Lose Fat

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Weight Loss Check List - 3 Essential Tips To Keep You On Track

Its the little things that matter when you are trying to lose weight. Most diets require a person to make extreme changes in their lifestyles. This is why people fail. However, you can make some adjustments in your life that will help you to lose weight in a healthy and easy fashion by following a couple of the following tips.

1. Keep track of your beverage consumption. The calories from what you drink add up. A full sugar can of cola has close to 200 calories in it. If you multiply that 200 calories by 30 (days in a month) then you have 6000 calories that month just from drinking one can of cola a day. When you exceed your bodies needs for calories beyond 3500 calories, you gain a pound. Conversely, if you consume 3500 less calories, you lose a pound. This means that you can lose close to 2 pounds every month by leaving that can of cola out of your diet. The same holds true for other soft drinks.

2. Get moving every day: You dont have to engage in a formal exercise program to fit exercise into your life.
-Try to walk as often as possible. Bring your lunch to work and go for a walk at a park, mall or shopping center during your break.
-Always take the stairs, even if you take them for just a few floors.
-If you are in a waiting room and have a long wait, get up and walk around.
-Get up and move while you watch television. Get up during every commercial and jog or skip in place or do a couple of abdominal exercises.
Remember that your body continues to burn calories for a few after you stop exercising.

3. Program yourself to lose weight. You need to engage the power of your mind to help you to lose weight. Consider the priority that food has in your life and to shift that. Try to visualize your body losing weight. When you wake up in the morning, affirm that you are going to integrate some healthy habits into your day.

Remember, there are a number of small changes that you can make in your life to lose weight. With a couple of easy adjustments, you may lose up to 20 to 30 lbs. a year.

Renee Feldman MA, is the founder of http://www.reducecellulitenow.com and other Popular Free Tip Courses that are helping people worldwide to achieve their health, fitness and wellness goals. Renee is an Exercise Physiologist and Certified Personal Trainer. One of the first personal trainers in the United States, Renee is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine which is the Gold Standard in fitness. Her vast experience ranges from competitive bodybuilding, where she won state wide championships to professional dancing. She has used her education and experience working in Corporate Fitness Centers, Health Clubs, Y.M.C.A.'s and J.C.C.'s. Renee has an incredibly well developed and diverse background in Meditation and Guided Visualization which she has used to coach her clients for the last 12 years. She also lectures and presents information on fitness, wellness and the mind/body connection. She successfully demonstrated her cellulite reduction methods on television.

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What's The Best Healthy Weight Loss Program?

Looking for a healthy weight loss program? Of course you are!

Millions of people in the United States alone are looking for a healthy weight loss program to help them lose unwanted fat and get much better looking bodies in the meantime.

But how do you separate the amazing programs from the "not so amazing" (to put it lightly) programs that are out today?

In my opinion the best place to do that is to ask someone who knows a lot about health. That person should practice healthy living personally and have studied weight loss and nutrition for at least a few years.

If you can find a person like this who can help you separate the healthy weight loss programs from those who don't work, consider yourself lucky.

And, since you're reading this article, you just did!

Now you had to see that coming now didn't you?

So What Characteristics Do Good, Healthy Weight Loss Programs Have?

One of the things I look for in programs that work for almost anyone would be that the ideas aren't only for those who want to get in amazing shape, but also for those who want to lose only a few pounds.

Another characteristic to look for is this: Can anybody follow it with relative ease? If so, you have yourself a great program.

Another thing I look for is how easily it can be understood by an absolute beginner. If the author gets too technical, to the point where you have no idea what they're talking about, that's a bad thing!

And finally, healthy weight loss programs should be well worth the money. For example, if you spend $40 but you learn how to stay healthy and fit the rest of your life, that's well worth the money isn't it?

I've personally spent hundreds (close to thousands) to learn what most people can spend $40 to learn, and I'd pay 10x more because now I can stay lean and fit for my entire life.

Healthy weight loss programs are hard to find, unless you know the right places to look. Fortunately for you, I've done all the work for you at my website below.

Jeremy Reeves has created a website just for you that reviews what he considers to be the best weight loss products on the market. Show yourself that you're serious about losing weight and go check out http://www.fitness-product-reviews.com before you do anything else today.

How to Lose Weight Fast? Eat More!

If you are too lazy to exercise and dieting, I have good news for you. If you are undergoing exercise or dieting but still find that they did not help you to lose much weight, you will love what I have to tell you.

If you managed to lose weight, after vigorous gym training or strict dieting, but gained back the weight that you once lost, what I am going to share with you will definitely reignite your confidence in your weight loss target.

From my personal experience, after a regime of strict diet, or even body building, my excess weight would be reduced. This would definitely lower my guard and revert to my old ways of eating and as a result, I always get back my weight. I will inevitably, go back to dieting or weight training again ... This yo-yo effect on our body weight is unhealthy.

Normally to reduce weight, one would restrict their diet and aim to eat less. Your body will interpret that message to store more fat instead because of the reduction of fat consumption. The result is that you get less nutrition, with little or no fat reduction.

I discovered a better way would be to eat normally, but to include or replace some of these food with other kinds of wonderful food that aims to boost your metabolism and burn more calories than the food you consumed. Such food is also known as 'negative calorie food'. The beauty of eating these fat burning foods is that the more you eat, the more you lose weight.

Sound simple? Yes, but the challenge is to love them and eat them as some of us would hate fruits or vegetables.

What I have come up is a list of fat burning food in different categories for your reference. I suggest you print them out and highlight your favorites. Your objective is simply to consume as many of these food that you like.




Brussels sprout

green bean
red cabbage
string bean



Dairy Products (Must be Low-Fat)


Do not be surprised that I have included dairy products as fat burning food. As against normal belief, consuming low-fat milk or yogurt, or cheese will increase the intake of calcium which causes fat cells to produce less fat and assist the body to break down existing fat.

How do you incorporate consuming these foods into your daily diet? I have some pointers for you to consider. For salad, you can start with lettuce, add shredded carrots, cucumber slices, diced apples and pineapples. For snacks, you may want to replace your chocolate bar with an apple, or you can make sugarless Jell-O with prunes. Alternatively, you may want to have a solely fruit salad as snack and top up with a sugarless whipped cream and serve cold.

Be creative. Use fat burning vegetables to replace other types of food, and you may use garlic in your cooking and reduce the use of salt. Your food will taste nicer too. From today, aim to eat more of the food listed as they are healthier, and make you slimmer.

Although I suggest you eat as much fat burning foods as you like, as these foods will help you lose weight and keep it off. However, never go for a crash negative calorie food only. You should increase eating these foods, but not to replace total diet with them.

A balanced lifestyle that combines eating the right foods and exercises will help you reaching your target weight quicker. Keep your list of fat burning foods as your secret weapon and by eating these negative calorie food daily, will help you to lose weight faster than you thought. Trust me, there is no better way than to eat more and lose weight.

Terence Ng is a lazy weight loss expert and owner of How to lose weight fast. How to lose weight fast helps people who want to lose weight easily and quickly, using Terence's lazy but easy lose weight methods. You can instantly download his secrets by visiting http://www.LoseWeightLazily.com