Lose Fat

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Lose 9 Pounds in 11 Days!

Did you know that most diet programs don't work? Especially low calorie diets. This is because your body burns the amount of calories you consume each day. If you consume 3500 calories per day, your body burns 3500 calories per day. So, by starving yourself and getting onto these low calorie diets where you consume 1000-1500 calories per day, what do you think happens? Your body will eventually adjust and only burn those calories being consumed. This is why when you start a these types of diets, they work in the beginning and then taper off.

There is a new way of eating that confuses your metabolism and can actually have your burning not just the calories you consume, but burning your fat tissue as well. It is called calorie shifting and you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days by following this program and the online diet generator that it comes with. The way it works is by eating 4 meals per day spaced out every 2 and a half hours. This helps you spread out your calorie intake daily and helps you by keeping you satisfied all day. The online diet generator creates a meal plan for you for the 11 days that you are on this program. It actually shifts the types of foods you eat at every meal and by day to keep your metabolism confused and burning fat tissue. You can lose 9 pounds every 11 days. So if you need to lose 30 pounds, you would be on this program 3 times. You are required to take a 3 day "break" in-between this diet where you can eat whatever you want.

This program is available online in an electronic book format and comes with the online diet generator mentioned. You will also learn how to stop retaining water, 10 rules for very fast fat loss, and how eating more than 3 times per day speeds up your weight loss.

You are going to be shown an amazing eating program where you never feel like you are starving. You will want to start using this immediately.

To learn more about this amazing weight loss program, please visit the lose 9 pounds in 11 days website today! You'll be glad you did.

Are Fat Loss Secrets a Myth?

People look for fat loss secrets as an easy fix for weight loss, just like everything else in life. Of course people's motivation for losing weight can be different; for some it's a health issue, others it's simply looking good. But no matter your reason, people are looking for wonder fat loss secrets, more and more these days.

So yeah, there are a few fat loss secrets you can put to work and start seeing results. But it's pretty obvious they won't be found in the usual places: magazines, mainstream books, and commercial diet programs, and the like. Most of the info they feed you is best used to kill time, and doesn't let most people put a substantial weight loss program together. Lesser-known, more independently published guides by fitness coaches and consultants who have a great reputation, are a more sensible choice for finding fat loss secrets.

So, fat loss secret number one is, set a plan and keep at it. Don't stray from it, like so many people do. It's amazing how so many people will throw in the towel if they don't see amazing results overnight. That's no way to get in shape.

The second fat loss secret is, take into account the type of life you lead now. Are you sitting around most of the time or are you getting plenty of physical activity in every day. Knowing this will give you some idea of how many calories to build into your diet. Document it all out. Everything you eat, you count it. Like my favorite bodybuilding coach told me one time when he was talking about tracking a workout plan, "if you don't record it, you don't do it." And of course jot it down right away; otherwise, you'll likely forget and those will be wasted efforts.

When friends and colleagues tell me of supposed fat loss secrets they heard from their friends, it's pretty clear that most of these are imaginative ideas that don't really hold water. You would need to pretty much live your life following a lot of these "miracle" methods to keep the weight off. There's just so much information out there that's disseminated that it becomes difficult to know which are true fat loss secrets and which ones don't add up. Some do make sense of course, like cutting junk food and fast food, and instead sticking to fruits and vegetables instead.

Fat loss secret three is really to make sure you're taking in plenty of water. Four full glasses over the course of each one day is a pretty good rule of thumb. It varies from person to person, especially with issues of weight and metabolism, etc. This will make your exercising more efficient and helps stave off appetite. So if you integrate a trusted diet and fitness plan with good record keeping and maintaining healthy water intake, those all together make up the only fat loss secrets you need.

But no matter what, keep a positive attitude about what you're doing. Anything worth doing at all is worth giving it your best effort and keeping at it, otherwise all the fat loss secrets under the sun won't help you.

Rob Jacobs is cutting edge fitness coach and has helped his clients turn around their bodies for the past 20 years. He advises bodybuilders and casual dieters alike about only the best fitness and nutritional info. Learn more about Rob's guide to getting your body and life on track. Check out Fat Loss Secrets

Lose Weight Fast With Quality Protein

Quality proteins are the secret weapon that can help you win your ongoing battle against the bulge. Take a look at how proteins help you lose weight fast:

1. Proteins provide an instant satiety factor and keep you feeling full for a longer period of time

2. Proteins prevent energy-draining insulin spikes that make you crave for sugar

3. Proteins help maintain muscle mass, which is an essential factor in the fat burning process

Here is a list of quality proteins that can help you lose weight fast while boosting your energy levels and keeping you healthier and fitter than ever.

Chicken and Turkey - Skinless chicken and turkey can be grilled, roasted sauted or broiled for a healthy meal that's filling, delicious and easy to cook too

Egg Whites - Egg whites are packed with quality protein, contain no cholesterol and are low in calories making them an excellent aid to any weight -loss program. Just make sure the egg whites are well -cooked to avoid salmonella poisoning.

Fish - With a wide variety of fish to choose from, you'll never be tempted to stray too far from your protein diet. Some of the excellent high-protein, low-fat fish include tuna, salmon, snapper, swordfish, halibut, herring, cod, sea bass and haddock. Go on and have yourself a feast with these choices!

Shellfish - Lobster and crab are excellent sources of protein. They are low-fat and delicious too!

Red meat - Wait a minute! Red Meat? Thinking that all red meat is not packed with cholesterol is a misconception. Certain cuts including the shank, top sirloin, chuck, round flank and round cut are low in saturated fat and high in quality protein.

Low fat cottage cheese - The most convenient of all protein-packed foods- it doesn't necessarily need to be cooked. It makes for a quick pick-me-up snack whenever you are hungry.

So if you want to lose weight fast, go ahead and replace those ice cream tubs in your freezer with fish, poultry, turkey and lean red meats and see those extra inches disappear. Don't forget, you still need quality carbohydrates and quality fats for a balanced and healthy diet.

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on? Although they sure did not pile on overnight, you'd like to get rid of them overnight, wouldn't you? Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! Click Here to get started! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at http://www.easyweightlosscoach.com

Human Body Energy Stores and Losing Weight

Human body energy stores and losing weight

Many dieters think of stored energy as just body fat, and that to lose weight they need to follow a diet to enable the body to use up these fat stores. But there is more to losing body fat stores than just dieting, there are other stores of energy which can limit or interfere with the process of fat burning.

There are other stores of energy within the body; glycogen (carbohydrates) and protein (muscle). How the body uses these stores for energy production can change the way the body uses fat. This article discusses the stores of each energy component within the body and how they can affect weight loss.

Carbohydrates stored in the body
Glycogen is basically carbohydrates stored in the body. It is stored mainly in the muscles and to a smaller degree in the liver. Glycogen is a large storage molecule made up of millions of glucose (sugar) units. The process of storing carbohydrates causes it to hold about three times its own weight of water. The body can store a maximum of around 500 grams of glycogen but the exact amount of storage at any given time will depend largely on the nutritional status of the individual. Even if glycogen stores are full there will only be the energy equivalent to approximately 2000 calories, in other words if you didnt eat for a whole day then most of these stores could be used up.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
Storage of sugar (glycogen) causes the body to hold three times its weight in water. This means that if your muscles have 500 grams of glycogen storage then youll also be holding an extra 1500 grams of water, so a total weight of two kilograms (4.4 pounds). If you used up 90% of the glycogen stored in the muscles which is quite likely if you cut food intake dramatically or was following a low-carbohydrate diet then youll lose just less than 4 pounds in weight. This is what tends to happen when following a very low calorie diet and especially a low-carbohydrate diet, all the weight loss comes from fluid loss through reduced glycogen stores. Its the reason why dieters lose so much weight within the first few days, and also the reason why so many dieters regain the weight after the diet ceases, the fluid is simply replaced as glycogen stores are replenished. The fact is that most of the weight lost was NOT fat loss in the first place. Knowing this information helps many people make sense of the fact that slow steady weight loss (around 1-2 pounds each week) is the best policy for permanent weight control.

Protein storage in the body
Protein in the body is used as a building material so it is not really stored in the same way as fat and carbohydrates, but because muscle is frequently broken down and used as energy the whole muscular system represents a huge potential store of energy. Some protein is always used to supply energy. It averages about 5% of total energy expenditure; this can increase to 15% during long periods of intense physical work, or high intensity exercise. Protein usage also increases when glycogen stores are low, protein is converted to glucose in the liver, thereby helping to maintain blood glucose levels. As glycogen stores are generally lowered when dieting or following a low-carbohydrate diet, it follows that more protein will be utilized for energy.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
As is the case for glycogen, protein also holds water, about four times its weight. Thus if your body uses more protein for energy there will be a corresponding loss of fluid causing the dieter to believe a diet is working well. A loss of glycogen fluid along with protein fluid can result in some dieters losing between ten and thirty pounds in weight fairly quickly. It is inevitable that any reduction in energy intake will cause reduced protein but you should try to limit this loss as much as possible with regular exercise and an intake of high-quality protein food sources.

Fat storage in the body
Fat is stored in virtually every area of the body, not only under the skin but also inside the body cavity surrounding the organs and within muscles. We cannot determine where fat is stored or which area we burn it from first, although what we can do is reduce the amount of stored body fat we carry.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
Fat is really the type of fuel we want to burn off in order to lose weight, so anything that helps burn more fat would be great for dieters.

One tactic is to reduce total calorie intake by only 15%. Research has shown that reducing energy intake too much causes the body to burn more protein from muscles in order to supply energy and/or essential amino acids (not enough essential amino acid intake simply because food intake too low). Cutting calories on a gradual but steady basis helps limit a decrease in metabolism and ensures you are still eating enough food to provide the body with essential proteins, vitamins and minerals for good health.

Another tactic is to exercise for longer duration at a lower intensity. Fat requires oxygen to burn completely, but oxygen can only be delivered to the working muscle cells at a steady rate, a lower rate of delivery for less fit individuals. So in order to maintain a constant fat burning state during exercise is to work at a rate which is easy to moderate in effort. A good guide to make sure you are in fat burning mode is to be able to just about hold a conversation while exercising.

A diet composed of around 60% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 15% fats of total calories can help. Remember fat is a concentrated source of energy, the less fat you eat, the more food you can consume without going over the reduced calorie intake.

Try to maintain or even better, increase lean muscle tissue. A higher degree of lean mass will help you burn more energy by increasing the basal metabolic rate. A higher metabolic rate will boost energy and fat burning.

Ensure you are obtaining the RDA for all vitamins and minerals. Many vitamins are involved in the release of energy from food, so an adequate supply gives us that vigorous feeling to want to participate in exercise and activities which in turn helps us burn more fat calories.

Wayne Mcgregor has written hundreds of articles on ways to lose weight. His website provides tons of free weight loss information and help.


Need To Lose Love Handles Fast?

Do you want to lose love handles fast? Follow the simple instructions given here. You probably know by now that love handles are the accumulation of excess fat around your abdomen. It occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle in a genetically predisposed person. It is not that each and every obese person will eventually develop love handle. Those are genetically prone (have similar history in their family members) to having a pot belly. There are several options available to help you lose love handles fast.

Exercise is one of them- the next best thing you can do is undergo a surgical procedure (but remember there are risks).

As with other weight loss regimens, reducing love handles requires three basic steps. These are - Balanced diet (most of the calorie should come from protein and carbohydrate, avoid foods that give you empty calories like alcohol, and fast foods), general aerobic exercise that will take care of fat burning and your heart condition too, and lastly exercises that focus on toning your abdominal muscles.

Exercise 1

Lie down on you back on a smooth, flat surface. Keep your arms beside your body. Now lift your legs up as far as you can. Be careful; do not bend your knees. Lift about 2 feet from the ground. Hold the position for 5 seconds. Then slowly put them down again. Do the same procedure again. Start with 5 reps initially. You can gradually increase the reps.

Exercise 2

Again, lie down on the same surface on your stomach. Try to lift your legs from the ground. Do not bend your knees. Lift your legs for about 1- 1 feet from the ground. Hold there for 5 seconds. Gradually drop your legs. Do 5 reps in a single sitting.

Exercise 3

Lie down on your back. Keep your feet straight in the air. Cross your hands over your chest. Try to bring your elbows to your knees by flexing the abdomen. If you have a history of low back in jury, do not go for this exercise.

A combination of diet, exercise and the right amount of sleep habits are the answer to losing love handles fast. The role of regular exercise is insurmountable in achieving the goal. If you don't change your eating habits, drink enough water, and get the right kind of exercise your efforts will be for not. You have to combine diet and exercise to get the right results.

The best way to lose love handles is with a balanced diet and some good stomach exercises.

You can also get a FREE report, which details the 2 foods that actually make MORE belly fat

Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days

The lose 10 pounds in 3 days diet in general will state that you can lose 10 pounds of unwanted body fat simply by adhering to the diet plan. You should be aware though that you will in all likelihood regain the weight that you have lost. There are other health concerns that you might want to think about when you are planning on starting your lose 10 pounds in 3 days program.

These types of diet programs are ones that you can use to lose unwanted weight in 3 days. As there are different versions of this diet type you should decide which areas of your body need to be reworked or reshaped. The best place to find some of these lose 10 pounds in 3 days diet programs would be on the internet.

Here you will find a wide selection of free diet programs for you to try out. The better alternative is to look at the different foods that you can eat in the diet so that you do lose 10 pounds in 3 days. You should also see if these diet programs from the internet give you any advice about controlling your weight once the lose 10 pounds in 3 days diet is over.

Some of these quick weight loss plans state that you can lose lots of weight in about 3 days by eating only certain types of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can alternate this intake of food by either having the fruits and vegetable fresh or they can be cooked.

In order to get some variation to the taste of these food items the food can be cooked in a manner which will not promote any fat to enter your body. While there are some people who will recommend going on a quick weight loss diet like this, there is no real proof that weight loss has occurred.

With this diet instead of eating any solid foods you are allowed to eat or drink only a few selected items. The quantities of food that you can eat are severely restricted. In some of these lose 10 pounds in 3 days diets you may not be allowed to eat any type of food. Instead you can drink certain types of fluids as these are low in calories.

The main thing to remember with a lose 10 pounds in 3 days diet is that you will see yourself losing this weight. In general you find that losing 10 pounds of excess body fat in 3 days is a step that you will not want to miss.


Litsa Nstatos. Battled to look for safe and fast ways to lose weight after her pregnancies.

How Fast Do You Want To Lose Weight? - Awesome Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Today

A better question, how fast can you lose weight? Before dieting or starting to lose weight you should always consult a physician to ensure your health and safety. After that is done, you can be on your way to losing weight. The following article will give you some nice tips on how to lose weight fast.

Weight loss is a normal thing that many people want to do to make themselves feel better, get healthy, and several other reasons. What many people don't know is what steps to take to lose weight. It is not like you can wake up one morning and decide that you are going to lose 5 pounds this week. You need a plan. Here are some great tips for losing weight fast.

How fast can you lose weight using the following methods?

1. Start drinking more water than usual.

2. This one is good. Increase your metabolism. How? Instead of eating three large meals per day, eat 4 or 5 smaller meals.

3. Run, Walk, or Swim. Do this 3 times per week for about 30 minutes.

There you have it. A simple process to help you lose weight. So the answer to the question, how fast can you lose weight? It all depends on your personal motivation, situation, free time, and many other factors. The only way you are going to succeed is if you are motivated. It is a slower process than some things but it works and if you stick to it you will see results.

For more information and an awesome free tips guide, visit below:

For a Free guide on How Fast Can You Lose Weight visit: http://internet-business-world.com/lose-weight-fast/Lose_Weight_Fast_Systems.html

How to Lose Fat Fast

People often think that, it is quite easy for them to lose fat fast. But, is it possible? Our body is a combination of different types of tissues, such as fats, bones and muscles. Due to consumption of excess oily food, the recommended total body fat percentage exceeds the essential fat percentage value.

The fat percentage in the body consists of essential fat and storage fat. Essential amount of fat is necessary for safeguarding of life. Excess amount of fat is hazardous. People often ask questions, do the fat percentage in men and women differ. Well, the answer to this is, body fat percentage in women is greater compared to men. Essential fat is 2-5% in men, and 10-13% in women.

Health Problems:

It is easy to gain fat fast rather than to lose fat fast. People tend to consume more amount of fatty food. Severe obesity is associated with significant medical, psychological and physical problems.

Individuals with extra amount of fat have increased risk of serious diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, strokes, sleep apnea, orthopedic problems, and hormonal problems. Thus, patients with super-obesity have greater risk of serious illness.


We are aware that, excessive fat in our body, leads to several problems. People must create a slight calorie deficit in order to lose fat fast. The most effective way is the exercise. Every individual should take out some time for workouts. Workouts make a difference, both in weight and health.

Make proper food charts, so that it is easier for you look up for daily food program. Drink adequate amount of water daily to enable body to function properly. Water flushes harmful toxins and impurities present in the body. Never be selective about best program to lose fat fast, but a proper planning about what is best for health, is quite important.

A good resource where you can learn more on how to lose fat can be found at http://timelimitedoffers.com/fatloss4idiots

Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks - Can You Really Do It

Can you lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks? Is it actually achievable? Thankfully for those looking to achieve this aim you'll be glad to know it can happen.

There are several options open to you.

1 Eat Less Calories

2 Do More Exercise

3 Combine The Two

Choosing the right one needs to be your priority as opting for the wrong diet will make it very hard for you to maintain and achieve success with. There are dozens ( if not more ) fast weight loss programs available both on and off-line but nearly all have the same concept and thus same success rate.

Because they are all based on a low calorie diet they all result in an initial quick loss of weight which grinds to a sudden standstill after a very short period. These diets not only tend to end with you giving up but also with you ending up with more weight than when you started your diet.

A combination of the two is the healthiest way to diet but if you aren't used to exercise routines ( which lets face it many dieters aren't ) then the risk of injury is very high and if you're injured lets face it the only way your weight will go is up.

The only diet I know of which avoids these methods and provides both fast and continuous loss of weight is one which works by fooling your metabolism into working at a higher rate.

It does this by altering the foods you eat each day and manipulating the metabolism. By getting the metabolism to work at a high rate it will burn the fat at a faster pace resulting in fast weight loss. The diet claims to allow you to lose 9 pounds in 11 days and there is no lack of users that will confirm this is possible and that the results have kept on coming.

No one that lacks the determination will ever achieve their weight loss aims no matter how good the diet. That said if you do have the right mindset then it is possible to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks and keep those great results flowing without needing to starve yourself or risk overdoing things and injuring yourself.

Want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks? Then see how I did it by checking out this blog: http://shiftingcaloriesdiet.blogspot.com

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too with a Calorie Shifting Diet.

Motivation - Is it a Key to Weight Loss

Motivating yourself for task as demanding as exercise and weight loss is not the easiest of things to do. Rather, its one of the toughest. Even if you know the best form of exercise, it is often not possible to do them due to lack of self-motivation.

Weight loss is directly associated with burning more calories. It is better to lay more stress on "burning more" rather than "consuming less" as the former is easier to motivate oneself for. For this purpose there are basically three categories of exercises:



Strength training

The main purpose of Aerobics is to burn more of your calories through exercises like skipping. Half an hour per day is fine for starters. However, many people performing aerobics tend to ignore the importance of strength training exercises like weight lifting. All forms of strength training will give you more muscle and muscle burns 20 times more calories than fat!

Muscle size directly relates to your effort in training. The harder you train, the more fat you burn and the more visible your muscles become. Technically, muscle builds in the 30 to 60 second breaks in between the sets with weights - you have to tear your muscles to build them! You may not be able to complete all the reps; but that is where self-motivation can really improve performance.

Getting into partnerships during workouts can double your motivation. Be sure that the people you are getting into partnership share with you the same goals you cherish. The reps will then rise, and diet will get tamed. They do not say for nothing that partnerships achieve more than partners alone!

Self-motivation made you start. Now it is important to keep it going. Firstly, it is important for you to know why you or any one of us is motivated for any thing in life. It is simply the belief. If you believe in totality that exercise is the solution to your problem of excess weight, you will directly have the necessary motivation. Such motivation would mean the best performance and hence the best results.

Belief in what weight loss will let you achieve is also the key. It does not necessarily have to be logical. If it is a highly valued aspect in life, it may well be illogical. You should know the goals that you dearly want to achieve or experience. Such things are predominantly intangible. Fun, freedom and security are some of them. Such goals can play a major role in self-motivation. One should be ready to accept and believe in the idea that motivates them - to prepare yourself not to bring logic or reason in way of your belief.

Some people rightly state: "seeing is believing". To believe something that you know is good for you, sight is a good tool. As you cannot foresee exactly future events, you should resort to mind's imaging ability. It would not let you down! Learn to fashion the unwanted mental picture into the desired YOU that you imagine. If you don't - belief could change to doubt in no time!

In the end, the real motivation reveals when you can see your bathroom scale read you less. No feeling should be more divine to you than that you get, while standing alone in your underpants in your bathroom, to find yourself reading some pounds less!

Saman Rashid is an experienced writer. She has been writing articles and web copies since 3 years. To contact her, kindly visit http://www.mscopywriters.com

Unique Weight Loss Tips

Read the Facts Yes, it sucks but paying attention to the nutrition facts on food is necessary to lose weight. Dont just assume what you are eating make sure you find out so you know exactly what you are consuming, otherwise youre flying blind. Reading the labels will enable you to be aware of the fats, calories, and other ingredients that may be contributing to your weight.

Join a Support Group on the Internet A huge factor when it comes to successful weight loss is having support. An online group is perfect because a) you will find others that are in the same boat as you and b) you, as well as others, can remain anonymous. Anonymity allows people to be more honest and open about their experiences and feelings.

Whats Your Exercise? Keep in mind that all exercises are not created equal. If you enjoy running, run. If yoga is your thing, enroll in a yoga class. Find the exercise that you enjoy and works for you. If you pick a routine or work out regiment that you hate, you will not stick to it.

Avoid Comparisons Comparing yourself to others can be a very dangerous road. Since everyone is different, everyone will lose weight differently. The diet your best friend lost fifty pounds on may not be the right one for you. When you start taking notice of others success and attributed habits, you will only become discourage. Identify your triggers and what will lead you to your personal success.

The Magic Pill Oh, if only! No one single pill will be responsible for your complete and total weight loss (or at least as much as you hope to lose). However, there are supplements out there that can enhance and expedite your weight loss; try an energy supplement or weight loss supplement that curbs hunger. Use in conjunction with your new diet and exercise routine.

Everyone Slips You wouldnt be human if you didnt. There are going to be nights you go out with friends or to a party and blow your diet. Dont fret just get yourself back on track the next day. Youre allowed to mess up every once in a great awhile (its really is inevitable), just dont let it happen repeatedly.

Attributes of Successful Losers

One way to improve at something is to learn from those who are experts at what you would like to do. You might find yourself trying to mimic a professional golfers swing, save or invest your money similar to a wealthy relative or dress like one of your favorite fashionable celebrities. Applying this concept to the success of weight loss and more importantly, weight loss maintenance is the theory behind a research group in Colorado.

The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) from the University of Colorado, is the largest investigation of long-term successful weight loss maintenance. Given the prevailing belief that few individuals succeed at long-term weight loss, the NWCR was developed to identify and investigate the characteristics of individuals who have succeeded at long-term weight loss. The NWCR is tracking over 5,000 individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for long periods of time. Here are the key attributes of successful losers.

Eat Breakfast Every Day

Eating breakfast will provide you with the energy and nutrients throughout the morning. Skipping breakfast leads to skipping exercise (due to lack of energy), mood fluctuations and overeating at lunch and dinner time.

Accumulate 1 Hour Of Moderate Intensity Physical Activity Most Days

The most popular form of exercise reported by participants was walking, followed by cycling, weight lifting, and aerobics. Women reported burning off an average of 2,545 calories a week in physical activity. Men reported an average of 3,293 calories per week. This is equivalent to about an hour a day of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking. Remember, the important term is accumulation, so the 1 hour does not need to be performed all at once. Try to incorporate physical activity into your day and choose exercises that you enjoy.

Eat a Low Fat Diet

Registry members reported consuming an average of 1,800 calories per day with 24% of those calories from fat. The participants generally eat out less than 2.5 meals per week on average. They also average less than one meal a week in a fast food restaurant. Remember to tailor your caloric intake to your own weight and activity level.

Monitor Your Self Regularly

Registry members kept a detailed diary of their food intake and limited problem foods. Knowing how many calories are consumed is important for controlling body weight. Further, successful losers report weighing themselves regularly (44% weigh themselves daily and 31% hit the scales once a week). The researchers write that frequently checking your weight allows you to catch small weight gains and hopefully take steps to correct them. That said, find what works best for you. If you find normal day to day fluctuations in weight discourage your efforts then weigh yourself once a week. If you find weighing yourself daily reminds you of your goal then do so, but no more than once per day. It is also important to track other personal attributes not related to body weight such as your energy levels, mood, self confidence, happiness and others. You will find these personal attributes improve far more quickly than the number on the scale and will provide you with the motivation and confidence to reach your weight loss goals.

Maintain A Consistent Eating Pattern

Most registry members say they eat the same way on weekdays and weekends. Although weekends are a time for relaxation and rejuvenation from the stressful work week they are often found to be more challenging than weekdays as the lack of structure can throw people off. In this case, having a plan for the weekend can help to minimize mindless eating of unnecessary calories. Think of weekends as an opportunity to improve your health and partake in physical activity that is unavailable throughout the week.

Have a Relapse Plan

Prevent lapses from turning into relapses. Lapses are a normal part of any planned behaviour change. Reminding yourself that obstacles will arise and then responding positively to them is important for long term weight loss maintenance. Gaining a couple of pounds here and there was common among registry participants. But those who were able to prevent an extra pound or two from adding up were more likely to maintain their weight loss successfully over the long term.

A final technique for improving long term weight loss maintenance is to shift your focus from weight loss to improved health. By focusing on the process of weight loss rather than weight itself we ensure that we have a system in place while decreasing the emotional tie to weight fluctuations. Remember, what matters most is not what the number is on the scale but the direction that the number is going.

Drew Harvey is the founder and director of Healthy Weights
He is a kinesiology professor and has helped thousands at his research and weight loss clinic.

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Weigh yourself daily, preferably first thing in the morning. You will weigh the least at this time which will encourage you and you will have the motivation to eat correctly if the weight is higher than you expected. By weighing each day you can keep a better handle on what causes you to gain weight and helps you cut back a little that day if you have gained some.

Make sure you're drinking at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day of water. If you drink coffee, make sure you drink extra water since coffee is a diuretic that will deplete the water in your body. One last thing to mention about water is to drink it 1/2 hour before a meal since water can dilute your meal and flush out the enzymes.

Toxins come into our bodies from water, air and our food. The fat cells in the body surround the toxins because they attach themselves to our organs. Fat cells are not going to leave the body unless the toxins leave and the only way to get toxins out is to use a program that will eliminate them. Ever wonder why we gain weight in our midsection right where our organs are? Ever wonder why it gets harder and harder to lose weight as we get older? Toxins and fat cells keep collecting more and more and don't leave the body. You'll be amazed how quickly and safely you can lose weight and inches if you use a program that gets rid of the toxins.

Stalled weight loss? You might want to try eating 4 small meals a day for a week instead of 3 to set your metabolism higher. Then when you're back to eating 3 meals focus on filling your plate over 1/2 way with vegetables (raw or cooked or a combination). Make sure you balance it with some protein. If you eat the vegetables first and then fill in with the protein you'll be surprised how full you will be when the meal is over.

For more health and weight loss tips, grab your free report "How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else Has Worked" at http://www.hjresources.com/loseit Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Want To Lose That Belly Fat Fast?

While belly fat can be stubborn that does not mean that it is impossible to get rid of. I am sure you are reading this article so that you can improve the shape of your body. While yes it will take effort the results can be far reaching and very rewarding.

To address belly fat you need to address your health as a whole. No one solution fits all. You will need to engage multiple techniques in order to achieve the best results. This will involve cardio, weight and resistance training along with addressing your eating habits.

As a result you will need to take a serious look at your lifestyle. I am sure you may have some bad habits as we all do. No fear habits like rules can be broken. The first thing you will need to do is cut down on refined carbohydrates.

Also cut down on sugar. Replace these with healthy foods. Eat lots of fruits first thing in the morning. Eat whole wheat toast and have porridge or grains for cereal.

Now while you may be inclined to think that ab exercises alone will get rid of belly fat you would be wrong. Cardio is essential. When doing cardio vary your routines and exercise times. Also vary the machines you use. You do not want your body to get used to any given exercise as you will reach a plateau. You want to use as mush energy as possible as this will help burn fat.

The bottom line is this, apply some common sense - take note of what you do on a day to day basis. Avoid foods that add to your belly fat problem. Do activities that you enjoy.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss. Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs.