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Sunday, June 29, 2008

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JulieBFit from the DVD series Moms With Muscle featured on KTLA Fox Channel 11. Julie is a mother of three who has helped other moms stay in shape.

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Weight Loss Pills - Some Work, Most Are Scams!

Glucofast, Nanotrim, Dynatrim and Acatrim are four important tropical medicines that are used to reduce excess body weight. All these medicines come from different manufactures that compete with each other to take over the market of slimming capsules meant for obese persons.

The manufactures who produce these pills claim that they do not use any harsh or toxic chemicals that can attract side effects while making these medicines at their laboratories. If they do not contain any chemicals, definitely all these medicines should be free from side effects that are commonly associated with prescription medicines used to reduce body weight.

The next question that should be addressed when we compare these medicines is the effectiveness of these medicines in addressing the health problem; the obesity or over weight of the body. As all of us know, it is the effectiveness of the ingredients that are used in a medicine, especially a medicine that use only natural ingredients, make a medicine safe and effective for those who consume it for a particular purpose.

Glucofast, a product of MicroNutra Health contains very effective natural ingredients that are time tested for their effectiveness to bringing down the body weight of the human beings. The natural ingredients of this medicine include Banaba Leaf extract, Bitter melon, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Commiphora mukul, Gymnema Syivestre, Juniper berries, Licorice, Yarrow leaves and Quercetin. All these ingredients that are used in making Glucofast are found to be very effective in maintaining body weight at a desirable limit. The perfect ration followed in mixing these ingredients also act as a reason behind the increasing popularity of this medicine to be used for controlling excess body weight.

The ingredients of Nanotrim, a weight control capsule from Nanonutra Labs include Vanadyl sulphate, L-Carnitne, Banaba leaf extract, Bitter Melon, Alphalipoic acid, Chromium chelate, Juniper berries, Gymnema sylvestre and Licorice. This medicine does not add many essential natural remedies that are included in Glucofast. For this reason Nanotrim seem to be less effective in brining weight under control when compared to Glucofast from MicroNutra Health.

Avatrim basically concentrate in utilising the good qualities of green tea and other potent thermogenic compounds to be utilised for controlling body weight of the persons suffering from obesity. The manufactures claim that regular use of Avatrim is good to control appetite, lower cholesterol, increase thermo genesis and to burn fat from the body slowly. When compared to Glucofast, this medicine takes a long time to bring the body weight under control and therefore is not suitable for the persons who want to get rid of the overweight problem within a limited time schedule.

When compared to Glucofast that comes to the top of the rating, Dynathin also is less effective in bringing a lasting remedy for overweight problem.

For more information on Glucofast go to Glucofast or Click Here

Healthy Weight Loss Techniques

Being overweight affects you in various ways. The most obvious is physical appearance. Others include the quality of life, your self esteem, health risks, physical impairments and depression. Many positive changes occur when you experience weight loss. This is the reason many people search for weight loss techniques that help them lose weight in a healthy and consistent manner.

Of course, if you are obese, have a medical condition or are under the care of a physician, it is best to consult with your doctor first. Other than that, if you are in relatively good health, using common sense and good judgement should be enough to allow you to proceed.

The following tips can help facilitate your weight loss program:

1/ Successful weight loss consists of a multi-faceted approach. This includes changing your diet (not dieting), exercise, goal setting and possibly some diet supplements (natural ones are the best). Eliminating processed and prepared foods are a great first step. Eating whole grains, vegetables and fruit will improve health and allow effortless weight loss. Include some exercise, at least every other day. Walking is low impact and possible for almost everyone.

2/ Setting goals are important, but equally important is knowing what goals to set. Believe it or not, establishing you ideal weight may not be the best way to proceed. A better goal may be to transform your lifestyle so that weight loss is an inevitable byproduct of those changes.

3/ Don't eat for three hours before bed. This can be difficult for some. I does, however, provide great benefits and is worth the effort. Not only will this allow you to lose weight, but you will sleep more soundly and have a clearer mind the next day.

4/ Chew your food extremely well. When food is well chewed, up to 90% of digestion will take place in your mouth. This takes a burden off the stomach and intestines. Just as important, it allows you to be satisfied much sooner. This means that you'll naturally eat less, paving the way for natural weight loss.

5/ Natural herbal fat burners can be helpful for some people. It allows you to kick start your weight loss program. It is important to do your homework and to make sure that the product you choose is all natural and healthful.

Discipline and consistency are important for a successful weight loss program. Changing your diet, appropriate exercise and common sense lifestyle changes all contribute to your healthy weight loss success.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/weight_loss/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

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10 Steps for Succeeding At Your Individualized Weight Loss Plan

Losing weight isn't rocket science but it can be done with hard work, commitment and an effective weight loss plan. In fact, people with an individualized plan are not only more likely to lose the weight but to keep it off as well. In this brief article, we'll teach you how to develop a successful weight loss plan so that you can lose weight permanently.

First of all, figure out why you want to lose weight. For instance, do you want to lose weight so that you can be healthier? Do you want to lose it so that you can look great for your high school reunion? Whatever the reason, figure out why you want to lose weight as this will be the motivating factor to your success.

Second, you have to visualize weight loss success. If you truly believe that you can and will succeed in achieving your weight loss goals, you will. If you believe you will fail then you'll likely sabotage your efforts. So, stay positive and visualize success.

Third, you should set realistic weight loss goals and be 100% committed to working your plan. For instance, do you want to lose 5, 10, or 15 pounds? How long are you going to give yourself to achieve success? Whatever your plans are, if you set realistic goals and are committed, you will succeed.

Fourth, break your goal down into realistic short term steps. For instance, plan to lose 1-2 pounds a week? By doing this, you'll find that success will become imminent and you'll be able to achieve success. You'll also be able to see and measure progress as it occurs.

Fifth, figure out a workable plan of action. This can include going on a special diet cutting calories, exercising more or a combination of both. Make sure that you clear any special diets with your doctor and steer clear of fad diets.

Sixth, get support. If you really want to supercharge your success, you should join a support group. This should be a group of likeminded individuals that will support you in your weight loss efforts.

Seventh, make small changes. Remember that small changes make a big difference. For example, you can stop drinking soda, drink more water or make it a point to only eat one treat a day. You can substitute higher calorie foods with lower calories ones and you likely won't even notice the difference.

Eighth, step up the exercise. Find an exercise regimen that you enjoy and then stick with it. If you don't like to exercise then you should just be more active. You can walk your dog more, play with the kids a bit more or go out dancing. The key is to get moving and stay active so that you shed those unwanted pounds.

Ninth, reward your progress. Losing weight isn't easy but the rewards are better health and an improved self image. Therefore, you should reward yourself for both scale and non scale victories. For instance, if you lose 2 lbs, you can treat yourself to a movie or if you meet your exercise goals for the week, you can get a manicure.

Tenth, read motivational books and posts from others who have accomplished their weight loss goals. Pay special attention to before and after pictures and make a commitment to change. This will encourage and motivate you to continue with the plan and make it work for you.

In conclusion, you can develop an effective weight loss plan. You simply have to visualize success, set realistic goals, figure out your motivating factors, divide your plan into realistic steps, develop a workable plan, get support, make changes, step up the exercise, reward your progress, and read motivational books and posts from others. Once you do this, you can and will succeed.

Fad diets are out! Learn how to lose weight and keep it off without deprivation and drugs. Visit http://www.fad-diet.net today and get rid of those unwanted pounds forever!

Get Rid of the Toxins and Lose Weight Fast

Have you ever asked yourself this question, why is it today we have more obese people? Up 67% of the population are overweight today. There were a great lot less many years ago. A few, but in no way were they around as they are today, and believe me it will get worse. It will not get any better unless people educate themselves. Unless they know why this is happening, the problem will continue to grow.

Think of this; in the 1950 and 60s we never had so many obese people as we have today. In fact, I believe people did not get fat, they just did not like to draw attention to themselves. I guess there were one or two around, however not too many. Dont tell me it was because some of us did not have enough to eat, because even then we had those who were financially comfortable but did look after themselves. Their health and well being was as it should be.

We did not see overweight people as we see today. I recall I went to Las Vegas and observed numerous ladies sitting next to slot machines pumping in their quarters These ladies definitely fitted what I refer to as obese.

Weight loss for good, is the goal of anyone unhappy with their current size or shape. The information on this web site is aimed at anyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off.

We dont have to tell you, being obese can have serious consequences to your health. These include an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, and some forms of cancer. Losing weight can help reduce each of these risks.

According to research by the Discovery Health Channel, 50 percent of children do not get enough exercise to develop healthy heart and lung systems. Furthermore, 78 percent have at least one heart disease risk and 20 to 30 percent are already obese.

Adults are in even worse shape with 64 percent not getting enough exercise to maintain healthy heart and lung systems, 24 percent never exercise, and more than 45 percent are overweight.

Victims of a Toxic Colon

Have you ever considered this simple question: Are you clean inside? We shower, brush our teeth and wash our hair on a daily basis, but we tend to ignore cleansing our insides until some form of disease sends us a wake-up call. Believe it or not, our insides, especially the colon which functions as the sewer system of our body, also requires regular cleaning. Constipation, parasites, IBS, gas, bloating, stomach pain, chronic fatigue, digestive problems can all be signs of a toxic colon. Dont be a victim, suffering silently from these painful and often embarrassing health conditions. Find out the truth about colon cleansing and how it can help you.

Why Is Colon Cleansing So Crucial?

We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis at work, in the home, through the air we breathe, our food and water supply, and through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, we are eating more sugar and processed foods than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives.

"Death Begins in the Colon"

These toxins and dead foods lead to poor digestion, constipation, toxic colon build-up, weight gain and low energy. These common symptoms are more than just an inconvenience they can lead to long-term health problems and serious disease.

Of all the polite topics of conversation, the state of one's intestines is probably at the bottom of most people's lists. Let's face it: Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are simply not things we like to discuss. And yet, as the old expression goes, death begins in the colon. Don't believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material. Vegetarian Times, March, 1998

Parasites May Rule the World

This waste material is home to, in the words of National Geographic, "a sinister world of monstrous creatures that feed on living flesh: parasites. Discover magazine published a feature article in its August 2000 issue:

Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more. Scientistsare only just beginning to discover exactly how powerful these hidden inhabitants can be, but their research is pointing to a remarkable possibility: Parasites may rule the world. The notion that tiny creatures we've largely taken for granted are such a dominant force is immensely disturbing. We are collections of cells that work together, kept harmonized by chemical signals. If an organism can control those signals an organism like a parasite then it can control us. And therein lies the peculiar and precise horror of parasites.

The combination of environmental toxins, an unhealthy diet and parasites poses a grave danger to humans. In fact, parasites have killed more humans than all the wars in history, reported National Geographic in its award-winning documentary, The Body Snatchers.

John Anderson of ISAGENIX fame formulated a Body Cleanse, to hear what the experts are saying visit the web site

Ralph Morton is the author of "Get Rid of the Toxins and Lose Weight Fast" To learn a great lot more visit http://www.theteam.isagenix.com or mailto:noviorbis@telus.net

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Weight Loss and Fat Burners

Are you interested in losing weight and burning unwanted fat? The use of fat burners has proven to be an effective addition to a healthy weight loss program. There are some things to take into consideration to get the best from fat burners and not have to contend with negative side effects.

The first item to consider is your present condition. If you have a medical condition, such as high blood pressure, or if you are under the care of a doctor, please consult with your physician first. It is in your best interest to consult with your doctor first to avoid the side effects of adding a fat burner to your daily regimen.

It is important not to go overboard. Your body takes time to adjust to the changes of dieting and exercise. Equally important is that you can put yourself at risk by becoming addicted to fat burners, especially those that are chemical in nature.

It's true that fat burners will help in shedding your extra weight. It's also true that you have to follow the directions on the package. Do not take more than the recommended dose. If you are taking medical fat burners and start to experience unpleasant side effects, stop taking them immediately. If you experience minor side effects while taking herbal fat burners merely cut your dosage in half.

A good fat burner will help you lose weight without dieting. But, in reality, the is a half hearted approach at best. It is much better to incorporate fat burners into a complete and healthy weight loss program. Time has proven that dieting does not work. It creates a yo-yo effect where the dieter enters an endless cycle of losing and gaining weight. The approach that does work is to implement new eating habits into your daily lifestyle.

Of course the other factor that plays an important role in losing weight and regaining your health is some form of physical activity. Joining a gym may not be the best option. Just like dieting, joining a gym for many people is the same as dieting, it produces a yo-yo type of behavior. It's much better to incorporate some form of natural exercise into your daily routine. Some examples of this include walking, jogging, swimming or riding a bicycle.

Adding an herbal fat burner is a great way to kick start your new weight loss program. Finding an effective herbal fat burner may require a little research. Read the ingredients carefully and do not exceed the recommended dosage. All things being equal an effective fat burner can be easily taken and purchased.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/herbal_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

A Weight Loss Pill That Works

If you are currently in the market for a weight loss pill that works then you have probably seen the same names thrown around. This is especially true if you have been looking at the over the counter prescription weight loss pills. There are however all natural herbal supplements that will help you lose weight just as good and in most cases better.

The most popular all natural weight loss pill available right now is Proactol. Proactol has been backed by doctors and is even recommended as one of the "Top 5 Way to Lose Weight" by The Telegraph which is the most popular newspaper in Britain.

Utilizing the power of herbal medicine, Proactol is able to work in ways that traditional weight loss pills have failed. The first benefit of going all natural is that there are no side effects what so ever. Everything in an all natural pill is just that, all natural. No need to worry about the side effects that you hear come with the pills you see advertised and talked about on TV.

Proactol is able to work as both an appetite suppressant and fat binder. Utilizing these two important factors, you are guaranteed to lose weight. The appetite suppressant will "fool" your brain and stomach into thinking you are full. Because you don't crave food when you feel full, an appetite suppressant can make it easier for you to lose weight. Proactol is also able to bind to 28% of dietary fat which means that of all the fat that enters your body daily, 28% will never affect you!

I was looking for a weight loss pill that worked and found Proactol. It was the best purchase I made so give it a try and order Proactol today

Think and Lose Weight - How to use Mind over Matter to Look Marvelous!

Let's take a quick look at the power of positive thinking and the importance of creative cognitive visualization in the weight loss process. Lots of people (and rightfully so) spend an inordinate amount time focusing on the mechanics of their diet, the actual blueprint, meal plan, support group and so on. Of course this is a huge and integral part of the weight loss process. You wouldn't lose weight if you didn't pay attention to these components of your weight loss regimen. But there is another, often overlooked aspect to dieting properly as well. It is the mental, or concentration states that are outcome focused while actively engaged in the diet. And I think it's fair to say, as important as the blueprint is, in reality, it is the thought process (or lack thereof) that causes most dieters to fail.

Look, obviously you are not going to lose weight simply by concentrating on it. If it was this simple, we would have a world of skinny people..:-) Clearly there is more to it than the simple power of positive thinking. However, the visualization process, actually seeing yourself skinny, beautiful, radiant and glowingly happy is a HUGE part of getting this result. If you can see the goal clearly...you almost will never achieve it.

And this is not just new age dieting pep talk either! Ask Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant about shooting a basketball well, Andre Agassi hitting a ferocious forehand and they will all tell you the same thing. Picturing practicing the shot going in is EQUALLY as important as practicing the shot itself. Visualizing the success, is a necessary skill to getting it. With this in mind, you need to start THINKING about your life when you've hit your target weight, what you look like, how you feel, how good you feel inside and the sense of accomplishment that comes with all of it. Only then will you have a pure path to the prosperity of achieving it. This is what separates those who get exactly that, from those who spend a lifetime trying.

Read On to Discover the 6 Biggest Lies About Weight Loss.....and how to avoid them like the plague!

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Lost myself in an endless goodnight
Kept the time by the patterns of the streetlight
Couldn't get it right
I could never get it right
Sadly, this is a wasted conversation
Lost on you, lost on you
This is a test of my patience
Your blue eyes are so cruel
I can't escape all the things we said
I'm taking years off my life with the weight of regret
Now there's nothing left
There is nothing left to lose

Shouldn't I feel alive?
I swear that I tried
To be alright
To sleep at night
Shouldn't I feel alive?

The night fades with a breath of sunshine
I'll do my best to adjust to the morning light
I cant keep my place
Feels like I've been awake for days
Sadly, you turn away and now I'm faced
With the harsh truth, the harsh truth
My cold heart is a place where true love cannot bloom

Shouldn't I feel alive?
I swear that I tried
To be alright
To sleep at night
Shouldn't I feel alive?

There's static on the airwaves
I'll try to find the light through all this haze
I can't find the words that I'm trying to say
So try to forget me as I walk away..

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I swear that I tried
To be alright
To sleep at night
Shouldn't I feel alive?

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