Lose Fat

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Instant Weight Loss Strategies That Anyone Can Use

You've probably heard it a hundred times before but I will say it again, incidental activity is very important in the process of losing weight as you can burn more calories than relying on dietary means alone.

Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise or movement. When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores.

The loss of fat comes from fat cells all over the body, not from one or more specific area's so spot reduction of a certain area is not possible. The main priority of this article is to show you the quickest and safest way to lose fat from the body.

The key to effective aerobic training that burns off the maximum amount of fat is long-term consistency not intensity. It doesn't matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories.

The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. What many don't know is that walking produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running.

Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the gym.

Walk or exercise until you are mildly puffing and hold that rate until the allotted time. If your aerobic activities leave you panting or breathless, your going too hard, your energy is coming from your carbohydrate reserves and not from your fat stores.

Try fast walking for one hour a day every day of the week if you are able.

Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.

Easy to Perform
Most Conventional
All Natural Body Movement
Doesn't Cause Injuries
Can Be Done Anywhere
The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss

Research shows that regular, brisk walking is one of the best exercises we can do for overall fitness. It suits people of all ages and fitness levels, it's easy to get started and there's no complicated technique to learn or equipment to buy.

Walking is an excellent way to get fit because it uses nearly all the muscles and, as you have to carry your body weight, you can get a good workout from it.

It's also safer on the joints and the back than most other forms of exercise because you're not jumping up and down, so the impact is low.

Studies have shown that taking a daily 20-minute walk can reduce the risk of heart attack as much as 50%, it also reduces high blood pressure and helps to burn fat to keep weight under control.

Walking and other weight bearing exercises (Strength training) helps to increase bone mass, which protects against osteoporosis and bone fractures.

In the first two weeks, go for a 20-minute walk every other day and then increase this to 40 minutes. At first try to do five 20-minute walks per week totalling 100 minutes a week.

Once you get used to the regular exercise, increase this to 40 minutes for five times a week.

You can then gradually increase this as you see fit, if you want to walk every day for 40 minutes or even an hour so be it. Remember the more you walk the more fat that will be burned off.

The best pace for fitness training will make you slightly breathless, but you should still be comfortable and be able to carry on a conversation.

As you get fitter, you'll want to stretch a little harder to keep your heart rate up.

Try lengthening your strides, increasing your pace. Keep your shoulders back, your chest lifted and your tummy pulled in when you walk, hold your head up for open, easy breathing.

Practical Tips

If your feeling stressed, try counting your steps repeatedly from one to ten as you walk, this helps some people achieve a meditative effect and can be a great tension reliever when practiced over a full 40 minutes.

Time yourself, measure the distance or increase the gradient to make the workout more challenging. Drink plenty of fluids during and after your walk.

Make safety your first consideration. Don't walk after dark except in well-lit, busy places. Start the walk slowly, and then gradually increase the pace.

So, go ahead in all other activities try to move, move, move. Try parking the car further away from your destination so you can walk the extra distance, hide all your remote controls so you have to get up and change the channels manually.

These all help burn those extra calories and body fat from your frame.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit http://www.maximumfitness.com right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Diets That Increase Metabolism and Burn Fat

The human body is a complex system made up of chemical and electrical reactions at the cellular level that is controlled by hormones that circulate through the blood stream. Our metabolism is the rate at which these reactions occur and is based on the amount of calories we burn at any given time. By simply controlling these reactions we can alter our metabolism either upward or downward and control weight loss and gain.

So how do you do this? What is the magic pill that allows us to gain control over our metabolism? Very simply the food we eat has a great bearing on how our body's engine responds. Put high octane fuel into your system and it will respond in a positive manner. Put sugary sludge into the tank and the whole system slows down and starts storing fuel (fat) for future use.

This is where the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet can become an integral part of your weight loss program. The idea behind this diet is to tap into the power of the food you eat to accomplish your weight loss goals.

This is not a diet that targets just one type of food or food group such as all the low carb, low fat, high protein, or low calorie diets that are on the market today. The point is all of these types of foods have a place in our diet because the human body needs all these different nutrients to function properly. By eating healthy foods with the right type of calories at certain times during the day you can increase your metabolism and start burning that excess weight.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots does just this by calculating the types of foods will work best for your situation because not everyone is the same or has the same weight loss goals. The online diet generator is able to generate menus and food lists from the personal information you put into it. There are no pre-packaged meals to buy as everything you need can be purchased at your local grocery store.

Losing weight is about changing your eating patterns and the food you eat to tap into your own internal metabolic engine. Lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, whole foods, and vitamins and minerals all play a part in the weight loss equation. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet helps you achieve this ideal nutritional intake to not only lose weight but to also live a healthier life.

For more information about how the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet can help you lose weight and improve your health please visit http://Metabolism.Health-Choices-Net.com by Clicking Here.

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Top 10 Weight Loss Facts

These Top 10 weight Loss Facts are positively clear about what works and what does not:

1. Like a savings account If you take in more energy than your body needs, through the foods you eat and drink, your body stores the extra calories as fat, adds some interest and you put on weight. If you use up more energy than you take in, you burn off the extra amounts and you lose weight.

2. It is very clear then that reducing your food intake is surely the best way to lose weight.

3. Exercise is considered to be very good for you, however, it takes a lot of exercise to lose even a small amount of weight. As you tone your body, body-fat reduces and muscle volume increases. Now although this may be better for your health, it can seem bad for your weight. Muscle weighs more than fat so your weight may go up! The greatest problem with this is: your appetite often increases after exercise, so you eat more and wipe out the benefits of the exercise.

4. You should not think of yourself as being greedy; what you need to accept is that you may have to change your eating habits. All too often there is no time to eat sensibly and as a result eat too little at one meal and too much at another. Try not to miss the most important meal of the day - breakfast - and then you should eat at regular intervals throughout the day with less in the evening so your body can have time to process your food before you go to bed.

5. Diets with contradictory features appear regularly so don't assume that the latest one is the one that will work for you. What may work for one will not work for another; if you are serious about weight loss, just follow this simple outline.

6. Cut out as many fatty, high calorie foods as you are able and remove visible fat from fresh meat.

7. When cooking, it's better to grill (broil), steam or poach rather than frying; if you must fry, then use a thin spray of oil or stir-fry very quickly.

8. Some fats are essential in your diet, and some are difficult to avoid, such as spreads or salad dressings, so only use the smallest possible amount of the "light", "low-fat" or "fat-free" brands but check the labels to see whether they remain low-calorie; other things are often added to make them taste better!

9. Whenever you sit down to a meal, try to reduce the size of your normal portion by at least one-third; so instead of having three of anything except fresh vegetables or fruit, go down to two.

10. Because protein is digested more slowly than carbohydrate, it tends to make you feel fuller for longer, so when cutting your portions back you may find that you feel more satisfied if you cut out some carbohydrate rather than protein.

Peter Fisher is an expert Author and Publisher of Your Weight Loss Help. For more information and weight loss resources any time you need help visit his site at http://www.your-weight-loss-help.com or The Beginners Guide to Losing weight.

The #1 Dynamite Key for Exploding Your Weight Loss While Exercising Far Less

Have you ever noticed that the #1 exercise of choice among those trying to lose weight is walking?

So here's the question...

Why are there so many overweight walkers?

And I'm not talking about the people who have just recently laced up the Nikes and started walking to try and shed a few pounds. I'm talking about those determined individuals who have been walking around the block for the past year!

And here's the crazy thing...

Even after a year they just keep right on walking and waiting for the "awesome" weight loss to show up!

Here's the perfect example...

The same lady has walked past my office window every day for the past 365 days in sneakers, spandex and a pink headband. (Perhaps you know the type? Are you one of them?)

Not to be "mean", but I don't see the pounds melting away!

In fact, she may have gained a few inches around her waist since she began a full year ago!

So what gives?

Why don't the vast majority of walkers seem to lose any significant weight... Ever?

We all know Dr. Oz from who frequently appears on OPRAH?

Well... perhaps Dr. Oz said it best when a slightly overweight woman stood up on OPRAH and asked why her exercise wasn't producing any results?

She had been using the treadmill consistently for the past several months, but still and I quote "was not experiencing the weight loss she expected."

His response...

And everyone who has a desire to stop exercising so much and start losing weight had better pay attention!

Dr. OZ simply said...

"You're probably not pushing yourself enough."

Key point: Without intensity your exercise will not produce the weight loss you desire! In fact, you probably won't lose any weight at all!

Your body loves to be pushed! Your exercise produces the greatest weight loss when you are sweating. In fact, a short ten minute workout in which you are sweating like crazy is far superior to an hour long "hum-drum" one when it comes to producing fast weight loss.

So the next time you lace up those walking shoes...

make sure to increase your pace...

you just might find that the weight loss you have been longing for finally shows up.

Author Bio:
Jason Clemens is a leading weight loss and nutrition expert.
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Weight Loss Pills - Be Very Very Careful!

Millions of people around the world are fighting obesity these days. There are literally hundreds of products, ranging from fad diets to supplements which promise instant weight loss being aggressively advertised across media nowadays. Obesity is a problem that can leave people emotionally and physically drained. Fortunately though with advances in medical science there are many drugs available that help to reduce weight. Glucofast, Nanotrim, Avatrim and Dynathin are among the popular weight loss drugs that are available in the market.

Nanotrim is a prescription drug that contains botanical extracts as its ingredients and is also quite popular. Dynathin is another prescription drug that is used by obese people to lose unwanted weight. Avatrim is yet another prescription drug that comes with the promise of weight loss. There are literally hundreds of fad diets and medications available these days. Almost all of them promise to reduce weight in a matter of a few weeks to even days. Even though this is the case, not all medications are effective. Among the most popular of weight loss drugs is Glucofast. There are numerous instances of people having benefited immensely after taking Glucofast.

There is a common factor known scientifically as 'glucose intolerance' which is responsible for weight issues. Glucofast addresses this issue and helps in the reduction of unwanted weight in quick time. The drug works by literally reprogramming your body's metabolism in such a way that your body automatically triggers a calorie igniting process which in turn leads to weight loss. The formula of Glucofast is such that there are no negative side effects associated with the use of this supplement.

The all-natural ingredients in Glucofast is in fact one of the reasons for the immense popularity of the drug in the first place. Unlike the case with other similar drugs available in the market such as Nanotrim, Dynathin and Avatrim, there are no reported negative side effects associated with the usage of Glucofast. Some of the natural ingredients in it include, juniper berries, banana leaf extract, bitter melon, and licorice. The scientifically formulated ingredients do not contain any stimulants and therefore do not lead to any negative side effects. Glucofast is also fast acting with only 4-5 weeks required to show improvement. This is because the body recognizes the synergistic nutrients in the supplement and therefore absorbs them in a better manner. This in turn results in greater benefit when it comes to the health of the cell membrane and energy production leading to efficient fat reduction. The scientifically proven efficacy of this medication is the reason for its immense popularity.

For more information on Glucofast go to Glucofast or Glucofast Review