight and keep it off.

This article describes what a weight loss support network is, how it can help, which people make valuable members of one and how to develop one of our own to help us stay motivated and achieve a healthier body weight.

What is a weight loss support network?

Basically, a weight loss support network is a group of people we can share our weight loss goals, challenges, triumphs, thoughts, feelings and journey with, and who will provide support to us when we need it and help us in some way to achieve our goal.

Support networks can be formal, informal, expert, non-expert, online, offline, large or small, or any mix of these depending upon our individual circumstances and needs.

Online networks can be a great help to those of us with weight loss or fitness goals because for many of us losing weight is a daily battle and online support networks are available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The most effective weight loss support systems combine formal and informal elements, expert and non-expert members, are both online and offline, and provide support across as many areas as needed from the largest number of sources available.

How does a weight loss support network help people lose weight?

Weight loss support groups can help those of us with weight loss goals in many ways including:

  • Providing motivation
  • Providing encouragement
  • Helping us to stay accountable and on course
  • Providing us with guidance, advice and information
  • Listening to us when we're feeling down and doubtful
  • Providing friendship when we most need it
  • Helping us feel that we are part of a team and that we are not alone
  • Helping us to overcome our fears
  • Sharing and enjoying our experiences and successes

Which people should we have in our weight loss network?

Generally speaking, when we are putting together our own weight loss support network, we should be looking to recruit the help of people who:

  • Are trustworthy
  • Are reliable and dependable
  • Have expertise gained from experience
  • Are non-judgmental
  • Are, or have been, in a similar situation to us
  • Are positive, fun and enjoyable to be around
  • Don't give up easily
  • Will be honest with us
  • Will get tough with us if we need it
  • Will forgive our failures and encourage us to stick to it despite them
  • We feel comfortable sharing our feelings and thoughts with
  • We are confident can help us
  • Are as committed to a healthy lifestyle as we are
  • Genuinely care about our health and happiness and are happy to help

How to develop a weight loss network of our own

If we think we need or would like a network larger than just a few people, it may be a good idea to sit down and make a list of the areas in which we would like support. Then we can simply list under each area who we would like to recruit to our support team.

The areas of help we might consider listing may include things like:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Motivation
  • Goal Setting
  • Progress Tracking
  • Cooking
  • Weight loss information
  • Healthy Recipes
  • Role Models
  • Emotional Support
  • Sharing the journey

Under each of the headings chosen, we can then list people who can help us including both professionals and non-professionals.

Among the professional help available to us are doctors, dietitians, personal trainers, life coaches, weight loss specialists, gym instructors, psychologists, etc, and gaining help from these professionals is as simple as calling their office and making an appointment to see them.

Non-professional help can come from friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances, internet support groups and forums (such as the weightloss forum on weightloss.com.au), etc, and help can be gained from them usually just by talking to them about your goal, gauging their reaction (whether they seem supportive or not) and if necessary asking them if they would like to help or get involved in some way on our journey.

Generally, the most useful non-professional network members will be other people who share our weight loss or fitness related goals or have already successfully achieved similar goals.

It is these people who are more likely to form walking or exercise groups with us, share recipe ideas and cooking tips with us and listen to and encourage us when we are finding the going a little tough. They are also the most likely people to really enjoy sharing our experiences and successes.

Scott Haywood is the editor of Australia's leading weight loss and healthy lifestyle website weightloss.com.au. Weightloss.com.au is a free weight loss resource that has healthy recipes, weight loss product reviews, a weight loss business directory and a very popular weight loss forum.

Natural Fast Weight Loss

Obesity is quickly becoming an epidemic with 65% of Americans being overweight. Men and women alike have tried to various diets with some degree of success, only to gain it all back or more. With the increase of our body fat is the increase in health risk from diabetes, high cholesterol, to heart disease.

With obesity on the rise people are taken notice, along with health gurus with new diets or pharmaceutical companies with a new pill to aid in weight loss. Let's not forget all the infomercials with the latest exercise equipment either. None of these are needed. You just need 3 things for natural fast weight loss: change in the food you eat, cardio and exercise.

First of all, this isn't a diet. It is a lifestyle change. As said before, most diets tend to fail because, once you are off of the diet, you think you can go back to how you lived and everything will be ok. Wrong. Unless you change things in your life and maintain it, it will all creep back and the diet was nothing but a waste of time.

So getting started the best thing to do is keep a diary of you daily intake of food. By doing so, you will see everything you eat and how it all adds up. Second, when you shop for food, try to stick to the outside of the grocery. All the processed food is usually contained in the middle of the grocery and along the outside, you'll usually find fruits, vegetables and breads. Of course, you may have to venture in for spices and other things of the like. If you do buy any, be careful of the processed foods you buy. As they are processed, they tend to lose nutritional value.

When keeping a diary, keep track mainly of the calories. It doesn't matter how it is added up, 3500 calories equals one pound added to the body. The more you put in the more you need to burn off. Sure to eat less helps, but eventually the body will take over thinking it is being starved and stores more of your intake as fat to preserve itself. The correct way to do it is to slowly decrease your intake and find ways to burn extra calories throughout the day.

This is where cardio comes in. Yes, most people hate to do it but it is necessary to burn extra calories to lose the excess weight. There are many options here you can choose. Running, bike ride, aerobics or a treadmill just to name a few. If you can find something you like then cardio will be easier for you, but you will need to do something if you want to lose the excess weight.

Lastly is exercise, and no cardio is not exercise. Here you must be careful depending on how you wanna look when you wanna loose the weight. Most men wouldn't mind wanting to add a little more muscle to their frame, but not most women. Adding muscle isn't necessarily a bad thing. Yes, muscle weighs more than fat, but burns more fat by increasing the bodies metabolism rate. For those who don't mind some added muscle, you could always try some kind of weight training program. For those just looking to tone up their body you can go with weights but keep the weight low and your reps high. Or you can try various band or cable exercises.

When keeping weight loss in mind, it isn't always the scale that is your judge. The mirror is a better tale of your weight loss. Losing the weight is one thing but looking good when it is gone is another.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Home Fitness.

How Long Does It Take To Lose 20 Pounds

If you want to know how long will it take you to lose 20 pounds you need to ask yourself what you're willing to do in order to lose that much weight as fast as possible. This is very important because you can lose 20 pounds in as little as 2 weeks, though it's not the easiest thing in the world. If you go for 4 or 6 weeks, it's much easier. Keep reading to see how long it takes to lose 20 lbs. with several weight loss methods.

Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks:

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, your best bet is to use a detox diet. This is a liquid diet which is based on fruit juice. A detox diet flushes your body of useless, undigested deposits of fat, and also induces weight loss because it's a low calorie diet. You can definitely lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks with that kind of diet. However, don't use this diet for over 2-3 weeks because it loses it's effectiveness. A juice detox diet isn't easy to stick to because we're used to eating solid food each day, but it can get you fast results. I recommend the Master Cleanser diet.

Lose 20 Pounds in 20 Days or 3 weeks

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks, the best option is to pick a diet and fitness program which revolves around cardiovascular routines. Sticking to such a program for 45-60 minutes each day and eating a reduced carb diet can get you the results you want. It will take some determination for you to stick to such a regimen for 3 weeks, but you'll be much slimmer and fitter by the time you're done. I recommend a program called Turbulence Training because it's highly effective.

Lose 20 Pounds in 4 weeks or 1 Month

The minimum time frame which I mostly recommend in order to lose 20 pounds is 1 month, even though I've shown you how it can be done faster. In1 month you can lose 20 pounds by using a weight loss program which is based on Calorie Shifting. This is a weight loss method which allows you to lose weight fast by manipulating the types of calories that you eat thereby 'tricking' your metabolism to remain running high, so your body is like a fat burning furnace. A calorie shifting diet is easy to stick to because it's simple to use, you don't starve yourself, nor do you need to do hours of exercise. Losing 20 pounds in this way is recommended because it's the easiest way in which you can maintain your weight loss to the future. I recommend using the original Calorie Shifting diet: Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

As you can see the answer to the question of how long it will take you to lose 20 pounds is really up to you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about how to lose 20 pounds fast, click here: How To Lose 20 Pounds In 4 Weeks Or Less. It's a review of ways to lose 10 pounds fast (including a detailed review of Turbulence Training and Master Cleanse). Just double the time frame for each weight loss method reviewed to see how long it will take to lose 20 pounds.

Fasting & Exercise To Control Your Weight

Fasting and Exercise have been a simple way for me to keep my weight in control. I am 5 3 and I keep my weight around 110 lbs. I am healthy and strong at age 67.

The program:

You choose when you want to fast

1. Once a week or

2. When you have over eaten and feel stuffed.

3. When you dont like how you feel or look.

4. When you are planning on eating out and want to be able to eat and enjoy without feeling guilty.

How do you fast?

Go without breakfast and lunch try to go from dinner to dinner a 24 hours period. If you do this regularly you shouldnt have to fast more than one day at a time. I have fasted for 3 days and the most a 5-day fast but that was only when I felt I was desperate and sometimes for health cleanses. Normally I fast only one day a week or when ever I feel I need to fast. Mostly I fast just once a month for one day.

Be Careful: When you break your fast dont start making up for all of the food you didnt eat by eating more than normal and making the fast a waste.

To help you fast:

1. Drink lots of water whenever you are hungry
2. Get use to the feeling of being hungry you can get to live with it and even like it because you are in control.
3. Dont get carried away with fasting. Do it in moderation and with reason. It is not necessary to have long fasts.
4. Have the right attitude. Feel excited about how you will feel when you get to where you want to be. Dont think of fasting as denying yourself but rather being good to you.

What are the benefits of fasting along with exercise?
1. You do feel free from the control food can have on you.
2. Your mind feels clear, you think better.
3. You like yourself better.
4. You stomach shrinks so youre not as hungry after fasting.
5. Fasting takes away your craving.
6. You loose weight!
7. You look good!


My exercise has been running two miles every second day (about 1/2 hour) and on the other days do about 10 to 15 minutes of weight training with 5lb weights and stretching exercises.

1. Choose whatever exercise you enjoy.
2. Try to do it first thing in the morning.
3. Do it regularly at least 3-4 times a day for at least hour.
5. If you can try to do some kind of exercise each day.
6. Dont let weather stop you. If its raining, exercise in the house or wherever you are. Create an exercise program that allows you to do some kind of exercise no matter what your circumstances are.
7. Exercise until you can feel it. Get your heart rate up and perspire.

Of course, controlling your food intake is important but with this program I seem not to get out of control with my eating. I eat normally and very seldom over indulge. It seems this program helps me be in control and not to have any food addictions.

I am 67 years old and have been able to keep my weight in control with this program. It is simple. It allows you to stop weight gain before it gets a hold of you. As with all weight and exercise programs they must be done with wisdom and approval from your Doctor.

Eva Fry's mission is to help others become better and happier. She is an inspirational author, singer/songwriter/ motivational speaker and seminar leader. Eva has published three books - "YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM" -for seniors, "BE A WINNER IN LIFE"-for good kids, troubled kids and their parents. "LETTERS FROM JUVENILE HALL, KIDS HELPING KIDS" (Actual letters from kids at Juvenile Hall, intended to save other kids from destroying their lives) She invites you to use the FREE ARTICLES she has written for: at- risk kids Also FREE ARTICLES of inspiration to help meet life's challenges. http://www.evafry.com She has produced 7 Music CD's

Remember (new music for seniors), Oh What Joy Christmas The Little Things (inspirational country), I Love Living The Teachings of The Lord (Gospel/Christian) Savior of Mine (Christian) God Gave You Intelligence (for children)

Classical Style (instrumental)

Her music and books can be purchased at http://www.evafry.com Her books can also be ordered at any bookstore.

Her articles have been published, all over the world.

Counting Calories To Lose Weight Sensibly

Scientifically, every pound of body fat represents approximately 3500 calories. Based on this, to lose 1 pound per week you will need to reduce your calorie intake by 3500 calories per week. So, for each pound you want to lose every week, you need to subtract 500 calories per day, from your current consumption level.

Generally, less than 1200 calories daily are not recommended and weight loss of more than 2 pounds per week is also not recommended.

On diet alone, you can see how it won't be possible to lose a pound a day unless of course you already have a considerable calorie intake and the reduction will still leave you with sufficient food and nutrition to remain healthy.

For a more balanced approach to a 1 pound per week weight loss, increase your activity. Decrease your calorie intake by 250 calories per day and exercising to expend the other 250 calories. This approach prevents a decrease in your metabolic rate and promotes increased lean muscle mass, which in turn is the most effective fat consumer. Yes, muscle eats fat, by default.

For a loss of two pounds per week, do the math: 1000 calories per week less, preferably by consuming 500 calories less on a daily basis, and burning 500 by a vigorous exercise routine.

But, sensibly, you only need to reduce your calorie intake by 100 calories per day to make a substantial effect on your weight over the period of the year. By reducing your calories by only 100 calories per day over the course of the year you would have consumed 36,500 less calories and that converts to a weight reduction of almost 10.5 pounds.

That is an easily accomplished weight reduction with very little change to your lifestyle and habits.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!.

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast And Furiously

Most people are quite extreme about losing belly fat. They will cut their calories down by a thousand a day, and yet they will not put in the effort to exercise. This is a strange paradox. If they would just get out and do some stomach exercises, they would have it made.

Exercises for your stomach are really crucial to melt the belly. They will not only decrease your belly fat, but they will also provide more support for your spine. Stomach exercises tend to reduce back problems, by creating a more upright posture.

Although there are people who are ready, willing and able to get out and exercise, most don't know where to start. They put themselves on a daily aerobic routine, walking, running or cycling and sure, this is beautiful to work up the metabolism, but for getting rid of belly fat one needs to be more balanced and ruthless in the approach. A combination of aerobic, cardiovascular and interval training, combined with a healthy effort in your diet, is what will bring the fastest results.

No you don't have to go to the gym, if you are not for that. And you don't need to have hours per day to spend exercising. And obviously there are many effective approaches. Two of the best approaches I have come across truly ensures maximum results in the least amount of time. One of them involves alternate training styles for 45 minutes, 3 days a week, and another involves exercising for 2-3 minutes, every hour for 8 hours of the day, and for 5 days of the week.

In other words:

  • You will exercise for 2-3 minutes each at 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. At 12pm you have lunch!

  • You will use alternate body weight exercises, allowing you to target the whole range of core muscles.

This is a great way to break out of a plateau and to stimulate new results in your body. But abdominal exercises by themselves won't make you lose belly fat. A healthy effort in your diet is essential.

  • Never skip breakfast! When you sleep, your metabolism slows down, and there is nothing like a healthy bowl of fibrous cereal and a fruit or two, to get your metabolism purring like a happy lion. Eating plenty of fibrous foods also helps aid digestion.

  • Eat at least four meals a day, and yes, snack in between - once again, keeping your metabolism active is one of the best things that you can concentrate on.

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.

Although I love to go to the gym, I don't always have the time to. I usually have to do my stomach exercises, along with my cardiovascular workout, at home. At first it seemed a little difficult, but there are quite a few real effective programs available, that rely on simple body weight techniques, and the use of exercise balls. Although they are not necessary for stomach exercises, they are pretty affordable and are really effective. I highly recommend them from my own positive experience.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!

Weight Loss - How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

It is an absolute must for people wanting to get rid of love handles that you accept the correct advice, you see in your quest for slimmer hips, and body for that matter...you will come across countless thousands of "experts" wanting to sell their latest crash-diet plan, or product. It just isn't necessary, with the right guidance and applied education, getting rid of those love handles can almost be a doddle.

Having love handles can be depressing, of course it is only because of your perception, but depressing nonetheless. Wanting to get rid of it is on your mind all the time, and you just want a solution. It is difficult for people to see the light and how they will look after the weight loss.

You have to set a plan and stick to it. the right plan with structure and real, possible results...that is the key....possible results, most just look to 2 stone, or a certain amount of pounds..but if you look down the road at a pound by pound approach, your results will be achievable and as a result more rewarding which gives you the confidence to carry on, stronger than before. Your handles are depressing you and it hurts but you will love the results if you select a plan of action then cross off the goals as you complete them, as a result of this your confidence will be boosted and you will start ot love yourself, which is the real reason you want to get rid of them isn't it?

You are the most important part of this cycle, you cannot be loved until you love yourself...this is true to the extent that you will push your insecurities about your love handles on others and in turn push them away.

Having a regime and being strict and punishing yourself for letting it slip is where your mind wants to be, be a teacher and discipline yourself to lose those extra pounds.

I would guess at about 90% of people who want to get rid of those extra pounds and love handles are only limited because they don't have the right guidance as I outline here http://weight-loss-for-all.blogspot.com/

Can You "Buy" Weight Loss?

Is it possible to buy a new body?

Well, as the author and speaker Jim Rohn says, "No one can do your push-ups for you."

And whenever someone tries to "buy" results, this is, in essence, exactly what they are trying to do.

It just isn't possible.

Now if you've seen any advertising for some of the products out there then you could definitely get sucked into this myth, couldn't you? The weight loss industry is a billion dollar industry and millions of advertising dollars are spent each year trying to convince you otherwise.

Many of the minds behind these advertising campaigns are very intelligent and they know exactly how to appeal to our fantasies.

Many of these advertisements make getting a new body as easy as "buying a new car" or "going to the mall for a new pair of shoes." This is exactly why so many of these products are so successful.

But what about the people who purchase them?

Now that's an entirely different story.

I'm not saying that all products are a complete waste of money.

I'm definitely not. In fact many of the products out there can definitely help you achieve your goals. HELP being the key word.

If you think that a piece of fitness equipment or a supplement is going to offer you some sort of value, then go ahead and give it a shot. And if it helps you get results and makes the process of losing weight easier or more enjoyable, then I'm all for it! Just understand that whatever you're buying isn't the answer...

YOU are.

Let me be crystal clear here: you can not buy anything that is going to make you lose weight or transform your body without any change to your lifestyle. Health and the process of living life lean is a lifestyle, not something you can buy.

The good news is that if you use the most powerful principles to lose fat, then the investment to live life lean is relatively small, yet the returns are MASSIVE...

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com

What Diets Work?

That's the question we're going to answer! First off all I would like to congratulate you for coming here! So many people fall prey to diet scams and listen to every new fad that comes out (DAILY!). Did you know that 90% of all popular diets fail? In fact many of them cause health problems at the same time. It's time to break this endless cycle. That's why you're here, and I won't disappoint you. Let's get started!

What Diets work? The Diet's that work are the ones which don't have negative side effects, the ones that help you lose weight and KEEP it off and the ones which also improve your well being. So which diets do this?

Diet #1: Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar and Eating Flaxseeds daily. Both of these products help improve your digestive system and slowly cause weight loss to happen. You can expect to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Both can be found in your local health food store.

Diet #2: Walking 30 minutes a day. No matter who you are I think it is possible to find at least 30 minutes a day to walk! Doing this on a daily basis helps increase and drill your metabolism. You will see results in 3-4 weeks.

Diet #3: Eat virgin coconut oil. You can find these in your local health food store. Whenever you fry something, just use this oil instead of other cooking oils. Coconut oil is rich in healthy nutrients that help restore the body's function. If the body's functions are restored, then weight loss will follow as will increased energy and overall a healthier you. Coconut oil is very tasty and I highly recommend this one! If you want to lose weight with it you can expect to see results in 3 1/2- 4 weeks.

Diet #4: Seaweed. You can also buy these in your local health food store. They are known as "KELP". Seaweed feeds of the 7 rays of the sun and salt water full of vitamins and nutrients and concentrates them into itself. So when you eat it you're getting all these vitamins and minerals in you! So your body can regenerate and cause weight loss. Weight loss can be seen within 3 weeks + restored energy.

Diet #5: Calorie Shifting. This is the FASTEST and easiest of all these diets to complete because you don't have to do anything special. No exercise and no buying special products! You can even keep eating your favorite foods. Calorie shifting is a technique that enhances your metabolism and fat burning system. You can lose up to 10 pounds or more in less than 2 weeks.

Here is a valuable article about calorie shifting I recommend you read: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days. It explains calorie shifting.

You will understand how calorie shifting works and why it's so effective. So again what diets work? The answer is these 5. But in terms of fastest and most effective, calorie shifting takes the cake! (I didn't mean to say cake!)

Fiber - Are You Getting Yours?

Fiber foods are not only healthy, they are delicious. If fiber is new to your eating habits, you are about to discover some new foods, and youll get your fiber at the same time.

Health Benefits

Although experts agree that fiber in all its forms promotes digetive health and helps to prevent irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. Harvard University found that surprisingly, the incidence of colon cancer did not seem to be affected by the amount of fiber eaten. However, the type of fiber, made a difference. Whole grain (like brown rice, oats, etc.) not only contain fiber but, more importantly, nutrients like anti-oxidants are likely the cancer-fighters. Folic acid and mulitvitamins, found in orange juice and leafy greens, can also reduce the risk of colon cancer by up to 75 percent.

Increasing Fiber Decreases Calories

Did you know that increasing the fiber in your diet actually reduces the number of calories your body absorbs from food? Eating moderate amounts of fruits and vegetables makes a significant difference. In low fat diets, 96 percent of calories consumed were absorbed, compared with 91 percent with high fiber eating. Sounds like a small difference? Five percent can add up meal after meal, day after day.

Other Weight Loss Benefits of Fiber

High fiber foods also tend to lower levels of insulin, the hormone that stimulates appetite and can lead to the urge to binge. In addition, improving your digestive processes wtith fiber can help rasie your metabolism, energize you and burn more calories in all of your daily activities.

Fiber Choices

So, how do you incorporate more fiber into your diet? There are many delicious and nutrious high fiber foods to choose from, including:

Apples (with skin)




Green Beans







Sweet Potato

Brown Rice

Whole wheat pasta

Brown Rice
