Lose Fat

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to Lose Weight In Days - FREE

Have you ever wondered why you had to go on a "Diet"? to lose weight? Well may instead of just assuming that Dieting is the end all be all path to Weight Loss, we should explore the real reason for our extra fat and get rid of it once and for all. So here are some facts and help to lose weight in days--FREE!

Before we get into the simple and no cost changes that you can make in order to lose weight fast, we need to look at a little Social Studies to see why all of those things that you thought were making you fat, may not be the CAUSE at all!

Interestingly enough, every Culture's eating habits can be a determining factor in obesity. Look at the French, the eat endless amounts of pastry, butter, creams and fat yet their obesity statistics are much different than those in America. Japan is another example of a country with low rates of obesity. Did you know that as of today, Japanese refuse to accept meat and dairy imports from America? There must be a reason and it is more frightening than what you think!

The reason that people are obese from a physicological standpoint comes down to two things; Toxins and Parasites. If you are overweight, your body is constantly fighting to re-route the toxic build up that has accumulated in your colon, away from your vital organs. So what it does is this; it keeps building fat cells in order to store those toxins. Get rid of these and your excess weight will start falling off almost effortlessly.

Here are 3 simple steps to help you lose weight in days for free;

  1. Figure out your personal Metobolic Type. This is another reason why diets do not work. Everybody metabolizes food differently. Metoblic typing has been done for centuries. Different people have specific food requirements. This is a free way to learn to listen to your body. In a nutshell, you know that you are eating the right type of foods when you feel Satisfied (not hungry or overfull), when you feel energetic (not lathargic), when your mind is clear (not foggy or forgetful) and if you have any diseases those symptoms remain unchanged after a meal. In other words the disease doesn't worsen by eating certain foods.
  2. Walk for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week. If walking is impossible for you, there are some exercises that you can do from a chair. Your Dr. should have some tips for exercise that you can do if you can not walk.
  3. Drink Water. Spring water is best, but to really get your digestive juices flowing and reap many other benefits add a teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half of Organic lemon juice to about half of your water servings. The benefits of H2O are astounding! Not only will you feel fuller, you will have less food cravings, you will help your body flush out those toxins and the lemon will help balance out pH levels in your body. (another contributing factor to being over weight and a whole host of diseases). You should have at lease 2 liters of water a day.

If you follow these simple steps you will lose weight in days-FREE!

Visit Here to Find the Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets that "They" don't want you to know. Here is some Free information on Metabolic Typing that will get you started.

3 Simple Home Remedies for Effective Weight Loss

A little more info on the benefits of organic apple cider vinegar. It has been a healthful tonic for thousand of years; it was around 500BC that Hippocrates, the "Father Of Modern Medicine" discovered apple cider to be a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. It was widely used in body cleansing, healing and promoting well being at that time.

Apple Cider Vinegar contains:

* 93 healthful vitamins including A,C,E,B1, B2 & B6

* 19 minerals; potassium, calcium, magnesium and others

* Trace minerals

* Contains Mother of Vinegar, naturally occurring strand-like sediment

* No chemicals, additives or preservatives

Apple Cider Vinegar helps to maintain the body's acid-alkaline balance. It's also good for colds, arthritis, indigestion, food poisoning, diarrhoea, reducing weight, improve metabolism, chronic fatigue and the high potassium content in apple cider vinegar helps to fight heart disease and lower cholesterol.

Daily intake for health:

> Drink daily, 1 - 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 8 oz water.

> It also makes delicious salad dressing, marinades and sauces. You may use apple cider vinegar as a leavening agent in baking too (combine 1/2 tsp to 11/2 tsp baking soda: equivalent to 1 tsp baking powder).

> Can also be used as a mouthwash for sore throat, tooth decay, mouth ulcers.

> Soak vegetables and fruits in 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a basin of water to remove pesticides and germs.

> The natural acids in the vinegar help to kill fungus and it's good for body and foot baths. You can actually have your very own foot spa bath to soak those aching and sore feet.

Psyllium husk

- Derived from the seed of of the Plantago Ovata plant

- Is a bulk-forming fiber (insoluble)

- Does not contain artificial colors, preservatives or chemicals

Psyllium husk is very rich in fiber and is popularly used to combat a variety of digestive complaints such as constipation and diarrhoea. It is used extensively in many "Colon Cleansing" programs.

Since it acts primarily by absorbing water and adding more bulk to stools, psyllium encourages the normal peristaltic (contraction) action of the bowels for elimination purposes.

Psyllium offers stool-bulking and stool-softening properties. A stool which is larger, softer and bulkier moves through the intestines more easily and quickly and thus requires less exertion to be expelled. Hence, less force is applied to the intestinal walls.

Psyllium also helps to eliminate toxic substances in the colon, as it acts almost like a sponge to soak them off the intestinal walls before being passed out.

Remedial dosage: 1 tablespoon mix into a glass of water. Maximum 3 times daily. You may add together with 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and/or 1 tbsp raw honey. Drink instantly.

Precaution : Consume at least half an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals. Do drink lots of water the whole day.

Raw Honey

Did you know New Zealand is the worlds finest honey producer due to its remote geographical location and isolation, she is free of diseases and mites that are common in most other countries. The beekeepers here do not feed their hives with chemicals and additives, which are used to control diseases and mites. So honey produced here is 100% pure and contamination-free.

All these ensure a clean and green environment for the growth of plants used in making honey thus New Zealand is well reputed for its high quality honey.

Most of the honey is gathered by the bees from an abundance of flowers in habitats ranging from wild hill-country forests to cultivated pasture lands. This gives honey a distinctive taste and usually comes in many flavors and properties and are largely determined by the nectar source. Honey covers a wide range of flavor and properties, from mild to strong, light to dark color, and even different level of antibacterial properties!

Honey has been regarded whole food for centuries and with its high content of more than 50 nutrients, it is very highly regarded in Ayurvedic medicine.

With its well-known anti-microbial properties, honey is great for a detox program to eliminate toxins and hard plague-like mucus and waste matter from your bowels. Do add in 1 tablespoon into the above concoction.

Do check out http://www.EasyHomeSpaTips.com for more information on health and wellness issues regularly.

I am a qualified Aesthetician involved in the health and beauty industry for over 15 years. My interest in alternative therapies and how it can help achieve a harmonious balance between serenity, vitality and beauty has spurred me on to further research and experiment with herbs and its uses. I am also teaching in my local beauty academy which I passionately share my knowledge and experiences with fellow students. Besides, I am also a practicing Reiki channel. During my spare time, I love travelling to other countries and learn about their local beauty and health remedies which also becomes a part of my on-going research for new material for my book and article writings.

Glucomannan For Weight Loss

Obesity is a necessary evil that has gripped modern society. In the United States of America , about 65% of the adult population is grossly overweight. It has been revealed that while about 50 million individuals attempt to lose every year in the United States , only about 5% are ultimately successful in doing so. There are several reasons behind this as most of the various weight loss diets, pills and supplements that are available in the market are actually of little use and are unable to cause effective weight loss. under such circumstances, it has been observed, that several individuals opt for natural products as these are considered to be safer and therefore having lesser side effects compared to the various other weight loss components derived from artificial sources. Glucomannan is a prevalent product which is obtained form the konjac plant and has been used in Japan for several centuries and has effectively proved itself as being successful in causing weight loss. There have been several studies conducted by researchers on the efficiency of glucomannan which has proved beyond doubt that upon the consumption of glucomannan for eight weeks as prescribed by a medical practitioner, an individual could lose up to 5 and a half pounds on an average.

In recent times, a growing trend that has been noticed is that not only adults, children too are falling victims easily to obesity. The use of glucomannan in children has proved to be effective as well in resulting in weight loss. In case of the usage of glucomannan it is necessary to point out that the weight loss is induced by the reduction of fat which occurs as a result of low glucose release within the body. Therefore the reduction of glucose level is also beneficial in controlling the sugar level in blood apart from aiding weight loss. However, there are certain factors which are necessary to be borne in mind in case of implementing the usage of glucomannan. One of the premier factors is to ensure that along with the consumption of glucomannan, minerals and multivitamins also need to be consumed. The reason behind this is that the nutrient composition in the body is reduced greatly during the consumption of glucomannan and therefore the vitamin and mineral supplements are required in order to maintain the balance and ensure total nourishment to the body. Over the years, various studies have proved that glucomannan is effective for causing weight loss.

liposuction, weight loss and more at http://www.lookCut.com

Revolutionary, Safe, and Clinically Proven Natural Weight Loss

America is in a health care crisis. More than 60 percent of US adults are overweight and 25% are considered obese. One in four children are overweight and are headed for a lifetime of chronic illness. These numbers have nearly doubled in the last twenty years.

Excess body weight has been linked to many common conditions affecting Americans. These include: heart disease, high blood pressure, back pain, certain cancers, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, stroke, high cholesterol, diabetes, gall bladder disorders, sleep apnea, Syndrome X (insulin resistance), and others. Health care costs directly related to obesity are second only to smoking and are increasing at an alarming rate.

Consistent weight loss can be accomplished by understanding and implementing some simple truths. Total caloric intake must be less than the amount of calories a person burns. This is known as the base metabolic rate (BMR). Low calorie high glycemic (carbohydrate) diets cause an increase in insulin which will virtually lock up fat making it impossible to burn. High insulin levels will lead muscle wasting when eating less than the BMR.

Moderate resistance training exercise is also required to insure lean muscle is retained. Maintaining muscle mass while burning fat improves body composition (increases lean muscle and decreases fat) and maintains or increases the BMR. Long term weight loss and/or maintenance is very difficult if a person has an uncontrolled appetite and/or problem with emotional eating.

These concepts are simple to understand but often difficult or impossible for the overweight person to implement. Another little known fact further explains why so many people are overweight. Ninety percent of overweight people are deficient in serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and/or epinephrine. These are important brain and nervous system chemical messengers called neurotransmitters (NTs) that affect every system in the body including the appetite and satiety centers in the brain. Most people have heard of serotonin because those suffering from depression and/or anxiety disorders are commonly prescribed selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) class drugs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Welbutrin, etc.

Although these drugs sometimes provide temporary symptomatic relief, they DO NOT add a single molecule of serotonin to the system. In fact, SSRI drugs cause an increased rate of excretion of serotonin which further depletes a NT deficient person. The solution is to evaluate NT levels with a simple urine test and then optimize the NT by providing amino acid therapy. The amino acids provide the building blocks to rebuild the neurotransmitters. Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine are appetite suppressors.

In addition to their emotional/psychological functions, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine are also natural appetite supressors. When a person has therapeutic levels of these NTs in their system, they go into a state of safe appetite control. This allows them to follow their reduced-calorie diet while eliminating emotional eating and carbohydrate and chocolate cravings.

Another benefit of this elegant approach is that not only are there no side effects, but there are significant side benefits. Optimizing NT levels can help with many other symptoms of low neurotransmitters such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, panic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, pms, fibromyalgia, migraines, hormonal dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, digestive disorders, and many others.

The clinical results using this approach are very promising. In a Minnesota clinic with a patient base of 690 patients, the results are as follows. Average starting weight: 211 pounds. Average total weight loss: 62.6 pounds. Average loss during first month: 16.9 pounds. Average loss during active loss program: 8.4 pounds/ month. Average goal weight: 149 pounds. Percentage of active patients reaching their goal: 90 percent.

William Nelson, NMD is a naturopathic medical doctor that specializes in the treatment of thyroid disease and most chronic illnesses using a combination of natural medicine and the latest advances in medical science. http://www.theelementsofhealth.com 7500 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd. A207, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 (480) 563-4256.

Where To Get Weight Loss Advice

It really amazes me who people take advice from...

If you are going to take advice from someone, make sure they have the results (their body) to back up what they're teaching.

Most of the inaccurate information out there is circulated by people who have no real grasp of what it takes to achieve effective and permanent weight loss.

If you were learning to play basketball do you think it would be smarter to learn from an NBA player or a fifth grader who had yet to learn the fundamentals?

Keep in mind however, that many people will tell you with complete conviction to do things that simply do not work.

Take a good look at the people who give you health and weight loss advice. Are they lean and fit? If the answer is yes then this person could very well be a credible source of good information, but if the answer is obviously no then why would anyone listen to them?

OK, I know this sounds incredibly simple and obvious right?

Except for the fact that this is how millions of people get their advice! You can respectfully listen (no need to argue) but then you'll most likely need to disregard a lot of what you may normally hear. People mean well, yet the truth is that most are ignorant as to what it really takes to make dramatic progress quickly and effectively.

As Albert Einstein said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."

And I'll also tell you right now that your new habits might strike some people as not being "normal" by their standards.

You should take this as a good sign because "normal" is the majority. You and I both know what the overall state of health is for the majority, don't we? This is why you should want to be abnormal. And let it also be known that living life lean may have become uncommon, yet this doesn't mean that it is not natural.

It is.

So the point here is that many people are simply the victim of poor advice. Often it's the equivalent of a get rich quick scheme for the body.

Trust me, I know how tempting it can be to listen to some of the claims being made. But again, my advice to you here is simple: Listen to Doers. By this I mean people who actually practice what they preach and have the body and physical vitality as proof.

I also recommend that you seek out people that have the exact body that you wish to manifest. These are the people who you want to study. Get as much detailed information as possible regarding their diet and exercise habits. This information is worth its' weight in gold because it's coming from a credible source.

Actually, even better would be to find people who have the body that you desire but were once overweight and out of shape.

This is where you can really begin to find some empowering knowledge that you can act on.

This is called "modeling" and it is a proven shortcut to success that I recommend. Just make sure that your "model" has kept the weight off for some time (at least six months) and is not a flash in the pan.

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit http://www.LivingLifeLean.com

Lose Pregnancy Weight Faster by Brown Bagging It

When you leave your house for a few hours, you probably remember to pack snacks for your kids or a bottle for your baby. But what about yourself? Being prepared with healthy snacks is essential to losing weight after baby. When you're running errands and you're hungry, you are vulnerable to a snack attack of gigantic proportions. Danger awaits at the fast food places you'll pass, the chip aisle, or the vending machine. How will you withstand the temptation? By having healthy snacks in your bag when you need them the most.

Make it a habit to carry healthy snacks and water whenever you go out. Keep a small bag of nuts or a protein bar in the car for emergencies. Planning your meals and snacks ahead is crucial to getting rid of that baby weight. Great snacks on the go include:

-Apples, bananas, grapes, easy to peel oranges

-Raisins, granola bars, protein bars

-Whole wheat crackers, nuts

-Celery sticks, carrot sticks

When you know you'll be out during lunchtime, brown bag it. Enjoy a picnic lunch with the kids. Yes, it's easier to buy food. After all, this saves you the hassle of preparing lunch and the inconvenience of lugging it around. But easier doesn't make it better. I can think of two huge advantages to brown bagging it on a regular basis. First, you will eat much healthier. You won't be at the mercy of the fast food restaurant where the average burger is 500 calories. Second, you will save a lot of money.

Protect yourself from tempting foods that are terrible for your health. Bringing lunch isn't just for school kids. It's a great secret for losing weight after baby.

Today's action step: Don't eat out. Pack a picnic or eat a healthy meal at home instead.

Arlene Pellicane, mother of a toddler and infant, helps women lose their baby weight and thrive as wives and mothers. Her weekly podcast "Losing Weight After Baby" is full of practical ideas that work for busy moms. An everyday mom herself, you can visit Arlene's website for free articles and exercises at http://www.losingweightafterbaby.com

Top Fat Loss Secret

World famous TV lady doctor comes forth and blows the lid off the conspiracy to keeping you unhealthy, fat and just plain sick.

According to her research there is a way of losing weight without having to exercise or diet. She has found that there is disgusting plaque and horrible little critters living in your guts. In her program she will show you how to get rid of this plaque and enable you to lose between 25lb - 100lb depending on how much weight you need to lose.

In this program it will help you to:

Lose weight
Live longer
Feel great
Get rid of any conditions
Stay fit, feeling good, looking younger and more vitalized

Her program will even help with any diseases or sickness you may have. Everyone has these worms living in their bowels, they develop by you eating any sort of poorly cooked fish. Just by doing this worms can form in a couple of weeks of eating the fish, once the worms or parasites are in you bowel they lay eggs in the thousands. This alone will make you overweight and in the long run can make you sick.

After that you can develop different diseases, this is why it is so important to get rid of these parasites and clean out your insides. I bet you did not know you could do that much damage to yourself just by eating some bad fish once.

To rid yourself of these horrible worms and lose loads of weight check out this great program.

View http://megaweightlossplan.com/exercise/top-secret-fat-loss-secret

Ian Bennett operates http://www.megaweightlossplan.com, a blog about weight loss. He loves giving away stuff and right now when you sign up you will get a great Newsletter. And its all FREE!

Check it out at: http://www.megaweightlossplan.com

Easy Weight Loss - How To Shed Pounds Fast

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on? Although they sure did not pile on overnight, you'd like to get rid of them overnight, wouldn't you? While you cannot get rid of excess pounds THAT easily you definitely can get rid of those extra pounds quickly and safely by following these simple tips:

1. Eliminate all sugared drinks - This means ALL sugared drinks, including sugar in your coffee or tea. If you cannot stand to drink it without sugar, don't drink it at all. If you have to drown out the taste with sugar and cream, you obviously do not like the taste of tea anyway. Avoid drinking any kind of soda, juice, sweetened iced tea, and alcohol; they all have sugar in them. Drink water instead.

2. Eliminate all fast foods from your diet - Skip the hamburger and fries. If you eat at McDonalds even a few times a week, you can expect to keep gaining weight. Hamburgers, fries and soft drinks offer just about all the empty calories you don't need for the day, without the nutrition. And they do not fill you up. Cook at home. Make some foods for the week and heat them up when you come home from work. Yes, it is a bit extra work, but it's worth it.

3. Avoid all fried foods - These are loaded with fat and pack on the pounds. Replace them with broiled foods.

4. Exercise - Dieting without exercising can be a colossal waste of time. If you shudder at the thought of aerobics then settle for a daily walk instead. The routine will do you good and raise your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories. Any physical activity is good, so go on and get off that couch today.

Follow just these 4 simple and easy-to-do tips and you'll find yourself losing those extra pounds faster than you ever thought possible.

Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at http://www.easyweightlosscoach.com