It seems that today every magazine and newspaper article is promoting the latest exercise method and philosophy for burning fat and helping all of us to keep our weight down. It is a known fact that regular exercise has been proven to help people shed their extra pounds, but this case is not quite that simple. A person may have excess weight for a number of reasons. It is essential to target the particular circumstances before assuming that methods of burning fat are going to be the answer.
One of the few things to keep in mind is that water retention or excess carbohydrates and sugars can all cause a person to be heavier than their ideal weight. In those instances, it is obvious that focusing on burning fat rather than reducing the intake of the real offender is not going to be effective in helping to lose weight.
It always seemed strange to me that some lucky people who never seem to have trouble maintaining an ideal weight while others struggle constantly trying to shed their extra pounds. If two people are eating identical foods and taking the same amount of exercise, there has to be a difference in the way that their bodies deal with the fat intake. And surprisingly enough - there is a difference. One person has a higher metabolic rate than the other person does. Specifically, it is their fatty acid metabolism that is the key factor. Quite simply, their body is more effective at breaking down the fat intake from their diet into other products that the body needs and the fat is not retained as excess weight.
Unfortunately there are a few people who may actually be suffering from a fatty acid metabolism disorder that prevents their body from being able to break down the fat effectively. This can only be treated using medical intervention. These disorders are relatively rare and for most people who have a low fatty acid metabolism rate, there are two potential solutions.
The first is to increase your overall metabolic rate that includes the fatty acid metabolism. The most successful method for the majority of people is to increase the amount of regular cardiovascular exercise that you take. This is especially important as you get older because your natural metabolic rate slows down. Any effective cardiovascular exercise raises the heart rate. These include cycling, swimming and fast-paced walking. Just thirty minutes a day taken three times a week can have a huge impact on your bodys metabolism.
Of course, it is not only increasing the metabolic rate that is going to lead to weight loss. In fact, everyone has a base metabolic rate that continues even when he or she is sleeping. There is another factor that needs to be taken into consideration and that is the amount of calories that you consume. The body does need some calories in the form of fats to enable the body to convert them into other products, but as already mentioned, too many can be stored as excess fat and this translates into excess weight. Therefore, to help achieve and maintain your ideal weight, you need to restrict your calorie intake and increase your fatty acid metabolism to ensure that your body is burning fats at its optimum rate.
Metabolism is the driving force behind our fat burning process, understand Metabolism Burning Fat Facts and other John Furnems selected texts about Metabolism at Metabolism Facts