Lose Fat

Friday, May 23, 2008

Successful Weight Loss: Ask For What You Want

What will it take for you to achieve the weight loss and health you really want? One of the things which prevents people losing weight is they dont believe they can have what they want. Or even, as individuals, they don't deserve what they want, they generally dont ask for it. Youre not likely to get what you want until firstly, you determine what this is and then ask for it. Theres a saying If you dont ask, you dont get. This holds true for many things in life and definitely plays a big part in your journey to successful weight loss.

When I start working with individuals to lose weight, I hear mainly all the things they dont want. One of the first steps is to turn this into what they do want.

Im quite happy to exercise more, but I dont enjoy doing it on my own.

Ive heard what you dont want, that you dont want to exercise on your own, now tell me what you do want.

I want someone to exercise with

Great, now you know what you want, we can work on achieving that.

Although this may not seem much of a difference, the main shift is that when you determine what you want, you start to look for ways to make this to happen. Whereas, when you're focusing on what you dont want, you're more likely to get stuck.

Let's be more specific. Which particular area of exercising do you want to do more of?

Id like to take one step aerobic class regularly each week.

What day would this be?

Tuesday or Thursday at 7pm, so Ill ask a friend to come with me.

Which friend are you going to ask?

Oh, I hadnt thought of that?

The more specific you are in asking for what you want, the more chance you have of achieving it.

So, who specifically do you want to join you at the step aerobic class.

I could ask Helen.

Great, who else?

Mmm, Ill have a think.

The more choices you allow yourself, the easier its going to be to find someone. I suggest you come up with a list of 10 people to ask.

I really encourage you to ask as specifically as you can for what you want. My suggestion is that you make a list of all the things you say you dont want with regard to your weight and health. Now, looking at each item, turn it around and write next to it what you dont want. Then, consider what you need to ask for specifically, to make this happen. Although this process appears to be simple, many people don't find it easy. Defining what you really want and asking for it can be challenging. You may want to have some support and encouragement with this process, by working with a coach.

Asking for what you want is a life skill and it requires practice. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Like most things, the first step is the hardest. I encourage you to ask for what you want in the situations you feel most comfortable with as a starting point. When you feel ready, then progress steadily to situations which are more difficult for you.

What I want is for you to ask for what you want.

Wendy helps people to lose weight. Click to her site http://www.weightlosscoaching.com to read more weight loss articles.

Custom Weight Loss Formulas

With this New Year comes many resolutions, the most popular being weight loss. As with all good intentions, resolutions are most successful when a person has a plan to help support the effort. Whether you are trying to lose 20 lbs or 100 lbs it is important to create a plan for success. Part of your plan should include the nutrients your body needs in order to function at its peak. Since so many millions of people today are taking prescription medications for health concerns, it is often confusing when attempting to choose the best support formula for weight loss. Don't be fooled by the ads that claim that "anyone" can take this formula or that formula. That simply is not true. If you are currently taking medication for High blood pressure, cardiac concerns, diabetes, kidney, thyroid, stress, pain, or any other health issue, it is wise to avoid certain supplements and herbs. It is impossible to list all of the supplements that one should avoid since each body has an individual bio-chemistry and unique needs. Please do not just walk into a drug store, health food store, or your local grocer and choose a formula off the shelf. It would be much wiser for you to know that the supplements you are taking coincide with all medications your doctor has prescribed. If you'd like more information on how you can obtain a custom formula that is made specifically for you and your health concerns, call my office.

For over 23 yrs I have helped people achieve their health goals including weight loss. Weight loss is not just an issue of the body, it is connected closely to your mental and emotional states. Here are some important elements to help you succeed:

Make movement part of every idle moment. When you are on "hold" waiting for someone to come back to a phone conversation just stand up, or move your feet, your legs, your hands, or your arms until the conversation continues. If you are sitting down to finish your conversation, rotate your wrists and ankles. Squeeze your leg muscles for a few seconds and release. Just think MOVE whenever you have idle time. Park your car a longer distance from the grocery store than your norm. Each extra step you take equates to burned calories...so the more you move, the more calories you burn. Be sure to include weight-bearing exercises as part of your health routine. The dense muscles of your body will actually continue burning calories after your work out has finished, which is contrary to aerobic exercise. It is important that you use weights three times per week. Talk to your doctor to find out what you are allowed to do. If you do not get any guidelines for restriction, speak with an exercise coach, a physical therapist, or even the physical education instructor at a local high school or college if you can. Find out what is allowed for your age and condition.

Eat foods that are filled with fiber. You will find that raw fruits and vegetables, and slightly steam veggies are generally rich in fibers and packed with nutrients. Limit the amount of animal foods that you consume. Certainly cut out empty calorie junk foods such as pies, cakes, ice creams, donuts, soda, alcohol, sugar, and white flour foods. Whatever you put in your mouth should be as valuable as possible. Eat nutrient dense foods, foods that are closer to nature. If you wish to dip your raw veggies try non-fat or low fat dressings.

Be sure to eat three main meals and two snacks daily. This will actually help to keep your metabolism active. It will prevent you from having a craving because it will allow more stable blood sugar throughout your day. If a person were to cut back on calories and skip meals it would trick the mind and the metabolism into thinking that it needed to hold onto weight and/or water in order to survive. This is our body's natural survival instinct.

Drink purified water throughout the day. Do not drink soda or alcohol.
Cut down on the amount of salt you take in daily
Find hobbies that will occupy your time.
Taking digestive enzymes with your meals may help. Check to see if you are compatible with papaya tablets, bromelain, and probiotics.
Include more dark leafy greens if your condition allows. Dark leafy green vegetables have more iron which in turn will hold more oxygen in the cells. If you are not allowed to take extra iron you might want to avoid extra dark leafy greens and other iron-rich foods like raisins and liver.
Use non-salt flavorings such as dried herbs to add pep to your dishes.
Get used to chewing your food for thirty seconds before swallowing. Carbohydrate metabolism begins in the mouth.
Find activities that interest you. Often eating too much has its roots in boredom, if it is not due to metabolism issues. Fill your life with new activities to change your focus. Changing your focus is paramount to the success of any weight loss program.

If you need to "chew" something, use sugarless gum in a pinch.
When you find yourself craving a food that you smell or see start saying the following immediately: "No food tastes as good as thin feels!"
Wear a small alarm, or use your phone alarm. Set the alarm to go off once each half hour when you first start your lifestyle change. When the alarm goes off, repeat your favorite positive affirmation. Along with the affirmation drink some purified water - add a little lemon juice if you can tolerate it, or slice of orange, or strawberry. Warm green tea may be good if your doctor allows.
If you are someone who was used to having an alcoholic beverage more than once or twice a week, try the following: Ice water with an olive. Ice Tea with a lemon wedge. Tonic Water with an olive or other fresh fruit slice. Sip slowly and repeat your positive affirmation mentally. A small amount of wine may be permissible. Again, ask your physician.
Adding some invisible fiber to your foods may also help to curb your appetite. You will find invisible fiber in most all grocery stores and drug stores. Follow the directions on the label. When we eat foods rich in fiber we naturally eat less because we feel fuller faster.
Practice deep breathing exercises to avoid stress periods during your day. Close your eyes, breathe in deeply and hold it for three seconds. Exhale. Repeat three to five times. As you breathe correctly from the diaphragm you will feel invigorated and get a mental lift as well.
Get a good pair of walking shoes and USE them. When the weather permits walk out of doors. If not, walk in place while you watch your favorite program. You will surprised how fast the time goes by. If you can't walk for thirty minutes consecutively, start out with five minutes at a time. Before you know it you will be walking ten then twenty and eventually you should be able to easily walk for thirty minutes. You can try to sing or repeat the alphabet or talk with your family or a friend while you walk. You should be able to hold a conversation as you walk - if not, you might be walking too quickly. Pace yourself and make it fun!
Get some good work-out music. When we hear energizing music our heart rate increases and our bodies are filled with a sense of power.
Some people do best if they can check in with a coach. Ask for referrals in your area. Do what it takes to stay motivated. Remember that each day away from an old habit is one day closer to SUCCESS!

Janet Angel, Ph.D.

Janet Angel is a sought-after wellness expert with advanced degrees in nutritional biochemistry and psychology. She believes that everyone needs to educate themselves on the wellness opportunities available around the world. Dr. Angel has counseled many prominent citizens across the United States and has participated in several international research programs surrounding health. She has been a guest on many radio programs, is a public speaker, author and seminar leader. Dr. Angel believes that the body has the innate ability to heal itself in most circumstances, given the right environment, the right elements and the opportunity. For further information on her drive to help others reach their fullest potential, please go to http://www.Totallywell.com For financial wellness ideas go to http://www.LinkToCashNow.com

How To Lose 40 Pounds in a Month

Just a few days ago someone asked me if it's possible to lose 40 pounds in a month, and if so how she could do it. I decided to take the answer I gave her and to make an article of it. So here it is.

But before I write about how this can be done, let me say that I suggest you give yourself more time to lose 40 lbs. A month will require some drastic measures. But if you're adamant about it, read on. You need to be aware that in order to lose 40 pounds in 30 days, you need to create a massive calorie deficit. This isn't something which is easily done. It's possible to do this in just 2 ways:

1. Use a detox diet - A detox diet cleanses your body of a great deal of undigested pounds and helps you to create a calorie deficit. A detox diet includes drinking a lot of fluids, usually water and fruit juice (fresh juice). This kind of diet flushes you out and helps to stave off hunger. In this way it's possible to lose 40 pounds fast. In a month, it can be done. However, you need to be aware that this may not be the healthiest thing to do. Using a detox diet for too long can be detrimental to the body since you're not eating a lot of necessary nutrients. It's great for fast weight loss, but don't use it for too long.

2. The second way to lose 40 lbs in a month is to create the necessary calorie deficit by working out a lot and eating in moderation. You will need to do a lot of cardio (at least 4 hours each week) and also do strength workouts, but cardio is key. You will not be building muscle tissue in this month, you will only be losing weight. If you do enough cardiovascular workouts, and eat in moderation (a lot of vegetables and fruit and short on carbs), you may be able to lose 40 pounds in 1 month. But you need to be aware that this will require a massive effort on your part.

As I said, it's possible to lose 40 pounds in a month with the right kind of determination and willpower, but I suggest you give yourself a bit more time. It'll make it easier.

To read about the best detox diet and cardiovascular based diet, visit this webpage:
Diet plans to lose 10 lbs in 2 Weeks.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Green Tea Diets - The Benefits of Green Tea

The Chinese have used green tea to treat ailments for several centuries. Nowadays, Western culture is beginning to understand the benefits of green tea. Recent research has revealed some of the health benefits of using green tea including the possible prevention of arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cataracts and also cancer.

Besides the disease-fighting benefits, Diet green tea also aids weight loss programs. Studies have shown that drinking green tea helps you burn more calories. So what makes green tea so beneficial?

Green tea is the most popular types of Chinese tea. Many people, consider it as the best drink for hot summers. The main reason for this claim is the fact that green tea is cool and fights off irritation. Many have even claimed that it relieves fever.

The health benefits of Diet green tea have been known throughout the world, and are appreciated a lot more these days. The Chinese have known about these medicinal benefits since ancient times, as they have been using green tea to treat everything from headaches to depression, and a long list of other ailments.

Today there are numerous scientific researches conducted both in Asia and the West is providing hard evidences for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. A good example is the Journal of the National Cancer Institute which published the results of an epidemiological study in 1994, indicating that drinking Diet green tea lowers the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly 60%. The University of Purdue just recently reported its findings that a compound in green tea can help fight cancer.

Diet green tea is also reported to be beneficial in fighting against cardiovascular disease, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, impaired immune function, and even high cholesterol levels; thus keeping the body healthy.

Why is Diet green tea so special? Diet green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly the said epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is basically an anti-oxidant that has the power to fight and kill cancer cells without harming healthy tissue in the body.

Studies also revealed that this anti-oxidant has been effective in lowering cholesterol levels, and hampering the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter benefit takes on added importance for the fact that the formation of abnormal blood clots, medically known as thrombosis, is the main factor that causes stroke and heart attacks, thus making Diet green tea very beneficial for one's health and well being.

In recent years, some studies have revealed new evidences about other benefits of Diet green tea. It is claimed that Diet green tea can help dieters. Diet green tea is also said to prevent tooth decay. Now, several skin preparations containing green tea, from deodorants to creams, are also starting to appear on the market. This is for the reason that Diet green tea is found out to be powerful in fighting bacteria that cause skin problems.

Considering the many benefits which Diet green tea has, it is recommended that you drink not only for the purposes of losing weight but also keeping healthy.

Do you want to learn more about a proven, natural green tea weight loss product? My review of Avatrim can answer some questions.

Lose A Lot Of Weight Super Fast

For anyone who has ever struggled with losing those extra few pounds before a special event, there is a way for you to make it happen. The truth is that most dieters follow a low calorie, low fat weight loss plan. However, they still aren't losing any weight. Why is this?

Eat Small, Frequent Meals

Most low calorie dieters know that they should not eat less than 1,200 calories per day. However, many exist on only 800-900 calories believing that if 1,200 is good, 800 must be better. That could not be further from the truth! When you restrict your calories to the point of being dangerous, you put your body into starvation mode. By doing this, you shock your metabolism and it slows to counterbalance the decreased caloric intake. So rather than lose weight, your body conserves any extra calories to make it through the periods of starvation.

So how can this be remedied? You can end this vicious cycle and lose weight super fast by increasing your caloric intake to a minimum of 1,500 calories, while eating 5-6 times per day. This will jump start your metabolism and keep you burning calories steadily throughout the day.

Add Some Protein

Another way to lose weight super fast is by increasing your protein intake. You should opt for lean proteins such as ground turkey instead of ground beef and skinless chicken breasts. By adding a small amount of protein to each meal, you will increase your calorie burning as well as feel more full and satisfied.

Stay Hydrated

Make sure that you are getting the recommended 8 glasses of water daily. Not only will water fill you up, but it helps to flush out the toxins in your body that are slowing your weight loss progress. Drink a glass of water before each meal to suppress your appetite and keep you from taking in extra calories.

In conclusion, by following these simple steps, you will be well on your way to losing your weight super fast.

To learn more about Losing Weight, visit Brian's Healthy Living website.

About the Author: Brian McCoy is a successful 6 figure earner and one of the top income earners in the home business industry. Brian is passionate about sharing his love of health and wellness with others. He is also dedicated to devoting the time, energy, and effort into his team and works with them to ensure their success.

Slim Down By Eating Right

There are 2 important components in successful weight control. Diet and exercise are the keys to your reaching and maintaining your goal weight, but diet is the more important one for weight loss.

You can exercise your little(?) bum off and still not lose weight if you continue to overeat. Naturally if you exercise regularly, you can be overweight and quite fit, but that's not really what you are after.

So in regards to diet, you know that you have to wean yourself off the fatty, salty, sugary yummies if you are going to get what you want (a fit trim healthy new you, remember?).

But of course the treats you've been routinely inhaling throughout your day have become like second nature to you and there's the problem. You have to change your eating habits or you are simply not going to have a weight control diet except in your wildest dreams.

If you are in a really desperate mindset, you may be able to cut out the saturated fats and copious sugars and simple carbs that I suspect currently predominate your life from one day to the next. Wouldn't that be great?

That's actually how I gave up drinking 3 years ago. I just stopped and didn't start again. I did not expect to be able to do this and I certainly did not plan it as I was an every day heavy drinker till then.

I was just in the right mindset at the right time and even now I don't thing "I'll never drink again". I think "At the moment the benefits of not drinking far outweigh the drawbacks". You could apply this Spartan technique to diet, but it can be a hard decision to stick to if you go that way.

The easiest method to change your diet is to wean yourself off particular foods while re-introducing your taste buds to salads and fruit and nuts and veges and lean meats. A bit like putting a baby onto solids.

All right, I know it's not fast, but do you want to maintain a goal weight or not? The vast majority of people who lose weight rapidly stack it all back on and more, so if you want a lasting result it's going to take time. If you rush a miracle man, you'll get lousy miracles.

Anyway, along with retraining your taste buds eating-wise, here are a few pointers for eating right to slim down.

1. You are going to have to restrict your drinks to water, skim milk, tea, coffee and the occasional diet drink, light beer or watered down glass of wine. Green tea would be perfect if you could manage it. The caffeine is helpful with fat burning and energy.

If water is too boring, slice up a bit of orange, lime or lemon and drown it. Don't be tempted into a drop of sugary cordial or a full strength milk or soda style drink.

Whatever you do, do not fool yourself into thinking fruit juice to be an acceptable health drink if you want to lose weight. All the fibre has been chucked out with the pulp and the juice is just choked with sugar that if you don't exercise it off almost immediately, will settle quite gleefully onto your stomach, thighs and hips.

2. You are going to have to eat small meals often. Now when you are currently thinking meals, you are probably thinking steak and 3 veg plus desert. No, no, no. A meal could be as small as an apple or tub of low fat yoghurt. The big meals should be breakfast and lunch to get you through the demanding parts of the day.

3. Dinner should be a very low volume meal. Use small plates for a psychological advantage. Small night time meals will definitely take some attitude adjustment, but the results will please you. Don't be afraid to go to bed a little bit hungry.

You have probably gotten into the habit of eating mindlessly with your focus elsewhere than on your food. If your food is not the main subject of your attention when you eat, I can guarantee you will eat more than you mean to. Turn off the TV, sit down, look at your food and appreciate it. Eat slowly and taste everything you eat. It's going to work.

4. Stop eating before you get full. It takes a good 20 minutes for your dozy old tummy to register that you have fed it. Give it a chance by sending down a bit at a time. This is definitely an acquired technique but again one that will set you on the road to weight control diet success.

If you put a bit of thought into what you eat and drink and how and when you take your meals, you are going to slim down nicely.

Eat clean and prosper!

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, but what you need to know. Visit Rosie at weight-control-diet-advice.com.

Rosie's e-Book Weight Loss is Simple may be what you're after. Check it out & get a free copy of her popular e-Book Fat No More, while you're there.

Steps To Successful Weight Loss

The first step to losing weight and keeping it off forever is to set a goal.

This step is one of the hardest steps, not the easiest. If setting a goal were so simple everyone would be doing it.

Of course you make think that people make goals all the time. Sure they do. But they don't accomplish them. For those who do accomplish their goals, well, we consider them successful.

The secret to setting a goal is not simply to arrive at or state a particular thing that we wish to achieve. In other words, coming up with our ideal weight is not enough.

The secret to establishing a goal is commitment. That is, a single, concentrated and focused effort to achieve a desired outcome. A personal vow that is backed up by all the strength of your being. A dedicate effort that refuses to fail.

Easier said than done. The truth is that we have all done it at one time or another. At some point in your life you made up your mind that you were going to accomplish something. You made a focused effort, took action and probably made some sacrifices.

But, the point is, you did it.

Now, all you have to do is focus. Find that inner strength. Make up your mind. Take action.

You should, practically speaking, choose an ideal weight. Experience will probably be some indication.

If, however, you are obese or under medical supervision, consult your physician first.

This is perhaps this most difficult step and possibly the second most important one.

Another step that you should implement is changing your diet.

Theses steps are about life-style changes, not dieting. So, just to be clear, changing your diet is not the same as dieting. You diet to lose weight. You change your diet to transform yourself.

There are two steps to changing your diet.

The first is to eliminate the foods that aren't so good for you. These include processed food, junk food, artificial sweeteners and prepared foods.

The second is to change your diet to foods that are benefial for you. These include whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Ideally, your meals should be cooked from scratch. I know, I know, a big pain in the neck. But the benefits are overwhelming. Losing weight is just the beginning. Whole, natural foods cooked from scratch leads to better health, calmer nerves and peace of mind. Believe it or not, children thrive and behave better.

Anyway, this is something to seriously consider. Simply ask yourself, "What are my priorities?" When you answer that then perhaps this step won't be so difficult.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/fatburnerreviews/natural_food_fat_burners.html where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

12 Best Exercises for Golf

Physical conditioning and strength training for golf will increase the distance of your shots, reduce your score, and eliminate the nagging injuries associated with playing "too much" golf. In the era of Tiger Woods, there is no doubt that a golfer is an athlete. It is believed that Tiger makes shots that no one else can because of his physical strength. But while millions upon millions of golfers have emulated Tiger's clothing and equipment, how many have followed his lead and strengthened their body for golf?

Think for a moment about the money you spend on clubs, memberships, friendly wagers, and golf lessons. Are you getting your money's worth? The value of your equipment or golf pro is not being questioned, but the value of the operating unit - your body - needs to be evaluated. First rate equipment will always be limited by second rate conditioning.

The good news is that a small investment (less than the cost of your custom driver) can help you identify the weak links in your physical conditioning and will strengthen your body in preparation for the season. You owe it to yourself to get the most out of your efforts and expensive equipment. A good program can add yards to your drive and should increase the effectiveness of both your golf clubs and golf lessons.

Think about this: If you have played golf for 3 years then you have taken at least 3840 explosive swings on the course:

40 wood & long-iron shots per round

2 rounds per week

16 weeks in a season

3 seasons

= 3840 explosive swings!

Big deal, you say? Where's the problem? The problem is you have taken almost 4000 muscle contractions in one direction only. This may overdevelop some muscles at the expense of others. Imagine doing 4000 contractions with only your right arm - think there might be differences in muscle size and strength between your left and right arms?

Technically, you have overtrained some muscles for three years, while others have been completely neglected. Compounding your physical imperfections are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle (as is the case for most golfers) and the individual oddities that you may have been born with (flat feet, limb length differences, poor co-ordination, etc.). Without physical conditioning, it's unlikely that you will be playing at an optimal level. All of these factors contribute to your need for a professional assessment - a small investment in time and money that can make a world of difference in your game. Physical conditioning is no less important than golf lessons.

Step 1 - Get a thorough physical assessment from a qualified professional to identify your muscle weaknesses and flexibility. You may visit a physical therapist, an experienced personal trainer, an athletic therapist, or other movement specialist - ask around for a recommendation. Costs will vary, but the information you will extract from this session will pay for itself at the year-end club championship!

If you need to lose excess body fat, then do it with interval training and nutrition, not with long, slow, boring cardio. That takes too long and does nothing for golf fitness.

It is mandatory that you have an assessment and address any injuries, imbalances, inflexibility, or other concerns before you move on with a strength and conditioning program. The right professional will help you address the cause of injury, rather than just treating the symptoms. Low-back pain is also extremely prevalent in golfers. If you have low-back pain, you must see your doctor and have them refer you to the appropriate professional. Fix your lower back before you start swinging your golf club at speeds of up to 90-100 miles per hour!

You may also wish to discuss pre-game preparation with your movement therapist or Strength and Conditioning Coach. Like sprinting, golf is an explosive sport and demands thorough preparation to prepare their muscles for high-velocity movements. Ask a certified trainer to take you through a warm-up that involves dynamic movements for the upper body and lower body. This is termed "dynamic flexibility" and is designed to increase range of motion and to warm-up the muscles specific to the movement.

Your pre-game preparations should begin immediately following your last round! Take advantage of any opportunity you have to enhance recovery and do some more dynamic flexibility. Does your club have a massage therapist? If so, take advantage! Do you have injuries that require immediate ice and other recovery measures? Take the opportunity to ask for instructions on recovery at your initial assessment.

From the results of your professional assessment, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) will be able to put together a program for you. The program should begin with a restoration of function followed by training to increase strength and eventually will go on to help you develop power.

An area that is going to be a weak spot in most golfers is the strength and endurance of the abdominal and low-back muscles. Some experts suggest that increasing low-back endurance can help reduce back problems. A golfer will also want to build endurance so that they can maintain good posture in their golf stance over an 18-hole match. Endurance in the abs and lower back could have profound effects on your game's consistency.

Just like your golf lessons, the training program that you need is likely to be very different from the program required by your golf partner, your wife, or the guy you are chasing for the club championship. That is why you need to invest in a strength coach to set you up with a training program.

Priority training areas for both advanced and recreational golfers include the arms, shoulder-complex, lower back, abdominals, and obliques. This doesn't mean you should grab the local bodybuilder's routine for arm curls and sit-ups. Your program should be much more targeted than that. Here are some exercises that you should discuss with your strength coach to include in your training program:

12 Best exercises to strengthen the abdominal and lower-back muscles.

1) Plank

2) Side Plank

3) Plank With Arms on Ball

4) Bird Dog

5) Cat-Camel

6) Mountain Climber

7) Spiderman Climb

8) Stability Ball Jackknife

9) Waiter's Bow

10) Medicine Ball Woodchoppers

11) Back Extension

12) Waiter's Bow

Bonus 13) Standing Pullover

12 Best Exercises that will help you develop total-body strength & mobility:

1) Squat

2) Lateral Step-up

3) Reverse Lunge

4) Romanian Deadlift

5) Step-up

6) Split Squat

7) Single-Arm DB Row

8) Wide-Grip Seated Row

9) Standing Cable Chest Press with Rotation

10) One-arm Elevated Push-up

11) Rotator Cuff External Rotation

12) Y's & T's

Don't use all of these exercises in the same session. This is merely a list of exercises that you and your trainer may want to include in your conditioning program.

With the right program, you can become stronger, more flexible, fitter, and have more power than your opposition. A well-conditioned golfer will also have that "psychological advantage" being at the "top" of their game and has a greater chance of setting personal bests. Good luck!

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Weight Loss Ebook - The New Weight Loss Bibles?

Weight loss ebooks can do wonders for your weight loss efforts, but it seems like only a fraction of the population even know what an ebook is and how it can help them. Ebooks are much more useful than regular books as they can contain live web link and video etc, and most of them are available by instant download. Read on to find out whether a weight loss ebook can help you.


A great thing about weight loss ebooks is that you can get them instantly. If you feel like you need to get some help and advice for your weight loss efforts, thanks to these ebooks you can find real expert advice from your own armchair. Gone are the days where you would need to visit your library or bookstore, as you can buy weight loss ebooks online and then get an instant download so you can be reading it within seconds.


Organisation is another things that's very convenient about weight loss ebooks. Many of them will come with some kind of pre-designed spreadsheet, which you can then print out and use for your food diary/calorie counter or whatever you need. This is very helpful, as it enables you to really stick at it and see the benefits much sooner than if you were just trying to lose weight unaided.


The truth - sometimes the guys behind the weight loss ebook will be more willing to tell the truth than the guys who publish the regular books. You can find some real shocking medical stuff in some of the ebooks, and it goes a long why to explaining the problems of being overweight. For example did you know there is a kind of plaque that lives in your gut and hampers proper digestion? Scary huh?


You can learn to lose weight the way that's right for you - a weight loss ebook like this will often have lots of different viewpoints and perspectives in it, so you can take your time and make a choice that you are comfortable with. It's not going to be all about losing weight on some fad celebrity diet which only lets you eat slices of beef with celery shavings or whatever.

Weight loss ebooks, like many other kinds of ebooks, are starting to have a bigger place in society as the internet becomes a more familiar part of life. If you aren't aware of such things you really could be missing out. Check out the links below to see 3 of the best weight loss ebooks, one of them will even show you how to remove the plaque from your gut.

CLICK HERE to see the 3 best weight loss ebooks available - You'll even see pictures of the plaque living in YOUR gut right now

CLICK HERE for the best weight loss resources on the net - we'll even show you how to get a free weight loss book right now

Emma Green is the webmaster at http://www.fastweightlossreview.com

#1 Missing Factor in Weight Loss Programs

Trying to lose weight all on your own will never work.

It's that simple.

So here's what "social support" means, and how to get it.

Social support is probably one of the missing ingredients that people don't realize how important that is to achieve. Not only fitness goals, but really any goals in life. For example, to achieve your business goals you have to have support of other business minded people to help you.

If you want to stop drinking you've got to hang around people that don't drink. In this day and age, our social groups are a lot different now. There's a lot more internet based, for better or for worse, but the positive power of these internet based groups can be huge, especially now as they get more specific.

Going on the internet can help. If you use the Turbulence Training member forums, you'll get the best help. There are forums specific for moms that are trying to lose body fat.

So, we're able to get more specific now and that way you don't have to go through a lot of various stuff to get to the specific stuff. You just go right to the specific stuff that's helping you with your specific problem. So there's all sorts of good stuff out there on the internet so hopefully people will be able to find it. But these networking sites and forums and that type of stuff are very, very helpful.

Social support means getting at least one person, and preferably a lot more people, to encourage you, check up on you, motivate you, keep you in line, and keep you on track. You need to be accountable to these people. You need to state your goals to these people.

By doing this, you will have a greater chance of success. You can also workout with someone to get the maximum benefits of social support.

Scientists know that partnering up with a friend will help you lose fat.

So stick with winners. Partner up with someone to get help and get their success to rub off on you.

You sometimes need to pay someone for the right social support. Research shows that being accountable to an authoritative figure also increases your chance for success.

And finally, although there isn't a research study to support me, I know that hanging around the right people will help you lose fat, while spending time with the wrong people will stop you from reaching your goals.

For example, if you continue to hang around beer-drinking, wing-eating friends 4 days of the week, expect to have a beer drinker's body.

Now, I'm not saying you can't have one special night out per week, but I am saying keep it to one night out, and limit the beer and wing intake.

Sacrifices have to be made, but it is a lot easier to make them when you have a social support team that is there helping you choose the right foods and do the right workouts.

Turbulence Training gives you the best fat burning workouts Get your free report on cardio from TurbulenceTraining.com

Healthy Weight Loss Requires Motivation

Healthy weight loss is a popular goal for countless people. And today, more than ever, we are heavier than at any time in history. And even though it seems that everyone is on a diet these days, the majority never seem to understand how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Part of this lack of understanding is due, in part, to having too much information. With all of the resources available including countless diet books, magazines and all of the information available online, knowledge is definitely not the problem. However, too much of a good thing is.

With so many sources, it's difficult to know which weight loss program to follow and who to listen to. In reality, there are a lot of good plans out there and if you happen to choose one of those it would be difficult to go wrong. If you actually manage to get to this point, program in hand, the key to success is learning what to do and then doing it. Really - it's that simple.

So many people like the idea of learning and reading about the latest and greatest diet plan but never put any of the recommendations into daily practice. They become extremely knowledgeable about weight loss and know how many calories the most popular foods contain. What they fail to do however, is make use of that information. Instead, they buy another diet book because the first one didn't work.

If implementation is the real problem, how can you beat the odds and solve it for your own situation? The answer is simple, really. Once you determine the best plan for your needs, you must find a way to constantly motivate yourself to stay on track. Because everyone is wired a bit differently, this will be a highly individual undertaking.

Some people find that having another person hold them accountable works well. They will generally confide in a friend that they are trying to lose weight and ask the friend to give a gentle reminder when it appears they have slipped up in some way. Alternatively, the friend may occasionally ask about how things are going as a subtle reminder to stay on track. The friend may even be an exercise buddy and you can hold each other accountable for fitness activities. If this strategy works for you, then use it to you and your friend's best advantage. If not, there are many other ways to stay motivated.

The most important component of a motivational tactic is that it have meaning to you. You must be able to identify with and internalize it. Ideally you'll want to find several different motivators to have in your arsenal in case one isn't working particularly well at any given moment - you can just trade it out for a new one. Develop a list of motivational tips and you'll be well on your way to a successful and healthy weight loss.

Need additional motivational tips to stick with your weight loss program?

Visit WeightLossSolutionsOnline.com for more information and diet plan reviews.

Fast Weight Loss Exercise Program

A fast weight loss exercise program is fairly simple to develop and implement. The real question is, "Can you stick with it long enough to lose weight?"

We all know that exercise is important to maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. We also know that exercise is an important ingredient in our plan to control our body weight.

There are a variety of fast weight loss plans available. Let's take a look at a fast weight loss exercise program that you can implement immediately. You can use this fast weight loss plan as described or tweak it to fit your individual preferences.

The best fast weight loss exercise program is . . . walking! Are you surprised? Well, let's take a look at why walking is the best of the fast weight loss plans.

Walking is an aerobic exercise. Aerobic means literally "with air" and includes activities that are moderately intense, activities that you can continue for extended periods of time, and activities that use the large muscle groups in our arms and legs.

Jogging, cycling, skiing, and rowing are also forms of aerobic exercise. The reason walking is the best choice is because it can be done by anyone at anytime, anywhere, by ourselves, and with no special equipment. It's simple, invigorating, and effective at assisting with weight loss.

Arguably the most important benefit of walking is that it prepares us mentally for the challenge of weight loss. The most important ingredient in any fast weight loss plan is action. We must take action before any change will occur. Walking is an action that is both simple and easy. The action of walking is a signal to our subconscious that we are ready to include additional actions in our weight loss regimen.

Aerobic exercise offers specific benefits related to weight loss including:

<1> Aerobic exercise burns calories. Most of us discover that we consume less food when we exercise on a regular basis. This combination of exercise and reduced calories results in fast weight loss.

<2> Aerobic exercise burns both carbohydrates and fat during the first 30 minutes. After 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, your body primarily burns fat.

<3> Muscle burns more calories than fat. Aerobic exercise helps to increase muscle mass. Consequently, you will be able consume more calories without gaining weight.

<4> You will find that a moderate amount of aerobic exercise will decrease your desire to eat.

<5> You will also find that with a consistent amount of moderate aerobic exercise your tendency to overeat will decrease. It is well-documented that both stress and depression are reduced as a result of moderate aerobic exercise.

So, there you have it! A fast weight loss exercise program can be structured around moderate aerobic exercise, beginning with walking. And, the great news is that you CAN stick with walking long enough to lose weight.

Now it's up to you. Start right now. Take a walk. That's your first step toward maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind.

Take a look at this fast weight loss exercise program. You can read more articles as well as take a closer look at a highly successful fast weight loss plan. Click here http://www.how2no.com for more info about fast weight loss plans. You can do it!

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The Cabbage Soup Recipe Diet For Quick Weight Loss

You've probably heard of the cabbage soup recipe diet. It's also known by several other names including the Mayo Clinic Diet, Sacred Heart Diet, Military Cabbage Soup, TJ's Miracle Diet and the Russian Peasant Diet. It's also called the Banana Diet and I'll tell you why a little later. The reason the diet is somewhat famous is the promise it makes that you can lose ten pounds in a week by following the diet. Is that possible? I can say it is because I've done it myself. And you get plenty to eat and a variety of different foods, so it wasn't that hard to follow.

Now is this diet a sensible long-term eating plan? Not really. It's a short-term way to drop a few pounds, that's all. Don't you know that sometimes you need to see some quick results to keep you motivated or to get you motivated. That's what this eating plan can do: help your motivation by letting you drop a few pounds fast.

You might think that the cabbage soup diet is just eating cabbage soup for a week. No fun, huh? Actually you can use all kinds of cabbage soup recipes to provide some variety. But that's not what it is at all. Actually, you can eat all the cabbage soup you want for the entire week, but there are many different foods you can eat during the week. It's not at all a starvation diet. Each day you eat certain foods and the foods change on each day. When you consider that you can eat all the soup you want, there is little chance you will really get hungry. The down side is the absence of several of my favorite dishes from the food plan. No brownies, ice cream, sweet potato casserole or pizza. Oh well! Like most fat loss diets, you don't get breads and pastries.

Included in the meal plan are fruits, vegetables, meat, milk and bananas. Alright, here's the banana part. On the fourth day of the diet, you eat up to eight bananas and all the skim milk you want plus the soup. That's why I call it the banana diet!

Visit our site to get great cabbage soup recipes and the detailed free 7 day cabbage soup recipe diet plan. Go to Our Cabbage Soup Recipe Diet Plan and get the free plan and drop that ten pounds next week.

Al Bullington constantly is struggling with weight gain simply because he likes to eat too much of his wife and daughter's outstanding cooking!

Weight Loss And Metabolism

There are things that you hear mentioned from time to time. They seem to be common words or phrases, you tie them to a particular subject, and you even think you understand what they mean. Sometimes, however, you don't really know what that word means and how it REALLY relates to the subject you have come to associate it with.

"Metabolism" is one of these words. In the checkout line at the supermarket, magazines have headlines like "This Food Can Boost Your Metabolism". Your doctor says, "Your metabolism has slowed down over the last few years". You even hear there's a new weight loss craze called "Ultrametabolism".

From these, and a few hundred other situations, you have figured out that metabolism has something to do with weight loss, and maybe weight gain, but do you really know what the relationship is, how one affects the other, and what you can do about it? Those are three questions we will try to answer, briefly, but with enough information for you to use what you have learned to improve your weight loss program.


Metabolism as word or process can be defined in two simple statements. First, it is the chemical process within your body for the maintenance of life, yielding energy and forming substances necessary to life, such as blood, bone, muscle, fat, and so on. Second, it is the processing of specific substances, such as fat metabolism, iodine metabolism, and many others. While both of these relate to what we are talking about, the first statement is the important one for you at the moment. YOUR METABOLISM is how YOUR BODY goes about extracting energy from food, building and repairing tissue and organs, and how efficiently it does this. That last part about efficiency is a key point in weight loss and weight gain.


At various times in your life, your metabolism worked in different ways. Many of you can remember the days when you could eat anything you wanted and never gain a pound...a large pizza, three sodas with sugar, and some cinnamon sticks, and absolutely no change!

In the younger years of your life, your metabolism is in the high gears, probably the highest gears it will ever be in. For most of you in these years, weight gain and weight loss are not really issues. Some people, however, do have slower metabolic rates, and may have genetic tendencies or clinical conditions which cause them to have more of a weight gain than others of their age group. No matter which group you find yourself in, changing your metabolic rate, revving up your metabolism, will increase the speed and efficiency with which your body turns food into energy and body "parts and pieces".

Unfortunately, as you have long suspected, as you aged, your metabolism slowed down. Part of this is just something the body does with age, part of it, while somewhat related to age, is the effect of changes which take place in your way of life as you age. Fortunately, both are somewhat reversible, essentially through the same process. More on this in the last section. The part where your body just slows down has to do with "resting metabolism", and the other part...well, let's just call that "rusting metabolism".


When you are doing something that doesn't seem to demand energy, your body still needs to do some housekeeping activities. Your diaphragm expands and contracts and your heart pumps blood for example. Tissues are repaired and waste products are carried off. While you're sitting there in a semi-vegetative state watching reruns, your body is hard at work.

As you age, this resting metabolic rate decreases. At least one estimate puts the decrease at approximately 10% between childhood and retirement, and another 10% after that. Odds are that you still like the pizza, and soda, and cinnamon sticks, but your body doesn't change as much into energy as it used to. Your internal maintenance doesn't get done as efficiently as it used to either, so there tends to be some more "stuff" left over after the meal that disappeared into thin air when you were a teenager. This decrease happens to just about everybody, so if you didn't have a weight problem in high school, you may see fat accumulating on your body as you age. If you DID have a weight problem in your younger years, it will probably just get worse.


In addition to the natural changes that come with age, you have made some changes in your lifestyle as you aged as well. In my younger years, I rode a bicycle to and from school, two miles each way, five days a week. For some of that time, I had a paper route and rode my bicycle over a two mile stretch every day, pedaling a bike with a heavy load of papers for about a mile to get to the route, and throwing papers right and left (and, yes, I did get my papers on the porch). For fun on the weekends and during the summer, you guessed it, I rode my bike all over Pensacola, Florida. As an adult, I would walk out to my car, drive to work, walk to my desk, walk back to the car and drive home.

Activity, such as my bicycle riding needs energy, and revs up the metabolic rate, that is, the speed with which the energy is formed...and used up. This burns calories, and those calories that are burned in the process cannot hang around to become fat, which just...well, you know, hangs around.


Having learned about resting and rusting metabolism, it might seem that one quick answer is to simply eat less. To tell the truth, for small, short term weight loss, just knocking a few calories out of the diet might be sufficient. However, those lost pounds will eventually find their way home, and possibly bring some friends with them, and dieting has additional pitfalls that can't be covered here. One pitfall you DO need to know about is that if your diet takes your calorie intake below a certain point for a while, your body will adjust its metabolic rate to a new, permanent, lower level, and will not only maintain your weight on fewer calories, but may actually begin increasing your weight again. If you go off that calorie-restricted diet, your body will keep on chugging along on fewer calories and your weight will go back up, possibly even higher than it was before. Since your metabolism is now at a lower rate, it will be even harder to lose weight the next time.

TIP: Although a diet might not be the answer, if you are a typical human of the 21st century, you are probably consuming some things you could do without or in quantities in excess of what you need. Sugar, for example. Or let's look at that ice cream box. The last one I saw said there were 16 servings in there. A few years ago, one of those boxes lasted through four servings for me. Take a look around, there ARE some changes you can make.

Increased activity (okay, I'll say the bad word..."exercise") can take care of the rusting metabolism rate. I walked 45 minutes on my walker yesterday and burned over 250 calories. Although many factors such as nutritional supplements can have small effects on resting metabolism, the two major factors are age and activity. You and I probably agree that we cannot do a d***** thing about age. What we do have control over is activity. Increasing your exercise or activity level has two basic effects in terms of metabolism. Exercise burns calories and raises the resting metabolic rate.


When you use your remote control to change channels on the TV, you barely change your resting rate. If you stand up and walk across the room to change the channel and walk back to your chair, you have just....oh my God!...exercised. Not only that, you have burned a few more calories simply by getting up off your...Sorry, I meant...out of the chair. Go for a walk, swim, garden, ride a bike, take the dog for a walk. If exercising in public embarrasses you, blame it on the dog! "Yeah, the vet said he needed to get out more. HE'S putting on a few pounds." Go ahead, try it. Nobody will think you're walking yourself...right? Whatever it is, do it every day or at least several times a week, and you will burn off some of those extra calories and pounds of fat.


There are some exercise activities, usually of an aerobic nature, that, when done over time. tend to shift the body to a higher metabolic rate. If you go out for a long walk today, you will burn some extra calories while walking. Take that long walk every day for several weeks, and your resting metabolic rate will actually go up, and you will burn more calories when you are in front of the TV. Not only that, your metabolic rate will remain increased for a while after you finish your exercise activity, so instead of simply burning excess calories during the exercise, you will continue to burn excess calories over a short period following it.

Other exercise activities, such as resistance activities, build lean muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories than other types of tissue, such as fat tissue, so building lean muscle mass not only burns calories during the exercise, but the lean muscle mass you add to your body will continue to burn calories, helping to increase your resting metabolic rate.

TIP: Daily activity will burn excess calories and increase your metabolism. Changing some of your eating habits, such as cutting out unnecessary fats and carbs (yes, some fats are necessary) and watching portion sizes, will cut down excess calories that your body has to deal with. This double barreled approach will give you the most effective permanent weight loss experience.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, he became interested in internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. Get the "skinny" on weight loss and diet at http://diet.free-business-hosting.com. You may find other articles by this author at http://www.donovanbaldwin.com/freearticles.

Trying To Lose Weight? This One Tip Will Put You On A Rocket To Losing Weight Fast

Have you been trying to diet, exercise, and or just simply lose weight, but with no success?

The most popular source for lack of success with getting healthy and in shape is a lack of motivation. Motivation and inspiration can do wonders for your efforts of getting healthy and in shape.

There are many sources of motivation and inspiration in regards to health and fitness. You can find these sources in success stories of other people who are also trying to get healthy and fit, you can find it in magazines and books, you can find it at your health club with seeing other people strive for the same goals you are, and you can find it on your television screen via movies, music videos, sports events, exercise shows, and even infomercials about weight loss and exercising. But, there is one source that is the most important and yields the greatest results.

The motivational tool that yields the greatest results in not just exercising and improving your health, but with anything in your life, is results. That's right, seeing and/or feeling results is the best motivational tool for ultimate success. This is because it triggers a mental key in your mind to not quit because of the results you are seeing and/or feeling. In other words, results make you want to push harder to see even more results.

But what if I am not seeing results? That's the whole point, when you start on your plan to exercise and get healthy, your number one goal in the beginning is to strive to see some type of result. This result can be in the form of ANY amount of weight loss (I say any, because I don't want you to feel as though you have to lose 25 pounds in order to get motivated), going down a dress or pants size, or it can come from the way your body feels after changing your lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle. Stick to your health and fitness plan consistently for a week, and nine times out of ten, not only will you see some type of result, but you will have the motivation to continue.

With all that said, you must take into consideration that if you do not stick to your plan consistently, and/or if you do not have patience, you are not going to see the results you were hoping for, and maybe no results at all. Patience, determination, and consistency are the keys for ultimate success.

Are you ready to start losing weight now? Click Here to ignite your fat burning furnace and start your on your path to weight loss, better health, and a better body. This program is straight to the point and is not your typical "low calorie", "no carb", "don't eat anything all day" type of diet.

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast. Being someone who once struggled in weight loss, muscle building, and overall health improvement, you will be able to connect more to all the information he provides through articles and his site. If you're looking for more free valuable tips, tricks, and secrets about weight loss & fitness, then be sure to visit Conquer Weight Loss, and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

Medifast Diet - Medically Proven Weight Loss Program

Medifast is a portion-controlled, nutritionally balanced, low fat and clinically proven program that helps people lose weight faster and more effectively than the traditional diet plan. The Medifast meals come in individual packets that you mix with water, microwave, or refrigerate. Shakes, puddings, soups, chili, oatmeal, bars and hot beverages are all available on the Medifast menu. This program has been prescribed by doctors (usually for obese people). This program is easily purchased online ships to both the United States and Canada and best of all offers substantial discounts. (Especially to those who sign up for the first time).

The 5 and 1 plan is one of the main keys to the Medifast diet program. Its made up of 5 meal replacements per day (usually shakes) but there are also bars, soups, oatmeal, and puddings. One of the meal plans is the Lean and Green meal. A small portion of lean meat and up to 2 cups of salad vegetables. This makes the diet a whole lot easier for the user. You eat every 2 or 3 hours, and must drink at least 64oz of water a day.

Now I know what youre thinking because I thought the same thing to when I tried this plan. All this healthy eating is fine right? But what about the snacks, I need my snacks. Youre in luck! This is one of the best qualities about Medifast is that they offer not only healthy snacks but healthy snacks that taste like un-healthy snacks. For those of you who dont know this means they are tasty snacks. Below is a list of just a few of the snacks you will have to choose from.

Apple Cinnamon Soy Crisps
Ranch Soy Crisps
White Cheddar Soy Crisps
Multi-Grain Crackers
Garden Vegetable Crackers
Savory Beef Fast Soup
Delicate Chicken Fast Soup
Robusto Tomato Fast Soup

Those are just some of the wonderful foods that Medifast offers. But! All this great food doesnt tell you how fast you will lose weight. After all, weight loss is the whole purpose behind a diet program. This is one of the best parts of the Medifast diet program is that the weight loss is rapid. On average a person will lose 2-5 pounds a week. AMAZING RIGHT!? The Medifast 5 and 1 plan is not however a very low calorie diet. Its caloric levels are above 800 kcal/per day. But that being said the calorie levels are still reasonably low and all depends on your height, weight, and size.

Be warned! Medifast is not meant for those looking to shed a pound or two. This program is meant for those people who are extremely over weight. This drastic diet will pull your body into a state of ketosis, and it is very important that you remain adequately hydrated. Be careful while exercising on this diet. This is not one of those diets that are meant for heavy workouts. Keep your exercise levels to a very low intensity. Please dont let this frighten you, Medifast has been clinically proven and recommended by over 15,000 physicians nationwide to their patients. Over one million have used Medifast for over 25 years.

Medifast is one of the few programs that offers a maintenance plan. What this consists of is when you have reached your desired weight; you will begin a plan that involves a slow transition back to normal meals over a period of 16 days or longer. Medifast recommends 1-3 packaged meals daily and a moderately intense exercise routine. (30-45 minutes 5 days per week). This will be essential for keeping the weight off and reaping the benefits of all your hard work.

The Medifast diet program is one of the few medically proven weight loss systems. Its been used successfully at John Hopkins Weight Loss Management Center as well as many other facilities.

Recently, Medifast has offered a community aspect to their program by providing message boards.

For a wide variety of the best weight loss programs, exercise programs, and some of the best FREE fitness information on the web visit http://www.flexyourhealth.com/index.html

5 Abdominal Exercise Fat Loss Secrets

5 abdominal exercise fat loss secrets that you must know if you are ever going to lose belly fat and get six pack abs. I'll share them with you below.

Secret 1

Many of the foods that are promoted as health foods are actually junk foods. You must remember that the health industry is a multi-million dollar industry and huge corporations get extremely wealthy from satisfying the emotional needs of people, whether the product is good or not.

Secret 2

Commonly known exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and ab machines are actually not effective at all in developing flat six-pack abs

Secret 3

Repetitive cardio exercises get boring quickly and therefore they won't help you lose body fat in order to uncover those highly developed abs. Remember your abs might be perfectly developed but you won't enjoy the benefits if you cannot see them.

Secret 4

Fat loss pills or more commonly known as fat burners is NOT necessary to lose fat. There are many natural foods that you can eat in order to get exactly the same or even better results.

Secret 5

You see these people on the infomercials with the perfectly chiseled body and they promote a new gimmick. Fact is most of them didn't use the specific product to get that way. They got that way through real workouts and proven nutritional strategies.

Abdominal exercise fat loss strategies that really produce the desired results doesn't come in a bottle of pills. No magic here. You need to know exactly what exercises are best for abdominal development and what foods are best for fat lost.

Download the free report "Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Stripping Off Belly Fat" and learn the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise, the 55 fastest fat-burning foods, over 2 dozen unique workout ideas for a leaner, sexier body and the 2 worst types of food that stimulate more belly fat!

How To Lose 5 Pounds In A Week

If you're wondering how to lose 5 pounds in a week and are considering diet pills, starvation or extreme exercising, don't do it! These are all things that are dangerous to perform because they cause unnatural changes to your body. What's worse is once you stop doing it, the weight comes back! So not only do you make things worse, but you're back to square one! So how can you lose 5 pounds in a week without falling into those categories and actually making it a fun and easy experience?

What if someone told you that you can lose 5 or even 10 pounds in a week without actually dieting but by eating more food? You'd probably think they were out of their mind! But you can do this through a special dieting technique called calorie shifting. Calorie shifting has become one of the most popular ways to "diet" because it is extremely flexible, easy to accomplish and best of all the results are safe and quick!

The way calorie shifting works is, it increases your metabolism and fat burning causing instant weight loss. And when I say instant, I really mean it. Sometimes people lose up to a pound a day with this diet, and this is not uncommon either! But as said before calorie shifting does force you to go on any strict diets or alter your lifestyle. The only thing you have to do is eat up to 4 or more meals a day and mix up the calorie values of every meals and change the order in which you eat the meals day after day.

Now that's a mouthful (no pun intended) to understand but it's really simple once you try it. Performing this type of technique has been proven to naturally cause your body to increase it's metabolism and fat burning because the body naturally reacts this way when you mix the order in which you eat and the calorie values of each meal. This is one of the best ways to lose 5 pounds in a week if you're the type of person who is in a hurry to lose weight quickly or don't have time to exercise.

Althought exercising is highly recommended, when it comes to weight loss and fast results, that just won't cut it. Exercise is good for you but when it comes to getting fast results with weight loss, losing love handles and belly fat, then the answer is to fight these problems from the inside and calorie shifting does just that! It raises your metabolism and fat burning to a very high level and keeps it that way. Because it is flexible and easy to accomplish, you can rest assured that you will lose 5 pounds or more in a week while you're working, sleeping and going about your life. It really is that amazing.

If you're still skeptical about calorie shifting or are unsure as to how to do it and need help, you can click here and pick up a free 20 page weight loss guide on how to accomplish calorie shifting.

The Worst Weight Loss Strategy Ever?

The word diet conjures up images of depriving oneself of the foods one likes or more extreme visions of starving oneself pop up. However, a clinically proven and a nutritious well-balanced diet, like the Medifast Diet, Atkins and South Beach dispel such visions. Moreover, it may surprise most to learn that the variety of meals available within these diet programs is immense in some cases with over 50 different ones to choose from, including shakes, bars and drinks. Not only are diets like these healthy and nutritious, they also allow one to consume food regularly in some cases every 2-3 hours. There is no need to count calories or carbs.

Given that it takes two incomes in most households and a great majority of men and women both are in the workforce these days, there is hardly any time to prepare elaborate meals. On the surface, diet programs that provide ready made food for easy and effortless consumption provide many with false hope.

These diets are a great way to begin the process of weight loss however those serious about their weight loss must not allow themselves to fall into the trap of participating in the worst weight loss strategy ever. It can be easy to get sucked into they medias constant hype of such magic pill diet programs, especially since one can read many real life success stories listed on the internet. The key component missing with most of these plans is the addition of regular exercise. Proper nutrition and portion control is an effective strategy however it is merely one piece of the puzzle. Here are a few of the key benefits of mixing a healthy diet with a healthy dose of physical activity.

Health Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity:

Reduce the risk of premature death
Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease
Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure
Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol
Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer
Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat
Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints
Reduce depression and anxiety
Improve psychological well-being
Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance

Want the simplest plan to loose weight almost immediately? Eat less and exercise more.

They say a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. The first step would be to visit the websites of these popular diet programs to learn more about them as well as to read the reviews. Your next step should be to find an interesting exercise routine that works with your schedule and your physical capabilities. Begin by checking out a trial membership in your local YMCA. If you do decide to investigate any diet plan further, search the internet to locate plenty of coupons that are available on a variety of websites to take advantage of price discounts. In this day and age where most people have easy access to a computer, a new and improved you is just a few clicks away.

Brian Stephenson is the President of StephensonandCompany.com a diet product review company based in Houston, Texas. To read Brian's review of one of the Medifast diet plan, visit http://www.StephensonandCompany.com/medifast