Lose Fat

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Top 10 Weight Loss Facts

These Top 10 weight Loss Facts are positively clear about what works and what does not:

1. Like a savings account If you take in more energy than your body needs, through the foods you eat and drink, your body stores the extra calories as fat, adds some interest and you put on weight. If you use up more energy than you take in, you burn off the extra amounts and you lose weight.

2. It is very clear then that reducing your food intake is surely the best way to lose weight.

3. Exercise is considered to be very good for you, however, it takes a lot of exercise to lose even a small amount of weight. As you tone your body, body-fat reduces and muscle volume increases. Now although this may be better for your health, it can seem bad for your weight. Muscle weighs more than fat so your weight may go up! The greatest problem with this is: your appetite often increases after exercise, so you eat more and wipe out the benefits of the exercise.

4. You should not think of yourself as being greedy; what you need to accept is that you may have to change your eating habits. All too often there is no time to eat sensibly and as a result eat too little at one meal and too much at another. Try not to miss the most important meal of the day - breakfast - and then you should eat at regular intervals throughout the day with less in the evening so your body can have time to process your food before you go to bed.

5. Diets with contradictory features appear regularly so don't assume that the latest one is the one that will work for you. What may work for one will not work for another; if you are serious about weight loss, just follow this simple outline.

6. Cut out as many fatty, high calorie foods as you are able and remove visible fat from fresh meat.

7. When cooking, it's better to grill (broil), steam or poach rather than frying; if you must fry, then use a thin spray of oil or stir-fry very quickly.

8. Some fats are essential in your diet, and some are difficult to avoid, such as spreads or salad dressings, so only use the smallest possible amount of the "light", "low-fat" or "fat-free" brands but check the labels to see whether they remain low-calorie; other things are often added to make them taste better!

9. Whenever you sit down to a meal, try to reduce the size of your normal portion by at least one-third; so instead of having three of anything except fresh vegetables or fruit, go down to two.

10. Because protein is digested more slowly than carbohydrate, it tends to make you feel fuller for longer, so when cutting your portions back you may find that you feel more satisfied if you cut out some carbohydrate rather than protein.

Peter Fisher is an expert Author and Publisher of Your Weight Loss Help. For more information and weight loss resources any time you need help visit his site at http://www.your-weight-loss-help.com or The Beginners Guide to Losing weight.

Fast Weight Loss Exercise Program

A fast weight loss exercise program is fairly simple to develop and implement. The real question is, "Can you stick with it long enough to lose weight?"

We all know that exercise is important to maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. We also know that exercise is an important ingredient in our plan to control our body weight.

There are a variety of fast weight loss plans available. Let's take a look at a fast weight loss exercise program that you can implement immediately. You can use this fast weight loss plan as described or tweak it to fit your individual preferences.

The best fast weight loss exercise program is . . . walking! Are you surprised? Well, let's take a look at why walking is the best of the fast weight loss plans.

Walking is an aerobic exercise. Aerobic means literally "with air" and includes activities that are moderately intense, activities that you can continue for extended periods of time, and activities that use the large muscle groups in our arms and legs.

Jogging, cycling, skiing, and rowing are also forms of aerobic exercise. The reason walking is the best choice is because it can be done by anyone at anytime, anywhere, by ourselves, and with no special equipment. It's simple, invigorating, and effective at assisting with weight loss.

Arguably the most important benefit of walking is that it prepares us mentally for the challenge of weight loss. The most important ingredient in any fast weight loss plan is action. We must take action before any change will occur. Walking is an action that is both simple and easy. The action of walking is a signal to our subconscious that we are ready to include additional actions in our weight loss regimen.

Aerobic exercise offers specific benefits related to weight loss including:

<1> Aerobic exercise burns calories. Most of us discover that we consume less food when we exercise on a regular basis. This combination of exercise and reduced calories results in fast weight loss.

<2> Aerobic exercise burns both carbohydrates and fat during the first 30 minutes. After 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, your body primarily burns fat.

<3> Muscle burns more calories than fat. Aerobic exercise helps to increase muscle mass. Consequently, you will be able consume more calories without gaining weight.

<4> You will find that a moderate amount of aerobic exercise will decrease your desire to eat.

<5> You will also find that with a consistent amount of moderate aerobic exercise your tendency to overeat will decrease. It is well-documented that both stress and depression are reduced as a result of moderate aerobic exercise.

So, there you have it! A fast weight loss exercise program can be structured around moderate aerobic exercise, beginning with walking. And, the great news is that you CAN stick with walking long enough to lose weight.

Now it's up to you. Start right now. Take a walk. That's your first step toward maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind.

Take a look at this fast weight loss exercise program. You can read more articles as well as take a closer look at a highly successful fast weight loss plan. Click here http://www.how2no.com for more info about fast weight loss plans. You can do it!

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71 Weight Loss Tips - Surefire Success Strategies for All of Us

I'm often asked if I'm familiar with the 71 weight loss tips, and if I can "explain" what exactly they are. It's interesting how urban legends can spread, and especially online, this diverse set of inspirational ideas and quotes related to weight loss has taken on the sheen of a mystical guidebook for melting away the weight. It's not... What this simple text document does do is highlight the very best lessons that a whole cross-section of people from different walks of life have learned in their quest for an improved body image and self transformation.

I'm not sure who originally posted them, but you can find them in simple blogs everywhere, reprinted freely - and for the most part are comprised of little self help affirmations like - " take it slow - you didn't gain all the weight in one weekend, so you surely won't lose it all that way either" .

Other pointers are - "find a passion" and " it won't work until you do it for yourself" and things of that nature. Very simple, straightforward advice and heartfelt assimilations of the collective wisdom of many. But, contrary to many who ask for an opinion on them, there really isn't ANYTHING to opine about... I am in complete and full agreement with anything and everything that inspires, motivates, moves and coerces you to take action and attack your weight problems.

The central point always is, and always will be this. You have to take action, and whatever leads to that place is exactly what will work for you. Timing is often key. When people get to the point of their lives where absolute desperation kicks in regarding their bodies, their health and their futures...my experience tells me that is EXACTLY when the motivational motor kicks into high gear! I'm hoping you are there today - but if not, I'm willing to keep trying to inspire you to get there.

No More Chubby Tummy I told My Hubby!

Read on...to discover how you can lose weight, feel great, and turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom and in the bedroom...guaranteed!

(Even if you've never lost a pound on ANY diet ever before!)

How Can I Lose Weight Fast? Your Prayers Answered

How can I lose weight fast is a question that's asked by many people, day in and day out, all over the world. The world is awash with a million celebrity diets and a new workout craze each week, but are any of them right for you? Check out our article to find the lowdown on how you can really lose weight fast.

Tip 1

Ditch the pasta. How can I lose weight fast? No more pasta is the answer. While it's healthier than other more traditional carb groups (french fries for example), pasta still contains huge amounts of calories. Think about it for a second - the stereotypical long distance runner loads up on things like pasta and potatoes for this reason. Pasta is a pretty great food though, so instead of ditching it altogether why not consider halving your portions and eating some fruit or nuts after your meal?

Tip 2

Sugar free is the way to go. Think about it for a second - how can something as sweet as sugar not be chock full of calories? Losing the sugar is a big answer to the "how can I lose weight fast?" question. If it wasn't bad for you people would be eating sugar sandwiches for lunch each day wouldn't they? If you drink a lot of soft drinks, simply switching to sugar free versions can easily reduce your calorie intake by a few hundred each week.

Tip 3

Drink more water. How can I lose weight fast? Simple - the water aids your body's metabolising process, so you digest food more efficiently. The statistics regarding dehydration are ridiculous-a staggering amount of people live their everyday lives in a state of dehydration, and this means your body is not working as well as it could. Your body needs water for its everyday processes, including burning fat and thinking. If you drink more water, you will retain less, burn fat better, and be able to think clearer. Fact.

Tip 4

Get a pedometer. Attach it to yourself for a week, and work out how many steps you do in an average day. If you are asking yourself how can I lose weight fast, try and add a thousand steps a day. Walk to the park, or the store, or just around the block a few times. Whatever it takes. Walking isn't exactly the most strenuous activity, but I'm betting after a couple of weeks of doing extra steps like this, you'll be seeing exactly how you can lose weight fast.

So there you are, 4 answers to the eternal modern question - "How can I lose weight fast?" Hopefully these answers have made you understand that weight loss isn't a big impossible challenge. Click the links below for the best weight loss advice around.

CLICK HERE to start dropping the weight right away - it's right here, and it's fast and easy

CLICK HERE for the best weight loss resources on the net - we'll even show you how to get a free weight loss book right now

Emma Green is the webmaster at http://www.fastweightlossreview.com

What's The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast?

Many of us who are somewhat overweight feel we'd be happy if we could just lose about 25 lbs (give or take!). But - we want to lose weight fast, and in the right places...Is this a realistic goal, or does it only happen in TV ads?

Well it is possible but not overnight, - if you want to keep healthy. Too rapid a weight loss can be very harmful to your body, so you have to pick a safe goal. This is normally a maximum of 3lbs per week. So losing 21 lbs is going to take you almost two months.

Not fast enough? Well check with your doctor before you embark on a more ambitious program to lose weight fast. Remember, you really have two goals:

- Lose the weight

- Avoid regaining it

Some diet plans are quite aggressive. The Atkins diet (in phase 1) can cause you to lose weight quite quickly. Meal replacement products like Ensure also help. Of course reducing portion sizes, and eating smaller amounts more often can help a lot in achieving your weight loss goal.One problem is, once you are on a restricted food type of diet you may well be missing out on important nutrients that you body needs. You should be taking vitamin supplements and choosing the foods you eat very carefully to get the maximum nutritional value.

Another key factor is water. Any weight loss program has a risk of dehydration. You need to drink the well-known '8 glasses of water per day' - at least.

Strength training exercises are a must if you are trying to burn off excess fat. This type of exercise will cause your body to get the energy it needs from stored fat reserves. Other exercise like aerobics, walking or cycling are good for burning calories, so you will not end up each day with an excess that can get converted to fat. Finally, stretching exercises like Yoga are excellent for toning your body and increasing the flexibility in your muscles and joints.

Now if this all sounds like a lot of work - it is! But if you want to lose quickly (and safely) then you don't have much choice. Ask yourself - "how motivated am I"? If you are really serious about getting in shape then this is a good way to start. However, losing weight is kind of like quitting smoking. You can't go back to your old habits. Like the famous coach Yogi Berra said 'baseball is 90% mental -- the other half is physical!'. In other words a lot of this stuff is in your head. If you can't get around this, then you are in trouble from day one.

The best way is to start off with a diet program that will cause you to lose weight fast. After you've lost some initial pounds you should be motivated to continue. Then it's time to ease off into a more gradual type of diet and exercise routine that will lead to long-term weight loss and a significant change in your lifestyle.

Remember, it is possible and lots of people do it - and you'll feel better not only physically, but mentally as well.

Author Bio:
Mike is a fitness enthusiast, runner and walker. He is a contributing editor for the Get In Shape web site. Learn more weight loss tips on their page Can You Really Lose Weight Fast?

Weight Loss For Busy People

Busy people do not have time to concentrate on weight loss. It is a serious and understandable problem. Work schedules have not gotten lighter in the last decade. In fact people are working more. This leads to more eating on the run, drive thru dinners, and a lot of vending machine snacking.

The biggest problem with eating on the run is that the food choices are processed and put in a wrapper so its shelf life lasts for years. Their nutritional content wins the weight gain award. Fast food restaurants offer cheap food fast, which is handy when the work day is long, however, the offerings are high in calories and leave you hungry shortly thereafter.

Busy people also do not have the time to exercise adequately, so they are not only burdened by the fast food dilemma, they are accumulating unburned calories. It is a double edged sword that puts any kind of healthy decision making on the back burner.

Many work sites are now instituting wellness programs because healthy workers are more productive and cost less to the employer. Besides being a profit motive for companies, it can be a useful perk to employees who are given access to fitness rooms, on-site physician check ups, and even healthier food choices in the company cafeteria.

Whether or not your work place has a wellness program, your own interest in weight loss will empower you to look carefully at ways you can incorporate better habits that allow you to flourish in your career. The confidence you can gain by succeeding at a weight maintenance plan will carry over into other areas of your life, as well.

Busy people often do not want to think about their weight issue. This is to be expected. It is not a fun topic and procrastination is a natural reaction. That is why starting slowly is the first step. Allowing yourself time to ease into a weight loss plan will not overwhelm you.

The next step is to prioritize the areas of weakness, for example:
Eating out
Eating at work
Not cooking at home
Not anticipating schedule changes that temp you to skip meals

Choosing one or two of the less severe offenses and working on improving them are slow, baby step changes that can be made without being disruptive to daily activities.

Overeating unhealthy foods is the quickest way to put on the pounds. Busy people do not realize how much they actually eat. Another easy to implement practice is to eat only 80% of a meal or snack. Without having to measure food portions, just a simple visual approximation is all it takes. Especially with beverages, this can make quite a difference without feeling deprived.

Planning ahead for last minute events takes a little more work, but the payoff is great such as keeping a supply of healthy snacks in the car when a meeting location has changed or a child needs to be dropped off at band practice.

Taking short walk breaks is a simple activity to implement. Exercise can be spread out through the day. Two hours at the gym is not necessary to receive the benefits of exercise. Walking provides a good mental break and a way to curb cravings.

These suggestions do not have to be complicated. A few small changes create success so more successes can follow.

Lisa Ann Homic, M.Ed. D.C. owns Homic Advanced Chiropractic in Auburn, NY. In addition to providing chiropractic care she is a wellness coach and launched the Numbers Dont Lie Diet Program. More information can be found at http://www.CreatePurpose.com

Weight Loss Program Diet Tips - Healthy Snacks That Satisfy

Healthy weight loss programs don't have to mean diet drudgery. Sure, you may have to give up certain foods, but for most of us it's about food and snack choices that allow us to still eat foods we enjoy the taste of, but that are lower in fat, sugar, and empty carbohydrates. Since many of us eat healthy meals but sabotage our diets by snacking on the wrong foods, learning to replace them with satisfying but healthy treats can put us back on course. These weight loss tips should help.

Here's some quick, tasty, and satisfying snacks that will bolster your weight loss program.

  • Feel like you want a sweet snack, but you're not sure what?

First, try a glass of juice-water. What the heck is juice water? Think of it as a weight loss supplement. It's an invention on mine to make sure I get enough water, which I have a hard time drinking by itself. Fill a glass 7 or 8 parts with water, and top off the rest with orange juice, lemonade, limeade, ruby red grapefruit, or whatever you prefer. It makes a tasty, filling, and often craving-crushing treat that's also very low in sugar.

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Tip: Never drink your juices straight up. Way too much sugar. Always dilute them as juice water. This habit alone will trim calories off your weight loss diet every day. It also stretches your grocery dollars if you use lemonade or limeade concentrates. They're far less costly than orange juice, and ounce for ounce their stronger taste does a more efficient job of flavoring your water.

  • Need something with "mouth feel"? In other words, something to chew on?

If you definitely feel the need for something to satisfy the eating urge, try a tablespoon of peanut butter, which should be on almost everyone's weight loss diet program. It has just enough fat for flavor and just enough sweetness to satisfy. For it's size and caloric value, it's also filling. Want to juice it up? Dip-up a little of your favorite fruit preserve. It also makes a quick one-spoonful dessert.

  • Feel like you gotta have some chocolate ice cream?

Try chocolate Ovaltine and milk. It's chocolaty, it's delicious, and it includes vitamins and minerals. It's also far more filling than ice cream, which is in fact not filling at all. But use just one or two tablespoons of Ovaltine, not the recommended four. One or two is plenty, and it reduces your sugar consumption.

Another chocolate ice cream switcheroo is hot chocolate, but don't reach for the chemical-laden packaged mix. Instead, heat a cup of milk in the microwave for 1.5 to 2 minutes, then add one or two tablespoons of Ovaltine.

  • Have a hankering for a pastry?

Just make sure you grab a few weight loss pills to go with it. Instead, have a piece of toast with jam. Whole grain bread has real protein, and far fewer carbs than pastry. If you toast it, you also improve the fiber benefit for your body. Add a thin layer of apple butter for extra satisfaction. (Apple butter has less sugar than other fruit jellies and preserves.)

Substitutes: honey on the bread instead of preserves, and half of an English muffin instead of a slice of whole grain bread.

  • You can squelch almost any sweet tooth attack with a healthy serving of fruit.

Try to always keep around a bag of apples and oranges. Since you can't always get the fruit you want in season, keep some raisins in the pantry. Just a small scoop will satisfy almost any sweet tooth. But be sure to brush your teeth afterwards. Raisins are really good at sticking to your teeth, and you don't want the sugar hanging around there.

Other suggestions:

  • Small handful of peanuts, almonds, or cashews = healthy fats and protein.
  • A few small pieces of extra sharp cheese. The sharpness is important, because the sharper the cheese, the more flavor each piece contains. The more flavor, the quicker your taste buds are satisfied. The cheese advantage is that it packs protein, calcium, and a little fat in each chunk.
  • For extra enjoyment without added calories, brew a cup of coffee to have with the cheese. Coffee and sharp cheeses are a match made in heaven.
  • If you definitely need a large snack or small meal, cottage cheese and pineapple chunks are fast and easy. If you buy canned pineapple chunks, be sure to check the label for sugar content; they're not all alike. This combination gives you calcium, protein, a little fat, and fruit fiber.

Sure, every now and again you need to let go and eat that big bowl of chocolate ice cream. When the time comes, savor it for all it's worth. But on a daily basis, if you'll make some sensible substitutions in the snacking department, you'll lower your daily calorie intake and put yourself on track for long-term healthy weight loss and proper diet management.

See Paul's test of the Cheia Vida Slim 10 Day Slim Down Challenge, with videos and weight loss tips on his blog at http://fasthealthyweightloss.wordpress.com

Paul W. Whitten is a life-long nutrition, health, & fitness enthusiast. He writes about his fat burning dietary exploits to help others lose weight too.

Green Tea Weight Loss - How It Works

Green tea weight loss has been the talk of the town recently. The brews beneficial health effects have been enticing more people to start including green tea in their daily diet. Here are the reasons why green tea is touted as the natural way to lose weight.

Green tea speeds up your metabolism.

A study has found that green tea extract helped increase energy expenditure, or enhancement in the bodys metabolism process. Researchers were able to conclude that green tea causes a boost in a persons metabolic rate by 4 percent. The effects were considered to be a result of the activity of major green tea components called catechin polyphenols. These substances function by helping to improve the process of fat oxidation and thermogenesis, which refers to the rate at which the body burns calories. The increase of a persons metabolic rate then causes a greater number of calories to be burned and body fat to be lowered, rendering green tea weight loss programs effective.

Green tea regulates glucose and slows down fat absorption.

Green tea has been found to be valuable in regulating the bodys glucose by slowing the rise in blood sugar, most especially after a meal. By acting as a glucose regulator, green tea prevents high insulin spikes, which leads to fat storage. Green tea also helps by slowing down the action of amylase, a certain digestive enzyme. The course involving the slowing down of amylase is essential in green tea weight loss as this helps stem the breakdown of starches or carbohydrates, which are the main causes why blood sugar levels rise after a meal. The catechins in green tea also help to suppress the passage of glucose into fat cells. The effectiveness of green tea weight loss programs are then made possible through glucose regulation and the repression of fat absorption.

Green tea weight loss programs can help cut down calories.

Compared to coffee, green tea is a more suitable drink for people who want their caffeine fix but dont want the extra calories. Drinking coffee with calorie-loaded cream and sugar wreaks havoc on your waistline. Due to this, green tea weight loss programs advise against taking coffee to help cut back on calorie intake and eventually lose weight.

Green tea may help decrease the desire for food.

Animal studies done by scientists revealed that green tea can help lose up to 21 percent of body weight in rats. In the experiment, rats were injected daily with a green tea extract for seven days. The results showed that the rats lost their food cravings, which was evident in their food consumption that experienced a decrease of up to 60 percent. Researchers suggested that the reaction may have been caused by the way green tea regulates blood sugar.

With all these green tea weight loss benefits, people may wonder just how much green tea they have to take. Though answers vary, its generally considered that 3 to 5 cups of green tea day is most favorable. This amount can help burn an additional 70 calories a day.

Patricia Hammond is a green tea enthusiast. Get her FREE 7-Day GREEN TEA eCourse here or visit her site at http://www.YourHealthCenter.info for more health tips on weight loss, sleeping disorders and others.

Cheap Weight Loss Methods

cheap weight loss methods are a dime a dozen these days. The only problem is finding cheap weight loss methods that actually work and if they do work. Will the weight loss program work for your unique metabolism? How fast will you see the results from these so called quick weight loss programs? Learn how to lose 9lbs. Every 11 days, speed up your metabolism to high gear no matter what kind of genes you were born with. While eating more meals and no exercise involved with this new updated weight loss method

Cheap Weight Loss Methods in the past use to teach eat less meals, intake less calories, take several diet substitutes and exercise till exhaustion. Current quick weight loss programs now know that this is not true and is a unhealthy approach to quick weight loss. Not only that, the health and fitness gurus have also learned every diet plan and diet supplement doesn't work for everyone. Every person was born with different genes and have metabolisms that work at different speeds.

Quick Weight Loss Programs that are Successful for Anyone

There are two main factors that need to be included in any quick weight loss programs to be successful to any individuals unique needs. You need to eat several meals throughout the day but with the correct foods. Second, the time you eat those meals is the key for success. It really is that simple when broken down to simpler terms. Don't listen to the complex mumbo jumbo that the so called health and fitness gurus talk about. I believe some of them make it sound more complex than what it really breaks down to. Speed up your metabolism=burning calories and fat quickly which means losing unwanted body weight.

How this Weight Loss Method is so Successful

Eating more food at the right intervals of the day will speed up your metabolism no matter what type of metabolism you have. If you try this weight-loss program you will feel a difference and see the results very quickly. Your metabolism will jump into hyper drive and burn the fat quickly. Trust me you won't be able to stop smiling knowing you will achieve your personal weight loss goal quickly. When I first tried this technique I could literally feel the difference the first day. It gave me more energy than I have ever had, made me feel healthy and alive like never before.

Whether your looking for quick weight loss programs to achieve a personal short term goal or for a long term goal this quick weight loss method will work for you. Exercising definitely helps you to lose weight quicker and be healthier but is not necessary for this quick weight loss method. Not everyone is built the same and some people can't physically workout or just don't want to. This diet plan will be great for you and keep you healthy and energized throughout the day.

Ray Day has used this quick weight-loss program with exceptional results. Even after he achieved his weight loss goal he still uses this cheap weight loss methods daily because it's not just a diet plan for him but a whole new way of life. It's easy to implement for everyday life. He found out about this program here quick weight loss programs

Natural Herbal Fast Effective Weight Loss Products

Many people, especially women, are interested in an effective method to jump start their weight loss program. There now exists in the market place natural herbal weight loss products. These products are 100% natural, safe and effective. It is a natural method to help you lose unwanted weight.

These products have been around in their natural form for generations. These same formulas are now available in capsule form for the modern consumer. Ingredients such as Lotus Leaf, Poria, Bush-cherry Seed, Chinese Yam and Hawthorn Fruit have been used by the Chinese for hundreds of years. These herbal weight loss products can be used for long periods of time without experiencing any serious side effects.

Natural products are found to be extremely effective. It is not uncommon to lose 5 to 10 pounds in the first month. Even after that one can lose 2 to5 pounds for each following month. When side effects do occur they are extremely mild. These side effects include sweating, constipation or trouble with sleeping. In order to eliminate these side effects one only has to cut their dosage in half.

In order to find the right herbal weight loss product you probably have to do a little research. Read the package carefully. It is important not to exceed the recommended dosage. Compared with weight loss products that are medicinal in nature, natural herbal weight loss products are very safe and effective.

It so go without saying that if you are under medical supervision or have any medical condition that it is important to consult with your doctor first.

In this country over sixty percent of the adults are overweight while thirty percent of these are considered to be obese. People spend a lot of money for weight loss products every single year. Regardless of their efforts most of us are not successful trying to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. It is time to consider using an herbal weight loss supplement.

Presently there are two very successful weight loss products on the market. The most well known is Hoodia. It is true that in its natural state that Hoodia is a very effective method to lose weight. The truth is that much of the Hoodia that comes into this country has been adulterated and is considerably less effective.

The other is Chinese green tea. My research, which includes interviewing Chinese doctors, is that this is really not an effective weight loss solution. Apparently, there is nothing in green tea that is an effective weight loss agent.

Another natural weight loss product that is not well known is 999 Fitness Essence. Until recently this has only been available by purchasing it through your local acupuncturist. Many people report, especially women, that they have very positive results with this product. They have told of its continued results over time.

Of course, if you want to increase your chances for success you will want to change your diet and include a daily exercise regiment.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/natural_food_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

Natural Weight Loss Program To Lose Weight Quickly

Exercise alone will not make you lose the amount of weight that you want if you're still taking in more calories than you burn off. However, eating less and exercising more will only decrease your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for roughly 60-80 percent of daily calorie expenditure. Exercising plays a very important part in learning how to lose weight fast naturally. Exercise alone doesn't work. We need to try something totally different.

Eat veggies raw, fresh or cooked. No fats, no sauces, no butter. Eating fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats and grains is the best. Eat carbs in moderation only, like pasta or white rice. Eating a regular amount of proteins will prevent this from happening.

Drink a protein shake that's a 50:50 mix of whey to casein proteins. The best time to drink the shake depends on your physical activities. Drinking more water will help flush these toxins out. Water also helps with basic cellular functioning and, importantly, metabolism.

Choose low and non fat dairy products, as well as the leanest cuts of meat (round and loin) and skinless poultry. Beans, nuts, and whole grains round out the list of heart-healthy foods as well.

Fast food is readily available and it's very tempting. As you probably already know eating fast food is never as healthy as a well-planned, balanced diet. Millions of people all around the world are flocking to these very unhealthy foods daily. The fast food lifestyle is a epidemic in the United States that is killing us and our future.


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Weight loss program that works

How to Find the Best Weight Loss Program

There are a ton of companies out there who promise to help you lose weight. How can you tell the companies that will waste your time, money, and energy from the ones that will actually help you achieve your goals? Here are some questions that will help you choose the best weight loss program for you.

1. Who is Going to Be Working With Me?

The best weight loss programs employ experts in the field: dieticians, nutritionists, doctors, exercise gurus, and professional counselors.

2. What Kind of Training Will I Receive?

Long term weight loss is not just about taking off a few pounds, but about keeping them off permanently. The best weight loss program for you will go beyond simple food education to help you to identify and avoid situations where you overeat, training you to live a healthier, fitter lifestyle.

3. What is the Average Weight Loss of Participants?

The best weight loss programs are glad to share their statistics with potential members, because they have a solid, positive track record of success. Steer away from any company that will not do this.

4. How Many of Your Clients Maintain Their Weight Loss?

The best weight loss program will focus on long term, not temporary, weight loss. Therefore, they should be able to tell you the percentage of members who keep the weight off over time.

5. How Flexible is the Plan?

The best weight loss program will take your food preferences into consideration. If there is no flexibility in what you are allowed to eat, the likelihood of being able to stick with the program for a lifetime is extremely slim.

6. What Will I Have to Pay?

The best weight loss program will have no hidden fees. If you are required to purchase their food or supplements, this should be revealed up front.

7. What Side Effects Can I Expect?

The best weight loss programs are able to describe their disadvantages and side effects up front, to prepare you to deal with them in advance.

By asking these seven questions before you start, you can ensure that you pick a weight loss program that fits your personal needs.

Discover twenty one sure fire ways to lose weight and shed those pounds with this free weight loss newsletter.