Lose Fat

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Ratings

When it comes to rate anything, diet or other, it's something which is always more personal than objective. After all, a diet can work perfectly well for me, but fail miserably for someone else. That's why I believe that the only way to get a true fat loss 4 idiots rating is to see more than one view of it.

Over the past 8 months, I have spoken with hundreds of users of fat loss 4 idiots and heard their ratings. I've spoken with men and women of a wide range of ages, weights, and habits, and I can honestly say that I have a pretty complete view of Fatloss4idiots.

However, you should know, that each person has slightly different results with this diet, so the Fatloss4idiots ratings you may come across will differ from one another. Some lose 9 pounds in 11 days with this diet, while others settle for a mere 5. Some find it easy as pie to do while others do experience some difficulty with it, though the vast majority of people agree that it's very easy to stick to.

The main thing is that people manage to lose weight with this diet. On average I'd say that people lose 6-7 pounds per 11 days cycle. I don't know how much you'd lose, since it's impossible to predict, but I can say that as long as you see your weight diminish, that's the main thing, and you should be satisfied.

Be aware that fat loss 4 idiots ratings come from all sorts of people. You should try to find people who are similar to you in age and weight to get a better picture of how you'd do.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss 4 idiots Review and Ratings.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Fat Loss For Idiots Forum

Losing Weight - My Astonishingly Effective Method To Lose Weight And Become A Strong Man

Losing weight is something that is natural for me. I didn't try to come with a miraculous recipe, but I stumbled upon my weight loss method by accident. Let me show you how I discovered my amazing secret to lose fat, get strong muscles and get lean.

The first secret I want to share with you is that I am a martial artist and I practice a lot. When I was younger I used to train more than three hours per day. Today that I have a wife and children, I only train a couple of hours per week.

Following my plan will allow you to be way stronger than the average person. And you will naturally lose weight as a result of your exercises.

In a nutshell, here is my workout session:

1. I do several short repetitions within the same workout.

2. Before I start my training session, I make sure that I burn a lot of calories with the stationary bike. I keep the resistance moderated, and increase every two or three minutes.

3. I often change my training sessions for two reasons. The first is that I don't want to get bored and hence, lose the efficiency of what I am doing.

The other reason is that this concept of turbulence training will force you to work every single muscles.

4. I am really careful and I don't eat a lot of junk foods or sodas.

Note that I use mainly my body instead of lifting weights.

It's not easy, but who said that there was something easy in your life? If losing weight and getting in shape is what you want, there is a price to pay.

Finally! Discover a powerful weight loss system used by thousands of bodybuilders and people around the world to obtain low-low body fat level. Learn how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good when you visit: http://www.positiveattitude4life.com

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Exercise And Weight Loss

While the majority of people recognize that exercise is necessary to effective natural weight loss, many are uncertain as to what kind of exercise they should do to get the best results. Many exercise experts disagree on what kind of exercise is best. This disagreement seems to stem from a lack of complete information regarding exercise physiology coupled with the fact that different people actually have different needs when it comes to exercise.

Let's begin with what the current research on exercise physiology tells us. It is well-established that it takes approximately 30 minutes of any kind of exercise for the body to burn off its glycogen (stored sugar) reserves and begin burning fat. Because of this, many experts will recommend half an hour to an hour of exercise to produce a good amount of weight loss. Now, if you are going to be exercising for 30 to 60 minutes, or maybe more, what type of exercise would you be able to do for that length of time? It probably would have to be low to medium intensity. In other words, you're probably not going to be able to run full speed or do any other type of high-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes without a rest, unless you happen to be an elite athlete, and even then you'd be struggling. So, by default, the common recommendation for exercise to lose weight has been 30 to 60 minutes of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise. Aerobic translates to "in the presence of oxygen", which in common language means that aerobic exercise is any type of activity that you can do without gasping for breath.

In recent years, some experts have changed their recommendations to using a more intense anaerobic ("without oxygen") exercise program for weight loss. This would include things like intense weight lifting, and something called "interval training". Interval training involves brief bursts of high intensity activity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between. For example, you might run full out for 30 seconds or a minute and then walk for a minute or two until you catch your breath and then run again full out for 30 seconds to a minute, walk again, etc.. Because this kind of workout is much more strenuous, it is performed over a much shorter period of total exercise time - about 20 to 40 minutes (at least half of which is rest time), as compared to half an hour to an hour of non-stop exercise as is recommended with low to medium intensity aerobic workouts. But how do the two types of exercise stack up when it comes to fat burning?

The aerobic exercise promoters point to the research that was mentioned earlier that has shown that any exercise, no matter how intense requires at least 30 minutes to use up the body's stored glycogen (the body will normally burn glycogen before it will burn fat) before fat burning can begin. So, they say, short periods of even highly intense exercise won't burn much fat and is therefore not a good choice for promoting weight loss. But they are only seeing part of the story.

It is true that you must exercise for at least 30 minutes to begin to achieve fat burning - but that's at the time you are exercising. Brief bursts of intense anaerobic exercise does something that even quite a lot of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise does not. Intense anaerobic exercise stimulates the production of growth hormone, which is a strong stimulator of fat burning. The thing is, the release of growth hormone triggered by intense anaerobic exercise comes 24 to 48 hours AFTER the exercise, and then it produces considerably more fat burning than is possible with all but extremely long periods of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise.

Because of this effect, most people will lose weight much more easily by doing shorter periods of more intense exercise. 20 to 40 minutes of heavy weightlifting, interval training (which could be done on foot, on a bicycle, swimming, kickboxing, etc.) , wind sprints, soccer, basketball, or any other activity with quick bursts of high intensity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between is typically much more effective in the long run for weight loss than even hours of aerobic activity.

Now, you'll notice that I said "most people". There is an exception to the rule. Anyone who is seriously emotionally or physically stressed in his or her daily life is prone to overstimulated adrenal glands. The adrenal glands do a lot of things in the body, but with regards to weight loss, they produce two hormones. Cortisol is one of the hormones, and it stimulates fat storage in the lower abdominal area. This is typically a saggy, pendulous fat held below the waistline. The other hormone the adrenals produce is adrenaline (also called epinephrine), which actually promotes fat burning. Since the adrenals produce cortisol which causes fat deposition and adrenaline which promotes fat burning, you might assume that these two hormones cancel each other out. Unfortunately, cortisol production can be carried out by a much longer time by the adrenal glands than can the production of adrenaline, so long-term, the effects of high cortisol production (deposition of fat in the lower belly), will overcome whatever fat burning might occur from the short-term adrenaline production.

The adrenals are influenced by physical stress as well as mental stress, so for someone who is under a lot of stress in general in his or her life, high-intensity exercise will only add to the total stress and will tend to make the adrenals produce a lot of cortisol, and therefore will tend to promote lower abdomen weight gain. That's right - the wrong kind of exercise in this situation can cause weight gain! This can result in the frustrating situation in which one exercises more and more and harder and harder to try to get rid of that lower abdomen stomach "pooch", but never can seem to get rid of it. Due to the fact that the intense exercise is causing even more cortisol to be produced, their efforts are counterproductive. Because of this effect, it is recommended that people under a lot of stress and/or who have most of their weight held in the lower abdomen stick to relatively low intensity aerobic exercise. This kind of activity is usually helpful for controlling stress and reducing the level of cortisol, thereby making it easier to get rid of the deposition of fat around the lower abdomen.

I hope that this article has given you a better concept of how to maximize your exercise routine for the best possible weight loss results.

Dr. George Best is a holistic healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas. He provides information on natural weight loss through his website and is a consultant for MyFoodWithThought.com He can be reached at DrBest@trainyourbrain4weightloss.com

Weight Loss in Ten Minutes

Weight loss does not happen quickly for most people, but there is a critical point that becomes so motivating, success seems to be effortless and permanent.

This success has nothing to do with the latest supplement touted on infomercials. They may be helpful but they are not the reason people lose weight. New fangled gym equipment is not the secret either, although exercise is important and a convenient workout allows people to stick to a fitness routine. Pre-made diet meals are useful when pressed for time, but they are not the only ingredient in successful weight loss.

There is a critical point when someone truly desires to commit to a new health plan. For many people who have been overweight for years, being in shape is a long lost memory rather than a reality. The thought of beginning the challenge seems impossible. Over weight issues are so commonplace the underlying message is that it is the norm. When everything is super-sized the temptation is hard to refuse. Modern day diseases that are life-style related are now treated with maintenance drugs that ironically make it more difficult to lose weight. It is as if our culture is trying not to let us reach that critical point to welcome better health in our lives.

When people lose weight successfully and quickly there are two common denominators. They reach a point where they realize they were much too comfortable with their excuses and then they chose a manageable eating plan that did not leave them feeling deprived. Discovering these realizations helps people get past the indecision that prevents them from succeeding.

Of course, losing weight must be done in a safe manner. Although it takes a number of months to achieve weight loss, the benefits are felt immediately. The empowerment of a committed decision is just the beginning. A manageable weight loss plan restores someones energy level so there is a feeling of thin even if the scale doesnt reveal the goal weight yet.

Being able to replace an old mind set of impossibility with accomplishment is the greatest weight loss there is. If you can lose the weight of failure, the actual weight loss is easy.

Dr. Lisa Ann Homic is a chiropractor, mental health counselor, and wellness coach in Auburn, NY. She is author of The Numbers Dont Lie Diet & Happiness Doesnt Get Enough Attention: How Thought Sparks Ignite Your Life. Visit http://www.DrHomic.com .

Lose 5 Pounds In A Week - Lose Weight Fast By Shifting Calories

Struggling to lose weight and keep it off? You are no different then millions of people. If you take action you can experience results. But not just any action; you need to take the right action.

What is the right action? Find a system that has worked for lots of other people, which has been around and proved that it works. Then all you have to do is follow the system like many other people. If you follow the system, you will get results.

This all seems simple enough and it is. Yet so many of us keep looking for the magic formula that will make the fat disappear while we do nothing. Yet you know deep inside that this will not happen.

Until you change what you are doing, you will continue to get the same results. If you are not looking for results, then quit reading this. If you want results, then all you have to do it take the right action.

A great method that will help you lose 5 pounds in a week is calorie shifting. When you shift your calories around you are able to keep your body guessing so that you keep the fat coming off.

What typically happens on a diet is that you reduce calories and it works for a little while then everything slows down. You prevent this by shifting your calories so that your body does not settle into a routine. You keep your body guessing and this keep the metabolism (fat burning ability) high. This will help you lose weight fast.

Take one simple action that will let you shed the pounds fast and get the body you long for. Take the right action and Lose 5 Pounds In A Week Now!

Shortcuts to Weight Loss

There are various quick ways being advertised for instant weight loss. We are bombarded by such constant advertisements everyday. I have tried none of these (except the diet pill that my mom made me take when I was 15) but here is what I know from others experience:

  • Machines that promises to 'shake' your fat away- all you need to do is to stand on them and let the machine do all the work to shake off the fat.
  • Diet pills- yeah, my mom had me try them when I was 15- ended up gaining more weight that I have lost. Also, you'll never know what they put inside those pills or if proper testing have been done. Pharmaceutical companies produces these pills and some of them are recalled every year because it is found to be dangerous to health- this shortcut can result to possible liver and kidney damage. I remember a neighbor of mine tried some diet pills- and develop severe allergy reactions- her whole body was swollen and pimples (with pus) developed all over her face. She had to be hospitalised. Another woman from Singapore suffered a failed liver and would have died if not because of her boyfriend (who is an actor) donated part of his liver to save her life.
  • Creams that you can apply on problem area and miraculously the cellulite on that part is supposed to disappear- they normally do not. Some people develop skin allergies from that.
  • Meal replacement shakes- they are a torture to take and no one I know can keep off weight long term by taking them.
  • Taking laxatives- take the food, following by a strong laxative so that the food is purged out. It is very unhealthy and causes the body to lose crucial nutrients- it affects the digestive system. Not having enough nutrients, various illness will catch up with the person later.
  • Slimming centers- you spent tonnes of money on them on them- and they will do some kinda slimming wraps or herbal or chili or whatever wraps that is supposed to help. And they will give you some eating plans emphasizing on low calorie diet- these plans or recipes- you can get it for free from so many websites out there. And you have to keep going back and pay through your nose- else, you will gain the weight back easily
  • Liposuction- very painful because it is literally flushing all the fat out from your body. If you are not careful, you will gain it back within 2 months.
  • Gastric bypass surgery- cutting off a part of the stomach- normally people who are so fed up because they can never seemed to lose weight finally resort to making their stomach so small that it's not possible for them to stuff themselves with food. A number of celebrities who were battling with a lifelong struggle with weight had resorted to this. I strongly feel this is not a solution- uncontrollable food cravings are both and biological- why not address the deeper issue instead of taking a shortcut. Furthermore, the person had to be on supplements, medication and planned meals their entire lives.

The best and safest method to lose weight and keep it off longer is through sensible eating and exercising. Going for various kinds of weight loss gimmicks/short-cut may endanger your health, make you lose muscle instead of fat, lowers your metabolism (making it more difficult for you to lose weight later), etc. In the end, the regained weight may further lower your self-esteem and self-worth.

Nothing can beat the feeling of accomplishment- whereby you know you succeed entirely through your own hard sweat. You may have 100 pounds to lose- but if you do lose it healthily one pound a week, you'll lose at least 1/2 of that within a year. Many people, can do it through sensible eating and exercise. You just have to give yourself time and a chance- no more yo-yo dieting- eat what you want to control the portion (initially, it's good to cut the sugar and starch to a minimum, workout to boost your metabolism).

As you progress towards to goal, seeing results will motivate you further. You develop faith and confidence in yourself, knowing that one day, you can also have your own success story. Coming out of this intact, more energetic, fit, slimmer and happier, the way you view yourself and others view you will change forever. You are no longer the useless person you once thought yourself were- and you see other areas in your life started improving.

Yin Teing had spent the best years of her life fatigued, tired and mostly sedentary. She turned her life around through exercising, sensible eating and overcoming her sugar addiction. Today, she actively research on these topics, as well as how positive lifestyle changes contributes to quality life. She uses herself mostly as experimentation- and shares those discoveries to motivate and help others. For more information, drop by at her blogs: http://goodbyesugar.blogspot.com/ and http://teingdesign.blogspot.com/

Is Walking Really Enough for Fat Loss?

Many of the most recognized health associations in our country, such as the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association, recommend that individuals primarily increase their activity levels using walking as exercise. On the other hand, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) makes the following recommendations:

1) a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per day most days of the week, or

2) a minimum of 20 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity three days each week, plus

3) resistance, strength-building, and weight-bearing activities two days per week.

Who is right, and is it happening?

In terms of effectiveness, experience shows that the CDC is closest to the mark. The vast majority of exercisers who successfully lose body fat and improve their health consistently perform the recommendations provided by the CDC, at a minimum. In fact, in 2007 the American College of Sports Medicine stated that the general public would receive even greater health benefits by exceeding the recommended minimums.

So, is walking enough? Experience, the CDC, and the American College of Sports Medicine emphatically say no!

Walking is, by far, the best way to get started with an exercise program, but don't be fooled into thinking that it is the ultimate solution which will allow you to achieve the fat loss goals you are seeking. When starting a program, walking is valuable for safely building strength in the ligaments and tendons that support our body. Once a duration of 20 to 30 minutes of brisk walking has been achieved, however, it is time to kick it up a notch and increase the intensity.

Once that foundation has been laid, intervals with jogging and walking can be used by most as an excellent way to capture the CDC's minimum 20 minutes of vigorous activity. A ratio of 1 minute fast jogging or running for every 2-3 minutes of walking is a great way to start the much more effective form of cardiovascular conditioning known as interval training.

The final question remains: is exercise even happening?

Around the country, the answer appears to be no. Obesity and obesity-related diseases and death rates are at an all-time high, even though the science and knowledge behind successful fat loss mechanisms are at their height. More research and real-world experience exist right now than ever before, and all of that information is widely available on the internet, often free of charge.

Yet, even the appropriate MINIMUM amount of exercise is not being accomplished, whether it is something as simple as walking or an activity that is much more vigorous and productive.

At the end of the day, it comes down to your choices regarding the use of the same 86,400 seconds we are all given, whether or not you are doing any activity at all, and whether you are doing a lot more than just walking.

Download 2 free ebooks about "The 6 Simple Moves for Guaranteed, Accelerated Fat Loss" and "Super Successful Goal Achievement" at Jeremy Nelms and Alissa Nelms website, http://www.TheFitCouple.com, where they chronicle their daily fitness adventures, personal workout journals, and informative videos.

Starting a Fat Loss Program? Don't Try to Eat Fat Free

If you have decided to go on a fat loss program then there are some things you need to know about why fats are a requirement in your daily eating plan and how there going to spell success or failure in you meeting your goals.

There seems to be a myth out there that say's the first thing that you must avoid doing if you want to lose body fat is eating fat, well there is nothing further from the truth and it really makes me wonder where they could have come up with that type of nonsense if they really understood how the body works.

Assuming that we are going to keep our daily consumption at 30% or less of our total intake of calories at the end of the day, let's take a look at the type of fats available and determine how they work for the body and why they are so important for normal body functions.

All of the fats are equal when it comes to the amount of calories they contain in one gram, which is 9, but there is a difference in how each affects the body and your health. The body needs fats in order to stay healthy so we need to keep them in our eating regiment.

Monounsaturated fats are the healthiest type and have been shown to lower your LDL cholesterol which is the bad type and raise the good HDL cholesterol. Olive oil is one of the best sources of getting this healthy fat and I might point out that olive oil helps you feel full for a longer period of time. I also like to use natural peanut butter which contains nothing but peanuts and salt.

Polyunsaturated fats are known to lower LDL cholesterol, but also lower HDL. So you don't want as much of this fat as you would the monounsaturated. You must be somewhat careful when choosing this particular oil so read labels. Polyunsaturated fats are sometimes hydrogenated to make margarines and you don't want to eat anything that says partially hydrogenated on the label.

Saturated fats are at the bottom of the list as for daily intake but are still needed for proper bodily functions so you want to keep the amount that you consume to 10% or less of your total daily fat intake. Too much of this type of fat is known to raise your total cholesterol level and cause coronary heart disease but at the same time they are responsible for proper functioning of certain organs as well as improving the body's use of omega-3 fatty acids.

The omega-3 fatty acids which are found in fish help keep your heart healthy and lower your bad LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. They have been shown to help protect you from diabetes and depression.

Your body does need fats in order to stay healthy. Fats supply the building blocks for the manufacturing of hormones and carry the fat soluble vitamins A, E, K and D throughout the body. To get all the benefit from our food we need a macronutrient mix of protein, carbohydrates and fat. You can play around with the ratio of each but it must contain all three if you want to reach your goal.


The Secret of Weight Loss

In the medical community, "obesity" is generally said to be present in women with more than 30% body fat and men with more than 25% body fat. "Morbid obesity," a more serious condition still, occurs when a person is 50-100% or 100 pounds above his or her ideal body weight or has more than 39% body fat. Medical problems commonly associated with morbid obesity include diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers (including breast and colon cancer), depression, and osteoarthritis.

Obesity among the American population is a serious epidemic. The results of a 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that an estimated 64% of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese.

Millions of people approach weight control, focusing on the symptom. The symptom being the weight itself. These people put all their energy into baking it off, working it off, starving it off, or all kinds of fad diets.

They all experience the ups and downs on the weight charts and scale. This makes for a lot of upset and depressed people who think that they will never solve the problem of eliminating, permanently, those excess pounds and inches.

The only time that anyone has to be concerned with weight control is when they are eating. The fact of the matter is that people are concerned with weight before they eat and they beat themselves up after they eat. While people are eating there is no concern.

We spend a small amount of time each day eating and that is the only time that people have to increase their conscious awareness and focus on developing proper eating habits.

If you are overweight, you may be so because you formed a habit of eating improperly.

By re-educating your eating habits, you will find that you still enjoy eating and for much more positive reasons. You'll eliminate weight -- and you won't regain it.

The plan is very basic, simple, and easy. Every week, for a period of six weeks, you are going to practice a new and different mental exercise to help you change your eating habits.

WEEK ONE: Sit down to eat and drink. Even if it's only a piece of gum or a sip of water, sit down! This will help eliminate the unconscious snacking that is so much a part of being overweight. This also eliminates tasting foods for those who cook.

WEEK TWO: Relax! Take a minute to breathe comfortably and be thankful for the food in front of you. This will help you become aware of the foods that you eat and the way in which you eat them.

WEEK THREE: Chew your food well. Sip your drinks. Take small bites. Depending on what you are eating, chew from 25 to 40 times with each mouthful. By consuming small portions and eating more slowly, your taste buds will have a chance to get the full and wonderful flavor from the nutritious foods you are eating.

Your stomach will have a chance to tell your mind that you are full and satisfied and that you require a smaller amount of food than before. It can take the same amount of time to eat a small amount of food as it does to eat a large amount.

WEEK FOUR: Get rid of bad emotions and frustrations. if you have a problem or transaction that you are working on, clear your mind before you eat. Eating out of frustration is a very common bad habit.

WEEK FIVE: Think about the food you eat, especially the flavor.

WEEK SIX: Leave something on your plate (besides your fork). Were conditioned to clean everything from our plates and programmed to believe that cleaning our plates will help starving children elsewhere in the world or that its a sin to waste food.


1. Refer to diets as menus.

2. Refer to losing weight as eliminating weight permanently.

3. Use smaller plates and glasses.

4. Serve yourself smaller portions.

5. Use one room in the house in which to eat, perhaps even one chair.

6. Keep a diary of the food you eat.

In addition to these exercises, it is important that you utilize the techniques learned in altered- states (hypnosis) to effect habit change and visualize exactly the way you want to look.

Imagine yourself standing on your bathroom scale and looking down at the weight you want to be.

Some sample weight control suggestions:

1. I weigh ___ pounds and am slim, healthy, and attractive.

2. I eat only those healthful, nutritious foods that allow me to maintain my weight at ___ pounds.

3. I eat my meals slowly and enjoy every bite. I taste and savor my food better than ever before.

4. The desire to eliminate fat from my body is stronger than ever before. I am, on a daily basis, eating less and enjoying food more, and the desire to eliminate weight is stronger than the desire to eat.

5. I see myself as being slim, trim, firm and solid. I think thin.

6. I am staying satisfied for longer periods of time. The desire to eliminate unnatural fat from my body is stronger than my desire to eat. I see fattening eating behavior and I have no desire to indulge in such behavior. I enjoy being slim, trim, thin and slender.

By utilizing these behavior modification suggestions you will completely re-educate your eating habits and will have formed a successful pattern for creating and maintaining a slim, trim, permanent new shape.

Don L. Price -- Business and Positive Change Strategist -- International Speaker and Author He speaks on Optimizing Your Power to Succeed, with Strategic Performance Marketing and Closing Power, Winning Presentation Techniques and Life Enrichment Through Hypnosis.

Don can be reach at: 1800Succeed (800-782-2333)

Weight Loss the Natural Way

Almost everybody struggles with their weight at some point in their lives. For most of us, this turns into an ongoing struggle that only gets more difficult as we get older. Unless we are able to get a handle on our weight, it may become more and more difficult for us to lose it. Even though all of us would enjoy having some kind of pill that would magically melt the weight off of us, it just isn't that easy. That isn't to say, however, that we can't help our weight loss along through the use of herbal supplements.

Weight loss is as simple as calories in, calories out. If we take in more calories than we are burning off during the day we will gain weight. On the other hand, if we keep ourselves at a deficit, as far as calories are concerned, we will lose weight on a daily basis. Many of us have several things that are working against this weight loss, such as poor dietary habits, a slow metabolism and lack of physical activity. If you have a strong desire to lose weight but do not have the time or motivation to do so, these herbal supplements may be able to help you overcome your problems.

The first type of herbal supplements that you can take actually helps to curb your appetite. I don't know about you, but I often find myself eating when I'm not really hungry. At times, especially when I'm stressed out, it seems like I could eat all day long. By taking an herbal supplement to help control your appetite, you take this compulsive eating away from yourself. You might find that this is all you really need in order to begin losing weight. Once you see the weight start to come off, you would be surprised at how motivating it can be.

Another problem that we have to deal with is slow metabolism. This can be as a result of a glandular problem, such as low thyroid or a simple matter of lack of physical exercise. There are herbal supplements that will be able to help you to pick up your metabolism and balance your body out. This will have the effect of helping you to burn additional calories throughout the day and even while you are sleeping. If you are at a slight calorie surplus now, these supplements may put you at a deficit without changing your eating habits at all.

Of course, the best way to combat weight loss through the use of supplements is by combining these two. By taking a multi-supplement that helps to curb your appetite and build up your metabolism at the same time, you're giving weight loss efforts the 1-2 punch. Not only will you be eating fewer calories, you will be burning them at a faster rate. It's one of the easiest ways to kick start your waist loss program and get yourself on the road to that trim body you have been dreaming about.

Inform yourself about natural weight loss Rice N Shine

9 Things I Noticed About Weight Loss Failure

As an expert and someone that has been in the community of fitness and bodybuilding for many years, I've seen people start diets and fail after 3 weeks even when they did lose 5 pounds the first week on their diet. Here are some facts about weight loss that you should know if you dare attempt to start a diet on your own.

  • If done incorrectly can cause serious rebound effects.
  • First week of initial Weight Loss is all water and glycogen -- Not Fat.
  • Second week of Weight Loss is water glycogen and muscle -- Not Fat.
  • Diets are a temporary solution to weight loss.
  • Your body adapts to your diet within 3-4 weeks.
  • There are different types of metabolisms and the diet that you are currently on might work against your metabolism. This is VERY common.
  • Healthy Fat Loss on diet alone does NOT work.
  • Beware of Diet pills, if it's not a drug it will NOT work. If it is a drug, it will NOT work without proper nutrition and exercise, however caution must be used as the fat loss will only be temporary once you come off the drug.
  • Losing 15 pounds does not mean you lost 15 pounds of fat (adipose tissue).
Fat burning should be part of the weight loss process if done correctly. A nutrition plan and exercise work best for ultimate fat loss. Losing fat greatly improves life expectancy, physical and mental well-being. The true goal behind weight loss is FAT LOSS. You want to lose weight from FAT which is mainly adipose tissue. Weight Loss is a generic term for losing unwanted scale weight. If your not losing fat, your losing water, glycogen and muscle. These are three of the most important things your body needs to stay healthy and function. No wonder people that go on so called diets feel like worse than when they started, see no beneficial results and don't meet their long term goals.

This can easily be solved by hiring an expert. With an expert, your obstacles and goals will be concretely defined on paper and you are guaranteed a success plan to losing fat for good.

Robert Lagana

Rob Lagana has competed in numerous bodybuilding competitions and is a multi-title winner. He currently holds the 2006 Mr. Canada Natural Bodybuilding title in the NFSO & IFSB. Along with experience, Lagana Fitness provides the ultimate pathway to achieving your cosmetic, health and wellness goals. Lagana Fitness offers unique motivational, bodybuilding and fitness tips with free subscription to his newsletter.

Lose Weight Fast by Burning Fat

So you've made your New Years resolution and are ready to lose some weight? Well, you really need to read a book called Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. This book has the secrets to burn off body fat (not water weight loss) and the people who are using these secrets are doing so without any types of diet pills.

What is it? This is an electronic book that teaches you the secrets to burning fat naturally and the secrets to burn it off permanently without messing up your metabolism. You will also learn more than 10 ways to jump start and get your metabolism going to burn calories. Also included in the amazing book are the top foods that you should "never" eat as well as the foods you should eat all the time.

Who wrote it? This book was written by well known body builder and fat loss expert, Tom Venuto. His book is complete and very detailed to help you lose that fat you vowed to lose this New Year.

This system is actually not a weight loss system but a "fat loss" system. This book teaches you why you should look to lose fat and not weight. It will also teach why it is important to build up muscle because muscle will also help you burn more fat. You will learn more techniques to achiever your New Year's resolution than you ever thought possible, but these techniques can be used for the rest of your life to stay fit and trim.

This program is perfect for those who have tried dieting and have failed or are currently stuck without losing any more weight. Fulfill your New Year's resolutions by trying out this amazing program.

Learn about the Burn the Fat book with over 340 pages and special bonus books and reports that it comes with at http://www.officialburnthefat.com

Lose Weight Immediately

You CAN learn how to Lose Weight from the comfort of your home.

Ever wonder why there are so many different diet and exercise plans on the market? From low carb and point-counting diets to boot camp programs and kickboxing, there is a different eating plan and exercise class for every day of the month!

If any of these programs actually worked for everyone, don't you think the rest of the programs would fall out of favor? The problem is that most programs require drastic changes in eating habits or lifestyle, making them hard to sustain in the long term.

Losing weight is not an easy task. Whether you are male or female, young or more mature, shedding weight can be an enormous challenge. This is not your fault! Weight loss is hard for everyone, regardless of size or genetics. However, thanks to technological advancements and amazing new products, today weight loss is not nearly as challenging as it once was.

Lose Weight without being hungry?

You can lose weight without being hungry. You can learn to take control of the Snack Monster and your program can be one to set you up for success, not failure.

An important key is to learn how to recognize what your body requires, the signals it gives you, and learn how to respond to those signals appropriately diet and guilt are two words that do not belong together.

I have made my mind UP!

Once you have made up your mind to lose weight, you should make that commitment and go into it with a positive attitude. Losing weight requires major lifestyle changes, including diet and nutrition, exercise, and behavior modification. We all know that losing weight can be quite a challenge. It takes time, practice and support to change lifetime habits. But it's a process you must learn in order to succeed.

Being Successful at Losing Weight.

To be successful at losing weight, you need to change your lifestyle and not just go on a diet. This requires cutting back on the number of calories you eat by eating smaller amounts of foods and choosing foods lower in calories. It also means being more physically active. Most health experts recommend a combination of a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity for weight loss.

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Lose A Lot Of Weight Super Fast

For anyone who has ever struggled with losing those extra few pounds before a special event, there is a way for you to make it happen. The truth is that most dieters follow a low calorie, low fat weight loss plan. However, they still aren't losing any weight. Why is this?

Eat Small, Frequent Meals

Most low calorie dieters know that they should not eat less than 1,200 calories per day. However, many exist on only 800-900 calories believing that if 1,200 is good, 800 must be better. That could not be further from the truth! When you restrict your calories to the point of being dangerous, you put your body into starvation mode. By doing this, you shock your metabolism and it slows to counterbalance the decreased caloric intake. So rather than lose weight, your body conserves any extra calories to make it through the periods of starvation.

So how can this be remedied? You can end this vicious cycle and lose weight super fast by increasing your caloric intake to a minimum of 1,500 calories, while eating 5-6 times per day. This will jump start your metabolism and keep you burning calories steadily throughout the day.

Add Some Protein

Another way to lose weight super fast is by increasing your protein intake. You should opt for lean proteins such as ground turkey instead of ground beef and skinless chicken breasts. By adding a small amount of protein to each meal, you will increase your calorie burning as well as feel more full and satisfied.

Stay Hydrated

Make sure that you are getting the recommended 8 glasses of water daily. Not only will water fill you up, but it helps to flush out the toxins in your body that are slowing your weight loss progress. Drink a glass of water before each meal to suppress your appetite and keep you from taking in extra calories.

In conclusion, by following these simple steps, you will be well on your way to losing your weight super fast.

To learn more about Losing Weight, visit Brian's Healthy Living website.

About the Author: Brian McCoy is a successful 6 figure earner and one of the top income earners in the home business industry. Brian is passionate about sharing his love of health and wellness with others. He is also dedicated to devoting the time, energy, and effort into his team and works with them to ensure their success.