Lose Fat

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

2 Hours Can Save Your Life

Its much easier to maintain a healthy level of low body fat than it is to lose 10-15% body fat and 30 lbs or more. But it can be done. Pick up any fitness publication these days and you will find amazing transformation pictorials. Check the timeline. It may have taken these people 3 months, 6 months, or even a year, but these people have made incredible journeys.

Were they less busy than other overweight individuals? Are people too busy with appointments? If that is a problem, individuals should schedule an appointment 2-4 times per week with the gym just like it was any other business meeting. Spend a half-day on the weekend shopping for an accomplished personal trainer that can give you a program that requires only 2-4 hours per week. C'mon, 2-4 hours per week, who can't spare that?

What type of exercise should you do? As mentioned, the more muscle mass you have, the more energy that will be spent at rest due to an increase resting metabolic rate. Next, you have to do lots and lots of running or biking right? Well, no, not necessarily. Aerobic exercise certainly is beneficial to a healthy cardiovascular system and is important for the performance of some sports and it is likely one of the best methods for obese individuals to lose weight. If nothing else, it should improve some health parameters.

Aerobic endurance exercise has traditionally been used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes but its effects on long-term glycemic control is small. Researchers found that resistance training helped increase muscle mass and improve long-term glycemic control in an elderly type 2 diabetic population (Eriksson et al., 1997). Chronic exercise training in diabetic rats was associated with reductions in basal glycemia, and such reductions did not occur in sedentary diabetic groups (Farrell et al., 1999). Therefore, exercise programs should focus on increasing muscle mass because muscle in the prime user of blood glucose.

Tremblay et al. (1994) showed that vigorous exercise (high-intensity interval training) favors negative energy and lipid balance to a greater extent than exercise of low to moderate intensity (traditional aerobic exercise). Moreover, the metabolic adaptations taking place in the skeletal muscle in response to the interval program appear to favor the process of lipid oxidation. This study compared traditional endurance training against high-intensity interval training. Even though the interval training expended less energy per training session, the subjects lost more body fat than those performing regular endurance training.

If you are super busy, simply split your training time in half or thirds. A 15-minute walk two times a day plus as little as 15 minutes of resistance training can pay off. Aim to burn more and more calories every exercise session. Up the intensity! Yearn to lift 5 lbs more weight this week, or get another 2-3 reps per set. Improvement will equal results. Don't get put off by the people that do have 2 hours to train. Realize there is a point of diminishing returns...think about it, unless you are a competitive athlete, are you really getting much more from spending 45 minutes running as opposed to 30 minutes? Very soon you will realize that there is nothing to slipping in some fitness to your workday.

You set goals for retirement savings, for business performance, for golf scores, why not some fitness goals? You get professional plumbing help, you have a professional cleaner clean your clothes, so what's wrong with asking a fitness professional to fine-tune your body? What one of these people can teach you in 1-2 hours is something that will last a lifetime!

To be optimistic, it is simply a problem of education and exercise, moderation and muscle mass, teaching and training. For the amount of commercial time an adult sits through during an hour of prime time TV (about 15 minutes), one could easily read an article from a fitness magazine detailing and outlining a fitness regimen for success against weight gain. Surely, in this society that allows one to operate fitness equipment while watching television, there is an opportunity to fight against fat. There are 168 hours in a week. If you train, that only takes 2-4 hours, plus 1-2 hours for travel and showers, etc. That leaves you approximately 160 hours for work, friends, family, sleep, and T.V.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Target Heart Rate is Useless for Losing Body Fat

I co-wrote this target heart rate article with Craig Ballantyne because we want to get the message out to everyone who keeps struggling with this outdated mentality that they must be in some sort of "fat burning zone" if they want to stand any chance of losing body fat with their workouts. We'll show you why targeting a specific heart rate to be in this so-called fat burning zone is actually the opposite of what you should be focusing on in your workouts if you truly want to get lasting fat loss results.

One of the worst myths in the fitness industry is that you need to maintain a specific heart rate range in the fat burning zone in order to lose fat. But this is simply not true. Unfortunately, this false belief leads people to choose low intensity steady state cardio routines that are ineffective and cause most people a major lack of results from their workouts.

The quicker you get rid of the "target fat burning heart rate = the best workout" mentality, the faster you will actually start to get real results with fat loss and changing the shape of your body for good.

In the Turbulence Training workouts, you actually burn more fat and more total calories when you are OUT of the gym due to the high-intensity and variable intensity nature of the training methods in these programs. This phenomenon is not due to the elevated heart rate you experience during the workout (even though your heart rate will be increased from the supersets and intervals), but rather from the metabolic and hormonal response you achieve from the more effective workout compared to your ineffective "fat burning zone" workout.

Over the last 10 years, scientific research has indicated a couple of very important things to us about exercising for body fat loss. First of all, lifting heavier weights while exercising leads to a higher caloric consumption by the body in the period for about 1-2 days following the workout when compared to lifting light weights with high repetitions. So that's why 6-8 repetitions per set is better than 12-15 reps per set when it comes to stimulating the metabolism for losing fat permanently. That's one of the cornerstones of the types of training routines in programs that actually get results, like Turbulence Training.

Another important aspect we have learned from scientific research in recent years is that highly variable interval-type training is far superior to slow, steady-pace cardio exercise for fat loss and post-exercise induced calorie burning. In the long run, if you focus on the internal metabolic response your body is getting from your workout routines, instead of how many calories you burn during some sort of magical "target fat burning heart rate zone", you will achieve MUCH better fat loss results. So not only is it more result-producing, but it is also more time-efficient to use short high-intensity interval training workouts instead of slow, long, steady-pace cardio sessions.

The only time you might need to know your specific heart rate is during the recovery period of the interval training. It is important to take enough time during your recovery intervals in order for your heart rate to drop back down significantly (allow it drop to approximately less than 60% of your max heart rate).

That way you are able to get more quality work done when it counts. You do not want to start your next high-intensity interval too soon, nor do you want to exercise too hard during your recovery intervals.

All of these details are provided in the interval training guidelines within the Turbulence Training program. And we'll show you how to properly structure your intervals so that you allow enough recovery time between each. With these guidelines, you do not have to worry about monitoring your target heart rate or anything fancy like that. It's just not necessary. Just follow the TT instructions, and you will do great.

So here's the bottom line:

If you want to start actually getting the fat loss results you've been wanting for so long, do not worry so much about your target fat buring heart rate zone during exercise. Instead, make sure that you are working at a high-intensity and a variable intensity (according to your individual capabilities of course) during each weight lifting and interval training session.

The TT workout guidelines will give you all of the details you need on the specific rest periods to use between supersets and intervals. With these guidelines, you will start to see vastly improved results from your workouts within weeks of implementing the changes.

See below for a special free report on cardio training alternatives that create a much better metabolic environment for fat loss than traditional cardio routines.

To free yourself of the mindset of the target heart rate and "fat loss zone", grab your free cardio myths report at Beyond Cardio Workouts.

If you're trying to uncover your six pack abs by losing stubborn belly fat, visit Best Ab Exercises, Flatten Stomach, Abdominal Workouts

For any ladies interested in toning up your butt, visit Workouts for a Sexy Butt.

No-Equipment Cardio for Weight Loss

You don't need fancy machines to do cardio circuits for weight loss. You can do cardio without equipment, at home! And you'll burn fat. Here in Toronto, it rained non-stop on Sunday. So I skipped the walk to the gym (where I was going to do intervals), and did a bodyweight workout at home.

This is a great routine that you can save for any rainy day, or even better - challenge some of your buddies prior to next week's super bowl party at your house. The workout will take away some of the guilt while you pound nachos and wings, like I know some people tend to do when they watch football.

For my bodyweight workout, I decided to make one up from the exercises in the 6-month manual, rather than following one of the pre-made routines. Plus, I didn't want to do a lot of upper body stuff, because my Monday workout is heavy pressing and rowing. So I ended up creating a huge circuit, as there were just too many exercises in the manual that I wanted to do.

If you have the manual and exercise descriptions, you can do this workout the next time you feel like a change. If you don't have the manual, you'll probably have no idea what some of these exercises are...but at least now you know what you are missing.

And as I went through this workout, a workout I called "Ghetto Cardio", I got to thinking about some of the home gym setups that clients tell me they have.

You know, the more money people spend on exercise machines (like those elliptical machines), the easier and less effective their workouts become. Here I am doing the Ghetto Cardio workout, one that didn't cost me a cent, and some people have thousands of dollars worth of cardio equipment in their basements that won't give them the same "functional strength and endurance" results as bodyweight training.

And those aren't the only benefits you can get from a mid-day bodyweight circuit workout. In fact, during this workout, I relieved my computer-related upper body stress and tension, and the exercise stimulated my thought process, allowing me to plan 4 workouts for Monday's clients, and 4 newsletters this week. All in 20 minutes.

So here's the workout, and I did this circuit twice, and then some of the exercises I did a third time:

Prisoner Squat x 15
Sumo squat x 15
T-Squat x 20
Siff Squat x 20
Walking lunge x 20
Spiderman pushup x 16
Stickup x 12
Cross Crawl x 30
Inverted Rows x 12
Spiderman climbs x 24
Plank x 60 seconds
Side plank x 30 seconds
Y-squat x 20
Close grip Pushups x 20

These are all bodyweight exercises that can be done at home. You don't need to spend money or time going to the gym.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Being overweight not only looks unsightly and makes you feel less attractive it also poses a far greater risk, a risk to your health. Therefore, there are many reasons why it is important that you maintain a healthy weight by eating well-balanced meals and getting regular exercise. Being over weight has been linked with many conditions affecting not only our physical health but also our mental health, studies have shown that those people who are overweight and dont get regular exercise are more at risk of developing depression than those that exercise on a regular basis and eat a well balanced and varied diet. Experts have agreed that the more overweight a person is then the more likely they are to suffer severe health problems, however once the person takes steps to start losing weight and changes their lifestyle, then the percentage starts to drop. If you are overweight then even just by losing 10 or 20 pounds you can begin to reduce the increased associated risks to your health and make improvements. You should defiantly consider losing weight if you are overweight and any of the following conditions apply to you.

If there is a history in your family of certain chronic diseases people who have relatives with heart conditions or diabetes have been known to develop these conditions if they are overweight.

There are any pre-existing medical conditions high blood pressure, high cholesterol and levels of high sugar are all signs of illness due to being overweight.

Having an apple shape if you carry more weight around your stomach then you are at a higher risk of developing diabetes, some forms of cancer or developing heart problems.

Illness associated with being overweight

  • Problems with the gallbladder and especially gallstones
  • High blood pressure
  • Developing certain types of cancer
  • Developing diabetes
  • Developing gout
  • Developing problems with the breathing such as sleep apnea, which causes a person to pause when breathing while asleep
  • Chest problems such as asthma or bronchitis
Gallbladder problems

Although it is not clear why, being overweight can have an affect on the gallbladder, gallstones are a very common problem in someone who is overweight and causes severe problems with those who are obese.

Heart disease

If you are overweight you are twice as likely to suffer from high blood pressure that is the major cause of and a big risk factor in heart disease and strokes. Being overweight can lead to a condition known as angina, angina is felt as pain in the chest caused by a decrease in oxygen to the heart. If you are severely overweight or obese then this has been linked to causing sudden death without any warning signs from a stroke.


Being overweight has been linked to type 2 diabetes and is a known contributor to health death, heart disease and blindness; people who are overweight are twice as likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes as those people who are of normal weight.

Alan Kintel is a writer that concentrates on helping people better themselves, for cutting edge information you NEED to know check out his website at http://someofthebest.info

Weight Loss Is Difficult - Keeping It Off Is More Difficult

Most of us have experienced weight loss and the focus and determination we must have to be successful. And most of us have experienced this more than once. If we know how hard it is to lose weight why do we allow ourselves to regain the lost weight?

The system we used to lose the weight does not allow time for family, job, friends and life in general. This focus on weight loss and these hours are transferred to more important tasks after we have reached our weight loss goal.

This is reasonable as Weight control can be postpone until the weight gain becomes a problem again. These weight loss systems use diet and exercise as the backbone of their program and they work. But the major problem with these exercise programs is that they require as much time to maintain your weight loss as it does to lose it and time is limited for us all. A thirty minute/ three times a week exercise program with all of it's prep time, travel time and recovery time will be much more than a hour and a half per week and is almost impossible to maintain year after year.

The fact, that exercise given enough time and effort does work and that we feel that we are doing good things when we sweat, while working out, strengthens the generally accepted concept of "No pain/No gain".

This "No pain/No gain" which is translated into wear and tear on the body, injures which will come back to haunt us in later years, sweat which will take with it needed vitamins and minerals which the body needs and the hours we use are outdated and unnecessary.

Like the auto replacing the horse and buggy, this "No pain/No gain" has been replaced by vibra trim. Using today's technology to lose weight in less time and in more comfort in your own home. These results occur on the neurological level (as it does with conventional exercise). A short exercise secession (10 minute per day) can fit into almost any schedule for the rest of your life and can be like brushing your teeth or showering daily.

For more information on the 10 minutes weight loss machine click here vibra trim-total health

Simple Weight Loss Tips

Despite the high number of people who fail to lose weight on the hundreds of diets which are on the market, losing weight is in fact rather simple. If you just maintain a proper lifestyle, you can easily see a gradual decline in your weight and fat.

Here are some simple weight loss tips you can implement today:

1. Stop eating before feeling full - Most people make the mistake of eating too much at each meal. It takes our body a while to figure out that it's full. If you stop eating when you feel that you're just shy of being full, in about 20 minutes you will not feel hungry at all and you won't overeat as much as you used to.

2. Drink a lot of water - Water is the elixir of life, but surveys show that most of us don't drink enough of it. You need to drink 8--12 glasses of water each day. This will help to make you feel fuller, less tired, more energetic, and overall healthier. Drinking cold water is better for weight loss since the body burns a lot of calories to bring up the water temperature to regular body temperature. It's a simple weight loss tip you should start following today.

3. Eat small meals - Eating too much is like walking with ankle weights: it's just plain harder. By eating too much we're burdening our body. All that it can do is to turn our excess calories into fat. The trick is to eat a lot of small meals and snacks throughout the day instead of eating 3 large meals like most people do.

4. Don't eat late at night - Eating too late has a few negative ramifications: it makes us sleep less well, our body doesn't handle food at night while we're sleeping as well as it does during the day, and it's easier to overeat at night. Try to stop eating at a reasonable hour, say 20-21PM. One trick is to brush your teeth early. This will keep you from eating again since most people don't want to have to re-brush their teeth before bedtime.

5. Become a bit more active - Being a bit more active can help you to increase your calorie burn rate and lose weight faster. There are many ways this can be done. My suggestion is to find ways to incorporate this into your regular schedule like climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walking instead of driving or commuting whenever possible, and doing stretches and muscle flexes throughout the day even while you're sitting down. All of these tiny steps can accumulate to a lot of burned calories.

Follow these 5 simple and easy weight loss tips and you will find it much easier to lose weight.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Liver Detox Diet

You probably know by now that the liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It's the body's natural filter that helps convert toxins into substances that can be discarded easily. Therefore, to have a healthy body, it is of vital importance that we keep this important organ in good condition. A healthy liver means a healthy body. One of the ways to help maintain your liver in good working condition is to go on a liver detox diet.

Since the liver is the first to receive toxins that enter the body, it has one of the highest toxin accumulations in the body. While the liver's main task is to clean the toxins and other wastes that are absorbed by the bloodstream in the body, the liver does not always able to discard hard substances such as heavy metals. Some of these toxins don't end up leaving the body and then what will happen is that there will be a type of toxin buildup throughout the body, especially the liver. Therefore, it is more important to detox the liver than detoxification of any other body system. The objective of a liver detox diet is to cleanse the liver of all the toxic wastes that have stagnated in the liver over the years.

A liver detox diet involves a person restricting oneself to organic foods such as raw vegetables, fruits and whole grains. The 2 ingredients that the liver needs in order to function properly are water and glucose. These ingredients aid the body's system to get rid of accumulated toxins. So, drinking a lot of water helps as it helps to flush toxins out of your system. A person on a liver detox diet must avoid foods that are not liver friendly such as fried and processed foods, sugar, coffee and saturated fats.

All in all, a complete liver detoxification will help to restore functionality to the liver as well as to the rest of the body. All of the body's organs are vitally important to maintaining a healthy body, but cleansing your liver will help the most! If you're experiencing poor health, aching body, tired most of the time, go on a liver detox diet.

For more information on how to detox your body and other free detox diet, check out detoxyourbodytoday.com .

Recipes For Detox Diet

How to Get 6-Pack Abs Without Crunches or Sit-ups

Traditional ab exercises, like situps and crunches are hard on your back. So does that mean you shouldn't do any ab exercises? Is there anyway for you to get 6-pack abs without situps and crunches?

Yes! You should do ab exercises that take a different approach. Like the ab exercises in the bodyweight manual, that double as total body exercises - like the Mountain Climber, Spiderman Climb, and the Jackknife, and then of course some direct ab exercises like the Ab Wheel and the Side Plank.

Choose total body ab exercises. Take the mountain climber as an example. Now you'll quickly notice that this is not a traditional bodybuilding ab exercise. You don't lie on the floor and crunch or do sit-ups in order to isolate one muscle group. That's always been a downfall of the bodybuilding approach.

Instead, the Mountain Climber is another total-body, efficient and effective exercise that helps you get more total body results in less time.

Here's how to do it.

Start in the pushup position. Brace your abs. Keep your hips low and bring one knee to your chest. Feel your abs working. Slowly return the leg to the start position. Keep your abs braced and hips low. Alternate sides for as many reps as you want. Your entire body will be working hard, burning calories, and working your abs.

Other great, often-neglected total body ab exercises include the chin-up and push-up. Since I talked about push-ups yesterday, today I'll give an example of how chin-ups can give you 6-pack abs.

I once trained a woman that had never done chinups (it's really a shame that more trainers don't train women to get stronger and master bodyweight exercises).

Regardless, after her first workout of modified chins (she could only do the lowering portion of the exercise, also known in the gym as "eccentrics"), she showed up the next session marvelling at how sore her abs were simply from doing chin-ups. Years of ab work had never woken up her ab muscles like 3 sets of modified chin-ups were able to do. And during the workout, she continued to be amazed at how hard her were working during this upper body exercise.

The truth is, any good efficient and effective compound exercise will work your abs. So you don't have to lie on the floor and bang out hundreds of crunches to get a washboard stomach. Heck, that's not effective at all.

The 3 keys to abs are:
1) Fat loss through fat loss nutrition
2) Fat loss through interval training
3) Ab strength through efficient and effective exercises

Try a new ab exercise today.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

10 Common Mistakes You Should Know When Trying To Lose Weight

Losing weight is not always an easy task. In reality, it can prove to be a very hard challenge to most people. So, read these 10 tips to avoiding some mistakes that could make you lose control and start storing those stubborn fats again. These are the 10 common mistakes people do when trying to lose unwanted weight:

1. Never rush into the hardest weight loss program you can find.

Many people decide in a moment of desperation to follow a super-strict diet program and fail. Especially, if you never have any dieting experience and are not 100% sure you can stick with it. Choose other program that you feel most suitable for your current condition and make sure you can stick with the program.

2. It won't happen overnight!

This is a common mistake. You can not realistically expect things to happen overnight. When setting your goal, start with small; however be prepared to go far. If you ever heard someone saying that he/she lost pounds in short amount of time, don't make it your goal to match his/her performance. Every person achieved very different results.

3. Don't go exercising everyday.

Another common mistake is to exercise too often, as it will not help you at all. Your body needs time to rest and expand the muscle mass after each training session. Give your body a chance to re-group itself. A 2 days rest after 5 days training is great for your body

4. Cutting down too many calories is really a bad idea.

Everybody knows cutting down calories is one of the basic foundations of all diets. However, you have to be extremely careful about cutting down your calories intake. Cut too many of it and your body will start storing anything it possibly can. This is not a very good way to lose weight.

5. Never, ever skip meals.

This is the most common mistake people do. Some people think that skipping one or two meals could help them achieve their goal faster. They don't understand that diet is all about controlling the food that you want to eat and not starving yourself. If you skip meals, your body will reacted with lowering your metabolism rate and string more fats during this process.

6. You don't have to check your weight everyday.

Every people are eager to see some results of his or her efforts in the shape of lost pounds. However, you should not let this drive you to checking your weight everyday. The daily fluctuations of your weight will eventually have you depressed and soon you will find that you are ready to quit your diet program. This is very bad!

7. Never let emotions drive you.

Aside from the eagerness, there are other emotions that influence dieting. If you find yourself used to reaching out for ice cream or snacks when you are in the bad mood, than you should overcome these issues and never allow them to interfere with your goal.

8. Seek as much help as you can.

Not everyone was born with iron will and nerves of steel. Never hesitate to ask from your friends or from instructors and don't try to solve all the problems you might encounter by yourself.

9. You should eat your favorite foods.

This is also the common mistake people do when dieting. There is nothing wrong with eating your favorite foods. Diets are just food control methods, not jails! Is okay to eat foods you liked once in a while though it's considered forbidden. If such treats are not frequent, then they will make no difference in the long run.

10. Write everything and analyze it.

If you wish to know how much you eat, then write everything down and analyze the list for things that should not be there. Sometimes, your hunger will drive you to eat something that you should not eat. Just be honest with your self.

Losing weight will requires a lot of dedication and motivation on your end. However, if you follow this guide, I believe you will have a successful diet in no time.

There is a supplement that works really great by binding unwanted fat and carries on as waste. Combining your weight loss program with this supplement can be very powerful combination. Proactol is an organic fat binder, endorsed by doctors and medically approved as a supplement for the treatment of obesity and overweight. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/bestweightlosspills-proactolreview/ for more info.

How to Stretch Muscles Safely

An important aspect of your exercise routine, stretching muscles safely can increase flexibility, reduce risk of injury, and provide pain relief associated with exercise. As most aerobic and strength training programs naturally cause muscles to contract and flex, it's important to balance the workout with lengthening, or stretching, muscles afterward.

Regular stretching after a workout provides various benefits including increased flexibility and better range of motion of your joints. Stretching also increases circulation, sending blood flow to your muscles. Improved posture is also a benefit of stretching, as is stress relief. Finally, stretching maintains the full range of motion through the joints. Coordination and balance help keep you mobile and less prone to injury from falls, especially as you age.

To get started on a moderately difficult routine, you'll Need: floor mat or rug, comfortable clothes, tennis shoes.

To begin, incline your head forward, roll it from left to right, then right from left. Be careful how far you turn your head. Breathe deeply as you do so. Next, put your arm on your chest and grab the forearm with the opposite arm. Pull the arm until you feel your shoulder being stretched. Push the arm you are stretching the opposite way in order to contract the muscle if you feel your chest is stretching instead of your shoulder.

Extend your arms in front of you. Join both hands together and cross fingers. Push your arms further and try to push your scapulae in opposite directions. Next, lift one arm over your head, bending at the elbow. Hold the elbow with the opposite hand and gently pull your arm. This exercise should create a great stretch along your side. Repeat on the opposite side.

Now, standing upright and tall, pull one leg behind you and hold. Breathe deeply. Then repeat with the other leg. If you are concerned about losing your balance, stand a foot or so from a wall and hold yourself steady with your opposite hand.

For an effective calf stretch, stand a foot or so in front of a wall. Place your arm up against the wall while bringing one leg in towards the wall, while keeping your legs straight. Your body should for a 45-degree angle. Repeat with the other leg.

Next, sitting on the floor, stretch both legs out in front of you. Gently bending at the waist, stretch only as far as your arms will reach. Do not try to necessarily touch your toes. Keep knees flexible. The focus of this exercise is to stretch the muscles in the lower back, thighs and calves. Remember to breathe deeply.

Opening legs into the shape of a "V," bend slowly toward the right leg. Do not bounce. Then bend toward the left leg.

To stretch the lower back, lay flat on your mat. Fold one leg onto your chest and hold. Remember to breathe. Repeat with the other leg. Then, bring both legs into your chest at the same time and hold.

Now some tips & warnings, don't bounce. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. If you feel pain during the stretch, back off to the point where you don't feel pain and then hold the stretch. Don't hold your breath while stretching. Try to relax.

Stretch both sides of your body so the range of motion is equal on each side. Begin all exercise with light stretching after a warm-up, followed by a thorough stretching after a workout. As you become more flexible, you will be able to breathe more deeply during stretching, allowing your body to relax and achieve a deeper stretch.

Now available for home use to soothe the aches and pains associated with arthritis, psoriasis, tired joints and sore muscles from an active lifestyle. Thousands have benefited from the pain relieving power of these safe, natural, non-prescription treatments.

Stunning Ways To Boost Metabolism - Achieve Earth Shattering Results And Lose Weight Like Crazy

So what exactly causes weight gain? Well there are several reasons responsible for weight gain in a person which might be lack of physical work or exercise, wrong eating habits, too much junk food, wrong selection of foods etc. But why is it that some people never gain weight no matter what they eat? Well in those cases those people seem to have a fast rate of body metabolism due to which they never gain much. Weight gain occurs the most to people who have a slow rate of body metabolism. But there are tricks you can use to boost your metabolism. Read on to discover how you can do it and achieve stunning results...

Do a lot of cardio- Cardio is one of those exercises which can really do wonders with your body metabolism. If you stick to cardio make sure you do it on a daily regular basis. It helps to increase your heart rate which makes you breathe deeper. There are several cardio exercises you can choose from the best of which are running, brisk walking, cycling, dancing etc.

Have as much water as possible- Water is the main element of weight loss therefore it is extremely important to drink as much water as possible. Not only does it help with weight loss it also detoxifies your body which helps your overall health and fitness levels.

Make your meals small- Most people out there have a habit of having heavy meals which loads their system and gives their body a hard time to digest food which in turn stored as fat in your body. Therefore instead of having heavy meals learn to have small frequent meals as that would give your body more time to digest.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

To Know More Visit- http://www.perfecthowto.com

Help With Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a constant battle. And for many of us it's a never ending battle. First you have to decide how you are going to achieve the weight loss you want. Am I going to achieve the results by dieting alone, or a combination of dieting/exercise?

There are many fad diets floating around and you can waste a lot of time and money chasing the next easy weight loss fix. Weight loss really comes down to just 2 important factors, a sensible diet and regular exercise. You can purchase and follow the latest fad diet, and you will probably lose a few pounds but the moment you stop following it you can bet you will pile the pounds back on and probably with interest.

To achieve the weight loss you desire you don't have to spend countless hours working out at the gym leaving you without any spare time to pursue your other leisure time activities.

You do not have to avoid the foods you love and you definitely do not have to starve yourself. Two things you have to do straight away to lose weight is eat sensibly and exercise. Before you tuck into that piece of cake ask yourself do I need it? when did I last eat?, how much have I already consumed today?. With food you are better off having 4 to 5 small meals per day with a balanced nutritional mix. Don't have 5 meals of fried chicken if you do I do not believe you will see any benefit from you new eating plan.

Exercise, I for one like the gym but always seem to over do it and within a couple of weeks my training regime at the gym comes to an end. What does work for me is breaking my exercise into two parts AM and PM.

20 minutes of light exercise twice a day should be enough to start peeling off that excess weight.

For more information on how to lose weight and keep it off go to http://www.info4youlive.com/diets.htm

How to Lose Weight Every Day

If you want to lose weight every day, you have to be on a fat burning diet and using strength and cardio interval exercise to burn fat. Here's how to be consistent with your weight loss.

I get a lot of emails from frustrated readers. Frustrated because they just can't stick to a program. And therefore, they just aren't getting results.

And most of these people blame themselves - and oftentimes you guys are blaming yourselves pretty hard. But instead of laying blame, let's find you a solution instead.

To be fair, in this world of fast food, comfortable chairs and 50,000 channels, it's only easy in theory to stick to a fat loss, muscle building lifestyle. In reality, we all have days where we want to skip out on our fitness needs.

Here's a good tip from Men's Health online for those that are having trouble finding time to workout:

Strike an agreement with your spouse and kids

The rule: You get 1 hour to yourself every day, provided that you use it for exercise (and reciprocate the favor). So there's no pressure to do household chores, play marathon games of Monopoly, or be a doting husband (a fat, doting husband).

"Since it's for your health, it's a contract they can't refuse. And that will allow you to exercise guilt-free while acting as a role model for your children," says Darren Steeves, C.S.C.S., a trainer in Canada.

Your best bet for exercise is a short 20-45 minute workout of bodyweight exercises, followed by quick strength training supersets, and then finished with interval cardio to burn fat in less time than ever.

On the other hand, there are many people that have the time, but that suffer from information overload so overwhelming it paralyzes their ability to move forward on a program. With all the info out there, it can be tough to put it all together, let alone stick to it. That's why I have created the step-by-step, workout-by-workout manuals - so that you don't have to worry about putting together a workout plan. All you have to do is show up and do the work.

But you can't expect to go from a laundry list of bad habits to a virtual fitness diehard overnight.

However, you can make a big new change everyday and get one step closer to your dream body. The key is Consistency.

When I start with new clients, we identify the worst of their habits, and slowly attack them one by one. See you later "late night pop and chips", hello "protein-based snacks" after dinner. Simple changes like this, done with consistency, will help you gain muscle and lose fat.

Because it is with consistency, that you make good fat loss choices into lifelong habits.

And that's what I've seen work over and over again. For once the consistency becomes a habit, then you are in control.

One of my best clients and best friend is a shining example...gone are the days when he drank 2 liters of soda per day...and now he sticks to Berardi-style eating (modified through my more life-friendly approach in my Nutrition report) and he is so successful he is cover-model magazine material.

But he didn't get this way overnight. And not too many people will. You slowly need to make improvements, day by day. In fact, he gained these habits day by day, week by week, over the winter last year. Buying more vegetables each week, trying new forms of lean protein (eventually coming to love salmon) every other day, eating nuts as an energy-boosting snack instead of drinking pop, subbing in Green Tea for soda, and so on and so forth.

I guarantee that you can find an easy to follow exercise and nutrition plan to suit your personality and allow you to lose weight everyday. You can develop life changing, fat loss habits.

So at the very least, get back on track today and be more consistent than ever before.

I know you can do it. You can burn fat with strength and cardio interval exercise and the right nutrition diet plan. Stay strong!

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked intervals for fat loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Learn how to lose fat with CB's workouts - you will burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's spiderman bodyweight exercises for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

How Long Does It Take To Lose 20 Pounds

If you want to know how long will it take you to lose 20 pounds you need to ask yourself what you're willing to do in order to lose that much weight as fast as possible. This is very important because you can lose 20 pounds in as little as 2 weeks, though it's not the easiest thing in the world. If you go for 4 or 6 weeks, it's much easier. Keep reading to see how long it takes to lose 20 lbs. with several weight loss methods.

Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks:

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, your best bet is to use a detox diet. This is a liquid diet which is based on fruit juice. A detox diet flushes your body of useless, undigested deposits of fat, and also induces weight loss because it's a low calorie diet. You can definitely lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks with that kind of diet. However, don't use this diet for over 2-3 weeks because it loses it's effectiveness. A juice detox diet isn't easy to stick to because we're used to eating solid food each day, but it can get you fast results. I recommend the Master Cleanser diet.

Lose 20 Pounds in 20 Days or 3 weeks

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks, the best option is to pick a diet and fitness program which revolves around cardiovascular routines. Sticking to such a program for 45-60 minutes each day and eating a reduced carb diet can get you the results you want. It will take some determination for you to stick to such a regimen for 3 weeks, but you'll be much slimmer and fitter by the time you're done. I recommend a program called Turbulence Training because it's highly effective.

Lose 20 Pounds in 4 weeks or 1 Month

The minimum time frame which I mostly recommend in order to lose 20 pounds is 1 month, even though I've shown you how it can be done faster. In1 month you can lose 20 pounds by using a weight loss program which is based on Calorie Shifting. This is a weight loss method which allows you to lose weight fast by manipulating the types of calories that you eat thereby 'tricking' your metabolism to remain running high, so your body is like a fat burning furnace. A calorie shifting diet is easy to stick to because it's simple to use, you don't starve yourself, nor do you need to do hours of exercise. Losing 20 pounds in this way is recommended because it's the easiest way in which you can maintain your weight loss to the future. I recommend using the original Calorie Shifting diet: Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

As you can see the answer to the question of how long it will take you to lose 20 pounds is really up to you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about how to lose 20 pounds fast, click here: How To Lose 20 Pounds In 4 Weeks Or Less. It's a review of ways to lose 10 pounds fast (including a detailed review of Turbulence Training and Master Cleanse). Just double the time frame for each weight loss method reviewed to see how long it will take to lose 20 pounds.

Weight Watchers - Their Life Story

Weight Watchers was founded by Jean Nidetch in the middle of the 1960s and her goal was to offer service and assistance to those who were looking to lose weight. She therefore offered to these people different products which helped them when dieting and thus lose the weight. Her early success in this field has now turned into a successful world wide company which operates in more than 30 countries and goes by the trademark name of Weight Watchers; however this can be translated into the local language of any given country if required.

Weight Watchers is made up of two different programs that a dieter can follow being either the Core program or the Points program. Each program that a dieter chooses to follow is supported by a group that helps when needed most such as during group discussions and accountability (ensuring that the dieter is reaching their target weight).

The Points program is a program which puts a numerical value on a persons burning of energy and their actual calorie intake. Each serving of food that they consume is given a number of points and conversely different styles of exercise undertaken by a dieter will be given a negative point(s). So during a certain week each dieter will have a certain number of points that they must try to hit in accordance with the overall weight loss they wish to attain and their actual current weight.

Certainly is this respect this is where the Weight Watchers program is so very different from either the South Beach or Atkins Diets as a person on this program is not limited to what foods they can eat, but rather to how much of that food they are allowed to consume. For example, should someone wish to each more of one food that has a high points value, then they must carry out the appropriate exercise and watch the other foods that they eat throughout the rest of the week to counterbalance it. Certainly the amount of exercise that a person takes whilst on a Weight Watchers program is correlated to just how much exercise that person wants to do. So if they decide that they do not want to exercise or exercise only a little, then they can not eat as many points compared with someone who is exercising regularly, and such people can eat those foods which have a higher points value.

Unfortunately this type of diet is not to everyones liking as it makes the person accountable for what they are doing and does not allow any room for cheating. So if someone wishes to cheat on this diet, they will not be harming anyone else but themselves and their chance to lose the weight. The most annoying thing about this diet is the record keeping, a lot of people find this cumbersome as they have to make sure that they record every single food item they have eaten throughout the day and make sure that they give a point value to each item of food, if they do not then it means that they will not necessarily succeed in their overall goal of removing the unwanted weight.

Kerris Samson a work from home mum, living in Spain who with her husband Mark has set up a number of sites dedicated to all matters relating to living a more healthy lifestyle on such subjects as Wheatgrass, Detox Diets and Programs and now a site dedicated to Weight Loss and especially Weight Watchers. If you would like to learn more please visit http://www.recipes.kitchens101.info.

5 Common Ab Myths

Is it possible to get abs post-pregnancy? It's hard enough to get 6-pack abs, let alone after you've had six children. Craig Ballantyne, recently spoke with fitness competitor Fran Dennis for her tips and secrets on how to help you lose fat and define your abs.

Most women would expect that with six kids to take care of, Francisca would have no time to train. But she makes time through careful scheduling - splitting her lifting and cardio between morning and evening if she has to. When she added lifting into her program, that is when her physique changes started to show the most.

You have to work hard on your diet as well, sticking to a fat-burning, muscle-building diet all year round. That helps out in the training department as well, because it doesn't require drastic increases in the amount of training to get competition fit. Diet is the key to your success.

Stick to lean meats, complex carbohydrates and lots of green veggies and water.

Just training abs won't give you the very sought after "six pack". It's a lifestyle change that involves training your whole body, being consistent and clean with your diet, as well as driven and motivated to be your best. Work hard, and be happy with what you see in the mirror. Don't cut yourself down. Revel in your accomplishments and believe in yourself.

Here's a list of 5 common myths about abs.

Myth 1) You don't need to watch what you eat

Diet is first and foremost the key factor when trying to get 6-pack abs. "No matter how much you exercise, you can't just eat what you want and expect to get optimal results," Fran says. So be like Fran and plan your nutrition in advance, to avoid dietary downfalls.

Myth 2) As long as you do a lot of ab exercises and repetitions, it doesn't matter how well you do them

It is important to do all repetitions with good form. Focus on quality, not quantity. Bad form will give you less results, and you could hurt your back if you are not careful.

Myth 3) You can "Spot reduce" the fat on your abs with crunches

No matter how many crunches you do, you won't be able to get rid of your ab fat with crunches alone. You need a good diet and an increase in your calorie burning from total body exercises.

Myth 4) Infomercial products work!

Belt-saunas, and electrical stimulators are not magic bullets. You can't expect anything you order from TV to help you get a 6-pack.

Myth 5) You must do abs every day

You don't need to do abs every day. Instead, train them hard three times per week.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com.

Weight Loss Scams Revealed

Wouldnt it be nice to lose weight quickly, with minimal effort or fuss? Of cause you would! I for one would love to just sit back do nothing and the weight will just fall off.

Whether its a Low Carb, Low GI Diet, A choice of diet pills or natural weight loss pills, diet shakes, or exercise equipment, weve all seen the fantastic claims people including celebrities make about losing tons of weight AND how they can show you how to do the same thing.

I can tell you right now that 99% of these people are total frauds. You may have even fallen prey to one of these scam artists, selling you their latest weight loss program. Me too!

In the past Ive brought so many of these programs that I cant even recall how many. I dont know why, but I tend to find the good in people, and I was sold by these marketing schemes time and time again, even after being scammed by another. Finally, after so many disappointments, I got FED UP. I decided to get to the bottom of this fascination we have with Weight Loss Programs and find out if there really were any LEGITIMATE programs for Weight Loss.

Legitimate as in not only dealing with LOSING WEIGHT but also what caused the Weight Gain in the first place.

The American Heart Association has several tips to that helps guide you to identify a Fad Diet or Program if it is recommended.

Magic or miracle foods that burn fat. Foods dont burn fat they create fat when we eat more than we need.

Bizarre quantities of only one food or type of food such as eating only cabbage or tomatoes. These foods are fine as part of an overall healthy diet, but eating large quantities of them could lead to unpleasant side effects.

Rigid Menus. Many diets set out a very limited selection of foods to be eaten at a specific time and day, exactly as written. Often these limited diets dont address the widely varied taste preferences of our diverse population.

Specific food combinations. Some foods taste good together, like the classic soup and sandwich, but theres no scientific evidence that eating foods in certain sequences or combinations has any medical benefit.

Rapid weight loss of more than two pounds a week.

No warning given to people with diabetes or high blood pressure to seek advice from the physician or healthcare provider. Some fad diets could raise blood pressure or blood glucose even if you loss weight.

No increase physical activity. Simple physical activities, like walking or riding a bike, are one of the most important ways to lose weight and maintain weight loss. Yet many fad diets dont emphasis these easy changes.

Now dont be discouraged, which weight loss program is the right one for you, which one isnt just a fad diet. In my research I have found a few programs that not only deal with losing weight but also the cause of why you got fat in the first place (which by the way, is ultimately the main reason why we end up putting the weight back on) and also adding in successful, simple strategies to increase exercising.

Whatever you do, I wish you a healthy year for you and yours

Author Bio: Gillian Tarawhiti BSc, Dip BM, Dip Ed, is Founder and CEO of Community Training Centre & Gain Back Your Life Centre, A registered EFT Practitioner, Member of AAMET and Online Training and Support to the new and not so new netpreneurs. Gillian is also the author of eBay Billion Dollar Goldmine, and the creator of NO DIET WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM(TM) and the Multiple Ripple Effect System 2004. Permission is granted to reprint this article in print or on your web site so long as the paragraph above is included and contact information is provided to http://www.gainbackyourlife-eft.com

Best Way to Lose Weight for Good

The best way to lose weight is something that simply eludes most people. The unfortunate thing is that usually its right in front of their face, literally. Yet most have no idea how to lose weight to begin with let alone how to find the best way to lose weight. Those that have found a way to drop the pounds have failed to keep it off as they give in and fall short of harnessing their own self control. Each and every year around the New Year people realize they've ballooned up and decide its time to shed the pounds fast. Indulge in the best way to lose weight, for good.

Its easy for me to sit back now and remember a time when I was overweight. I am a naturally slender person and never thought I'd look and the mirror shocked and realizing that I need to lose weight. In fact for me I couldn't even figure out why I gained weight in the first place. Later that afternoon I remember sitting down for lunch with 2 ham sandwiches, a side of mac and cheese, a baked potato with sour cream, and bacon and 2 glasses of pepsi. Then it hit me this is the problem, I am less active than I was in high school but I still eat in the same manner. 20 pounds heavier than I need be I decided I didn't have to find a way to lose weight I needed the best way to lose weight.

I put a lot of time into working out and running and doing all the things I knew were right after that. I was still lacking one thing, discipline. I could force myself to workout and get active but I still had trouble with eating and how much I ate at one time. Then it hit me that the best way to lose weight was to stop eating! I was used to eating a lot growing up, again I was constantly one of the skinniest guys in my high school. Approaching my mid twenties I discovered I simply could no longer afford to eat that way as my health began to deteriorate.

So in my quest for the best way to lose weight I found it to be portion control and food control. Controlling not only the portions of food I eat but the types of food as well helped greatly in my quest. I realized it was ok to eat a high fat snack every now and again but just not every single night. For me it came down to a combo of things such as moderate exercise, eating healthy, avoid salt and high fats and eating fatty foods in moderation as the means for the best way to lose weight. Now that i know the truth I will never go back to what I once was.

Michael S Brown

For more on the best way to lose weight visit the site below. Secret To Weight Loss

How To Stop Emotional Eating

For many people overeating is simply a habit and a strong focus and change of behavior will be key to weight loss success in these cases. But to say that people who are overweight just eat too much, is not always true.

Sometimes people eat more, for any number of psychological reasons. In a letter that I recently got from a subscriber there is the following line: "I find myself eating sweets when i get frustrated or sad".

Stress, frustration, sadness and depression are just a few emotional triggers which can make a person want to eat more. Eating is then usually associated with these emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more to comfort themselves.

Certain chemicals in the brain are linked to both mood and hunger.

For example, one of the most likely culprits that lurks behind the act of emotional binges is cortisol -- a stress hormone that tends to make people crave sweet and salty food. So, if you experience more stress than is natural, higher quantities of cortisol is produced, leading you to crave for unhealthy foods, and this in turn leads to other health related problems. It's the domino effect.

In cases like these it is wise to resolve your emotional issues first, even if you need to consult a specialist, rather than trying to attack the eating problem first.

And for your own good, try to cope in healthy ways --

  • Exercising has the effect of letting the dominoes and the dice fall in your favor. It is the foundation of feeling good and eating healthy. Get your endorphins going, instead of cortisol.
  • Eliminate any temptations by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem. This will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.
  • Social support can go a long way toward helping you process your feelings. Put your trust in your family, a close friend, or once again - by seeing a specialist if necessary.
  • Keep a diary. This has proven time and time again to have many health benefits beyond mere stress management. This is successfully used to set goals, keep track of daily consumption and to chart progress. Even when failures arise, these are noted, and used constructively, eventually just becoming a bad day between more and more successes. So when you feel like reaching for unhealthy food, reach for a pen and your journal instead.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!

What If You Gained 10 Pounds This Weekend?

I always marvel at the reports I get from men and women who claim to have gained 10 pounds over a weekend. In truth, this is next to impossible. It doesn't matter how much you try to pig out, you just couldn't gain 10 pounds of fat in a weekend. Not even 5 pounds. Nor 3. Maybe 1, but no more.

So despite how much weight you worry you are going to gain this Easter weekend, the truth is, it's tough to actually gain pounds of fat in a weekend.

Take for example the traditional notion that there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. To even gain 3 pounds of fat over a weekend, you'd need to consume an extra 10,500 calories. Now that's tough. In fact, that's about the number of calories in 19 Big Mac's.

Now please tell me you don't eat 19 Big Mac's in a weekend?

If you do, then you have trouble. Plus, that doesn't take into account the 1500-2000 calories a normal person burns each day. So over a 3 day weekend, you'd have to throw another 10 Big Macs into your diet to gain the 3 pounds in one weekend for our example. So let me know how eating 29 Big Macs in 3 days turns out.

I really hope no one tries that!

Also, take a look at this study. Researchers from Virginia State University gave men an extra 1000 calories per day for 8 weeks. For most people, that would be a tough challenge to eat that many extra calories unless they were eating all types of junk food.

By the end of the 8 week study, the men gained an extra 11 pounds. That's 11 pounds after 8 weeks of "pigging out", not just a weekend where they went to the Outback Steakhouse and had a "Blooming Onion".

Reference: Obesity 15:3005-3012 (2007)

What most people see on the scale after a weekend of "road trip eating" is just an increase in fluid retention due to the high-sodium and high-carbohydrate diet, as well as some fat (but certainly not 10 pounds of it in only 48 hours).

So the next time you get off track with your weekend eating and are shocked to discover that you've gained 10 pounds, just take a deep breath and realize that is not an accurate measurement of the real damage.

If you get off track, just focus on getting back in charge of your nutrition, sticking to whole, natural foods, and cutting out the high-sodium, high-carbohydrate processed snacks. This shouldn't be too hard, because you'll probably feel terrible from the weekend's junk food.

In addition to returning to fruits, vegetables, nuts, and protein for your meals during the week, make sure to add three total body resistance training workouts and 3 interval cardio workouts to help you burn fat and return to your normal weight.

Start with a bodyweight warm up, then do resistance training supersets to boost your metabolism, and then finish the workout with fat burning interval training.

If you do that, you'll lose weight, not gain fat!

Fat Loss workouts prevent fat gain. Get more information on the fat loss forums.

The Best Fat Loss Workout- Lose Fat Fast

Cardio exercise is not the fastest fat loss workout. In fact, in my weight loss workouts, we don't use cardio at all. Instead, we focus on strength training to get more results in less time. Here's how...

In order to lose fat fast, you need to choose the best exercises. Surprisingly, cardio is not the best. Not even close. Cardio just takes too much time and doesn't deliver a better body. You are better off doing strength training to sculpt your muscles, and interval training to burn the fat. Fat burning is a misunderstood process. It doesn't just happen during your workout. It happens all the time...so you need to boost your metabolism with strength and intervals to rev your body's metabolism and burn fat all the time.

Here's how to do the best, and fastest, fat loss workout.

First, we want to start with our time-saving general warmup. We use bodyweight exercises to improve mobility, and better prepare the muscles and the joints of the body for total body training than an inefficient warm-up method such as "walking on the treadmill".

We'll need to pick at least two exercises to train as many muscles as possible. I always choose a squat variation and a pushup variation - but rarely do I use just the basics. Do each exercise for about 10 reps, without resting between each, and then repeat 2-3 times. That takes 3-5 minutes.

Now we move on to the strength training portion, doing 2-3 supersets of multi-muscle movements. We also do 2 specific warmup sets for the exercises in superset #1.

Here's how a workout might go...

Superset #1
1A) Squat exercise (8 reps)

move without rest to...
1B) Rowing exercise (8 reps)

Rest 1 minute and repeat the superset 2 more times.

2A) Hamstring focused exercise (8 reps)

move without rest to...
2B) Pressing exercise (8 reps)

Rest 1 minute and repeat the superset 2 more times.

If you are really rushed for time, that's all the strength training needed. If you have extra time, you can add a third superset for torso training, more leg work, or more upper body work. Depends on what you need.

Then we finish with interval training. A full interval training workout needs about 18 minutes. Five minutes for warm-up, 6 intervals of 30-60 seconds alternating with 60-90 seconds of low-intensity activity. Finish with a 5-minute cool-down and stretch the tight muscle groups only.

All done in 45 minutes. Do these workouts on 3 times per week.

Making more time for other things in life,

Craig Ballantyne, MS, CSCS,
Burn Fat and Build Muscle with Fast Exercise Programs

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Best Exercise To Lose Belly Fat - Is Targeted Training The Answer?

A lot of people want to know if there are certain exercises that burn belly fat. Is cardio, interval or weight lifting the answer? I assume that you know that you have to go on a diet to lose the fat and then combine it with some type of exercising to get that great six-pack abs.

First of all, choosing a diet isn't that hard these days. The number one fat burning diet is without a doubt the calorie shifting diet (also known as calorie cycling). With this diet you fool your body into burning more fat and it will burn lots of fat if you follow it.

The cool thing is that this diet gives you enough proteins and energy to build muscles and you also have the stamina to train a lot if you want to.

When it comes to training things are not as obvious. One thing we know is that just cardio won't get you those abs. A long and slow cardio exercise could as a matter of fact be hazardous to your health with overuse injuries and along with the fact that this type of exercise gives suboptimal results you should be combining it with other types of exercising.

There is a new type of exercising that combines training your strength with stamina exercises, this program is called Turbulence Training and it is the only of its kind that will help you burn fat and build muscles at the same time. The program combines intense warm-ups with fast interval training. A complete exercise takes about 45 minutes to complete. There goes that excuse...

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

If you are interested in learning more about the calorie-shifting method, please please Click Here!