Lose Fat

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Weighty Matter

Just thought I would talk a little about a topic that some of us get so focused on while we are achieving a healthy body weight.

When you step on the scale in the mornings what do you see? How do you interpret that NUMBER?

Some people see the scale as THE ANSWER to how we are progressing, lets face it people we get on it and if we see we have lost some weight we get much more confidence right? But if we gain we get upset, if we stay the same we feel good that we have not gained or lost.

We must focus on a term called lean body mass and body fat percentage. Let me explain what lean body mass is, its simply the sum of the weight of our bones, muscles and organs... basically the sum of everything other than fat in your body. Our body fat percentage is just that its the percentage of body fat we have on our bodies.

So saying the above we need to ask ourselves this, if this is what we need to track to see our progress in a better picture why doesnt measuring body weight do the job? Well to be honest our habits are our best progress reporters, when you step on that scale and have gained a few pounds ask your self these questions.

Have I been eating healthy consistently?

Have I been doing aerobic exercise consistently?

Have I been doing strength training consistently?

If all of these questions have been answered and your answers are YES to all of them, rest assured that youre on the right track to a lean body for life.

What is happening is you are creating more muscle mass thus getting leaner as a result your lean body mass increases and your body fat percentage lowers over time.

The focus should not be on body weight. Instead focus on creating good healthy habits, check your lean body mass, body fat percentage and the consistency of your exercise habits.

A measurement routine would be as follows: body weight measurement, body fat % reading, waist measurement and lean body mass calculation, these should be done every 2 weeks or better yet on a monthly basis.

Below is a lean body mass formula to calculate your lean body mass

- Let's say you're a 130 pound woman with 23% body fat

- Initial body fat: 130 pounds x 0.23 fat = 30 pounds of body fat

- Lean body mass: 130 pounds total 30 pounds of fat = 100 pounds of lean body mass

Doing this will assure you a healthier, leaner body and ultimately help you achieve a healthier body weight over time.

Below are some guidelines on body fat percentages we should aim for.

Body fat percentage standards: For women, 15 to 20 percent is considered lean, 20 to 25 percent is normal, 26 to 32 percent is overfat and 33 percent or higher is obese. For men, 8 to 12 percent is considered lean, 13 to 19 percent is normal, 20 to 24 percent is over fat and 25 percent or higher is obese.

There is a message to all of you thin people, dieting without strength training can leave you with a high body fat percentage. It's possible to appear thin, but have a high percentage of body fat, in this case your are considered to be a thin fat person and I think no one wants that right?

Happy Strength Training Everyone!

Nelson Roque is a Fitness/Body Mind Weight Loss Mentor who has lost 86lbs; he is also a sports nutritionist who focuses on total body well-being.

For more information please visit the following websites for daily inspiration and motivation to get your journey of a healthy active lifestyle started.


If you have any questions, concerns or need help with getting motivated / inspired you may contact me at nelson@theweightingroom.com

Weight Loss Products Treat The Whole Person

Okay, lets get the one, small bit of bad news out of the way first: There is no magic pill anywhere on the planet that will dissolve extra pounds and give you a healthy, toned body all by itself. Some effort on your part is required. Sorry.

We cant change our genetic structure if our ancestors are tall and thin, or short and compact, then were hard-wired for that kind of body shape, ourselves but we can change our diets and level of exercise to present ourselves to the world in the healthiest, most attractive light.

Take heart! The really good news is that the various health formulas found in many products give you a giant boost in your campaign to lose weight and get fit because they work with your body, in a totally natural way, to maximize even the smallest effort you make.

Quick, Healthy Meals - delicious protein shakes make it easy and quick to get the nutrition you need in a tasty shake. Different manufacturers have formulas that include a variety of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to keep your body functioning at maximum efficiency, giving you stamina and energy to stay with your exercise program and other demands on your busy life. These shakes satisfy your hunger and help manage your weight.

Appetite Control Nothing destroys a diet like between-meal snacks. Its the one thing, above and beyond all other challenges, that spells DOOM to dieters.

Its the hardest subversive force to guard against, as well.

Who can blame us, after all? When we decide to go on a weight-loss diet, the first thing that happens is that our bodies rebel against the sudden reduction of fat- and sugar-intake by making us relentlessly crave the very things that will cause us to fail, keeping us overweight and unhealthy.

The powerful herbs available in well-designed snack bars deliver all-day snack control, while helping reduce carbohydrate absorption and maintain blood sugar levels at a steady, normal range.

Metabolism Boosters Metabolism is the rate at which your body uses energy. Using energy = burning calories, so you want your metabolism boosted to a higher, more effective rate. Some select supplements are designed to do just that with a powerful blend of green tea, yerba mat, cacao and 11 other herbs. This type of blend gives your energy level a great natural boost.

Antioxidant Boosters Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. While antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains and some meats, poultry and fish, most people don't get nearly enough of them in their daily diet.

There are many quality products designed by experts with naturally occurring elements and herbs to make your weight loss program quick, easy and highly effective.

Plan your personal diet & health regimen today with Herbalife ShapeWorks, ShapeWorks Weight Loss QuickStart, and Herbalife Snack Defense Good nutrition is the real secret to an attractive and healthy body.

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A Weight Loss Pill That Works

If you are currently in the market for a weight loss pill that works then you have probably seen the same names thrown around. This is especially true if you have been looking at the over the counter prescription weight loss pills. There are however all natural herbal supplements that will help you lose weight just as good and in most cases better.

The most popular all natural weight loss pill available right now is Proactol. Proactol has been backed by doctors and is even recommended as one of the "Top 5 Way to Lose Weight" by The Telegraph which is the most popular newspaper in Britain.

Utilizing the power of herbal medicine, Proactol is able to work in ways that traditional weight loss pills have failed. The first benefit of going all natural is that there are no side effects what so ever. Everything in an all natural pill is just that, all natural. No need to worry about the side effects that you hear come with the pills you see advertised and talked about on TV.

Proactol is able to work as both an appetite suppressant and fat binder. Utilizing these two important factors, you are guaranteed to lose weight. The appetite suppressant will "fool" your brain and stomach into thinking you are full. Because you don't crave food when you feel full, an appetite suppressant can make it easier for you to lose weight. Proactol is also able to bind to 28% of dietary fat which means that of all the fat that enters your body daily, 28% will never affect you!

I was looking for a weight loss pill that worked and found Proactol. It was the best purchase I made so give it a try and order Proactol today

How To Spot Fake Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss Products

Losing weight is not just about taking whatever claims to help you do so. It's also about making sure that the weight loss product is approved and tested. When it comes to taking Hoodia Gordonii, you, therefore, have to make sure you're getting the real thing. Getting otherwise isn't just a waste of your money but could also be potentially dangerous.

Losing weight has emerged to be the primary concern among people these days. Engaging in various kinds of exercises, such as yoga and pilates, and even undergoing risky cosmetic surgeries, are just some of the things that people undergo just to arrive at the desired body and look they want. However, some may choose not to experience this rigorous and risky practice. That is why they have chosen to take slimming or weight loss pills, like Hoodia Gordonii, instead.

This is one of the reasons why many have come to patronize Hoodia Gordonii or the most famous "appetite suppressant" in America these days. Hoodia Gordonii comes from an extract of a plant that looks almost like a cactus and that only matures in Southern Africa. The product is known to work naturally with almost no negative side effects. Its popularity was boosted significantly after it was featured in various television shows, such as CBS60, ABS, BBC, NBC Today, CNN and other print and electronic magazines world wide.

However, along with its growing popularity is the fact that such product is expensive and difficult to find, particularly as it takes five to seven years to develop. This is what pushed others to manufacture and sell fake diluted Hoodia Gordonii products just to meet its many avid consumers' needs. Recently, many online websites have announced that there has been a spread of 50% percent of weight loss products that claim they have Hoodia when, in fact, they have the fake, diluted versions.

Because of the fear that these fake products would deliver dangerous side effects and discredit the authentic Hoodia Gordonii product, Prime Life Nutriceuticals, the original maker of Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pills, have declared a certification program where consumers can test if the Hoodia Gordoni they have purchased is real.

One of the preeminent herbal testing facilities in the U.S., the Alchemist Pharmaceuticals, was contacted in order to help verify the presence of real Hoodia. Analysis showed that there are several ways to detect a fake Hoodia Gordonii.

The first and most obvious way of knowing if your Hoodia is fake is to check if the product's seal has an authenticated Lot Number, which means that it has undergone the test in the Independent Lab Report done by the Alchemist Pharmaceuticals. Besides that, also check if the premium products report date is within six months after purchase.

Another way to verify is by checking if the product has the banner C.I.T.E.S or a certification proving that it truly came from South Africa. Such certificate also testifies that that Hoodia material has been processed from its growth in South Africa. The certificate should be clear and readable, otherwise, it will only prove a counterfeit.

Fake Hoodia products may also have additional information on additives, fillers and other agents, which are actually insignificant for authenticated products, which label 100% hoodia. Also, keep off products that claim that they have additional amounts of Hoodia more than the original. These may seem appealing but entirely dangerous because it may have more diluted fillers that can make a normal person sick. The fact is that normal people can only carry 80 mgs of hoodia material at a time.

Beware of those who offer free trials and those who sell supposed Hoodia Gordonii weight los products in a bottle of tea, coffee or shake. Hoodia products are unlikely or never free. In fact, it is even expensive, with a price of $250 to $400 per kilo. Lastly, always make sure that you purchase this one of a kind weight loss pill at an established store or company that has verifiable and complete credentials.

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