Lose Fat

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fat Loss - The 4 Keys to Fat Loss

Are you trying to cut the fat off your body, but just cannot figure out why you are having no success? Fat loss is a bit tricky, but can be achieved with the help of four key elements. Here are the four keys to fat loss.

The first thing you need to understand before we get into the four keys of fat loss is that diet pills are not the answer. They can help you lose weight, but once you stop taking them you will gain it all back. Plus they are not good for your body and they only work with a good diet and exercise routine anyway.

Anyway, onto the 4 keys of fat loss

Key #1 - Your diet

The problem that people run into today is that it is much cheaper to buy the unnatural brands of foods at the grocery store. Your body has more trouble digesting things that are not natural. You need to be eating 100% natural foods that are easy for your body to digest. The foods to avoid are anything made with white flour, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and anything that is not 100% natural.

Key #2 - Your diet part two

The next key to fat loss is a bit of common sense, but is incredibly important. You need to have a balance diet that is low in fat and carbohydrates. You still need some of both in your diet, but they need to come from natural sources like red meat for fat and fruits for carbohydrates. These types of fats and carbohydrates are easier for your body to digest and use. You should be careful when selecting your meats and make sure they don't come from animals that were given antibiotic or hormones.

Key #3 - Exercise

Your exercise routine is quite important to fat loss. You need 3 sessions of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every week just to stay in the shape you are in now. So if you want to lose fat, then you need about 4-5 solid hours of aerobic exercise a week. This could include running, aerobic classes, swimming, golfing (without a cart), or anything else that will get your heart rate going.

Key #4 - Watch the alcohol and sweets

Yes one last diet key because it is most important. Many people cannot lose the fat they want to lose because they consume too many sweets or they drink too much alcohol. Neither one is bad for you as long as it is in moderation. There are a lot of bad calories in both and sweets are almost always made with refined sugars. Use dark chocolate to curb your sweet tooth and when you drink avoid heavy beers and mixing liquor with soda, even diet because diet soda is horrible for your body.

Now you have the four keys to fat loss and you can use them to change your life. You can lose the fat that you so desperately want to get off your body and live a happier, more self confident life.

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How To Study Weight Loss

You can do anything that anyone else has done. You can have anything that anyone else has. You can be anything that some else already is.

How? Because they already have accomplished it so you know it can be done. The variable is how hard you are willing to get the same results someone else has.

I am not trying to say be like someone else here. I am saying that if there is something you want to have or be in this lifetime, make a study out of what other successful people have done to get it.

Make a habit out of studying successful people and begin doing what they've done or what they advise. Sure, there are going to be some limitations and some setbacks.

You will probably not be able to play pro baseball or basketball if you are in your 50's.

You may not be able to be president of the United States if you've failed to graduate school.

That does not and should not mean you do not set lofty goals for yourself.

The habit of study comes after accepting responsibility and thinking about what it is you want to achieve with your body and health.

In order to achieve great fitness and weight loss results, you must bridge the gap between where you currently are and where you want to be.

What this means is, you have to find a way to get from where you currently are (or are not) to where you want to go.

It's the same principle as using a roadmap. You use a map to get from Point A to Point B without blindly driving around trying to find your destination.

Learning to bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to go can be done more easily if you model, or copy, after someone that has already achieved some of the same things you want to achieve.

For example, say that your best friend recently lost 20 pounds and looks great. Why not ask them how they did it and then, providing they lost the weight in a reasonable manner, copy what it is they did.

Two things must be figured out when you are trying to bridge the gap between success and failure.

First step in the process is you must ask yourself "Where am I currently at in my fitness endeavors?

Does anything even need to change? Am I overweight? What do I weigh? What is so emotionally painful with being overweight?

What are my alternatives? If I do not do anything right now to change, do I want to spend another week, month, or year like I am right now?

Take a peek into the future? Where do you see yourself in 6 months to a year if you continue heading the in same direction you are heading now. Will your health be negatively affected or just your self-esteem.

What is it I am doing in my workout routine that is not producing results. What is it in my nutrition that is not working? If everything that needed to be done was getting done, I would be seeing better results, so something is not working for me.

After you determine where you currently are, you know must then find out where it is you want to go.

What do I want to weigh? How do I want my clothes to fit? How much energy would I like to have? What size do I want my waist to be?

If I change for the better right now and start implementing a proper fitness program, what will I feel and look like in 6 months or a year. What size will I be or what brand new clothes will I be able to fit in.

What is it I would be ultimately happy with achieving in the realm of fitness and weight loss. In crystal clear terms, what do I want to achieve.

When you find that answer, that is going to be your destination.

To achieve fitness and weight loss success, you must bridge the gap that lies between where you currently are and where it is you want to end up.

When you determine where it is you want to end up, you need to make certain choices and certain decisions about how it is you will get to your destination.

The quickest way to get there is to follow someone else who has already achieved what it is you want, model after someone that has figured out what works and what doesn't.

This could be a friend, family member, or personal trainer.

In this case, it will be learning and copying some of the steps in this book.

There are certain "no matter whats" when it comes to losing weight, gaining muscle or strength, or any other fitness goal you may have.

Much like certain principles or laws, like the law of gravity, these "no-matter-what's" will work 100% of the time, whether you like it or not.

If you do certain things, than you will achieve weight loss, no matter what. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant, they will work.

You can have anything you want in life if you copy others that have achieved what it is you are looking for. If you want to learn about the stock market, read a book by Warren Buffet. If you want to learn a new language, pick up a Spanish book.

I am going to help you with weight loss success. Not because I know everything, but because at some point, I had to make the same choice and I know the end result of that choice. Experience of others can save you a lot of time.

It's not what you know or do that matters, it's what you know and do that produces results. Weight loss is 80% behavior. It comes back to the choices that we make, or do not make. So, in order to lose weight effectively and permanently, you must change your behavior, or those things that cause you to gain weight in the first place.

In fact, often the only thing that distinguishes successful people from unsucessful ones is direction.

You only get what you ask for in life, so ask for more. There are specific reasons behind why you either cannot lose weight or why the weight does not stay off. Until you uncover those reasons, weight loss will be minimal, at best.

It has to do with the choices you make each and every day. If you are stressed out from work, do you chose to workout or run to get rid of tension or do you plop down on the couch and eat an entire bag of Doritos.

The choices you make dictate the life you lead.

I do not like to offer my clients a "Band-Aid" approach to getting in shape. I want results to last. I am one of these people that want to know why both how and why something works. Other people are just happy knowing that it works.

But it only works as well as you want it to work.

So begin studying how others have achieved their goals and you too, can copy their success and achieve what you want to achieve as well.

Lose weight and build muscle in less time. Personal trainer and natural bodybuilder Shawn Lebrun shows you, step-by-step, exactly how: Visit Shawn Lebrun Fitness

Finding a Weight Loss Partner

When you first begin to diet it is hard to break old habits and begin forming new habits. This is where a weight loss partner comes in. Your diet partner will help keep you on track and hold you accountable for your food intake and your exercise plan.

Your diet partner will help you to stay motivated. You can plan to exercise together at a set time each day. This will keep you accountable and motivated. It is harder to give your weight loss partner a week excuse as to why you can not exercise than it is to convince yourself that you should just skip a day.

Diet partners also offer a great support system when it comes to sticking to a diet. It is easy to cheat on a diet especially if you feel you are going it alone. Your weight loss partner will help you to stay on track and listen when you do fall off the wagon.

You may also find that you end up with just a bit of competition when it comes to dieting with a partner. If you have a week where your partner has lost more weight than you or exercised more than you, you may just have to get moving and try and win next week.

Your partner will also add a bit of fun to dieting. You can work together to find fun new recipes and laugh when you goof up that new recipe. It is also a lot of fun to take a walk and tell silly jokes on the way. Set up one day each week where it is joke day and your entire exercise time is spent telling silly jokes while walking.

Friendships are built around common experience. You will find that your weight loss partner may just become your new best friend. As your lifestyle choices change so will your diet partners. It is always easier to do it with a friend.

Just remember to keep up the good work and have fun with your diet partner.

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What Are the Current Weight Loss Surgery Techniques Available?

The preferred method of losing weight is by dieting and an exercise program.

But sometimes other methods are needed. And the reasons are many, among them are long-term poor development of willpower, genetic disposition, disease or other factors. Maintaining the proper weight for the obese sometimes requires outside assistance.

Because fad diets rarely work for very long, and nutritional supplements and other compounds can only help to a degree, for the truly obese, weight loss surgery is the only hope. In today's market, there are many types of weight loss surgery techniques. All have their own pros and cons. The most important criteria therefore, are effectiveness, risk and side effects.

Surgical procedures have advanced over the past few decades. Most of them have attained their goal, which is bringing about substantial weight loss. That loss comes about usually as the result of restricted caloric intake, by eating less, or by absorbing less of the food that is eaten.

An early type of weight loss surgery technique was referred to a bypass surgery. All or part of the stomach was removed and the digestive system reconnected. Originally extremely dangerous, it has evolved but still carries substantial risks. It is no longer the preferred method. Patients who undergo the procedure have to take supplements forever after and the risk of disease and nutritional deficiencies remains high.

Another weight loss surgery technique that has been around for many years is called stomach stapling. Initially highly dangerous, it has become much safer in the past 10 years.

The procedure consists of opening the patient and clamping portions of the stomach with specialized surgical staples. Newer methods sometimes make possible laparoscopy, in which a small hole is created through which the surgeon works, but the patient isn't opened up.

There are risks of bleeding, though small. Patients can become ill if they attempt to eat more than the recommended amount. They may also suffer from nutritional deficiencies that can be lifelong, requiring supplements.

The net effect is to create a smaller stomach, leading to a more rapid feeling of fullness. The patient simply eats less and therefore takes in fewer calories. The body turns to stored fat for energy and the result is less fat and lower weight.

A newer form involves installing an adjustable Lap Band around the stomach. This eliminates the need to puncture the stomach and makes it possible for the physician to adjust the effect as the patient loses weight.

Generally safe, the procedure can be done on an outpatient basis. Most consider it a minor inconvenience, though like any medical procedure it's expensive and insurance companies increasingly won't pay for it.

The band itself is not painful. Patients typically experience rapid weight loss, but at the same time (as fat comes out of adipose tissue) many hormonal changes take place. Close, regular medical observation is important for the success of the procedure and the health of the patient.

There are dozens of various types of weight loss surgery today. But whichever procedure an individual considers, careful thought should be given to weighing the risks and benefits. For many, a commitment to long-term dietary and lifestyle changes is a better option. For those who believe surgery is the best option, consulting with an experienced physician is essential.

Gary Machado writes on a variety of topics on health issues. Did you find these tips on weight management useful? For more information go to: http://www.squidoo.com/dieting-success

Weight Loss Tips

Now a days every one is contentious about maintaining their figure. But some people find its very tough to maintain their figure, most of the people want to lose their weight very fast but this is very dangerous. Natural weight loss is simple if we follow some easy tips.

Why Lose Weight?
Losing weight helps to control and check these diseases:-

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease or stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Cancer
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Breathing problem

How can I loose weight effectively?

  • Eat vegetables and fruits. Eat single piece of fruit daily and try to take low sugar high fiber fruits, plums, pears and apples. And one more thing is that avoid fruit juice as it contains sugar.
  • Use olive oil instead of supermarket vegetable oils like. Apply Olive oil to cook your food.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, at least 8 glasses dont wait until you are thirsty as this means that you are dehydrated.
  • Stop eating chicken, meat, and avoid using fatty food.
  • The best good fats are Omega-3, found in fish and flaxseed oil.
  • Avoid junk food as it contains hi fats and is dangerous for health.
  • Do exercise daily. But avoid same workout per day.
  • If possible then try bicycling.
  • Do not take your car if you are just a few blocks from home, using the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Eat high-calorie foods and high-protein foods.
  • You should eat less as day gets later.
  • Eat foods high in natural nutrients. Eating organic is best.

Author is running a health information site Health Online where information on several diseases like allergies, blood disorders, cancer, childrens health, digestive disorder, liver diseases, weight loss etc. and tips on dieting, nutrition and improving lifestyle has been provided. Find more information about health & diet: weight loss