Lose Fat

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Amazingly Simple Weight Loss Tips

You only have to look at the number of people that fail to succeed in their diets to realize that dieting isn't easy. However the steps we need to follow to succeed are simple.

Here then are a few simple weight loss tips that you can use to help you start losing weight today.


Eating small meals more often stops you from snacking and binging between meals as you won't become hungry. It also helps to keep the metabolism active and doesn't give it a chance to change and start working at a lower rate.


Try to eat smaller portions. Most people eat until they feel full but it actually takes up to 20 minutes after eating for the body to realize you full. This means that when you feel full during eating that you have actually eaten more than you needed to.


Water can help us feel less tired and more energetic but most importantly it makes us feel fuller. Cold water also reduces our body temperature which in turn helps us to burn more calories as our body works to get the body temperature back to its regular level.


You don't need to do amazing levels of exercise to get in better shape and more importantly to burn more calories. Walking is a great way of getting exercise and it is something anyone can do. Simply walking the dog or going to the shops on foot can make a major difference.

Following these simple weight loss tips along with using the right dieting program should see you getting results in no time at all.

To read more simple weight loss tips visit this webpage shifting calories.

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Does Winning at Weight Loss Seem as Likely as Winning the Lottery?

Many people would like to lose weight and may even feel they NEED to lose weight but if you ask them if they believe it will happen they come back with a half-hearted, "I hope so."

Hoping and believing are too different things. Hope is more closely related to a wish than reality. If you hope to lose weight yet believe you have about as much chance of accomplishing it as you do winning the lottery then you need to put down your dieting book and put on your thinking cap because the solution to your weight loss problem will not be found in any diet plan or exercise program; your solution will come from inside when you learn how to shift the way you are thinking.

Your thoughts and beliefs about losing weight are an important part of something called your Weight Mindset. Your Weight Mindset is a major predictor of your weight loss success or failure because you are always acting in congruence with it.

Therefore, if you have a mindset that says losing weight is hard and managing the weight loss is even harder, that is what you will get-a life of struggling to control your weight. If, however, you have a mindset that losing weight is doable and that you can have a happy, healthy body, then you will allow yourself to lose weight and maintain that weight loss.

Diet and exercise are necessary elements of losing weight but when used alone they only boast a dismal 5% success rate. However, the success rate soars when these two components are combined with a proper Weight Mindset.

Fortunately creating a beneficial Weight Mindset is available to everyone and it is free, all it will cost you is a bit of your time. Start by becoming aware of the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are holding you back. Begin to listen to your internal conversations. What are you telling yourself about weight loss, dieting and exercise? If you notice that your thoughts about these things are negative stop them and give them a positive spin. For example, if you find yourself saying, "I'm too old to exercise." Turn this around by telling yourself, "Exercise reverses the aging process."

Your current mindset has been in place for a long time and you have spend many years finding evidence to support it so be patient with yourself as you create a new one. This will take time but in the long run it will save you the frustration of yo-yo dieting and allow you to lose weight without losing your love affair with food.

If you have tried diet and exercise but have had difficulty sticking with your plan then you will benefit from my FREE e-report Think and Grow Thin! Get your free copy of Think and Grow Thin! by clicking on http://www.weightlosswithoutworry.com/book.php

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is the founder of Weight Loss without Worry a website helping you lose weight without losing your love affair with food.

5 Tips To Help You Lose Weight Faster, Easier And Make It More Fun

Let me share with you 5 six weight loss tips that you can start practicing in a few minutes from now...

1. Never say "It's OK, I'll burn it off tomorrow"

It's easy to fall into this trap. When you have your favorite food in front of you, it's really difficult to resist the temptation. So you end up saying, "It's ok, I'll burn it off tomorrow" and then you give in. Now this is where you're making one of the worst mistakes! That workout tomorrow rarely happens. You know it too. Trust me, refrain yourself from giving in at all costs and you'll be well on your way to achieving that desired weight loss.

2. If you're gonna commit to a plan, make sure it's a viable and realistic plan:

Many people make empty promises to themselves thinking that they'll get it done. When it comes to weight loss, they do the same, they don't think or plan out a realistic weight loss plan. When your plan is not realistic, you will fail. And when that happens, you will feel so depressed that you're just gonna give everything up. You need to think and make a commitment that's viable and you know you can stick to.

3. Do cardio exercises and burn calories

To really lose weight, you need a good balance of the right diet and the right exercises. Walk, run, jog, swim, play sports, do exercise, aerobics or weight training, dance, use exercise machinery, anything you want and anything you like. Just make sure you pick at least one. These activities help you boost your calorie burning, making it easier and faster to lose weight. Do it regularly and you body will start to burn all the fats away.

4. Rest

You must get enough rest in and maintain a relaxed state of mind. When you're in stress, either mentally or physically, your body system automatically gets into "flight or fright" condition. When that happens, it starts preserving fat for energy usage in future. Now that's not good right. Therefore, you must get a good mental and physical relaxation so that you can pursue your weight loss at ease and with success.

5. Keep the fire burning

Most people start out with fire burning in their eyes. You can always feel their determination whenever they're near. But, they'll never make it to the end unless they know how to keep the fire burning. Find things that you know will motivate you to spur on and continue the tough journey. Hey losing weight ain't the same as taking a walk down the beach, it takes hardwork and determination. Be determined and face all challenges with open arms.

There you go, 5 easy weight loss tips just for you. I hope these tips help, cheers!

Jimmy Dickens is a weight loss coach and mentor from Boston. He teaches people how to lose weight fast with a unique system he created called the "Gimme Weight Loss Now" System. If you're looking for a complete, step-by-step weight loss system that can help you lose weight fast, do visit his website and grab his system (in the form of an ebook) at http://www.gimmeweightlossnow.com

Weight Training for Weight Loss: Start Now

If youre already exercising and eating right with the aim of slimming down, heres something you might not have thought of that can help you achieve your goal: weight training.

Weight training refers to working out with weights, whether dumbbells and barbells (free weights) or the weights you find on exercise contraptions, that you lift by means of pulleys and cables.

If youre currently walking or running or doing other cardiovascular exercise to take off fat, you might think weights would not add anything to your efforts. After all, youre burning off calories either way, right?

Done correctly, though, weight training willbring a dimension to your workout that goes beyond calorie burn-off. It will sharpen and define your muscles, which will make you look and feel leaner even before youve reached your ideal weight target.

Not only will working out with weights make you look better in the eyes of others, it will help motivate you to keep working toward your goal.

Here are some tips for anyone considering weight training for weight loss:

1. Dont spend a lot of money on equipment, at least to begin with.

A basic set of dumbbells in a few different weights will get you started, and may be all you ever need. For the average person who hasnt had much strength training, I recommend purchasing two each of the following size dumbbells: 8 (or 10) pounds, 15 pounds, and 20 (or 25) poundsthat's six dumbbells in all.

Later on you can add a barbell with a set of adjustable weights if you like. However, I recommend getting an adjustable incline/decline bench to use with your dumbbells before spending for a barbell. A bench and dumbbells will equip you to perform nearly all the weight training exercises that you need if your main goal is weight loss (as opposed to trying to look like Mr. Universe).

Fancy workout machines are greatand expensive! If you have access to a gym then by all means take advantage ofsuch equipment. But don't think that you need it in order to get a good workout.

2. Buy or borrow a good illustrated instructional book on weight lifting. Look for one targeted toward average people--people who just want to get fit or get into shape--rather than toward competitive bodybuilders.

In line with tip #1, also make sure that the book you use contains exercises you can do with dumbbells alone, and that work all parts of your body.

If you wish to make maximum progress, I strongly recommend that you also read a book on the general subject of weight loss. Avoid the fad diet of the moment. Look for a book grounded in good science, that contains practical advice for nutritional and lifestyle changes that lead to permanent fat loss. (Some excellent books in this line are actually available as downloads from the Internet.)

3. Work out with your weights regularly. If all you have is 20 minutes every Monday, then make and keep that weekly appointment with yourself.

If you have more time, here's what I consider to be an ideal "weight training for weight loss" schedule. It will give excellent results with a time commitment that is still reasonable:

Monday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Tuesday: 10 to 20 minutes of cardio

Wednesday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Thursday: 10 to 20 minutes of cardio

Friday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + 20 to 30 minutes' weight training

Saturday & Sunday: Nothing! Or, better, work in a couple of brisk walks around the neighborhood.

Important: Always put at least one day between your weight training days. Never work out with weights on consecutive days, even if you're tempted to do so. When you exercise with weights you are actually tearing down muscle so that it can rebuild itself stronger and bigger. Those in-between days are your muscles' crucial rebuilding days.

4. Use the right number of exercise sets for weight loss--not for bodybuilding.

Not one in a hundred exercisers understands this point. But now you will!

When you work out with weights, you convert a certain amount of fat to muscle. Muscle weighs something, too, though. If your goal is to lose weight, you don't want to end up with a pound of muscle for every pound of fat you started with. You would be more muscular for sure, but you would still be overweight!

The key is to do fewer sets of a given exercise than is called for in "regular" or non-weight-loss-oriented weight training.

The best instructional books give separate instructions for their workouts according to their reader's particular goal, whether that's to lose pounds, to build the biggest muscles possible, or something in between. If the book you're using does not offer this, you can make the adjustment yourself.

Keep in mind that a set contains a certain number of repititions or "reps" of an exercise. A typical weight training book may instruct you to do 4 sets of a particular exercise, each set consisting of 10 reps, for a total of 40 reps. In this case you (as a weight loss exerciser) would do no more than 2 sets of 10 reps each, for a total of 20 reps maximum.

By throttling back to about half of the prescribed number of sets, you can be assured that you will be both building muscle and losing weight. (Alternately, you may want to keep the number of sets unchanged but do just half the number of reps per set.)

To be safe you can limit yourself to one set per exercise per workout session, regardless of what your book instructs. Trust me: As long as you're getting in your cardio sessions, too (and eating right, of course), you will lose weight--and you'll gain some nice, "ripped" muscles in the process.

Denny Waldarmo is a professional weight training coach who dispenses fitness and health advice at the Solid Gold Info web site: http://www.solid-gold.info/burn-the-fat.html

Need a no-hype opinion of the hottest selling weight loss book? Denny offers his.

Weight Loss And Your Metabolism

Most of us know that there is a connection between weight and metabolism. The question is how?

It's commonly thought that a thin person has a high metabolism. Also, that someone who is heavy has a low metabolism. The truth is that there is more to it than your metabolism. Your metabolism is not the only factor in determining your weight.

Your weight, to a large extent, is based on the balance of calories that are consumed versus the amount of calories burned. If you consume more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. When you consume less, you lose weight. Therefore, metabolism is the mechanism that utilizes these calories and the scale that regulates your energy.

In other words, your metabolism is the means by which you convert food into energy. Calories from carbs, fats and protein are combined with oxygen, which in turn releases the necessary energy for your body to function.

Total energy expenditure is the number of calories which are burned each day. Total energy expenditure consists of three factors.

1/ Basic Needs: Your body still requires energy even when at rest. The calories required to cover basic functions are the basal metabolic rate.

Two thirds to three quarters of the calories used each day are from the basal metabolic rate. The energy required for basic functions remain fairly consistent and are not easily changed.

2/ Food Processing. 10 percent of the calories used each day are for digestion, transporting and the storing of food consumed. The body's energy requirement to process food remains relatively constant.

3/ Physical Activity. Any other activity that you perform accounts for the rest of the calories used. The number of calories burned is the direct result on the frequency, duration and the intensity of your activities.

It seems logical to assume that being overweight is directly related to having a low metabolism. The truth is that it is uncommon for excess weight to be related to a low metabolism. It's also true that most weight problems are not related to a medical condition.

Being overweight is most likely due to an energy imbalance. Simply put, you're consuming more calories than you need. In order to lose weight it's necessary to create an energy deficit by consuming fewer calories and to increase the amount of calories burned by physical activity.

Many factors influence your calorie requirements. These include body size and type, age and sex.

To function efficiently, larger bodies require more calories than do smaller bodies. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Therefore, the more muscle you have in relation to fat, the higher your basal metabolic rate.

When we age, the amount of muscle decreases and fat will account for more of your weight. Also, metabolism slows with age. These changes will reduce your need for calories. Your ability to change your basal metabolism is limited. However, you can increase daily exercise and activity to build muscle tissue and burn more calories.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of http://www.natural-remedy-dot-com.com/weight_loss/ where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

Exercise To Healthy Weight Loss

To loss weight effectively, it is necessary to take in fewer calories than the body is burning. In order to burn off excess calories, it is essential to exercise regularly. Talking about exercise, it is not necessary to join a gym or participate in aerobic classes to burn up the fats. Calories can be burn by just simply climbing the stairs, cleaning the house, riding a bike, working in the garden or just by walking thirty minutes every day. Calories can also be burnt during sweat-free exercises. It has been proven that people who take a brisk walk for thirty minutes every day burn body fat, improve their physical fitness and lower their blood pressure as much as people who work out at a gym three or four days per week.

Exercise will help to boost energy as well. With the advent of the computer age, people are forced to do less and less physical labor. It is only logical that this would result in more energy being available for other activities. Exercise improves the efficiency of the lungs, the heart and the circulatory system in their ability to take in and deliver oxygen throughout the entire body. This oxygen is the catalyst that burns the fuel, food taken in to produce energy. Consequently, the more oxygen taken in, the more energy is available for other activities.

Oxygen is the vital ingredient that is necessary for survival. Since oxygen cannot be stored, body cells need a continuous supply in order to remain healthy. Exercise increases the body's ability to extract oxygen from the air so that increased amounts of oxygen are available for every organ, tissue and cell in the body. Exercise actually increases the total volume of blood, making more red blood cells available to carry oxygen and nutrition to the tissues and to remove carbon dioxide and waste products from the body's cells. This increased saturation of the tissues with oxygen is also aided by the opening of small blood vessels.

The first step for energy, fitness and real weight loss is by exercising every day. Exercising regularly will help to keep a fresh supply of oxygen surging through the blood vessels to all the body's cells. Exercise and healthy diet comes hand in hand in any successful weight loss program. In order to lose weight successfully, it is necessary to eat healthily and exercise regularly.

For more information on Weight Loss Diet, Quick Weight Loss Tips or Weight Loss Surgery, you can visit this site: All You Need to Know About Weight Loss

Skyjoe. All rights reserved. This article may be freely distributed as long as it remains unaltered inclusive of the active links and the copyright notice. No alteration is allowed without express written permission from the author.

Beyonce Weight Loss - Beyonce's Lemonade Diet

Looking for information about the Beyonce weight loss? Well the miraculous weight loss is all thanks to Beyonce's lemonade diet.

The Beyonce Knowles Diet

The well known lemon detox program, also known as the "Master Cleanse Diet"", was first introduced as a way to flush out impurities from the body. As years have progressed, people, especially celebrities, have taken on the diet as a weight loss program.

One of Hollywood's well known divas, Beyonce Knowles, is one of the many popular singers and actresses to try the Master Cleanse diet. Beyonce's lemonade diet is the best way to lose a large amount of weight in a short time period. Beyonce went on the program in order to get in shape for her role in the film, 'Dreamgirls'. Her character needed to be portrayed as a slim girl.

During the promotion period after the film, she went on the Oprah Winfrey Show to tell her experiences with the Beyonce Knowles diet. She then revealed to the audience that her reason for trying the successful detox program was to prepare for the movie.

Beyonce weight loss was totaled at over 20 pounds after finishing the diet schedule. Beyonce said that even though it was difficult to be on such a strict diet, mostly liquids, the ending results were well worth it.

The Beyonce Knowles diet (also known as The Master Cleanse Secrets diet) consists of drinking a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, tea, and other laxative products to detoxify the system. In the mornings, the user drinks a sea salt mixture to get the bowel moving, followed by the lemon mixture during the day, and then a laxative tea at night.

The recommended time limit for the weight loss program is 10 days. The lemon diet has been around for a very long time, however, Beyonce's weight loss with it has increased the popularity of the diet program.

All Those Toxins

Much of the food that we eat has chemicals and other preservatives in it. Even the homegrown vegetables that we can purchase at the grocery stores are fertilized with specific ingredients that are harmful to our bodies.

Due to the fact that the toxins and the metals are unnatural for our system and other organs, the lemon diet will flush out the harmful chemicals. Many people report that their aches and pains are gone, as well as cravings for fast food. Once the Beyonce's lemonade diet (The Master Cleanse Secrets diet) program is finished, the user can return to their normal food schedule.

If you are in a hurry to shed a few pounds before the summer, then this Beyonce weight loss diet is certainly worth trying. Just keep in mind that it is not meant primarily for weight loss, and it is more specialized towards detoxifying the system.

Make sure to read helpful advice about how to use the Beyonce's lemonade diet at home. The first two days is the hardest part due to the lack of solid foods. If you can pass this roadblock, then the end results will be very gratifying.

Blake Allen is an online medical researcher and webmaster of The Master Cleanse Blog. Visit the blog to learn how to cleanse your entire system safely and naturally with the most effective, safe, and natural cleansing systems available. Learn how to regain your energy, boost your immune system, lose weight rapidly, cure constipation, and cleanse your overall system in only 10 DAYS. This is also the diet superstars like Beyonce use to rapidly cleanse their system and quickly shed excess pounds. Visit The Master Cleanse Blog to cleanse your system of parasites and illness causing toxins today

Natural Weight Loss

The holy grail of medical science these days is a magic weight loss cure with no side effects. Of course this is a far off dream, and for most of us natural weight loss is the best option. Natural weight loss is generally slower than the drug or surgery assisted methods, but is much safer.

More than half the population in North America struggle daily with weight loss. Amazingly enough, many do not succeed. Many television shows, movies, and books have attempted to tackle the subject, including "The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeau.

A smart diet with a good exercise regimen under direction of your doctor remains the best way to lose weight, with diet being of utmost importance in the equation. In the fast pace of the world today maintaining a proper diet can be most difficult, but a smart diet should include all food groups in portions suitable for your needs as directed by your doctor or a licensed dietician.

Exercise can greatly enhance weight loss strategies, but when starting any exercise program care is necessary. You should always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program. Also, try to avoid taking on more than you can handle. Overexertion is a common cause of injury, and can even lead to death if there is an underlying condition.

There are dozens of companies in your local phone directory that clean to be able to help you lose huge amounts of weight in very little time. Don't pay much attention to these ads, since their methods may not be safe. Choose a company with a strong reputation to help you with your weight loss program.

Consulting with a personal trainer can make choosing an exercise program less daunting. If you are overweight and new to working out, just entering, let alone exercising in a gym alongside fit, toned regulars, can be intimidating and discouraging. Working with a trainer to design an exercise plan tailored for you can help boost your confidence.

It is a lifelong journey the lose weight naturally. If you focus on the ultimate goal, which might be years away, you are more likely to become discouraged and fail. Instead, focus on achieving the small goals and enjoying the journey. The enemy of weight loss is stress.

Natural weight loss is slower than surgery or drugs but much safer for you. Kevin Trudeau is one author that has tackled this problem with a book called "The Weight Loss Cure" and has succeeded.

Lose Weight

With the growing number of people in America being overweight dieting is the number one thing on people's minds. There are so many new products on the market everyday. How do you know what to choose? You want something that is comfortable for your lifestyle and that also works.

Most people know or would agree that crash diets and pills do not produce long term weight loss. They are just a temporary fix. To keep weight off there has to be a lifestyle change involved. This can be such a slow process and we live in the time of wanting instant results.

Some suggestions to help you control your weight would be:

* Choose low-fat, low calorie foods
* Eat smaller portions
* Drink the required daily allowance of water that your body needs
* Get exercise

To maintain your weight you must burn as many calories as you take in. To lose weight you must burn more calories than you take in. This is the only way weight loss can be accomplished.

If you would like to learn how to lose weight without crash diets or pills go to my site by clicking the link below. You will also find more information about diet programs as well. You can look at all the sites on my blog and find something that is right for you.

Please feel free to reprint or distribute this entire article as long as you make sure the author's name, bio and website links are included in every instance.

B Berry writes on various download reviews and home business. To find out more information on how you can lose weight without diets or pills go to http://best-weight-loss-help.blogspot.com/ to see for yourself.

Deadly Mistakes People Make With Weight Loss Diets - You Must Be Aware Of This Before It's Too Late

So are you trying to lose weight and thinking about getting on a certain diet? Well you might be already on a diet or maybe thinking about getting on one but do you know that there are some silly mistakes people make which never get them results? You see either people are not aware of these or they just think they are doing all the right things but when they don't get any results that's when they realize that they were making a mistake all this time. Read on to discover some of the most deadly mistakes people make with weight loss diets...

Starving yourself- Some people feel that starving themselves all together would make them lose weight like crazy but this plan normally tends to backfire. You see instead of getting the results you are looking for your body only loses water weight which is gained by faster than you ever lost it therefore starving yourself isn't a solution.

Eating too quickly- There are several diets out there which only tell you what you need to do and what you need to eat but you are never told how. You see some people just eat too quickly and tend to stuff their bodies up with a lot of food too soon. Under this situation the body finds it hard to digest all that food all together therefore it gets stored as fat so the trick here is to eat slowly.

Eating large meals- This is another mistake most people make with their weight loss diets. You see eating large meals will not get you any results at all what you truly need is 8 small meals instead of 3 large meals throughout the day.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Lose 15 Pounds Fast - You Can Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

Sometimes you can't lose 15 pounds fast by exercising. Sometimes you do not have the time. However, there is a way where you can rapidly lose weight without the exercise.

We all know that exercise is important to our overall health and to keeping fit. Exercise though doesn't always make the pounds roll off. Sometimes we are overweight for other reasons!

Many diet and drug companies do not want you to know this, but there is a simple way to lose pounds fast -- and some people lose incredibly even more with it. These big companies do not make money on this simple little weight loss trick, so that's why you don't hear about it. Advertising costs money, so the big money-making guys advertise!

The simple key to losing the fat quickly is called detoxification. It may sound really strange, but it actually works. If you take a few minutes in the morning and evening to take a few simple things, your body goes to work for you! You do not have to keep fighting your body. Help your body work with you so you can lose weight quickly!

With the right detox program, your body will get rid of the internal intestinal blockages to serious weight loss. Most people don't know this, but if they did a detox program, they would find that in a short time their body naturally gets rid of a good 5, 15, or even 20 pounds or more!

Detoxifying your body will help you lose weight quickly, give you more energy, and help you be healthier all the way around!

You can Lose 15 pounds fast! Click here to Discover the secret Now! http://www.thedoctorsfatlosssecret.com

Calcium - A Catalyst For Fast-Paced Weight Loss

Calcium is an important nutrient for proper growth and development of various systems of our body. It is essential for strong bones and teeth in growing children. However, calcium is also associated with weight loss.

A proper diet contains proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. A person eating three meals a day is healthier because minerals and vitamins in food help in absorption and breakdown of large proteins and fat molecules.

However, calcium, which is a catalyst for fast paced weight loss, helps in proper digestion. It has been found that individuals, who drink milk regularly and have calcium rich diet, are bound to have less body fat than those undergoing a healthy diet. Calcium also has the ability to lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in an individual.

Studies on rats and mice suggest that intake of calcium alters the metabolism of fat cells. Henceforth, it causes less fat to be stored and more to be released. Calcium certainly helps in controlling the body weight by increasing the amount of fat that is used as a fuel in our body. You will often observe that numerous doctors advised their patients, who wish to loss weight for incorporating calcium supplements in their diet. Again, calcium from dairy products provides you with excellent results.

Calcium burns fat naturally with the help of certain nutrients and elements that are active inside the body. It is also known to be an active element in the breakdown of fats. Henceforth, it is preferred by most over weight individuals.

Tom Chuong works as an Health Consultant for Clay Media Group, LLC. Currently, he's writing health articles on topics related to Hoodia Diet Pills, Hoodia, and Herbal Remedies. If you need an experienced SEO expert to work on your commercial website, please contact him.

Strict Weight Loss Plan

Statistically speaking, if you are on a strict weight loss plan, you are likely to fail to achieve your goal. Lack of motivation, difficulty of the diet plan, temptation to cheat, cravings that overwhelm your will power and undermine your discipline, and lack of availability of the right foods, are all contributing factors to derailing you from your weight loss efforts.

Although low-calorie diets, low-carbohydrate diets, and low-fat diets have all been proven to be effective means of achieving weight loss, each one of these are very easily sabotaged for one or more of the above reasons. There is one diet, however, that is completely idiot-proof and leave you less likely to succumb to sabotage. That diet is known as the calorie-shifting diet.

Unlike low-carb, low-calorie, and low-fat diets, where you must reduce your intake of carbs, calories, and fats, the calorie-shifting diet allows you to eat as much food as you like without counting. Not only that, but this diet also allows you to eat food from all four food groups. Above all, you are required to eat four full meals every day.

In doing so, you can expect to lose 9 pounds every 11 days on this diet plan. Most experts agree that rapid weight loss has the potential to be unsafe and ineffective. That is why the calorie-shifting diet requires you to take a 3-day "cheat" break every 12th through 14th days on this diet. During those 3 days, you are expected to eat "sensibly" but not follow the diet plan as prescribed. You can think of those 3 days as a good practice run for how you would eat if you had reached your goal weight and wanted to maintain it. Then, after your 3-day break, you are free to resume the diet again for another 11-day cycle if you wish to lose more weight.

There are numerous advantages to taking this 3-day break. Firstly, it is good for your motivation. Rather than sacrificing your eating habits for several months with no end in sight, you get to eat normally for 3 days, as a miniature reward. Secondly, your body does need time to recover from the rapid weight loss you will have experienced. These 3 days will bring your metabolism back in balance.

How does the calorie-shifting diet work? How is it possible for you to lose weight so rapidly while being allowed to eat as much as you want and eat from all four food groups? Essentially, this diet is based on the principle that you can manipulate your body's metabolism at will simply by shifting the types of calories you consume from meal to meal on a rotational basis, every day. What that means is that what you eat, when can directly trigger the appropriate metabolic response in your system that will induce fat burning. By withholding certain types of calories at certain times and reintroducing them at others, over the course of several days, you are consuming calories in a way that is conducive to weight loss as opposed to weight gain!

Here are some sample meal plans to give you an idea of how this diet works. The diet plan runs in 11-day cycles but only 3 days are included here, just to give you an idea of how the plan is structured and to give you a sense of how satisfying and sustainable this diet truly is. Keep in mind that each of these four meals may be eaten in any order throughout the day, as long as you only eat that the designated foods at each of their respective meals.

Day 1

Meal #1: Flavored Oatmeal

Meal #2: Tuna Salad

Meal #3: Scrambled Eggs Meal

Meal #4: Sandwich (any type)

Day 2:

Meal #1: Banana Milk Shake

Meal #2: Scrambled Eggs and Mixed Vegetables

Meal #3: Chicken

Meal #4: Cottage Cheese

Day 3:

Meal #1: Cottage Cheese

Meal #2: Chicken

Meal #3: Fruit Salad

Meal #4: Fish Filet

So what are you waiting for? Generate your personalized meal plan now at http://www.IdiotProofFatLoss.com and you will be 9 pounds lighter in a week and a half!

Want to Get Rid of Belly Fat and Get Rid of Love Handles?

There are very few people I've known in this life who haven't wondered how to get rid of love handles or how to get rid of belly fat. Those of us who have love handles, also known by other colorful names like spare tire, and belly fat, not so affectionately referred to as a pot-belly, find very little to love about those handles and that belly says we've been letting ourselves go to pot.

Love handles and belly fat are basically nice ways to describe the fat that accumulates on the lower abdomen and on each side of the waist. But any way you view it, those love handles are warning signs of undesired weight gain. Yes, let's call it what it is, that belly fat is just unwanted weight. And the only way to get rid of love handles and to get rid of belly fat is to lose weight.

That means you've got to find a reliable eating plan that will both nourish your body while reducing that pot-belly and those love handles. Finding reliable weight lose information can be an absolutely discouraging endeavor since there are quite literally hundreds of weight loss plans on the market today that make all types of preposterous claims

First, find a healthy plan you intend to keep. To reduce your overall body fat and keep it off, you need to find a healthy eating plan. It's tempting, when you're trying to lose weight, to skip meals to reduce your caloric intake, but a better--and easier--way to cut calories is to find a reliable diet that fits your tastes and lifestyle; one you can adopt for life. So to prevent or reduce excess weight around the abdomen, or wherever you're genetically predisposed to deposit it, you need a healthy diet.

Compare the different diets based on the type foods you enjoy, and the ones you already know pack on the pounds now. Don't be tempted by plans offering huge weight loss over a short period of time. A plan offering fast results is not a healthy one, and you want a plan you can stick with for the rest of your life; a healthy diet that will keep the weight off.

Once you start losing body fat, you can firm up your body by exercising. The main thing to remember though is that spare tires and pot-bellies indicate too much body fat. And losing body fat is the best (read only) way to get rid of love handles and to get rid of belly fat.

If you want to lose weight then find the right diet for you, and then get up off the couch and go for a walk, take a ride on your bike, or go to the gym. When you maintain a healthy diet and institute a regular cardiovascular workout routine, your love handles and belly fat will gradually reduce without any particular special exercise to get rid of them. So, there you have it: the skinny on how to get rid of love handles and belly fat.

B.J. Gordey is the owner of Top10-diets.com. Are you looking for a way to "get rid of love handles" and "get rid of belly fat"? You can learn a lot more about how a successful diet can help you at Top10-Diets.com.

Simple Weight Loss Tips - Misinformation About Simple Weight Loss Revealed

Everyday, magazines give out new simple weight loss tips that are dramatically supposed to reinvent your life and have the fat running away from you. True, some of these tips are extremely valuable and often overlooked because they seem like common sense and obvious, but it is often times the most valuable simple weight loss tip that is also the simplest (how ironic). Today, there will be no discussion about simple weight loss tips in the sense of a top 5 or a quick outline into a specific path, but instead, we will shed some light on myths that permeate throughout the industry and cause people to build diets, routines, and lifestyles on top of a faulty foundation.

There are three myths, three ideologies that are simply destructive to the ill-informed. Myths that promise to cut fat, build muscle, and lose weight can simply add to that stubborn, excessive belly fat or cause your biceps to remain stagnant, growing flabby instead of granite-like.

Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth #1: Spot Reduction does NOT work.... So forget about simply getting rid of only that excessive belly fat or that spare tire, fat loss comes as a collective whole. What this translates into is that simply doing crunches and leg lifts and more crunches and more leg lifts will NOT reduce the fat on your stomach; it simply works out the muscles underneath. Now, in order to see these muscles, one must develop a diet that reduces the overall body fat % or all the crunches and workouts will go to waste.

Which leads us to our second Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth: Less Calories means less Weight/Fat! Not necessarily. Once you starve your body of calories it has a tendency to go into starvation mode and slow the metabolism. The slowing of the metabolism causes you to use your resources less (ie burn calories slower) allowing you to live off the current cache of fat you have. In other words, an intuitive simple weight loss tip that is as widely distributed as this one can have serious effects on your progress if misused. A very popular, up-and-coming weight loss diet and fat loss program that utilizes online meal planning (in which you get to buy your own, fresh food) and a revolutionary style of calorie manipulation (called Calorie Shifting) to completely counteract this process. Although this is relevant, it is out of the scope of this article and more information can be found at my blog... Here.

Final Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth: Cardio workouts makes you lose weight faster than working out. True and not true. Aerobic exercise allows one to lose weight while they are doing it and shortly after. The benefits of 45 minutes on the treadmill will last that 45 minutes and only slightly after. The flipside is weightlifting, which burns calories and fat during it while beefing up your metabolism to work for you afterwards burning calories and fat. It's the difference between a part-time employee and a full-time employee.

Conrad is a long-time athlete and a fitness fiend who has decided to share his practical and realistic experience and knowledge with the world. Conrad played football, baseball, and even golf for well over 10 years throughout college and highschool and even as a little tyke. If you liked this article, be sure to check out http://conrad1cal.blogspot.com

For more great, practical information and links to even more helpful articles, along with http://www.squidoo.com/simpleweightlosssteps for effective and simple weight loss steps and tips.

Exercise To Healthy Weight Loss

To loss weight effectively, it is necessary to take in fewer calories than the body is burning. In order to burn off excess calories, it is essential to exercise regularly. Talking about exercise, it is not necessary to join a gym or participate in aerobic classes to burn up the fats. Calories can be burn by just simply climbing the stairs, cleaning the house, riding a bike, working in the garden or just by walking thirty minutes every day. Calories can also be burnt during sweat-free exercises. It has been proven that people who take a brisk walk for thirty minutes every day burn body fat, improve their physical fitness and lower their blood pressure as much as people who work out at a gym three or four days per week.

Exercise will help to boost energy as well. With the advent of the computer age, people are forced to do less and less physical labor. It is only logical that this would result in more energy being available for other activities. Exercise improves the efficiency of the lungs, the heart and the circulatory system in their ability to take in and deliver oxygen throughout the entire body. This oxygen is the catalyst that burns the fuel, food taken in to produce energy. Consequently, the more oxygen taken in, the more energy is available for other activities.

Oxygen is the vital ingredient that is necessary for survival. Since oxygen cannot be stored, body cells need a continuous supply in order to remain healthy. Exercise increases the body's ability to extract oxygen from the air so that increased amounts of oxygen are available for every organ, tissue and cell in the body. Exercise actually increases the total volume of blood, making more red blood cells available to carry oxygen and nutrition to the tissues and to remove carbon dioxide and waste products from the body's cells. This increased saturation of the tissues with oxygen is also aided by the opening of small blood vessels.

The first step for energy, fitness and real weight loss is by exercising every day. Exercising regularly will help to keep a fresh supply of oxygen surging through the blood vessels to all the body's cells. Exercise and healthy diet comes hand in hand in any successful weight loss program. In order to lose weight successfully, it is necessary to eat healthily and exercise regularly.

For more information on Weight Loss Diet, Quick Weight Loss Tips or Weight Loss Surgery, you can visit this site: All You Need to Know About Weight Loss

Skyjoe. All rights reserved. This article may be freely distributed as long as it remains unaltered inclusive of the active links and the copyright notice. No alteration is allowed without express written permission from the author.

Sound Tips For Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Weight loss after pregnancy is a gradual process. It is important to understand that you have collected mass over nine months of your pregnancy period and hence it will take some time to lose it all. Tips are usually given by everyone around you but if you are really not convinced and need some sound advice, go to your doctor.

Always remember to give time to your body to heal after delivery. It is not advisable to strain your body with strenuous exercises which will only cause further damage. Your exercise program should always be combined with a balanced diet.

Start gradually with light forms of exercises like walking or yoga. You are the best judge to know when to stop if you feel you are overdoing it. Never choose to ignore the alerts. The pregnancy period has been a cycle of physical exertion for you. Be good and kind to yourself and take your exercise regime in slow steps.

You tend to put on about 25-35 pounds during your nine month pregnancy period. You are bound to lose about 12-13 pounds after giving birth and thereby be left with only 12-21 pounds to get rid off. The 12-13 pounds that you lose is because as you deliver, your uterus shrinks back to its size and the hormone levels which are at their peak also begin to fall. The weight in your body was the collection of the amniotic fluid which was holding your baby, the weight of your baby and the placenta. As all this is released you naturally find a dip in your mass. However, this is only about 30-40 percent of your weight. You still have your additional weight gained that you will have to lose diligently with exercise and diet plan.

Easy Tips

  • Proper nutrition is essential if you are breastfeeding your baby.
  • Have sufficient quantities of fruits, vegetable and whole grains. These foods are packed with nutrients which will give you a satisfied feeling.
  • Choose from low fat products like skim milk, cholesterol free butter, yogurt.
  • Hold yourself back from junk and processed food.
  • Always break down your meals into 5-6 smaller frequent meals. This will give you energy which can last throughout the day.
  • Have your food only when you are hungry. If you still feel hungry try to have healthy snacks or fruit juices and avoid binge eating.
  • Have sufficient water and fluids at all times. Drink some water just before meals to avoid overeating.
  • Exercise. Follow small tips like taking the stairs when there is an elevator, parking your car far away, going for walks with your baby in stroller.

  • Your weight loss will be easier if you follow these tips. Focus on your exercise and nutrition. Don't overexert your body for those few extra pounds of weight. Never feel the pressure of exercising, enjoy every moment; this will enable a good and healthy recovery.

    After delivery, the foremost thing on your mind must be weight loss. Weight loss after pregnancy will get delayed if you are breastfeeding your baby. Do exercise and follow some healthy tips for effective weight loss. For more information visit pregnancy.

    Fat Burning Furnace Review - How to Achieve Maximum Fat Loss Fast?

    Is the Fat Burning Furnace ebook really that much different from other fitness guides online? This ebook is written by Rob Poulos who used to be an overweight person. He claims that he has found the best methods to trigger fat loss and boost metabolism, but is that true? This article will discuss some of the sections I found in Fat Burning Furnace.

    1. Diet and Nutrition Information

    Rob says that a good diet contributes to at least 80% of the fat loss results you see, thus it goes into detail about how you should eat to maximize the effects of your workouts.

    2. 15 Best and 15 Worst Foods

    Rob then puts the foods that he recommends most, and the foods he wants you to stay away in a separate component called 15 Best and 15 Worst Foods. This part of the guide makes it much easier for me to focus on eating the right foods to trigger fat loss, and I simply have to avoid all the foods listed as the 15 worst.

    3. What Makes Fat Burning Furnace Different From Other Guides?

    The core of this ebook focuses on using workouts to trigger fat loss and metabolism increase. Yet the workouts he recommends do not require a significant amount of effort, and take a fairly short time than those recommend by other guides. Rob explains to you why doing many reps is not the best way to lose fat, and then states the specific number of rep each set of your exercise should contain. He has also chosen to use all multi-joint exercises, as he says that such exercises are much better for fat loss.

    4. Conclusion

    This ebook has helped me progress slowly from a beginner to the more intensive workouts I am able to perform today. This guide is most unique in terms of the type and frequency of workouts it recommends, and has slowly helped me achieve a ripped body.

    Is the Fat Burning Furnace guide a scam? Visit http://www.top-review.org/fat-burning-furnace.htm to read a FREE report about this guide, or Click Here to Download Fat Burning Furnace!

    Best Way To Lose Fat - 3 Tips For Maximum Weight Loss

    The new year is upon us and its time to get rid of the Christmas pounds! I'm going to tell you the best way to lose fat from those unwanted fat deposits. Losing fat is a very simple formula and needn't be complicated with fad diets. Read on and hopefully you can put some of these into action and lose some fat.

    Tip #1 - Change Your Way Of Thinking

    Losing weight is all about a lifestyle change. Things like the cabbage soup diet are only good from losing water. Sure you may lose half a stone of water weight - but we want to lose fat only! When something seems unbelievable it probably is, successfully losing weight and keeping it off is all about following a diet of wholesome clean food. If you want to keep trim all year round them I'm afraid the eating habits must last all year too, there is simply no other way.

    Tip #2 - Fat Is Good For You

    Yes you heard me right! I love fat, and so should you. It's a misconception pushed by the media that all fats are bad as they are quite the opposite! In fact nothing will speed up your fat lose progress more than consuming enough fat in your diet. The thing is, not all fats are good - the ones we want are known as Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), there are so many benefits to these its unbelievable! EFAs are found in oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados among others.

    Tip #3 - Get Active

    Following a calorie restricted diet will allow you to lose weight but progress will be twice as fast if you exercise as well! Exercise needn't mean going to the gym 3 times a week. The gym is great but if you don't fancy it then just try to stay active. Instead of driving to work, walk. Instead of taking the elevator - take the stairs. Instead of parking right at the entrance to the store park at the other end and walk! All these things add up to burning lots and lots of calories and will burn the fat right off.

    Are you fed up with not shifting those extra pounds fast enough? Start off on the right track by following guidance and support by people who have been there and succeeded... take a look at the FREE newsletter and a whole host of resources here http://guideonhowtoloseweight.blogspot.com

    5 Easy Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Right Now

    Sometimes, just the thought of starting on a diet and fitness regimen can be so overwhelming, we stop before we even give it a shot. Let's not be overwhelmed then, OK? Instead, let's look at 5 easy ways you can start down the path to a slimmer, lighter you.

    1. If you have a sitting job, stand up and stretch yourself every half an hour. Most of the jobs today are indeed sitting jobs that are in one word sedentary. This is especially true for those who sit and punch away at the keyboard or toy with the mouse all day long.

    So if you have such a job, make it a point to get up at least every half an hour and stretch yourself.

    2. Stop being a couch potato. It is the easiest thing in the world to become a couch potato. You know what we are talking about don't you? That shapeless thing that sits or reclines on a shapeless chair in front of the television and thoughtlessly munches away at something fried!

    If you are inclined to become a promising old couch potato, break the habit, cut at the very root of the vine. And you want to know what is the best way for that? Take away that favorite chair of yours. In fact, it would be a very good idea if you could keep a chair that isn't too comfortable in front of the TV.

    3. Eat only when you are hungry. Some of us have the tendency to eat whenever we see food. We use parties as an excuse to stuff our selves. Understand that the effect of a whole week of dieting can be wasted by just one day's party food. Whenever you are offered something to eat do not decline it completely bit just break of a nibble so that you appear to mind your manners and at the same time can watch your diet.

    4.When you decide it's time to start working out, start slowly and don't get discouraged if you don't achieve your fitness goals after the first week. Many people make this mistake. They feel that if they really push their bodies they can lose more weight in a couple of work outs. This is a very serious thing in fact.

    If you try to push your body too much in the first few goes, you are likely to end up with sprained joints, a sore back and even torn ligaments. The rule to be followed here is slow and steady wins the race.

    5. Finally, I would like to let you in on a easy fitness secret. As it is I understand that most of us tend to put on weight particularly in the mid section, right. It is the tummy that seems to have a mind of its own. Well I will tell you a sure shot method to reduce the flab around the waist line. Mind you this doesn't hold true for post pregnancy tummies. This is what you have to do.

    Breathe in air as strongly as you can and as you do so, tuck in your tummy as much as you can. Hold it like this for a few seconds and then slowly release your breath taking care not to let out your tummy. Try to keep breathing like this at least fifty or sixty times in a day.

    In fact breathe like this whenever you can remember to do so. After the first day, you should feel the muscles of your stomach tightening each time you do this. Then you know that you are on the right track. If you practice this without fail for 20 days, at the end of the twentieth day, you will have lost at least an inch!

    James B. Allen is the publisher of Power Living Press. He invites you to come learn more about living a healthier, wealthier, more beautiful and more powerful life TODAY by visiting:


    Binge Eating - Practicing Control For Weight Loss

    There are a number of very dangerous eating disorders that effect people of all ages, races, sexes, and economic statuses. While you may hear a lot in the news about anorexia and bulimia, one of the lesser-known weight loss disasters sweeping the nation is binge eating. Binge eating is very bad for your body and can cause heart disease, diabetes, and a number of other medical conditions, which actually could result in death. Therefore, it is important to learn about binge eating and to seek help immediately if you think this could be a problem for you.

    Binge eating is basically a form of overeating at its worst. There are times when we all overindulge in good foods, such as at a holiday or when eating out at a restaurant. However, a binge eater faces overeating problems more than a few times a week. Binge eaters often find themselves overweight and unhappy, which can make the situation worse.

    Binge eaters will overeat to the extent that they feel sick. In many cases, they will eat thousands of calories in one sitting, and many of the foods they are eating are not very nutritional and include comfort foods. Binge eaters may enjoy sweet or savory foods, and may also have a problem with alcohol. In one day, a binge eater may eat more than the normal person will eat in a week. Foods that a person will binge eat vary and can even change for a particular binge eater from day to day.

    Unlike people who are suffering from bulimia, binge eaters will not induce vomiting in order to rid themselves of the food they've eaten. Therefore, binge eaters tend to be overweight. In some cases, a binge eater may eat non-stop for an entire day, but then spend the next three or four days starving him- or herself and exercising vigorously in order to stay at the same weight if possible.

    Binge eating goes hand in hand with a number of other physical diseases, but it can also effect a personal mentally and emotionally. Man binge eaters star because they turn to food for comfort as a way to work out their problems, which is unhealthy. Binge eaters are also usually very emotionally charged about their body weight and may experience depression because of it, regardless of if they are overweight or not. Binge eating is not only dangerous for the binge eater, but can affect everyone in his or her life. If you or someone you know is suffering from this disease, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. This is not a good way to lose weight.

    For More Information On Healthy Dieting and Stopping Eating Disorders Once and For All Visit Our Website Guides To Greater Living: Dieting and Exercise

    Weight Loss Tips For Athletes

    For a best performance, athletes are to be trim and healthy. Winning is based on their talent along with a healthy body. For workouts and practice, they need to shed weight without damaging their muscles. This is the point were most of them do not care about. In order, to gain a quick change they often skip meals or use diet pills and laxatives. Some even try vomiting by triggering their throat. Ultimately, such habits will lead to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

    Thus, athletes who are to be healthy end up in various diseases especially in women. Exercising towards the competition needs more effort. In certain cases, these people starve and follow unhealthy diets that might lead to diseases affecting the bone. Sudden change in the weight is always risky. An ideal goal is to reduce one or two pounds a week. Appointing a dietitian would help much in assisting a proper diet considering the weight, height, and age. With a healthy diet, it is easy to attain loss of fat than the muscle.

    Athletes should always consume a variety of food. It is advisable not to skip meals especially when hunger cannot be controlled. Protein and carbohydrate enriched food stuffs can be taken before the routine workout or exercise. Calories are being burned off with exercise. Therefore, a well-planned food regime is to be prepared. Athletes put on weight after a particular competition. Retaining their old figure is not as easy as it sounds.

    Consuming smaller meals within two to three hours and using considerably smaller plates keeps the person away from overeating. Skimmed milk and low fat diary foods should be preferred. Fish and chicken must be included in one meal of the day. It is better to avoid meat, but if it is a necessity remember to remove the fat before cooking. Including high-fiber food in the regime would give a feeling of fullness. Devouring fruits and vegetables will be more apt that it may avoid the person from over eating.

    Fruit juices should be taken in plenty without much sugar and fat. Carbonated drinks are to be completely avoided. It is important for the athletes not to feel hungry during workouts. They might have a crave for sweets and confectioneries. A fruit or fruit juice before the work out will reduce their exhaustion and always feel full. Drinking plenty of water will prevent dehydration. Dehydration can result in serious problems to the health.

    There are many risks for the athletes if they lose weight without any proper consultations. Along with the fat, muscle wasting might take place with heavy exercises, which can lead to diseases that may be even fatal.

    For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective Hoodia weight loss simply go to http://weightlossrevolution.net

    How To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days

    The easiest and fastest way to lose 10 pounds in 10 days is not by starving yourself or exercising but by eating more. Am I crazy? Did I just say eat more? Yes I did and through a special dieting technique called calorie shifting the more you eat will = to more pounds you lose! So if you're still wondering how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, look no further because the answer is calorie shifting!

    You're probably thinking if this diet is so amazing then it has to be difficult to accomplish, right? Wrong! Calorie shifting does not force you to change your lifestyle or torture yourself. It's main purpose is to naturally enhance your body's fat burning system which will cause you to lose weight fast. The only thing you have to know is how to do calorie shifting and weight loss will follow automatically.

    All that you have to do is eat 4 or more meals a day and mix up the amounts of calories they contain. Basically just eat 4 meals with different calorie values in each meal. When you do this, weight loss will happen VERY rapidly. How is that possible?

    Well here's a little secret very few people know: The body has a natural way of knowing what you will eat. This is because it's used to an eating routine that you've created over eating in a certain way for a long time and because of that it's always used to burning the same number of calories.

    So even if you try normal dieting and eat less, your body will adapt to this change and burn less calories to keep the routine in check. Therefore you will not lose weight. Anyone who has ever tried losing weight by eating less found out very slowly how ineffective it really is!

    But calorie shifting will give the opposite effect. How? Calorie shifting main purpose is to manipulate your body's fat burning routine, which is why you will be eating 4 but every meal will have different calorie values. And when your body will feel this sudden change, it will once again try to keep a routine going BUT instead of burning less calories like last time, it will instead burn more! Why?

    For 2 major reasons:

    1. The first is that you will be eating more forcing your body's fat burning system to work more often to burn calories.

    2. The second reason is that every meal will have different calorie values so it will constantly catch your body's fat burning system off guard (remember it expects a routine) which will trigger it to increase your metabolism and fat burning process. These two things will cause extreme weight loss to occur. As a result you can lose 10 pounds in 10 days. Plus it's completely safe.

    And it doesn't matter what your weight and age is. It doesn't even matter if you have bad genes either. The calorie shifting technique does not discriminate and works for absolutely everyone. So once again if you're still wondering how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, you've just found the answer (calorie shifting)!

    Calorie shifting is an amazing and flexible diet that anyone can do. It is a much safer and more effective way of losing weight fast than taking diet pills, doing rigorous workouts and starving yourself. If you want to find out more about calorie shifting, you can click here to pick up a free 20 page weight loss guide with information on this dieting technique including important guidelines, detailed info and helpful resources.

    Why Use A Weight Loss Program?

    So why actually use a weight loss program?

    Losing weight is not only a testing process but can be a long process at the same time if not done properly. Its like a sports car! In order to keep it working to its maximum you have to keep it well fuelled, maintained and oiled. If just one of these factors is missed then that supreme sports car will not run to its maximum and most probably breakdown. The human body and weight loss runs in a similar manner. To get the most out of it and achieve those results within weight loss you have to get every factor inch perfect from diet to exercise and the right mind set. Doing this by yourself can be a daunting process and why most people fall off the rails when it comes to succeeding in losing weight. This is where a well written detailed plan or program can come into play.

    When we as humans are faced with a task or problem the first thing we do is try to find a solution to the problem as easy and quickly as possible. So with the problem being weight loss and the aim is to destroy those extra pounds a weight loss program can solve that problem easier and quicker than struggling through it on your own.

    There are countless programs available to choose from and finding a program to suit you is vital not only to maximise results but to give you a detailed step by step guide to reaching that ultimate goal of a new slimmer you. Weight loss programs are full of detailed information on dieting and eating healthily which is one of the main factors of any weight loss success. There is information on what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat to keep your body nourished and full at all times. If a step by step guide on what to eat and when is proven to give results then you are suddenly in that "win win" situation in possession of a bible to success.

    On top of the diet, exercise is as important in all aspects. The fact step 1 is covered and your diet is equipped for battle, step 2 and exercise will destroy that fat. Exercising is needed to lose weight there is no way of getting around this point but the thought of pounding away on a treadmill for hours or doing a 1000 sit ups is enough to put off the most motivated individual. Now by following a detailed weight loss program you are giving your arsenal against the fat a fighting chance. The exercise routines within a good detailed plan will not have you pounding a treadmill or putting your stomach muscles through torture as there will be detailed exercise plans that in some cases last only 30 minutes. Exercise plans that are simple to follow, easy to understand and literally guide you through the whole process while bringing results. Having that sort of information does not only boost your chances of success but virtually guarantee it. Some people look at a detailed diet and exercise program as being a personal trainer and nutritionist all rolled into one without the damage on the purse.

    A simple step by step guide will bring success and what an exercise program can ultimately offer. Its like anything, try putting a flat pack wardrobe together without the step by step guide. Of course in time there might be a chance you get it together. But use a step by step guide and you will succeed just about every time and in quick time.

    So if you have thought about looking into a detailed program to follow or whether one would enable you to lose more weight and quicker. The answer is of course its not a magic plan but like anything else a plan of attack brings results! FACT!

    Exercise programs that cover all major factors are few and far between and finding one to assist you is a job in itself. They are available though! Visit http://www.weight-loss-made-easy.com for more info and tips on finding the right path on your weight loss journey.