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In this shocking documentary about the extreme lengths some women will go to lose weight, two average-sized journalists accept a challenge to whittle themselves down to a size zero within 5 weeks. With everything short of surgery and drugs at their disposal, the effects of the rapid weight loss and extreme dieting on these two women has to be seen to be believed.
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The Secret sends a powerful message. Using affirmations and The Law of Attraction can play a big part in the outcome of ones life. Watch this video from The Secret on affirmations, If you haven't seen the video The Secret, it is a must see. For more on affirmations and tools for affirmations, visit
Thoughts repeated regularly and systematically sink into the subconscious mind and become habitual. Affirmations as these are called are have been used by many of the greatest people of our society. Finding the right affirmation must come from within. It is important that they are written in your own words since the subconscious will react better to your own thoughts than to the thoughts of someone else. Start by taking notice of what you want to change in yourself. Write down on paper your thoughts, desires and feelings that you wish to improve upon.
Then you need to use words and phrases in a positive manner rather than a negative manner. As an example, if you wanted to quit smoking, you don't want to program your Mindmaster unit with a message like "Cigarette smoking makes me sick" because you will in turn cause yourself to get sick. It is better to program a message like "I am a non-smoker" or "I am healthy and dislike the smell and taste of cigarette smoke" thereby telling the subconscious to see a different you.
It is important to choose your words wisely. You don't want to program yourMindmaster with words like "I want" because no change will take place since your subconscious is already there. You must see yourself as a different you by visualizing what you want to accomplish. Use words like "I am" or "I have" to allow your subconscious to believe you are already what you wish to become.
Positive affirmations can enhance any area of your life, from improving exercise or eating habits to overcoming fears and bad habits. There are many resources available to help those who find creating an affirmation to be difficult. Affirmations can be found on the Internet or in books. Remember to use any outside suggestions as only an example. Thoughts and phrases should come from words inside you.
With the Mindmaster, you no longer have to use affirmations on a conscious level to effect the change that is necessary on the subconscious level. Since your subconscious never sleeps, it is even more receptive to receiving and retaining messages because any doubt and disbelief, which are conscious barriers, are dissolved while you are sleeping, allowing your subconscious image to be changed more effectively.
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This is the first part to my week 2 video! Sorry it was so long i had to cut it into two parts.
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